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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 357 Sona and Jue Hua

In order to prevent Zoe from snooping again, Li Lin deliberately wore a pair of nano-transformed swimming trunks to take a bath, and he was always on tenterhooks.

Fortunately, Zoe next door had been “immersed” in her own troubles and had no time to take care of the situation here, which gave Li Lin a rare moment of relaxation in these days.

Not long after washing up, the servants brought tea and snacks. Not only were there Demacia-flavored snacks, but there were also Ionian-flavored snacks that reminded him of memories, which surprised him.

However, when he thought about the fact that there was Xin Zhao, the German steward in the court, and that Demacia was quite tolerant of foreigners who were not magicians, and that there were many Ionians who had fled the war, Li Lin felt that this was actually not the case. Also normal.

It was about four o’clock in the afternoon, and tea time had passed.

Li Lin let his brain scan record the new clothes sent by the servant, and controlled the nano-material clothes on his body to change quickly.

Due to his strengthened body, his spirit was already different from that of ordinary people. The bumps in his body for so many days only made him feel slightly exhausted. He almost recovered after taking a hot bath.

Li Lin didn’t rest and chose to walk out of the room. After thinking about it, he knocked on Zoe’s door.

As soon as his hand left the cold and heavy door panel, the door opened quietly, followed by Zoe’s voice, “I knew you wouldn’t be angry with me!”

Li Lin was startled, because at this time Zoe had just changed clothes from the bedroom, flipping her wet long hair and walked out, more than 20 steps away from the door.

She used magic to open the door!

He quickly glanced at both sides with the corner of his eye and found that the nearest servant was more than ten meters away. He found nothing unusual, so he ducked into the house and locked the door.

When Li Lin looked back, Zoe’s long hair had been dried by magic, and he summoned a mirror in front of him to adjust his “difficult” clothes.

“Damn it! These clothes are really uncomfortable to wear. They are even more uncomfortable than the clothes in Pi City. How on earth can the people in the Boring Kingdom endure it?

“And these shoes are also airtight, so awkward.”

After casually dispelling the mirror formed by the magic power, Zoe noticed Li Lin’s cold eyes. The original disgusted expression on his face softened a little, but he still pretended to be nonchalant.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

She jumped up to Li Lin with brisk steps, stretched out her little hand and held his cuff.

“Hehe~~ If you like this kind of clothes, I can also try to accept it~~!”

Li Lin lowered his head and stared at Zoe, who was putting on a cute pose and winking at him with her big eyes. The anger in his heart towards her for not abiding by the agreement suddenly disappeared with a helpless sigh.

No wonder Atreus said that he faced many gods, the worst of whom had the face of an innocent child.

In fact, what he calls “evil” does not mean that he is really evil, but that Zoe’s innocent character is not enough to match her strength, and she will unconsciously do some things that harm mortals.

Even with her own restraints, she still couldn’t do without the magic she was accustomed to using at will.

Li Lin sighed in his heart.

I was really manipulated by this naughty and tough girl, who had the temperament of a child and would never grow up.


He half-crouched down, his eyes were level with Zoe’s, and put his right hand on her shoulder.

Zoe also rarely restrained her escaping personality, and looked at him calmly and doubtfully.

Afterwards, Li Lin said in a serious tone: “I know you like to use magic, but this is Demacia, a country that prohibits magic. Even if the king and prince are not opposed to magic, they are not against other people.” Not necessarily anymore.

“Although I told Morgana that powerful people will be treated as guests, we have to analyze the specific situation, right? We are guests. As guests, we must follow the local customs and abide by local etiquette and regulations, no matter where we are. That’s all.

“The main purpose of my coming to Demacia is to learn about the situation in this country. In the next few years, there may be turmoil due to the Forbidden Magic Code. I want to help them survive this crisis.

“You should probably know about the threat of the void, right? This is also what the stars are most concerned about.

“Although the Shurima Empire sealed Icathia’s largest void rift thousands of years ago, no matter what, they will eventually return again. We must gather all available forces and prepare in advance.

“When the time comes, Demacia will be our important ally, and we must take it seriously.”

After listening to what Li Lin said, Zoe nodded as if she understood, “Since you said so… Okay, I’m here anyway, so I’m ready to be bored.”

She shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands, putting on a helpless expression. She reluctantly accepted Li Lin’s words and was not prepared to use magic anymore.

Li Lin breathed a sigh of relief. At least this time, Zoe could be stable for a while longer.

Then, as he stood up, he pinched Zoe’s slightly voluptuous face and said, “It’s almost time. Do you want to go to the celebration banquet with me tonight?”

Demacia’s etiquette is the same as Piltover’s. After receiving an invitation to a banquet and arriving on the day, the invited family or individual must arrive at the host’s house at least 2-4 hours before the banquet begins.

During this period, it was actually the time for the upper-class nobles to build relationships with each other, win over allies, or discuss matters of interest.

The evening celebration banquet was scheduled for 7 o’clock. As the savior of Jarvan IV, the only bloodline of the Lightshield royal family, Li Lin was naturally the focus of the invitation and reception.

It was nearly five o’clock, and the afterglow of the setting sun dyed the skyline red.

Li Lin first asked the servants and learned that Morgana and Shyvana had already gone to the dazzling hall of Dawn Castle, which was specially used to hold noble balls and banquets.

Later, he and Zoe, led by their servants, walked around the huge and empty Dawn Castle for an unknown number of minutes before they gradually felt alive.

“There are a lot of people in front, and there’s also the smell of food!” Zoe Qiong’s nose twitched, with an expression of surprise.

In fact, she didn’t need to say that there were more than 20 people walking in front of or behind them.

Hearing Zoe’s exclamation, these unknown nobles would cast surprised glances, but they were stunned by Zoe’s astonishing beauty and heterochromatic pupils.

If it weren’t for her appearance, she was still young, and even the younger generation among these people might have been approached by someone to strike up a conversation.

After all, one of the functions of noble banquets is to provide a place for the younger generations of smaller families to get to know the younger generations of larger families.

This can be regarded as a “hidden rule” among nobles, a way to encourage political marriages.

After meeting Zoe, their eyes focused on Li Lin again, wondering in their hearts what the identity of this stranger who did not look like Demacia was, so that he could attend the celebration dinner of His Highness the Prince.

Of course, there is no fool among the nobles who can attend such a king’s banquet. They will not look down upon Li Lin just because they don’t know him.

When Li Lin glanced at them, they all smiled politely and nodded, which was regarded as a greeting.

When the servants brought them to the entrance of the Brilliant Hall, Li Lin thanked the leader and walked with Zoe into this hall that was not inferior to the Hall of Valor in terms of size, but had more expensive and gorgeous decorations.

It seemed that a servant had already reminded the king. Li Lin had just arrived here when the hearty laughter of Jarvan III approached from a distance.

Following closely beside him were not only Jarvan IV, Barret, Morgana, Shyvana, and Xin Zhao and Tiana who had been seen in the Hall of Valor, but also a group of Li Lin’s luxuriously dressed people with different expressions. Other nobles.

Among them, the one who caught Li Lin’s attention the most was a girl wearing a breast-supporting silk blue dress, with long blue hair tied into twin ponytails, hanging naturally from behind.

She has a fairy-like appearance and elegant temperament, and can even crush any noble girl present.

At first glance, there was no aristocratic aura about her at all. Instead, she looked like an unearthly fairy who had fallen into the mortal world.

The blue-haired girl looked a little shy, following Barrett and another slightly older lady, holding a simple wooden box in her arms, almost as high as her.

With Li Lin’s powerful magic power and superhuman perception, he could faintly sense that the wooden box was engraved with a magic-forbidden talisman.

The harp fairy, Sona, and the ancient artifact that has been with her since she was picked up by an Ionian monk – the ancient harp.

Li Lin quickly recovered and said hello to Jarvan III, who had already changed his golden armor into a banquet dress.

With a smile on his face, he walked straight to Li Lin and patted him on the shoulder, “Our other hero is here too!”

This kind of enthusiasm and kindness made Li Lin, who had just arrived, feel a little stunned.

“Although the afternoon is too short, it is better than the tension on the battlefield.”

Jarvan III smiled and looked at Li Lin, as if he were a kind elder rather than the king of Demacia.

“How was it? How was your rest?”

“Thanks to your Majesty, I rested well, and so did Zoe.”

“That’s good, hahaha… For distinguished guests, if you don’t entertain them well, you will lose the face of our royal family if you wear them out.”

Jiawen III turned around with a smile, and faced the people who followed him side by side with Li Lin. He spread out his palms with five fingers together to signal to him.

“These people are the backbone of our Demacia. Let me introduce them to you…”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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