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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 362 Ancient Artifact——Jue Hua

Except for a small episode caused by Viscount Mulkenn, the appointment and dismissal of King Jarvan III went smoothly.

Of course, Jarvan III had originally thought of inviting Morgana to the stage to give a speech at this time, announcing his return or something like that.

But she was not interested at all. She only promised to show up at the Grand Plaza in a week, and there was no need to talk about anything else.

She still despises these decadent nobles from the bottom of her heart.

In addition, Barrett, who supported the prince at the border and fought with him, should actually be rewarded according to his merits, and at the very least he should be given a third-class military merit medal.

However, Jarvan III understood his old friend. He had already made outstanding achievements and no longer needed a name.

Currently, the only thing Barrett needs is money and supplies to help him and Lestara aid the Church of the Illuminator in their charity work.

He also specifically asked Jarvan III not to publicize these things, and it was not necessary. After all, the Bouvier family’s reputation for generosity had already spread throughout Demacia.

Therefore, on the eve of the banquet, Jarvan III did not waste time on this and planned to send someone to transfer tens of thousands of gold shields from the treasury to the Bouvier family in two days.

After all the important things were announced, and as the king’s blessing fell, Jarvan IV’s celebration dinner finally kicked off, and the entire dazzling hall suddenly fell into laughter and laughter.

The royal orchestra played an elegant symphony that was very popular in Demacia, and Jarvan IV took Galen and Shyvana to mingle with the nobles.

However, Li Lin was not very interested in such aristocratic social activities, so he did not accompany them. Instead, he took Zoe to taste some delicacies at the banquet, and then sat on a bench in the corner of the hall.

At first, these outstanding young talents were a little afraid of Shyvana, who was wearing dragon scale armor and had purple skin. She looked quite weird at first glance.

However, with the initiative of Jarvan IV, after they contacted Shyvana, they found that she was not as scary as they imagined, but was very easy-going and even a little afraid of them.

This really surprised a group of young nobles who had a relatively good relationship with Jarvan IV.

After Shyvana finished telling her life experience, they felt that this girl had a pitiful past, and they were not so repelled by her being able to do magic.

Li Lin was happy that Shyvana could integrate into Jarvan IV’s circle.

He sighed helplessly after pushing away a few noble girls who probably accepted the arrangement of their families and took the initiative to invite him to dance.

People are really afraid of being famous, and pigs are afraid of being strong. There was actually a noble girl who took the initiative to invite me to dance…

Looking at Zoe who was still eating and drinking in front of the long table filled with delicious food, Li Lin turned his eyes again and found that he was also looking at Sona who was sitting with Kasina.

Li Lin remembered the agreement he made with her not long ago, got up and walked towards her.

He was just able to avoid Zoe’s sight along the way, which actually made his nervous heart relax a lot.

Why do I feel guilty as a thief…

Just as he was thinking wildly, Sona’s ethereal and melodious voice sounded in his mind: “A guilty conscience? What’s wrong with you?”

Li Lin looked up and found that he was only about ten steps away from her and Kasina.

“It seems like this is the limit of our communication distance?”

He looked into Sona’s beautiful blue eyes that were sparkling with excitement, and his mood was unconsciously infected by her easy-going smile, which made him feel much better.

“Ah, Li Lin, are you here?” Sona didn’t remember to respond before she came. Kashina noticed Li Lin walking in, and immediately got up and gave up her seat, with a teasing look on her face, “In that case, Sona Just leave it to you?”

【Sister Kashina! 】

Sona’s beautiful and flawless cheeks showed a bit of blush, and she gestured with her hands with a hint of dissatisfaction.

“Oh, I came to accompany you because I was afraid of being alone, but I also have my own life? Although I don’t know how Li Lin understood your gestures before, but you are both Ionians, You should have your own unique way of communicating in sign language, right?

“Since Li Lin is here to see you now, I’m going to enjoy this rare royal banquet.”

The smile on Kashina’s face did not diminish, she said this deliberately.

She cares about her sister Sona very much, so leaving voluntarily cannot be the reason she said.

“But…” When Kashina passed by Li Lin, she looked back at Sona who was at a loss behind her, and then changed the subject, “You are not allowed to bully Sona!”

“Miss Kashina can supervise me at any time.”

Li Lin gave Kashina a gentleman’s aristocratic salute in a humorous manner, making her giggle, “Okay, go find Sona quickly, I won’t disturb you~~”

After saying that, she smiled coquettishly, turned around and waved a farewell gesture to Sona, and then walked towards Jarvan IV without looking back.

After watching Kashina leave, Li Lin’s eyes refocused on the slightly shy Sona.

Although she just wanted to know why Li Lin was able to communicate with her and whether it had anything to do with Jue Hua, she didn’t seem so shy.

But due to her personality and Kashina’s teasing just now, and because she and Li Lin were the only ones getting along now, this was the first time she had close contact with young people of the same age since she grew up, so she couldn’t help but become nervous again.

“Can I sit here?” Li Lin did not communicate with his mind this time, but asked in Ionian.

Sona nodded silently, glanced at Li Lin’s figure, and then moved aside to make a little room.

Li Lin sat down gracefully, and a faint fragrance of elegance suddenly penetrated his nose.

It’s Sona’s scent.

Li Lin bit the tip of his tongue lightly, throwing away the distracting thoughts in his mind, and reminded himself not to forget the original purpose.

He came to Sona not to fall in love, but to find out why he resonated with her Guqin Luohua.

“Ahem, let’s get to know each other again. My name is Li Lin. Like you, I come from the land of birth.”

He deliberately avoided the war, so as not to arouse Sona’s sadness at being away from home.

“Sona, Sona Bouvier.”

She gestured with her hands to make a conversation, but she was actually communicating directly with Li Lin in her mind with her thoughts.

“You are the first person who can hear my voice in so many years… Are you a wizard? Or a psychic?”

Wizards are actually the same as mages, they just have different names.

The psychic is the unique name of Ionia. Almost every larger village or town has at least one psychic who can communicate with the spirits of nature.

They possess special spiritual magic and can use the spirits of nature to seek good fortune and avoid evil. They will also use special methods to bring relief to those who are grieving on the occasion of Ionia’s annual traditional festival, the Spirit Blooming Festival. See your deceased relatives again.

In the Freljord, those who summon or drive the spirits of nature are usually called spirit walkers, or shamans.

“No, although I know some rune magic, I am limited to applying it to machinery.”

Li Lin stretched out his hand and showed Sona that the aristocratic dress on his arm quickly changed and then returned to its original state.

A look of shock appeared on Sona’s face. She immediately looked around and found that no one had noticed the situation here. She ignored her shyness and looked at Li Lin very seriously.

“This is Demacia, Castle of Dawn, please don’t use magic!”

She pointed at Eldred, who was among the nobles in the distance, “Especially him. He is the leader of the Demon Seekers Association. My father and mother have specifically told me not to have anything to do with him. intersection.”

Sona’s concern made Li Lin feel warm in his heart, but a nonchalant smile appeared on his face, “Don’t worry, this is not magic, but nanotechnology.”

“Take… rice, technology?” Sona gestured with some confusion in her voice.

This special noun does not exist in Ionian. Li Lin put two words together, so she did not understand the meaning of this special self-made noun.

“To put it simply, it is a pure technology. The special armor that His Majesty just mentioned in his speech is my nano-armor that can change forms at will. I named it Source Project Infinity.” He smiled. Explaining, “This is the sixth generation I’ve developed.”

In order not to worry her too much, Li Lin thought about it and did not mention that this armor was actually enchanted with rune magic.

Sona tilted her face, her ancient blue twin ponytails swung, and then nodded in understanding.

“But, I’m also curious as to why I suddenly resonate with your…guqin.”

“It’s called Jiaohua,” Sona said.

“What a good name.” Li Lin praised it sincerely.

Her slender green-white fingers lovingly stroked the specially modified wooden box, “Ever since I was picked up by the monks of Sirana Monastery, it has been by my side.”

As she said that, Sona raised her eyes and met Li Lin’s gaze, “Did you know? It is actually an ancient artifact. There are relevant records in the library of the Illuminator Sect… The earliest one can probably be traced back to the establishment of Demacia. Thousands of years ago.”

Li Lin used “digital thinking” to check the information on this guqin, only to find that except for its name and “epic” level quality, the rest of the information was almost the same as Kassadin’s “Horlock’s Blade of the Underworld”. No information is displayed.

“So, it is very likely that it is a treasure inherited from the Shurima Empire?” Li Lin guessed, “Or is it an inheritance from Vastaya Xari?”

Sona knew the legends of the Shurima Empire and Vastaya Sharei, the First Land.

Needless to say, there is no need to talk about the celestial warriors of Shurima, but the legend of Vastaya Xari in Ionia begins with the “Titan War” nearly 10,000 years ago.

As the magical land with the longest history in the entire Rune Land, it was once invaded by a group of extraterrestrial giants.

In order to defend their homeland, a considerable number of human beings gave up their physical bodies, transformed into spirit bodies and escaped into the spiritual realm, gaining otherworldly powers.

They were called “Vastaya Xari” by the people of the First Land at that time, and that rarely recorded war was called the “Titan War”.

The day of peace came when Vasta’a’Shaari fought back the alien giants with the power of Ionia itself.

They chose to embrace peace and live among humans again.

And the descendants they gave birth to with humans are today’s Vastayans.

“If it is the inheritance of Vastaya Shari, it is not impossible.” Sona said, “But why is it by my side, only under my control, and why has it resonated with you for more than ten years? ?”

Could it be due to my status as the “World’s Favored One”?

Li Lin deliberately controlled this sentence not to be conveyed to Sona.

She thought for a moment, as if she had made some kind of decision, and her face became firm.

Sona stood up holding the piano case. She didn’t have time to think too much. She held Li Lin’s big hand with her cold little hand, “I have an idea… follow me.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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