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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 332 Anyone who offends our country will be punished no matter how far away!

On the other side, Jarvan IV asked about Ted’s situation and learned that all the soldiers who stayed to cover him were killed. He had tears in his eyes and was filled with grief.

In particular, Ted’s broken arm and torture injuries all over his body made him even more heartbroken.

Li Lin injected Ted with a glimmering potion, and Jarvan IV asked Albock and several shield formation soldiers to escort him out of the village and take good care of his injuries.

Then, with anger burning in Jarvan IV’s eyes, he just turned his gaze back to Noxus, only to find that something seemed to have happened to the other party.

“Where are the people from Prescott?” he asked, frowning.

“He just chased the noble lady next to him into the house, but judging from the behavior of the soldiers, there must be a commotion inside.” Pardek replied.

Jarvan IV looked at Li Lin, “Did your drone capture it?”

Since the clothes didn’t transform into armor, he actually didn’t know what was going on inside.

However, the drone was always on standby in the “optical camouflage” state, and naturally captured the scene of Prescott and the pale lady in the house.

Li Lin nodded, his right arm slightly downward, and the clothing material of his forearm transformed into a projection device, projecting the image under the shield wall as high as one person.

Seeing what happened in the 3D image, Li Lin, Jarvan IV, Shyvana, and Paldek all fell silent.

Not long after, Shyvana looked at Jarvan IV and broke the silence first: “That woman, I have felt her danger before.”

“That is the Pale Lady.” This time, before Li Lin reminded her, Jarvan IV took the lead and said, “According to legend, her skin is bloodless and she has ever-changing faces. No one has ever known her true face. “

He took a breath, still shocked at the magic that could disappear out of thin air, “But judging from this picture, her ability seems to be more than limited to this.”

“Space teleportation…is this arcane magic?” Paldek asked doubtfully.

“It has nothing to do with space arcane magic.” Li Lin’s words attracted surprised looks from the three people. “Piltover controls Hex Technology, which uses technology to control magic. Hex Flying Gate uses the principle of arcane teleportation. I Know a lot about it.”

“Hex Flying Gate… I have heard of it. Towers were built in White Cliff City at the southern end of the Silver Mountains.” Jarvan IV nodded, “This technology can achieve ultra-long distance transmission and is very convenient for transporting goods. .”

“My mechanical troops also apply this teleportation principle, but the cost is higher than the Hex Flying Gate that serves as the teleportation ‘anchor’.”

Li Lin continued to explain, “Through my research on arcane magic, the disappearance of the pale lady has nothing to do with teleportation. It is more like a mirror spell.”

Because of the support of Jarvan IV, Paldek and the Dauntless Vanguard soldiers who heard these remarks selectively ignored them, pretending not to hear what Li Lin said about “researching magic.”

Jarvan IV was confused, “Mirror image?”

“This is a long-lost ancient Shurima trick. It is often called black magic and black witchcraft in Valoran. It can project a mirror image of itself. Even death will not affect the original body.”


Jarvan IV, Shyvana, and Pardek looked at each other. This was the first time they had heard of such weird magic.

“Is it possible that this noble lady is the mirror image of the pale lady?” Jarvan IV frowned and asked, “Can she transform into anyone’s image?”

Suddenly, Paldek’s eyes widened, as if he suddenly thought of something: “Then they want to capture you, Your Highness…could it be that they want to look like you, sneak into the Dawn Castle in the capital, and assassinate His Majesty the King?”

Li Lin was shocked when he heard Pardek’s guess.

Good guy, I didn’t expect that even though we’re in a real different world, there are still people who think so?

However, Jarvan IV was not captured in the original world line. If he was, it was really possible.

Of course, even if LeBlanc really pretends to be Jarvan IV as in the fan background, she will not be able to enter the Demacia capital made of the forbidden magic stone.

Her black magic is not as good as Ryze’s, and the Forbidden Magic Stone will invalidate her mirror magic.

The next second, Jarvan IV’s words confirmed Li Lin’s thoughts: “I don’t rule out this possibility, but pretending to be me and assassinating my father is nonsense. Her magic cannot be effective in the capital.

“Unless she can trick her father out of Xiongdu… But this is impossible. My father will definitely find out the clues.”

Jarvan IV snorted disdainfully.

“Now that…the pale lady has left, shall we proceed as planned and catch all these Noxians in one fell swoop?” Pardek suggested.

He had just taken office not long ago, and at a time when he was short of military exploits, Black Rose and Noxus could be described as “giving pillows to him when he fell asleep” this time.

“Their agreement was only to exchange prisoners, but they did not say that they would leave Demacia safely.” Jarvan IV smiled and said, “Li Lin, how is the situation over there?”

“My mechanical troops are already in place, they can’t escape.”


Jarvan IV looked around, and the fearless legions around him issued an order: “Anyone who offends our country will be killed no matter how far away! All troops, follow me to defeat the enemy!”

The outcome of this battle is obvious.

A mere 50 well-armed Noxian ordinary chapter soldiers and 30 newly released, weak and unarmed prisoners of war were basically unable to fight back against the Dauntless Vanguard Legion.

Under the coordinated attack of only 16 elite warriors in two shield formations, the 50 Noxian soldiers without a command collapsed almost instantly and fled in all directions.

Shyvana, who followed Jarvan IV and wanted to show her loyalty, had no chance.

But as soon as most people reach the exit to escape the village, they are stopped by a strange floating machine.

The remaining Noxian soldiers surrendered after seeing several unlucky ones who tried to shoot them down, but were annihilated by magical energy balls instead.

When Li Lin, Jarvan IV, Shyvana, and Pardek entered the house and were abandoned by Black Rose, Prescott almost lost his mind, opened his loopholes, and launched a suicide attack on them.

Jarvan IV easily subdued him without killing him.

After all, Prescott is also a general of the battle group, and the value of life is far greater than death.

Originally, capturing a Noxian general who raided Demacia could earn special honors, but Jarvan IV was not satisfied with this.

He immediately sent his troops eastward, and before the news of General Prescott’s capture had spread back, he launched a sneak attack on the remaining main force of the 37th Regiment stationed five kilometers away.

Because this time the expedition was carried out by an entire company of the Dauntless Vanguard, a total of 128 people, plus the help of Shyvana who transformed into a half-dragon form.

The morale of the Noxian soldiers was low after the continuous battles failed to achieve results.

They were frightened as soon as they saw the flag and dragon of the Fearless Vanguard. After one or two hundred people died, the vast majority of the remaining people chose to surrender immediately.

Li Lin’s mechanical troops were not used.

Jarvan IV was very excited and immediately commended Shyvana and a group of fearless vanguard soldiers for their bravery in battle, and promised to ask his father to double their rewards upon returning to the capital.

In the original world line, Jarvan IV and Shyvana returned in triumph carrying the skull of the flame dragon Ivar that they killed.

Now with Li Lin’s intervention, they will return in glory with hundreds of Noxian prisoners of war and a Noxian general.

Completely different world trends, although affected by the butterfly effect, the final results are surprisingly similar.

On the way back to Renwall and during a few days of rest, Li Lin couldn’t help but frown in thought.

In this world, are some things bound to happen?

Although he didn’t feel that the world had any correction power, after all, the experiences of Piltover’s “heroes” were completely different from the original direction.

But this trip to Demacia couldn’t help but rekindle his suspicions about the “world-correcting power”.

But after thinking for a long time, Li Lin finally put these distracting thoughts behind him.

No matter what difficulties you encounter, just work hard to overcome them.

The Darkin, the Curse of Ruin, the return of Mordekaiser, and even the final void…

So what if the world really has the power to correct itself?

What needs to be faced will eventually have to be faced. No matter how much he thinks about it, he cannot change the world with his mere mortal power.

It is better to concentrate on upgrading and developing your own strength. The most important thing is to have the strength to face these existences in the future world crisis.

After figuring it out, Li Lin felt much better. He opened his system panel to check his panel, and suddenly received an exciting message:

[The prerequisites for professional advancement have been met! 】


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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