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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 360 It was obviously me who came first!

【Congratulations! You have contacted 35 heroes, leveled up by 2, and gained 2 skill points. 】

Sure enough, it would be more stable to increase the level by meeting “heroes”…

Li Lin looked at the existing 252 skill points, suppressed the urge to add more now, and temporarily ignored the system reminder in his mind.

Just as he was about to follow Jarvan IV, Zoe beside him grabbed his sleeve like a kitten with exploded fur.

“What’s wrong?”

Li Lin turned around in confusion, only to be met with Zoe’s displeased look.

“I disagree!”

“…Ah? What do you disagree with?” Li Lin was stunned for a moment, then realized, “You mean Sona?”

As soon as her name was mentioned, Zoe immediately puffed up her mouth, “Aside from being big, what else is good about that big cow? She can’t speak, and I just met you, so why are you… hmm!”

Before she could finish her words, Li Lin hit her hard and her head collapsed. She let out a painful whimper and suppressed the rest of her words.

Sometimes, children can be quite jealous and possessive, and Zoe, who has always maintained a childlike innocence, is no exception.

Li Lin had already established a relationship with Caitlin before she arrived, so Zoe couldn’t say anything more.

Now, the ambiguity caused by Li Lin and Sona’s cover-up and improper expression caused the little girl’s dissatisfaction to explode again.

“Obviously, it was me who came first!” Zoe had tears in her eyes and muttered angrily.

Li Lin glanced at the people around him, trying not to make himself and Zoe stand out, and then put a hand on her shoulder and half-bowed her body.

“Didn’t I teach you to be polite to others? How could you say that about Sona?”

“But!” Zoe saw that Li Lin seemed really angry, so her tone softened a little, “But you have me…and Caitlin.”

“Don’t be stubborn with me.” Li Lin glared at her, “You should have sensed the sudden connection between Sona and I. I just found a random reason. You know I didn’t mean it that way.”

As he spoke, Li Lin just raised his head and his eyes just missed the crowd and met Sona among the Bouvier family who were walking towards the Crownguard family who had just arrived in the Brilliant Hall.

Sona was no longer as shy as when they first met. The corners of her cherry red lips were slightly raised and she took the initiative to smile at Li Lin.

He returned the gesture, and when Zoe wasn’t paying attention, he quickly turned his eyes in the direction of Jarvan IV.

The prince had already started chatting with Galen, whom he had not seen for a long time. When he saw Li Lin looking at him, he waved to him again, motioning for him to come over.

“Okay Zoe, I really don’t have that kind of interest in Sona right now.” Li Lin gently rubbed Zoe’s head and softened his tone, “You don’t need to be angry because of this.”

Zoe was still not at ease, with a doubtful expression on her face, “Really?”

“Of course it’s true. What’s the point of me lying to you?”

“Okay, I believe you.” Zoe snorted, “But… don’t let me find out that you are a sneaky cat!”

Speaking of cats, you are the one with a kitty personality that easily gets angry, right?

Li Lin pinched Zoe’s little cheek, making her smile. Then he stood up and walked towards Jarvan IV and Galen.

Before he could get closer, Jarvan IV walked over, accompanied by a curious-looking Galen.

“This is the Li Lin I told you. He saved me from that powerful blood-sucking pest.”

With a smile on his face, Jarvan IV patted Galen on the shoulder and introduced each other to them.

“Li Lin, this is the Garen Crownguard I mentioned to you. He has made great achievements on the border of Freljord in recent years. He has eliminated the cultists in the Forest of Silence, and also cooperated with the guards of Whitestone Town. They fought bravely side by side, and were recently summoned back by King Father to prepare for rewards.”

Galen scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed, “You praise His Highness too much, but it’s not that exaggerated.”

“On the way back, I heard Your Highness the Prince mention His Excellency Galen’s reputation every day.”

Li Lin smiled, crossed his arms, and saluted him.

“No, no, no matter how you say it, I can’t compare to you.” Galen hurriedly returned the greeting, then smiled bitterly, “I heard from His Highness that you have a mechanical army of your own? Can you tell me more about it?”

Li Lin saw Galen staring at him with piercing eyes and a look of expectation on his face, and suddenly he couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

Galen, the future pillar of Demacia, the Sword Captain of the Fearless Pioneers, and named the Power of Demacia, now actually speaks to him with honorifics.

In just over two years, have I already experienced so much?

Li Lin took a breath and threw away the distracting thoughts, with a polite smile on his face, “Of course.”

Afterwards, he focused on telling Galen about the common mechanical engineers in Piltover and the air combat machinery Storm formation that escorted Jarvan IV.

The two models of battlefield mechas that Jarvan IV and his team only glimpsed in order to show off their momentum and force away the Blood Lady Noradi were only briefly discussed.

He only mentioned the dragon-slaying Gaibojia, but the Tyrant Mecha was ignored.

Demacia is not united, the walls have ears, not to mention this is a crowded dinner hall.

There are many people in power here who have different intentions, and Li Lin will not reveal some of his trump cards.

“It’s bigger than Galio’s statue, and it can kill the dragon easily?!” Galen couldn’t help but gasped, “Is this true?”

“The Dragon Bird Scouts of the Guardian Wall saw this with their own eyes, and they wrote and reported it to their father.” Jarvan IV added.

“Then…compared with the Fearless Pioneers and your mechanical troops, who do you think has a greater chance of winning?” Galen hesitated slightly, “I have no other intention, I just want to make a horizontal comparison and roughly estimate the combat effectiveness of both sides. “

“You asked this question without any suspense.” Before Li Lin could answer, Jarvan IV spoke first.

“I have seen the strength of those robots before. Just a random energy laser can penetrate Noxian soldiers wearing plate armor. This should not be their greatest power.”

Galen looked shocked, “…this?”

“Besides, what else can Li Lin’s troops wear… luminous battle uniforms?”

“It’s optical camouflage, Your Highness.”

Jarvan IV suddenly said, “Oh, yes, it’s called optical camouflage! They can also integrate with the environment in this way, enter a state of invisibility, and they can also fly.

“The additional mechanical troops don’t need to rest, but human flesh and blood cannot withstand a long battle… What do you think?”

“Is this… magic?”

At this time, Galen’s expression was dull, and he couldn’t imagine what it would be like if the Dauntless Vanguard met Li Lin’s mechanical troops on the battlefield.

“I heard that Piltover has further mastered the means of controlling magic with technology, is that it?”

While speaking, Galen inadvertently glanced at the very petite Zoe who was standing quietly next to Li Lin, his eyes always focused on the king.

After Jarvan IV’s solemn reminder, he learned that this little girl who looked like she was only thirteen or fourteen years old, about the same age as his sister Lux, or even younger, turned out to be an “old monster” who had lived for thousands of years.

Or the star spirit host who inherited the power of the star of disaster, the twilight star spirit!

While thinking wildly in his mind, Galen glanced into the distance and glanced at Morgana, who was tasting wine alone in the corner, as if she didn’t care about anything.

And there is someone over there whose identity has been confirmed, and she is the younger sister of the legendary Winged Protector Sisters of Demacia…

I heard that she was convinced by Li Lin that she was willing to return to Demacia.

Galen no longer knew how to describe his mood.

“Well… to be precise, my mechanical troops used to have a little to do with magic, but now they are purely technical products and have no connection with magic.” Li Lin explained to him.

Since the development of nuclear fusion technology, coupled with the advent of cheap and strong synthetic materials and zero-element synthetic materials that can withstand the high pressure of fusion reactions, today’s mechanical troops no longer need to use Hex energy crystals.

Simply extracting elements from the sea and synthesizing new materials with various metals not only greatly reduces costs, but also provides nearly unlimited energy.

If Li Lin develops more convenient cold fusion technology in the future, he can further shrink the nuclear fusion reactor and equip smaller mechanical engineers with a power supply core that can provide nearly infinite energy.

There are even more elite troops in Valoran than Demacia’s Dauntless Vanguard, and they don’t even use magic…

Galen found it hard to believe and a little hard to accept.

At this moment, Jarvan IV finished speaking to the head of the Crownguard family, Galen’s father Peter, and Tiana, and approached Li Lin.

“Are you talking about the mechanical army?” Jarvan III asked with a smile, “I heard my son say that Li Lin’s mechanical army is enough to be called the best army in the world!”

“You are so young and promising. Piltover can have a young talent like you. What a blessing for this ‘City of Progress’!” Peter applauded heartily.

“You are so honored, Your Majesty, Crownguard Patriarch.” Li Lin shook his head modestly, “Actually, if we compare it to the revived Shurima Empire and their celestial warriors, my mechanical troops are still far from enough. “

“Alas, the Celestial Warriors have long since disappeared during the Darkin War. The only Celestials left now are the returned Azir and the Grand Maester Nasus you told me, right?”

Jarvan III waved his hands indifferently, not knowing much about this aspect.

“Besides, we are only talking about the continent of Valoran…your mechanical troops can still aspire to be the pinnacle of the world.”

The other nobles around him looked at Li Lin with surprise and astonishment, and then began to whisper to each other and point at him.

Some people feel afraid and uneasy, but most people think this is an opportunity. After all, their prince has a good relationship with him.

They were thinking about how to win over this young man who could fight against a country by himself.

With Jarvan III as the leader, they talked about some other miscellaneous things.

For example, when did Peter’s wife Ogesha and young daughter Laxana move from their ancestral home, Mithril City, to the capital, and they discussed some recent national issues.

It was not until the eve of Prince Jarvan IV’s celebration dinner that Jarvan III stood on the podium opposite the main door of the Glorious Hall, and all the nobles gathered around.

After a short and passionate speech, he straightened his face and got down to business: “Before my son Jarvan IV’s celebration dinner begins, I have a few important things to announce!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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