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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 355 Twilight descends to earth, a disaster that comes to the world

Tiana did not agree with Jarvan III’s decision from the bottom of her heart, but due to various reasons, she did not express her dissatisfaction openly.

Although Tiana has a very bad temper and does not allow anyone to slander or damage the rule of the Light Shield family, her ability to occupy a high position that is almost below one person and above ten thousand people does not rely solely on her own force.

She knows when to say something and when not to say something.

Consecrating Li Lin to the realm of Sasanli was Jarvan III’s personal wish to thank him for saving Jarvan IV’s life.

No matter how unconventional it was to canonize a foreigner, since the great King Jarvan III had already decided, she couldn’t say anything else.

However, even if Tiana didn’t say anything, Li Lin had to decline, “Your Majesty, is there something wrong with this…”

“There’s nothing wrong with it.” Jarvan III smiled. “The old lord of Sasanli Town is ill and has no heirs. He wrote a letter a few days ago asking me to send a new mayor to manage it.”

He didn’t give Li Lin a chance to refuse, “I will make you an honorary lord. You don’t have to manage this town. You only need to enjoy generous treatment. This is what you deserve.”

Li Lin couldn’t help but feel helpless.

Although he had already expected that Jarvan III would definitely give him a reward, he did not expect that he would directly make himself the domain of a town…

Good guy, can I build a big family named “Li” in Demacia in the future?

With all kinds of confusing thoughts, Li Lin bowed to Jiawen III again and accepted the gift, “Then thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Your Majesty, we will also arrange a celebration banquet tonight for the prince’s triumphant return.” Barrett reminded, “Besides, Li Lin and Morgana have been sleeping and sleeping all the way. They have been tired from traveling and traveling, so it is time for them to take a rest first. ”

“Sorry, sorry, I was so excited that I forgot about the fact that you guys sailed all the way.”

Then, Jarvan III shouted with a loud voice outside the palace: “Come here, quickly arrange rooms for these distinguished guests!”

When the servants led Li Lin, Zoe, Morgana and Shyvana out of the Hall of Valor, Jarvan III waved to the guards in the hall.

After they also left, Jarvan III took a deep breath and returned to his throne. He sat down with his back on the chair, his elbows on the armrests of the throne, and his right hand clenched his fist to hold his face. His face was full of fatigue and fatigue. Declined state.

“My old bones are really useless…” Jarvan III looked at his son with a kind look and said with a smile, “In a few years, you will have to take over the important task of governing this country.”

Upon hearing this, Jarvan IV spoke urgently, “What are you talking about? Father, you are only 44 years old, and you are still in your prime!”

“44 years old, yes, he has already lived longer than the average lifespan of our Light Shield family.”

Jarvan III sighed and looked at Tiana, “Although your father fought bravely in the Battle of Stormcrest and saved my father, he still died of injuries within a few years at the age of 43 years old.

“My grandfather died at the age of 37, fighting with the Noxian warlord Theon in the city of Valdez in the Silver Mountains.

“The ancestors of the Lightshield family all ascended the throne and were crowned when they were young to maintain the operation of Demacia. Now that the throne has been passed to me, I have failed to lead it to prosperity…”

“Your Majesty, you don’t have to belittle yourself.” As he sighed, Tiana interjected, “Thirteen years ago, you pacified the border, defeated the Noxian army in the east, and fought against the Freljord barbarians in the northern expedition. His achievements are no less than those of the two previous kings!”

Jarvan III smiled and glanced at the faces of Tiana, Barrett and Xin Zhao in turn.

“But without your help, Barrett’s logistical support, and the bravery of Xin Zhao who later joined the King’s Guard, how could we possibly repel Noxus and those barbarians to the north?”

Xin Zhao, who had been standing behind the king, pursed his lips and said nothing, but the momentary trance in his eyes betrayed what he was thinking.

Tiana opened her mouth, but she didn’t know how to reply to the king. She could only hold back one sentence: “This is your leadership.”

Jarvan III just shook his head and said to Barrett, who was staring at him: “When I first came to the throne, Lestara was right. As a king, I did neglect my duty.”

His tone was full of emotion, recalling the scene in the Hall of Valor when Lestara, whose surname was Demoisee at that time, questioned his inaction.

He had only been king for 14 days after taking over from Jarvan II.

“The disputes between the nobles are still the daily government affairs that I mainly deal with. I don’t have much energy to pay attention to the sufferings of the people…”

Barrett also smiled, “But you’ve changed a lot, haven’t you?”

“Thanks to you, old friend.” Jarvan III sighed, “Without your sponsorship of the Illuminator Sect and your help to the people, the Kingdom of Demacia would not be what it is today, but…”

Then, he changed the subject, “That’s not enough, is it?”

The Hall of Valor, with only 5 people in it, fell into a long silence.

Xin Zhao stared at the slightly aged back of Jarvan III with a strange light in his eyes.

Tiana frowned secretly, as if she had guessed the hidden meaning in His Majesty the King’s words.

Jarvan IV’s face instantly flashed with hope.

However, Jarvan III did not continue on this topic, “Tell me about the specific situation on the front line.”

He looked at his son with a smile, but there was a hint of criticism in his words, “Do you know how anxious I was when the news of your disappearance came back from the front line?”

Jarvan IV lowered his head in shame, “I’m sorry, father, it was my decision that was inappropriate and too reckless…”

“Well, recognizing one’s mistakes and correcting them is a quality that a good king must have. Besides, you also made up for it by capturing alive a general of the Noxian Chapter.”

“This is all the result of Li Lin and Shyvana.”

“Don’t refuse, little Jiawen. In fact, you did a pretty good job.” Barrett laughed and patted his shoulder.

“By the way, the Shyvana you mentioned…she has dragon blood?” Jarvan III asked curiously.

“Yes, she told me that Iva, the giant flame dragon that was ravaging the border before, was actually her mother, and he sensed the blood between them and came to hunt her down.

“But the elemental dragon has been killed by Li Lin.”

Jarvan III raised his eyebrows, “Hey, it seems that I was too conservative in naming him the town of Sasanli? Continue telling me about Shyvana first.”

“She made great contributions on the battlefield against Noxus. I originally wanted her to stay with me, but the Forbidden Demon Stone in Xiongdu has an impact on her…”

Jarvan IV did not finish his words, but Jarvan III, who knew his son very well, immediately saw through his little thoughts.

“You are exactly the same as when you were a child.” He chuckled, “I know, I will arrange for her to go to the rear town, but I think you should be aware of the impact of her bloodline.”

“I know that when the time comes I will help her develop trust with the local guards.”

Jarvan III nodded, and then his face gradually became serious, “I heard that the people who attacked you this time were people sent by the Black Rose of Noxus?”

When it came to business, Xin Zhao, Tiana and Barrett also straightened their faces.

“Because the ones who attacked me were vampires. Based on my discussion with Li Lin, I guessed that they might be Vladimir, the founder of Black Rose.”

Jarvan III was deep in thought, tapping his left hand on his off-hand, and the golden gauntlet made a crisp sound when it came into contact with the marble throne.

After a while, he continued to ask: “What will happen to these vampires?”

“Li Lin said that Morgana found traces of the vampire army and completely annihilated it.”

Jarvan III breathed a sigh of relief, “Fortunately, such a dangerous guy cannot be released into Noxus.”

He recalled Li Lin’s appearance in his mind, “Tell me about this Li Lin.”

When he talked about Li Lin, a smile appeared on Jarvan IV’s face, “I think that although Li Lin is not old, he is indeed a wise man.”

In the next ten minutes or so, Jarvan IV introduced various aspects of Li Lin’s affairs to Jarvan III in detail, most of which he learned from chatting with Li Lin on the way back.

Especially the mechanical troops and large mechas, as well as the sealing of the original fear demon Fiddlesticks with Zoe and Morgana, they were all told in detail.

“Wait a minute, you said that the little girl following him… is also a protoss?!” Tiana, who had endured it for a long time, was shocked when Jarvan IV finished explaining everything.

“According to Li Lin, she should be the Twilight Star Spirit?”


Jarvan III, Tiana, and even Xin Zhao couldn’t help but gasp.

Morgana decided to return to Demacia because of Li Lin, but there was a Twilight Star Spirit accompanying him?

Is he really just an ordinary machine craftsman from the Gilaman family of Senator Piltover?

“According to our Ionian legends, the arrival of the Twilight Aspects usually means disaster and great danger.”

At this time, Xin Zhao, who had been silent, interrupted.

Several people’s eyes immediately focused on him.

“How do you say it?” Jiawen III asked.

“I also heard it from the elders.” Xin Zhao shook his head, indicating that he didn’t know much, “but there is this sentence in the ancient ballads passed down orally in Ionia: Twilight descends to earth, bringing disaster to the world.”

The hall fell into a long silence again.

Is it possible that even God doesn’t want me to carry out reforms?

Jiawen III’s heart sank.

After an unknown amount of time, Jarvan IV seemed to have thought of something and broke the silence: “I heard Morgana say that her sister Kyle will return to Demacia with the merciless fire of judgment to judge all sins… “

“The return of the Winged Protector to Demacia is not necessarily a good thing.” Tiana continued.

“If that’s the case…” Jiawen III stroked the beard on his chin and muttered: “Too many things have happened recently, and we must prepare in advance.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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