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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 383 Chaos begins, storm is coming

Li Lin’s words really caused Jarvan III to think deeply.

The original king of Demacia banned magic mainly because of the conflict between the Winged Protector Sisters and their followers, which caused huge losses to Demacia.

His original intention was to protect the people of Demacia from being harmed by magic again.

But with the development of the Demon Seeker Association over the past few hundred years, the ban on magic has gradually changed its flavor.

This was supposed to be a decree to protect the people, but in the end it became an object of fear for the people…

It shouldn’t be like this.

Among the few people at the scene, except Tiana, she was very dissatisfied with Li Lin’s dangerous remarks because he questioned Demacia’s system, which she could not allow.

Among the others, Jarvan IV had already said that he wanted to abolish the Code of Forbidden Magic. Jarvan III, Barrett and Xin Zhao were all thinking about Li Lin’s words.

Of course, the king has the idea of ​​abolishing the Forbidden Magic Code and has enough power to dissolve the Demon Seeker Association, but he is still hesitant.

This system that has been maintained in Demacia for hundreds of years cannot be abolished just by abolishing it. The complications that may arise in the future and how to deal with the mages in the territory are very important.

Otherwise, abolishing the Magic Code will not only bring no benefits, but will bring disastrous consequences to the stability of Demacia’s current society.

In short, this is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

Later, the king told Jarvan IV to take Li Lin for a walk in the capital these days, and then let him leave the Hall of Valor first.

He had to think carefully about the abolition of the forbidden magic book.

It just so happens that Morgana is now willing to return to Demacia. With the support of one of the Winged Protector Sisters, she at least admits that the resistance she faces as a mage will be much smaller.

After bidding farewell to the king, Li Lin returned to the corridor where his room was and knocked on Morgana’s door.

“come in.”

After receiving her permission, Li Lin turned the unlocked door handle and entered the house.

At this time, she was standing on the balcony of the small living room, looking into the distance.

Morgana didn’t look back. She knew it was Li Lin who came to visit just by relying on her own perception, “Where did Zoe go? Didn’t she come back with you?”

“You know that Zoe and I have reconciled?”

“You still have a strong aura of her on you.” There was no sadness or joy in her tone, “Didn’t I tell you last night? You have to be prepared before doing anything.”

Morgana glanced back at him and shook her head helplessly, “At least, before you meet a woman who has a crush on you, you must get rid of the smell of other women from your body.”

Li Lin smiled awkwardly and did not answer.

Obviously after blowing the sea breeze, I went back to Zaun to build new machines, and even went to the satellite base. Has the smell of Zoe not dissipated yet…

“Ahem…” Li Lin cleared his throat and used a lame greeting to change the subject: “Did you… have a good rest last night?”

“I don’t need to rest. You just want to ask me this, right?”

Morgana looked at him intently for a moment, then walked back to the house and sat on the sofa, part of her long snow-white legs exposed in the air.

“Come sit here, I can see you have a lot of questions.”

Li Lin was not polite and went straight to the sofa opposite her and sat down.

But before he could speak, Morgana continued to ask: “Did you just go to see the king?”

“King Jarvan III asked me about the Tome of Forbidden Magic.”

Morgana’s eyes flashed with surprise, and she pondered for a moment before saying, “He asked me the same question last night.”

Li Lin couldn’t help but feel curious, “How did you answer?”

“I think your thoughts should be the same as mine.”

Of course Morgana understands Li Lin’s attitude towards magic. After all, the reason she chose to come to Demacia in the first place was because she knew through Li Lin that a considerable number of Demacians with magical talents were living in dire straits.

She paused for a moment and shook her head, “This king is too indecisive and cannot be as decisive as his son.”

“This is the difference between young people and old people.” Li Lin said, “Prince Jarvan IV has not taken over the important task of taking over the power, so naturally he has fewer worries and looks young and energetic.”

“That’s right…”

Morgana looked at the balcony facing the south again, her face hesitant, and she didn’t speak again.

There was a brief silence in the air.

From the direction she was looking, Li Lin could probably guess what she was thinking, “Are you worried about Kyle?”

“I shouldn’t be the only one worried.” Morgana sighed, “I have a hunch that Kyle will return soon.”

Li Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, “Soon…how fast exactly do you mean?”

You must know that in the original world line, even if Demacia was invaded by the black mist, Kyle still went through the long “long step to ascend to the gods” on Mount Targon and never fully obtained the “enlightenment” of the righteous stars.

Now that Morgana has returned to Demacia early under her influence, sensing that her sister has returned to her homeland, Kyle may return with the wrath of “Judgment”.

Li Lin has been prepared for this, but if he happens to be in time before the king issues an edict to abolish the ban on magic…

“I don’t know.” Morgana shook her head, “Maybe a few days, maybe a few months, maybe a few years.”

Yes, it’s as if you didn’t say anything.

Li Lin helplessly held his forehead, forgetting that the host who inherited the power of the star spirit had the same perception of the concept of time as a yordle.

“We must prepare in advance, at least let the people accept you first.” He suggested, “In a week, the king will tell the world that you are coming back. What will you do then?”

“Most people have forgotten me long ago. Even if they remember me, it’s just a bad reputation that was maliciously smeared by others.” Morgana said calmly, “But by that day, I don’t think anyone will…”

Before she finished speaking, Li Lin obviously noticed a change in her expression and asked in confusion: “What’s wrong?”

Morgana pursed her lips and frowned, walked straight into the bedroom, opened the window and looked to the west.

Li Lin quickly followed her and followed her gaze into the distance.

A crowd of people had gathered in the grand square at this time, and it seemed that someone was standing in front of the four-in-one soldier statue facing all directions, giving an impassioned speech.

Li Lin noticed that Morgana’s face was gloomy and ugly, and immediately sent a drone to quickly fly to the scene.

It was a middle-aged man of about 30 years old with a mean appearance.

He was wearing an old gray-brown cotton jacket and warm trousers, with deerskin boots on his feet, and an aristocratic dueling rapier at his waist.

At first glance, this man looks like a nobleman who has fallen into disgrace.

Li Lin looked confused. The nano-material on his collar crawled up his neck and turned into a pair of earphones, which were fixed on his ears. The drone in the distance saw the sound of the scene and transmitted it back one by one.

“So, that is a fallen angel! The winged protector will always be our holy Kyle! We must uphold her glory and truth and execute the law meticulously!”

The middle-aged man clenched his fists with an indignant expression, easily arousing the emotions of the dozens of people surrounding him.

Soon, excited citizens began to respond:

“Yes! We don’t need a fallen person to lead us!”

“Legal principles are supreme, and the fire of justice will burn out all evil!”

“We need righteous angels, not fallen angels!”


The middle-aged man’s remarks transmitted back by the drone were not complete, and what Li Lin heard was not as complete as Morgana’s.

But even so, what he said before can easily be supplemented by what the public said.

It was nothing more than opposition to the return of Morgana, the “fallen one”, so they gathered in the grand square in an attempt to convey “people’s resentment” to the king in this way.

But in Li Lin’s opinion, this sudden incident was too strange.

“That’s a follower of Kyle. After hundreds of years, there are still people following her.” Morgana’s voice was extremely cold.

Li Lin’s expression changed from confusion to solemnity, “Don’t you think this is strange?”

He narrowed his eyes and continued to look at the statue in the center of the grand square.

Although the guards of Dawn Castle quickly arrested the middle-aged man who deliberately incited people’s emotions, and dispersed the angry people who gathered.

But bad things spread thousands of miles, and this matter, especially the “smear” of Morgana’s name, will be known to the entire Xiongdu people within a few hours.

Li Lin stared sideways at the silent Morgana’s face, and continued: “As far as I know, the main person who believes in Kyle and still sings her name is the Illuminator, but that man is obviously not the Illuminator.

“Not to mention that Kyle has not reappeared for hundreds of years. At most, there are fabricated legends describing her return. I don’t believe there are people who are so ‘devout’ in their beliefs and know so much about the Winged Protector. , especially to you.

“Besides, we just arrived in Xiongdu yesterday, and you only showed your face in front of many nobles at night. Someone came to oppose you today…but your name is basically missing from the record. How did that guy learn that you had been slandered?” In the name of corruption?”

Morgana was stunned for a moment, then took a deep breath, “You want to say that there are already nobles plotting secretly?”

“It’s obvious.”

“But our main goal is not to abolish the forbidden magic book, why would they take me…”

Before Morgana finished speaking, she immediately reacted, “Do they want to use me as a breakthrough to divert people’s attention?”

Or worse.

Li Lin rubbed his chin and guessed: “That’s right…it would be very shameless if they directly made it clear that their goal is to ban magic.”

He quickly thought of Eldred, who behaved a little strangely last night, and frowned slightly.

It is still early in the timeline of the original Demacia Mage Rebellion.

However, now that he and Morgana have intervened, these nobles who oppose the king’s abolition of the forbidden magic code may no longer be able to calm down, especially Eldred.

Li Lin hesitated for a moment and sent the invisible drone floating over the grand square to the Crownguard family’s mansion.

In the following time, he had to monitor Eldred’s movements at all times to prevent this guy from doing anything beyond his expectations.

Recalling the scene when Qin said she saw a demon seeker and a Noxian mixed together, Li Lin couldn’t help but clenched his fists.

“A storm is coming…”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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