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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 339: Ten kings, ten thrones; nine crowns, crowned heads

Jarvan IV’s attitude towards magic greatly exceeded Li Lin’s expectations.

You know, in the original world line, he hated magic very much, and took the initiative to delegate power to the Demon Seekers Association, ordering Eldred to vigorously search for mages.

Especially the capture of Silas, who had been imprisoned for 15 years, escaped execution because of Lux’s magic power, and then led the rebellion.

Of course, the premise of all this is that Jarvan III was assassinated during the Mage Rebellion. Jarvan IV became so extreme after experiencing the pain of losing his father.

As for who assassinated King Jarvan III?

Silas didn’t find anyone to do such a thing. He himself was surprised by the king’s death.

Jarvan III died in his study, and he looked like he had resisted.

So where the murderer came from, Li Lin could guess it just by thinking about it.

You know, Jarvan III was assassinated because he sent Xin Zhao, who had been guarding him, to deliver a letter to Eldred to stop the search for demons.

But Eldred is smart, and can even be described as cunning and cunning.

Would he allow his power to be taken away from him?

Li Lin had every reason to suspect that he was the future murderer of the king.

It’s just that it’s still early and his conspiracy has not yet surfaced.

However, if the murderer of Qin three years ago was really related to the demon seekers, then they would have caught a clue about Eldred.

It will be easy to abolish the power of the magic seekers association when the magic code is reformed in the future.

Li Lin thought about it again and again, planning to use a drone to find Andel’s home and the grave where Qin was buried, and conduct an in-depth investigation into the matter.

As for Fiddlesticks’ rebellion, since Andel had been lying before, Li Lin was really not sure whether what happened here was really done by this fear demon.

Moreover, as far as Li Lin knew about Fiddlesticks and other demons, he always felt that as long as he did not have corresponding emotions in his heart when facing them, they would not be manipulated by these demons.

The same is true when facing Fiddlesticks. Try to be as fearless as possible, and there should be no problem.

What’s more, he didn’t go into the village in person to face Fiddlesticks directly. If he encountered him, he could just cut off the drone connection and run away.

Even if he really couldn’t run away and couldn’t be beaten, he could still win, right?

Zoe and Morgana, two star hosts with extraordinary celestial powers, are his greatest support.

After careful consideration, Li Lin said hello to Jarvan IV and walked out of the camp to find the camp of the Isidor caravan, which was also by the river for the time being.

“May the Winged Protector protect you, may I ask who you are…”

Li Lin had already changed out of his armor, so Isidor didn’t recognize him.

“Li Lin of the Gila Mann family comes from Piltover.” Li Lin explained with a slight smile, and then changed his clothes into armor again and showed it to Isidor.

“You, you are the one next to His Royal Highness the Prince!” Isido felt frightened and quickly crossed his hands in front of his chest to salute, “May the Winged Protector protect you, sir.”

“I am just an ordinary machinist and craftsman from the Gilaman family in Piltover. There is no need to call me Sir.”

“You are too modest. Almost all businessmen in the Gila Mann family have heard of it. They are a well-known parliamentary family in Piltover and have investments in basically all countries except Demacia.

“Especially that… Hex Flying Gate? Azir’s old bones. I heard that it is a great invention that uses technology to control magic and can travel around the world in just a few seconds. Isn’t it Gila Mann? Did you research it?

“And your technology that can switch between armor and ordinary clothes at any time. Although I don’t know how it works, it is really eye-opening!”

As he was talking excitedly, Isidor seemed to have thought of something, and immediately smiled bitterly, “Moreover, you can become a craftsman of the Gilaman family, and you can also work with His Highness Jarvan IV. I really don’t dare to offend you too much.”

He paused for a moment and continued to ask: “I wonder what you want from me? Is it related to Hengfeng Village?”

“Yes, I want to ask you about Qin.”

Li Lin projected a holographic image in front of Isidor, startling him and the others.

“Don’t worry, this is not magic. This is a new technology from Piltover. I invented a camera that uses the Hex camera principle to further extend it.”

After a burst of exclamations from others around him, Li Lin, who had dealt with them, looked back at Isido and asked the people around him to leave temporarily, and then showed him the little girl photographed by the drone this evening.

“You know…”

He didn’t say anything. Isido took two steps back in horror as if he had seen a ghost.

“Oh my God! My dear, flying winged protector, this…is this Qin?!”

He rubbed his eyes several times, with a look of horror on his face, and couldn’t help but mutter to himself: “No, it’s impossible… This is absolutely impossible! She has been dead for 3 years!”

“Calm down, Isidor.”

Li Lingang wanted to put his hand on his shoulder to calm his excitement, but unexpectedly Isido immediately jumped up from the wooden pier and started packing his things.

“This is a curse… Hengfeng Village has been cursed! No wonder everyone has disappeared…” He mumbled with his eyes blank, “It’s all caused by Andel and Natalie, it’s all caused by them!”


In response to Isido’s muttering, Li Lin couldn’t help but frown even more tightly.

He took two steps forward, and those powerful hands like a vise tightly restrained Isido’s shoulders, forcing his not-so-strong body back to face him.

“What happened? What did Ander and Natalie do?”

Li Lin’s voice rose a bit and he shook Isido.

Only in this way can a panicked person calm down quickly.

“He…they…” Isidor’s lips trembled, “They came into contact with the taboo! They snatched the soul of the deceased from the hands of the Everhunting Twins…”

“You mean, they were exposed to magic?” Li Lin paused for a moment and said in a different way, “Is it a forbidden black magic? In order to resurrect their daughter?”

Ordinary people without magical talent are not necessarily unable to perform magic, but the price involved is something that ordinary people simply cannot afford.

Seeing Isido nodded uneasily, Li Lin let him go and asked, “Where are you going next?”

“Hengfeng Village is already a cursed place. I will never go back!” Isido continued to pack his things and shouted at the people who were talking by the river: “Damn it! You guys, come back and pack it up.” Thing, let’s go back to Tobitia tonight.”

The first person to come back was a woman about the same age as Isido, who was his wife who went out to do business with him in the village.

She looked confused, with a hint of displeasure in her tone, “Are you confused? You don’t know how far Tobitsia is from here, right?”

“Then go to any other place where we can stay, except the damn Hengfeng Village!”

He was a little angry and ordered the young man who was following the woman, “Quickly, pack your things, we can’t stay here for long!”

“What happened, father?”

“The retribution of blasphemous death is coming!”

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of the woman and the boy changed. They stopped talking nonsense and quickly followed Xi Yiduo to pack up the tent that had just been set up.

While cleaning up, Isidor raised his head and glanced at Li Lin, who was still standing there, and sighed: “Forgive us for our poor hospitality, Lord Li Lin… Please tell His Highness the Prince quickly and leave this cursed place. “

Li Lin stared at Isido for a moment, just nodded silently in response, and left their camp.

He did not return to Jarvan IV for the time being. Instead, he came to the river and projected the real-time footage from the drone in front of his eyes.

Just now, the brain shock reminded him that the drone should have discovered new clues.

When Li Lin switched his perspective, he discovered that a drone was staying in a slightly dilapidated courtyard on the edge of the village and was flying towards the main house.

“Did you find anything?”

[The drone just photographed the “ghost” again. She glanced at the drone and gave a signal, then got into the room. 】

Li Lin’s expression suddenly became solemn, “Are you sure…she gave the signal?”

[I am 100% convinced, Master. 】

Zhinao replayed the scene taken not long ago, and saw “Qin” jumping up and down on the dirt road without raising a speck of dust.

When she stopped in front of the yard where the drone was currently staying, her translucent face turned towards the direction of the drone again, staring at the screen with her empty eyes.

It was as if she could directly look at Li Lin on the other side of the screen.

Immediately afterwards, she stretched out her hand and hooked her fingers with the drone, then entered the yard and got into the main house.

Li Lin stared at the playback screen and fell into silence.

[This ghost is not without consciousness as we suspected. 】

“Yeah, I can see it.”

[She seems to be guiding us into the house? Are we going in? 】

“Be prepared to disconnect from this drone at any time.”

【I see. 】

The next moment, the drone hovering in mid-air in the yard quickly changed its form and turned into a mini mechanical engineer, stopping in front of the dilapidated wooden window on the side of the main house.

It effortlessly pushed aside the rotten wood covered with dark green moss and got into the house.

Because the drone comes with a night vision system, everything in the house is clearly displayed in front of Li Lin.

This is a bedroom covered in dust and cobwebs. It looks like it has been abandoned for a long time and does not look like it has been lived in.

The furniture and decoration here are very simple, with only a double wooden window, a round table with drawers and a homemade wardrobe.

Judging from the layout of the house, this bedroom should be the owner’s room.

Li Lin controlled the nanorobot to fly to the desk first. There was nothing valuable in the drawer except some old parchment.

He originally wanted to control the robot to leave, but Zhinao’s words interrupted his idea.

[Master, the depth of the bottom drawer is different from that of the upper two drawers. There should be a mezzanine inside. 】

Li Lin switched the perspective to the scanning vision system and found that the third drawer at the bottom of the table did have a baffle that separated a small dark compartment.

Inside, there seemed to be a relatively complete piece of parchment.

“Huh? This is it?”

Li Lin suddenly had a bad feeling.

The nanorobot opened the partition with very little movement, then took out the parchment inside and spread it flat on the table.

The writing on it is very strange, somewhat similar to Demacian writing, but also much more complicated.

At the bottom of the parchment, there is also a magic circle engraved that looks like a six-pointed star at first glance, and there is also a strange but familiar key pattern.

[This is Gudmacia text. 】

Zhinao reminded.

[Although Demacia only has a history of a few hundred years, the writing has evolved many times before it has the current system. 】

“Translate this text to me.”

As Zhi Nao replaced the text on the parchment with modern Demacian script, Li Lin couldn’t help but take a breath after just a slight glance.

I saw the font above, engraved like dim blood:

Ten kings, ten thrones;

Nine crowns crown the head.

There is only one person left, digging a grave;

The crow alone is left, neither dead nor alive.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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