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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 365 You smell like another woman!

Li Lin and Sona had just walked out of the long corridor when Kashina suddenly jumped out from nowhere and stood in front of them.

“Yo? My little lover sneaked away for a tryst and came back?”

Kashina had an “I know” smirk on her face.

Although the two of them had already let go when they went down to the first floor, Kashina still found clues from other places.

“Wow Sona, you didn’t even let me help you get your 円华, and now you let Li Lin, whom you only met for a few hours, hold it? Your boyfriend is more important than your sister, right?”

She deliberately said in a tone of dissatisfaction and blame, “Huh, now I see it, it turns out that you are also a little white-eyed wolf who forgot about your sister when you got a man!”

Looking at Sona’s flushed face, Kashina couldn’t help but raise the corners of her mouth.

【elder sister! How can you say that to me! 】

Sona gestured in sign language.

[Li Lin and I are not what you think…there is really nothing between us! 】

“Hey, you’re so red in the face and you still want to quibble?”

Kashina took two steps forward and lifted Sona’s chin with one hand.

However, she had a guilty conscience and did not dare to make eye contact with Kashina.

“Tell me, what does your first kiss feel like?”

【elder sister! 】

“Haha…that’s really interesting.” Kashina let go of Sona and couldn’t help laughing, “Okay, okay, I won’t tease you anymore.”

She calmed down a little, turned her face sideways, and her eyes stayed on Li Lin, the smile on her face not diminishing.

“It seems like you and Sona get along very well.”

Li Lin bowed to Kashina in a gentlemanly manner, “Thanks to you, Sona and I do have quite a lot in common.”

“Although I would also like to let you stay for a while, the conditions do not allow it.”

Kashina turned half sideways, and her right hand hanging by her side showed her thumb, secretly pointing to the high platform not far away.

“Father told Your Majesty that Sona has composed a new song, but I want to enjoy it.”

In fact, Jarvan III liked the chords played by Sona very much, and he had wanted to invite her to perform at a dinner party more than once.

It’s just because Barrett has to go out every now and then to inspect the logistics situation on the front line, plus he went on an expedition to support the prince some time ago, so he never has time.

It just so happened that Sona could perform in the Hall of Radiance during the celebration of Jarvan IV.

This is also the main reason why she brought Jue Hua here today.

“Since it is His Majesty’s invitation, there is no time to waste.” Li Lin looked at Sona beside him and said in Ionian: “Go quickly, don’t keep Your Majesty waiting.”

As the two looked at each other silently, Sona sent a message: “Do you think Your Majesty and others will like my poem of heroic praise?”

Li Lin just kept smiling, handed Juhua back to her, and replied through voice transmission: “Believe in yourself, they will definitely be amazed by your skills.”

After his encouragement, the smile on Sona’s face became even brighter.

“Okay, okay, don’t you two make love to me? Are you feeling numb?”

Kashina shuddered as she couldn’t bear to see it, and quickly took two steps forward to separate Li Lin and Sona, while pushing her back towards the podium.

“I’ll take Sona away~ If you want to date her next time, remember to come to Bouvier’s house.”

Kashina turned back to Li Lin and winked with her left eye, “You must come!”

After watching the two people leave, Li Lin breathed a sigh of relief briefly, and then quickly scanned the dense crowd, looking for Zoe.

However, she was no longer in front of the long table filled with food, and she didn’t know where she went.


Li Lin cursed secretly in his heart.

Fortunately, Sona had already arrived at Jarvan III’s side and went on stage with the king, attracting the attention of almost everyone in the Glorious Hall.

When everyone gathered around, his vision suddenly opened up, and he suddenly saw Zoe sitting with Morgana in the other corner of the hall.

The two of them were communicating something.

Li Lin couldn’t help but feel strange. Zoe hated Morgana before, but how could she suddenly be able to communicate with her normally now?

As if sensing Li Lin’s eyes, Morgana glanced this way, her eyes flashing with lavender light.

After two seconds, Zoe also felt his breath, looked over here, and waved happily.

Seeing her look like this, Li Lin couldn’t help but feel completely relieved.

You probably didn’t notice Sona and me…

No, we have nothing, why are we so afraid of Zoe?

Li Lin corrected his mentality, straightened his clothes a little, and strode towards them.

“Really, where did you go? I’ve been looking for you for a long time.”

As soon as she saw him coming, Zoe jumped down from the bench, pouted and said dissatisfiedly, “If Morgana hadn’t said you were busy with something important, I would have used magic to find you.”

A little cold sweat broke out on Li Lin’s temples, not because Zoe wanted to break the agreement and use magic, but because he was glad that she didn’t teleport directly to him.

Otherwise, when she saw Sona crying in her arms, she wouldn’t be able to wash it away even if she jumped into the Sea of ​​Conqueror.

“Thank you… uh, for taking care of Zoe.” Li Lin gently rubbed Zoe’s head, and then said to Morgana on the side.

“You don’t need to thank me, it’s just a little effort.” Morgana’s eyes flashed with unknown meaning, “Actually, I had quite a pleasant chat with her.”

Li Lin glanced at Zoe in surprise, but she just stuck out her tongue playfully and said nothing more.

“Well, since you are back, I will go back and rest first.”

Protoss doesn’t need sleep, Morgana just said this as a “pleasure” because she didn’t want to stay any longer.

When she stood up and walked to Li Lin, she turned to look at him and said, “Remember to make the preparations before doing anything next time… Next time, there may not be anyone to help you.”

After saying that, Morgana didn’t give him a chance to respond, and left from the main entrance of the Brilliant Hall without looking back.

Li Lin couldn’t help but feel ashamed.

It turns out that she actually knew about it and even intentionally helped me hold Zoe down…

“What did she mean?” Zoe stared at her leaving back, wondering.

“Ahem… It’s the elder’s request.” Li Lin dealt with it casually and quickly changed the subject: “By the way, are you unilaterally ‘reconciling’ with Morgana again?”

“What reconciliation? I didn’t break up with her.”

“Then you had such a bad attitude towards her before…”

“Don’t talk nonsense. I have a very good relationship with Morgana. We are good friends!” Zoe crossed her arms across her chest and hummed softly, “Also, don’t ask us what we said. This is a common thing between girls. Stop talking about the topic, boys!”


Li Lin also knew that this little girl could change her face faster than she could turn the page in a book, and he didn’t intend to delve deeper.

Just in time, Sona’s “Hymn of Heroic Praise” began to play, and the beautiful and inspiring melody reverberated throughout the dazzling hall.

Li Linchong looked at the blue-haired girl on his side and smiled knowingly, and rubbed Zoe’s little head, “Let’s go and listen to Sona’s performance.”

“No, I don’t like her.”

“You’ve never interacted with them, why don’t you like them?”


Zoe really couldn’t think of any reason. It couldn’t be said that she thought Sona liked Li Lin, so she didn’t like her, right?

“Because, so…I just don’t like it anyway…”

Just as she was talking, Zoe suddenly twitched her nose, her face changed slightly, and she immediately grabbed Li Lin’s arm that was about to retract his head just now and put it under his nose to smell it.

“What are you…”

Li Lin secretly thought something was wrong.

As expected, Zoe immediately blushed, and even her orange-red hair turned red with anger. She grinned and said, “You smell like another woman!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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