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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 353 The Capital of Demacia

With Fiddlesticks’ problem now resolved, the army’s march was less urgent.

Thanks to the introduction of Jarvan IV, the identities of Zoe and Morgana’s protoss were known to the soldiers.

Especially Morgana, as the legendary winged protector sister, most people don’t know that there is a sister like her, and she is also a masked one.

During these days, it can be said that the soldiers kept talking about her name every day.

Before everyone arrived in Tobitsia, Li Lin told Isido about his experience in Hengfeng Village.

Isidor expressed regret for Andel’s misunderstanding and Qin’s tragic experience, and it was difficult to comment on it.

As for the magic seekers colluding with the Noxians, Li Lin didn’t even mention it to Jarvan IV, let alone Isidor.

Although Li Lin believed Qin’s words, after all, the Demon Searchers Association is one of the most powerful organizations in Demacia. There is no conclusive evidence for this kind of thing, which is always not good.

And with Morgana’s help, the abolition of the Magic Code is a certainty.

Even though Eldred may be in collusion with Black Rose and can cause a big stir, but can he compare to a Celestial Host with extraordinary power?

Among the mortals in Demacia that Li Lin currently knows, the one with the highest combat prowess is Xin Zhao, the general manager of Germany.

Unless Eldred has the ability to mobilize the Forbidden Demon Colossus Galio, he is qualified to have a chance with Morgana.

Of course, this is purely whimsical and daydreaming.

What’s more, Morgana is also the legendary winged protector. Even if she was slandered and slandered in the past, what does it have to do with her now?

You know, the name Morgana has long been forgotten in the long history, along with the name of her winged protector.

People in Demacia today don’t know her bad reputation as a “villain”.

As long as Jarvan III or the Church of the Illuminator proves that the former Winged Protectors are indeed two sisters, the Demacians will welcome Morgana and will naturally not allow Eldred to slander her.

No matter which aspect, Li Lin and the Light Shield royal family have the advantage, and it is impossible for Eldred to win this game.

In the following time, Li Lin followed Jarvan IV’s army westward along the Silent River, met with other troops in Tobitsia, and once again took a mighty boat to the capital.

However, when arriving at Yuncong Village, Li Lin specifically asked Jarvan IV to stop the ship and visit Xisilia.

Upon learning that His Royal Highness the Prince had arrived, the village chief of Balant was extremely flattered and quickly mobilized the entire village to entertain him.

They were just passing by this time and didn’t plan to stay long.

After declining Balant’s kindness, Li Lin specifically told Heathlia to train harder and strive to realize her dream of joining the Dauntless Pioneers, and then continued to sail westward.

In the blink of an eye, another two weeks passed.

After a smooth sailing, the group finally returned to Xiongdu, the capital of the Kingdom of Demacia.

Demacia is a powerful kingdom with the supremacy of legal principles. It has great military achievements and a long-standing reputation.

Demacians have advocated justice, honor and responsibility since ancient times, and are almost fanatically proud of their own traditions and heritage.

However, despite adhering to these noble principles, over the past few hundred years, the self-willed Demacia has become increasingly isolated from the world and has become synonymous with isolationism.

This can be seen through the ban on official trade with foreign countries.

But despite this, Demacia’s technological level is still at the mid-range level in the entire Runeterra.

Xiongdu is different from the “medieval” life Li Lin imagined.

Piltover inventions such as flush toilets, running water, showers and showerheads are actually reflected in the big families of Xiongdu.

When everyone arrived outside the capital, Li Lin released an invisible drone, and then controlled nanomaterials to create a pair of glasses on his face, giving him a panoramic view of the entire capital.

The architecture of the royal city is very grand, and almost all buildings are made of silver-white marble and forbidden magic stone.

A city wall of forbidden magic stone dozens of meters high rises from the ground, and a huge statue of the Fearless Pioneer is carved on the wall like a “defense tower” in the game.

Holding shields and spears in their hands, they looked toward the east, seemingly facing the Immortal Fortress on the other side of Valoran.

Looking into the city, the first thing that caught Li Lin’s attention was the Dawn Castle in the center of the royal city, which covered a large area and was hundreds of meters high.

It is surrounded by large and small urban areas from all directions, clustered in the middle like stars over the moon. Each urban area represents a great noble with rich heritage.

Exiting Dawn Castle from the west side is the most magnificent and spacious grand square in the entire royal city.

Every time a king succeeds to the throne or any major event is announced, the royal city will ring special bells that can be heard in every corner of the capital to attract people, enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.

At the northern end of Dawn Castle, there is also a castle that is the second most majestic in the royal city. The Temple of the Lightbringer is located here.

In addition, in the Conqueror’s Sea Bay on the west side, there is a fortress built on a giant reef connected to a small offshore island, which is the port of the royal city.

When everyone entered the capital from the eastern city gate, they were greeted by the ceremonial and music troops who had already blown their triumphal horns. The people cheered warmly to welcome the beloved prince.

This was the result of Jarvan III already knowing about his son’s triumphant victory, setting a specific date, and vigorously publicizing it.

Good things spread thousands of miles, not to mention that it has something to do with the Light Shield Royal Family.

In the hearts of the people, Jarvan IV’s trip not only quelled the banditry on the border, but also defeated the Noxian war group that wanted to invade Demacia, and captured the enemy generals and many prisoners alive.

There are even many Huaichun girls who have reached the age of imagining the scene in their minds of His Royal Highness riding a war horse and holding a dragon gun, entering and exiting the enemy army seven times.

They did not know Li Lin’s existence, nor did they know that without his help, Jarvan IV’s expedition would not have gone so smoothly.

Of course, Li Lin didn’t care about this false reputation at all.

Li Lin, Zoe, Morgana and Shyvana were sitting in the carriage in the center of the army.

This was specially arranged for them by Jarvan IV in order to avoid crowds of people talking.

Zoe blinked her big eyes and looked out from the corner of the carriage curtain, “Wow! What a lively scene!”

“Look, I’m just saying Xiong is not as boring as you think.” Li Lin said with a smile to her while looking at the drone footage on his glasses.

Zoe made a dissatisfied disdain for you, “Huh~~I still remember the boredom along the way!”

“I didn’t expect that the royal city would develop to this extent.” Morgana couldn’t help but sigh, feeling inexplicable melancholy in her heart.

If only I could be with Kate…

“When was the last time you left Xiongdu?” Shyvana looked at Morgana and asked curiously.

“I can’t remember clearly. Maybe hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years. Anyway, I have been here with my father since the Rune War.”

“To be honest, I’m quite nervous about meeting the king this time…” Shyvana patted her chest, a look of panic on her face.

“Are you worried that your magic will not be recognized by the king?” Li Lin shook his head and smiled, “You don’t have to be like this, won’t His Highness the Prince vouch for you?”

“That’s true, and I believe His Highness, but…”

Shyvana pursed her lips, like a little girlfriend going home with her boyfriend to meet her parents.

“Don’t be nervous. Aren’t you still assisting His Royal Highness to defeat the enemy? The king will not treat you badly in public or private matters.” Morgana also said.

Shyvana said, “Well…thank you.”

While they were chatting, the servant driving the car opened the curtain and said to them: “Sir, we are about to arrive at Dawn Castle.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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