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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 371 With all this in mind, do you still think I’m arrogant?

Blessed Light Island, long before the curse of ruin, this was a magical island wrapped in holy mist.

A civilized and enlightened civilization established a utopian city on this island and lived a life free from the world.

Since the Shurima Empire was buried under the yellow sand and washed away by the mighty torrent of history, some scholars on Blessed Island, whose magic and technology are beyond the level of the times, have begun to study the reasons that led to the empire’s collapse.

Void, the other side of the universe, a plane of nothingness where the concepts of time and space do not exist.

When void comes, it is the end of time, space and everything in the world.

This is the result of research by professors and scholars from Hylia, the capital of Blessed Light Island.

Ryze once landed on the ruined island that is now shrouded in black mist, and read about this when consulting the books related to world runes.

It would not be wrong to say that the ultimate threat to the world is the void.

Li Lin roughly guessed what Ryze was thinking through his expression, “Do you think the threat posed by the void is not as great as the world runes?”

He sneered, “I originally thought that the old mage Ryze, who has lived for thousands of years, was a wise man, but looking at it now, you are just like those stupid people you said.”

Ryze was not angry because of this insult, “When the world is turned upside down, no matter how much you talk about it, it won’t help.”


Li Lin shook his head and said with a dumb smile: “No matter how dangerous the world runes are, as long as they are properly contained, which is what you are doing now, they will not pose any threat again.

“But the void? It can easily swallow the entire world. Even if the world runes are used, they may not be able to stop their erosion of our real realm.”

“The Void has been defeated, and the Ascended Ones have sealed them.” Ryze’s confidence is no longer as strong as before. “Our biggest threat still comes from within humans.”

Li Lin couldn’t help but sigh silently in his heart, “Let’s not mention that there are many void monsters wandering in Icacia… Who told you that the threat of the void only comes from Icacia?”

He glanced sideways at Zoe beside him, originally thinking of asking her to help him supplement.

But looking at her confused look, Li Lin gave up.

This little girl inherited the ability of the Twilight Star Spirit, but not its knowledge. In addition, she just wanted to play every day and didn’t understand these things at all.

“You have been to Freljord before, so you must know about the three ice sisters.”

Li Lin and Ryze looked at each other, “Avarosa, one of the three sisters, once faced the twisted darkness under the world, that is, the void, and was deprived of her hearing by unclean whispers.

“And Lissandra fought with Volibear and was deprived of her vision. While walking in the dream, she made a deal with the group of void spirits, that is, the void monitors. In the name of the three sisters, she promised to bring Runeland to the world. Contribute to them and gain great power.

“Afterwards, the void broke into the northern world, and Lissandra’s collusion with the Void Monitor was about to be exposed. She chose to sacrifice the lives of her sisters and allies, burying them under the glacier barrier with the coldest ice in the world.

“But this is just a futile struggle…Thousands of years have passed, and Lissandra’s seal has become difficult to maintain, and the monitor will return to this land soon.

“At that time, it will be the end of all things.”

As Li Lin narrated, Ruiz felt more and more horrified.

Although he had never heard such a legend in the Freljord, the story did not sound like a fabrication to him.

After all, Li Lin had a Twilight Star Spirit who fell in love with him, so it was not unusual for him to be told such ancient secrets.

However, Li Lin has not finished speaking: “Not only is the threat from the monitors, but also the Sharks on the west side of Mount Targon and at the bottom of the Sea of ​​Conqueror have been eroded by darkness. They have not yet found a new moon stone and cannot suppress the forces of the abyss. The twisted nothingness below.

“But with their strength, they can survive for a while longer. Let’s talk about the recent ones.”

Li Lin stretched out his right hand, which was simultaneously covered by the nano-armor, and projected in front of Ryze the scene of Kai’Sa being possessed by the Queen of the Void when he performed genetic surgery on Kai’Sa to remove her void skin.

“Ka’Sa, the little girl I met in Shurima, her hometown was swallowed by the void. She was the only one who survived in the void and fought against the void monsters for three years.”

As he told Kai’Sa’s identity, the scene of her being possessed by the Queen of the Void and asking Li Lin to take her to the ruins of Belvis was played.

Originally, Li Lin wanted to explain the principles of this shooting technology to Ryze, but he didn’t expect that he actually knew the relevant technology very well, because this was the function of a “magic memory crystal” that used to be on Fuguang Island.

As long as he has the right materials, Ryze can also make similar crystals.

And in his opinion, the content recorded by this magic crystal cannot be faked.

But Ryze still finds it hard to believe that his efforts over the past thousand years still cannot save mankind from the fate of destruction.

Li Lin stared at his thin figure and deliberately said a name that made him tremble all over: “Oh, by the way, your apprentice, Keegan Noho… ah no, he should be called Brand now. Is he okay?”

“…What are you doing?!”

Ryze opened his eyes wide, showing a rare look of panic.

Hundreds of years have passed since Kegan Noho became Brand, the vengeful flame soul.

Even the last time he went to Shurima to search for the world runes and walked with a woman who wanted to die as a warrior instead of being exiled because of old age, and met Brand in the Garden City, that still passed. Decades of time.

He never told that woman about his apprentice!

Besides, she had died of old age long ago, so it was impossible for Li Lin to know about such a thing.

“What’s your relationship with Kara?!”

“Kara? I don’t know her.”

Li Lin’s answer made Ruiz fall into deeper confusion.

Indeed, Kara of Shurima should have died twenty or thirty years ago. Li Lin is obviously an Ionian, and there is no way they have any intersection.

“How do I know about this, right?” Li Lin noticed the rare fear and confusion on Ritz’s face, “I think Zoe has explained it very clearly just now.”

The favored one of the world…

The moonlight is quiet, the sea breeze blows, and the waves roll.

Ruiz stood there in silence for a long time, then sighed, “Okay… okay, you succeeded in letting me know your identity.”

The tiredness on his face was clearly visible, and even his voice sounded much older, “Is what you said…all true?”

In fact, he was basically certain that what Li Lin said was true.

The reason why I asked again was just out of luck.

“Do I need to lie to you?” Li Lin asked.

“I thought that all you said so much in one breath was actually for…”

Ruiz stopped, but Li Lin still knew what he wanted to express.

“I’ve said it many times, my goal is not the world runes, it’s just your wishful thinking that I am.”

Ruiz slumped to his knees and sat on the ground, the half-finished bottle of beer in his hand spilling on the floor, “I still remember that I only had one world on my shoulders…”

Li Lin took out two bottles of beer from the morning light, easily opened the bottle caps with his thumb, walked to Ruiz and sat down cross-legged, and handed one of the bottles to him.

“We have a common goal to protect the world.”

“Yeah…protect the world.”

Ruiz took a breath, took the beer, and poured it into his stomach.

When Li Lin saw this, he smiled slightly and finished the wine in his hand.

“So… is the specific time when the void will come one year from now?”

Ryze mistook Belvis’ desire to see Li Lin and Kai’Sa as the end of the world.

“To be precise, Belwis exceeded my expectations, but I don’t think it is the ultimate threat.”

“The Twilight Stars said that you are the favored one of the world. Doesn’t that void monster want to erase you?”

“So what if it has this idea?” Li Lin said in an indifferent tone, “It left me a year. This is the mistake it made.”

“Ambition needs to be restrained by facts.” Ruiz’s eyes were deep, as if he was recalling something, and his tone was a little more serious. “Otherwise, we will eventually be swallowed up by our own arrogance and arrogance.”

Li Lin sneered, but he didn’t mean to disrespect Ryze, “It seems that arrogance and arrogance are your evaluation of me.”

“I’m just warning you as a person who has experienced it.” Ruiz stood up and stood in the open space. Li Lin didn’t know what to do. “After all, I have seen too many people with your personality.” ”

Li Lin didn’t answer, just let the nano armor cover his whole body.

As countless circles of light suddenly appeared in the air and on the ground, the shocked Ryze immediately climbed up from the beach and took a breath of air.

These are all arcane teleportation magic circles!

The next second, Ryze blinked again and couldn’t help but feel his breath stagnate.

The dark night sky was filled with mechanical devices flashing blue and red lights, and the open space on the ground was also covered with all kinds of huge mechas.

An endless mechanical army!

Especially the behemoth behind Li Lin, which was at least dozens of meters tall, even caused the arcane energy in Ryze’s body to resonate.

That’s…the power of the sun.

Li Lin unfolded his helmet, turned around again, and looked at Ryze, who had already had “pupil earthquake”, and couldn’t help but twitching the corner of his mouth.

“With all this in mind, do you still think I’m arrogant?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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