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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 363 Are you my true destiny?

The internal structure of Dawn Castle is very special. The huge space that is tens of meters high is actually only one floor high.

However, this is only limited to the lobby on the first floor. Counting further up, the other floors of the castle are actually similar to normal buildings. Each floor is undoubtedly a few meters higher.

In the surprised eyes of several nobles who were drinking and chatting, Sona pulled Li Lin up the stairs inside the Brilliant Hall for a long time, and finally came to the rooftop on the top floor.

Because there were men and women chatting or flirting on the terraces on the first few floors, it really wasn’t the right place.

Sona looked around to make sure there was no one here before turning back and said, “Just right here.”

She was just about to open the piano case when she suddenly felt the warmth in her hands. She looked down and realized that she had been holding Li Lin’s hand all the way.

Sona retracted her little hand like an electric shock and half-turned around. Her lightly made-up face was filled with blush almost instantly, like a ripe red apple.

Although Li Lin was a little surprised at first that she was holding him, he knew that she had indeed thought of important things and didn’t think too much about it.

But looking at her current appearance, she seems to be quite concerned about skin-to-skin contact with men.


Li Lin was about to explain something, but before he even finished saying Sona’s name, she was shy and changed the subject, “Well, I think it’s pretty good here.”

There was a bit of nervousness and urgency in Sona’s voice, and there was a hint of pleading in it, as if she wanted to tell Li Lin not to continue on this topic.

After thinking for a while, in order to prevent the two of them from being too embarrassed, Li Lin didn’t mention the holding hands just now.

Then, he watched Sona take out the very strange-looking guqin from the simple wooden box.

Because this was Dawn Castle, Sona did not dare to use magic. For the sake of convenience, she simply sat on the stone bench against the wall of the outdoor platform and placed the flower on her thighs covered by her long skirt.

Juehua is very different from the more common guqin, which is generally square in shape.

It has a golden “bow” shape as a whole, with the strings cut off in the middle, and the ends of the left and right panels extending outward like outstretched wings. Retro gold wires form unknown patterns embellishment on the body.

Against the backdrop of the silver moonlight, a looming faint blue light shines from its ancient blue strings, like an escaping magic power, gradually integrating with the surrounding environment.

As soon as Jue Hua came out, Li Lin suddenly felt a sense of calmness in his heart…

To be precise, his soul calmed down, the tension about the future receded, and the burden on his shoulders suddenly became lighter, as if his whole person was bathed in the warm sunshine of winter, and his heart was indifferent.

“Li Lin?”

Sona looked at Li Lin in surprise, whose breath had changed significantly.

She knew very well that it was the loss of the “seal” that made him look like this, but she clearly hadn’t played it yet…

“how are you feeling?”

“It feels very strange, as if I have a natural connection with it.”

Li Lin didn’t know how to describe this inexplicable feeling. He just felt that his whole body felt very comfortable, and even the fatigue hidden deep in his mind and body muscles was dispelled.

“Why is this happening?”

He was very curious about this, as it was obviously his first time contacting Jue Hua.

“I don’t know…” Sona pursed her cherry-red lips and shook her head, “This is also the first time I’ve seen this special situation happen to Juohua. It has never reacted to anyone except me before.”

“That’s weird.”

Could it be that it really has something to do with my status as a time-traveler who placed hope on the world and was favored by this world?

It’s a pity that digital thinking can’t see anything…

Li Lin raised his eyebrows and took a few steps forward, “Can I touch it?”

Sona’s jewel-like eyes narrowed slightly, and she nodded with a smile, “Of course.”

Li Lin took a breath, feeling a little nervous. He squatted down on one knee and stretched out his right hand to touch the panel of Juo Hua.

The moment his fingertips touched the piano body…

Nothing happened.

“what’s the situation?”

Seeing Li Lin’s slightly disappointed expression, Sona couldn’t help but cover her mouth and smile silently.

“Did you expect anything else to happen?”

Li Lin made a heavy nasal sound and said nothing.

“If there was really something special about Jihua, I should have discovered it long ago.”

Sona’s little hand gently pressed on the back of Li Lin’s hand.

This time, she did it consciously and proactively out of comfort, and was not as shy as before.

“Jihua is like my family to me. It is an inseparable part of me… Wouldn’t it be unfair if it went away with you as soon as you came?”

Sona’s ethereal voice had a hint of anger, and paired with the faint smile on her lips, she looked extremely cute.

Although he knew that what she said was a joke, Li Lin never thought about “taking love with a knife”.

Among the few abilities of “data-based thinking” that show Juhua, this guqin has long been connected to Sona’s soul.

No matter what method is used, it cannot be manipulated by others.

And Sona couldn’t just sit back and watch the beloved thing that had been with her for a long time being destroyed by villains with evil intentions.

Li Lin stared at Sona’s smart eyes for a moment. He didn’t stop until her little face blushed again under the moonlight and she took the initiative to look away.

He sat down cross-legged and asked softly: “Can you play a song for me?”

Sona’s beautiful eyes turned into crescent moons, “Of course, what music do you want to listen to?”

“Just play what you’re best at.”

“I just recently composed a chord variation. Do you want to be my first listener?”


Li Lin and Sona looked at each other and smiled.

Then, the silver moonlight shone clearly, casting a hazy veil over the silent night.

Sona’s slender jade fingers, like peeled onions, stirred the strings made of unknown material. The crisp and sweet notes beat, and the lingering sound gradually faded.

As if her lower body was slightly warmed, Sona relaxed her mind, her mind merged with her own beauty, and her two jade hands gently stroked the strings.

Another distinct note beats, and a new chordal movement of her own composition begins.

Her fingertips were like agile fireflies, playing on the guqin.

The beautiful melody echoes the silent moonlit night, and even various small insects that are active at night are affected by the music and dance in the air to the beat.

As the music continues, Sona is immersed in her own world of strings.

The music began to trickle like a clear blue stream, dissipating and condensing, stretching for a long time, like the phantom of an elf in the forest, giving Li Lin an experience he had never had before.

Jihua’s melody has added multiple layers, which far exceeds the sound that a guqin can produce.

Sona raised her eyes and looked at Li Lin, who had his eyes closed and was immersed in it both physically and mentally. The peaceful smile on his face became even wider, and there was an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

Are you the one for me?

She did not pass this voice to Li Lin.

But even if you tell him, he may not be able to hear it now.

Sona maintained her current posture and kept her eyes on the young man in front of her.

It wasn’t until the song ended, and Li Lin reluctantly came back to his senses from the beautiful movement, that the eyes of the two people with different emotions met again.

“This piece…what do you think?”

Sona’s slender fingers caressed the strings, and her sweet voice sounded a little nervous.

Li Lin didn’t hesitate at all, and immediately clapped his hands and praised: “It’s simply great! What’s the name of this piece of music?”


As soon as the name of the music was mentioned, Sona hesitated, with a bit of embarrassment appearing on her face.

“Actually, I’ve never given my music a name.”

“How can a good song work without a name?”

Li Lin lowered his head, stroked his bare chin with his hand, and thought for a moment.

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he raised his face and looked at Sona again, “How about calling it a poem of praise for bravery?”

Sona tilted her head slightly, her little face full of doubts, “Brave…praise?”

“I can tell that your intention in creating this song is to be inspiring, right? After listening to this song, I am full of motivation. This is what you brought to me!”

Li Lin was extremely emotional, and his tone was indeed very different from before, full of passion and fighting spirit.

He even now wants to drive Gaboga and lead the mechanical troops to have a try with “Queen of the Void” Belvis.

“A very precise summary, this is indeed my original intention of creating this chord variation! A hymn of heroic praise… I like this name!”

Sona’s expression was filled with joy. It was rare to find someone who understood her heart so well and could also resonate with Jue Hua…

An impulse emerged from the bottom of her heart and she put the juohua back into the wooden box.

Then, Sona stood up and mustered up the courage to take two steps toward Li Lin. She placed the slender fingers of her right hand on his chest, raised her misty eyes, and met his stunned eyes.


Sona noticed Li Lin’s nervousness, but she just stretched out her left hand and put her slightly cold index finger on his lips.

Then, she buried her face in Li Lin’s chest, and the grievances she had endured silently for many years burst out like a flood, sobbing silently.

“Sona…are you okay?” Facing the sobbing Sona, Li Lin suddenly became at a loss. “Did I do something wrong, or did I mention your sadness?”


Sona raised her face, which was lightly made up from crying. The smile at the corner of her mouth and the joy deep in her eyes seemed incompatible with her current crying.

“I’m so happy to meet you.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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