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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 361 The King’s Reward and Appointment

“First of all, it is another hero whose contribution to our battle on the Silent Lake Plain is no less than that of our Demacia model—Prince Jarvan Lightshield IV!”

As soon as these words were spoken, most of the nobles present were in an uproar, wondering what His Majesty the King meant.

From their sources, they only knew that Prince Jarvan IV was in danger during the border battles, and finally defeated the Noxian warband, and captured the opposing general and hundreds of surrendered soldiers.

Except for General Prescott of the Noxian 37th Chapter who invaded the border and was escorted back to Xiongdu for interrogation, the rest of the prisoners of war were all detained in Tobitsia, under the charge of Sword Captain Pardek of the Dauntless Vanguard. Take a guard with you.

In addition, according to their gossip, there seems to be a woman with the blood of the elemental dragon who assisted the Prince of Light Shield during the battle.

But they don’t know the specific details of what happened.

It’s just a hot knowledge that elemental dragons can do magic. Almost everyone doesn’t know it, and people with the blood of elemental dragons must also control magic.

Therefore, most nobles still regarded this woman with suspicion, fear and disdain.

In the audience, Li Lin, who was standing with Jarvan IV and Galen, also had a look of astonishment on his face. He didn’t expect that Jarvan III would reveal his record now.

The king roughly informed everyone in the audience about Li Lin’s identity, but deliberately ignored the matter of his mechanical legion. He only said that he defeated a powerful vampire with the mechanical armor he invented.

“So, I decided to appoint Li Lin as the honorary lord of Sasanli Town. He does not need to be responsible for management and enjoys all the local aristocratic powers.”

The canonization of foreigners as leaders of the Demacia territory was an extremely rare example in the past few hundred years of history.

However, none of the distinguished nobles present dared to raise objections at this juncture, which made Jarvan III quite satisfied.

“In addition to Li Lin, the reason why my son was able to triumph was also assisted by a brave warrior. She is Shyvana, who inherited the bloodline of the dragon with the element of fire!”

Jarvan III’s voice was passionate, and he continued before many nobles raised objections: “She fought bravely and helped my son break through the Noxus line. She was the second most contributor in this battle!

“Therefore, I decided to appoint him to the town of Edessa to lead the local guards, and granted him first-class military merit, the title of Knight of Demacia, and the title of Dragon-Blooded Warrior.”

Because Shyvana’s appearance is so special, you can see magic surging in her body at a glance, and most of the nobles present know who she is.

As the first town fortress in the northwest of the capital, the town of Edessa was responsible for guarding the rear and serving as the last line of defense against the invasion of northern barbarians.

Leaving this town in the hands of a “heretic” who controls magic will undoubtedly put the capital in great danger.

Most of the nobles actually opposed this decision, even the members of the Shield Council, especially Tiana.

Even though they objected in their hearts, they still looked at each other openly. The way they looked at me and me looked at you, no one wanted to get into trouble with the king at this time.

However, no matter what time, there is no shortage of people who can’t keep their composure.

“His Majesty!”

A middle-aged man with a big belly, a big bald head, and a greasy face stood up.

Jarvan IV recognized him at a glance as Viscount Mulkenn, the lord of Edessa Town, and introduced him to Li Lin and Shyvana in a low voice.

As he guarded the important territory in the rear, Viscount Mulkenen was able to line his own pockets, steal from others, and was extremely corrupt.

Not only did the private caravans passing by need to pay him a lot of taxes, but he would also detain the materials drawn from the treasury to support the front line for one to two days for various reasons. Needless to say what he did during this period.

Jarvan III had long disliked the Viscount who had received the support of his ancestors. It was just that due to the outstanding achievements of his ancestors, he did not want to remove him from the title of nobility.

This time, Sivana was sent to the town of Edessa to regain the military power of the Mulken family, which was partly a warning.

But what Jarvan III didn’t expect was that Mu Keen, who had recently been invited to the capital to welcome His Royal Highness in triumph and attended the celebration banquet, would dare to object?

He couldn’t help but frown, with a hint of impatience in his voice: “What do you want?”

“I don’t think it’s appropriate to hand over the leadership of the defense of the fortress to a foreigner who knows magic…?”

The nobles around him looked at him with pity and gloating.

Even if they really felt that the king’s decree was inappropriate, they would not question the king on such an occasion. This would be tantamount to smearing the shield royal family’s face.

Unexpectedly, there are really idiots who are not afraid of losing their title?

Sure enough, Jiawen III’s face suddenly turned pale when he said this, “Are you questioning my decision?”

Viscount Mukenen swallowed and quickly knelt down, “I dare not… I just think that our forbidden magic book should not be a decoration.”

The matter of the Magic Code has always been a worry for Jarvan III, and Mu Keen actually dared to bring it up…

The nobles around him couldn’t help but stay away from this stupid guy, for fear of being implicated by him.

Jarvan III’s face was already gloomy, and his tone became even more sinister: “Hmph! I didn’t expect that, Viscount Mulkenen, I didn’t want to attack you, but you took the initiative to challenge my authority as the king.”

Upon hearing this, a large amount of sweat fell from Mu Keen’s cheeks.

He raised his head in shock and glanced to his left side in confusion.

That happened to be where the members of the Shield Council were standing.

At this time, Eldred, with a serious expression on his face, suddenly stood up and shouted sternly: “Even though the magic book is important, no one can challenge the authority of the king!”

“Viscount Mulken, not only did you commit corruption and enrich your own pockets in Edessa Town, but now you dare to question our great King Jarvan III. Who gave you the courage?!”

“You…how did you…”

Mukanen’s eyes were widened, staring at Eldred who stood up to accuse him with an unbelievable look, and he was shocked and speechless.

“Come here! Catch this bold traitor who deceives the king and puts him in jail!”

“No, wait…”

Before he could finish speaking, several heavily armed guards poured in from outside the Brilliant Hall and rushed forward. With a knife, they knocked out Mukenen who was still trying to struggle, and dragged him out.

Jarvan III glanced at Eldred meaningfully and praised with almost no emotion: “Well done.”

Eldred put a false smile on his lips again, crossed his hands on his chest and bowed, “This is my honor, and it’s all for Demacia.”

“Okay, I announce the dismissal of the title of Viscount Mulkenn. As for the vacant management position, I will consider who is suitable to serve as the mayor of Edessa Town.”

After saying this, Jarvan III took a deep breath and calmed down a little.

Then, he announced the last and most important decree that shocked almost all the nobles:

“Morgana, one of our legendary winged protector sisters from Demacia, has returned today!

“A week from now, I will announce the return of the Winged Protector God to the people of the capital, and even to all citizens of Demacia, in the Grand Plaza!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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