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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 384 Ascending to the God Level

On the west side of the Shurima continent, at the top of a certain peak in Mount Targon.

Under the sky full of morning stars, a slim figure wearing golden-white body armor and two pairs of large and small white wings on its back was standing on the top of the mountain.

In her right hand, she held a pair of cyan-blue half-swords made of stars. The two blades fit perfectly, as if they had been one body countless years ago.

The white wings extending from the shoulder blades spread out, and the wings protruding from the spine of the waist drooped. No matter how hard she tried, she could not make them flap.

She is Kael, one of the winged protectors of Demacia, the sister that Morgana always misses.

“Did you fail again…” Kyle looked up at the sky, with a hint of disappointment in his words, “Justice Star Spirit, how will I obtain your enlightenment?”

She still remembered that since she left Demacia and caught a glimpse of the majestic Mount Targon bathed in the red of the setting sun, her goal had been completely clear.

That is to follow in the footsteps of his mother, gain perfect insights from the heavens at Mount Targon, and truly realize the inheritance of the power of the righteous stars.

Hundreds of years have passed, and Kyle has moved from the initial “frenzy” to “ascension” and acquired a brand new form.

But in the past two hundred years, after undergoing the baptism of fire, she once again entered a higher realm of “blazing sincerity” and gained more knowledge inherited from the power of the righteous stars, and then completely stopped.

Kyle stared at the sky for a moment, “Why on earth…”

She had been to Heaven more than once when she first arrived at Mount Targon.

Passing the celestial guardian on the main peak of Mount Targon, she witnessed a different world.

The starry sky is infinite, with endless possibilities.

Although Kyle had never met the justice star spirit she longed for, her belief became stronger.

Then, she grasped the hilts of half of the swords with both hands, knelt down on one knee, lowered her head, and muttered something.

“The power of thousands of blades and the fury of tens of thousands of flames are stirring in my heart… I implore you to give me divine power to create a supreme world with fire.”

For some reason, while she was praying, the figure of her sister Morgana suddenly flashed in her mind.

“No…why would I think of her?”

Kyle was shaken for a moment, then shook his head violently, breathing rapidly.

“I am the light and glory, and my devotion is unshakable! Morgana is the fallen, she is unforgivable…”

But as she muttered to herself, an unexplained pain surged into her heart.

Morgana, my sister…

Kyle stood up again from kneeling on one knee and took off the war helmet that had not been taken off for hundreds of years.

Her long silver-white hair fell down like a waterfall, and her flawless and pretty face was bathed in the golden light hanging from the sky.

“No, I can’t think about her anymore! Heaven cannot tolerate flaws, and I am no exception.”

Kyle suddenly opened his eyes, whose pupils had already turned golden.

Although she said this verbally, her expression was still hesitant, especially the sad eyes.

Why did our relationship evolve into what it is today?

Kyle didn’t understand and didn’t want to think about it.

Because once she thinks about it, she will recall the scene where her father died in Morgana’s arms, and she will also hear her sister’s heartbreaking cry.

Sister, are you the last weakness in my heart?

Kyle couldn’t help but ask himself.

“If this is really the case, then I cannot ascend to the realm of ‘transcendence’…”

She took a deep breath of the cold air from the top of the mountain, then exhaled it heavily, put on the helmet again, and suddenly turned her eyes to gaze into the distance to the north-east.

There, it was the home she once protected, but now it is also the place where sins are concentrated.

She could feel it, she was there.

Kyle thought for a moment, then fluttered his wings and flew away.

“If I have to kill you…sister.”

Early the next morning, Li Lin woke up from closing his eyes to rest.

After many days without sleep, the occasional sleep would ensure that his experience would be more enriching.

Li Lin got up from the bed and reached out to touch the coat hanging on the hanger.

With the transformation of nanomaterials, the originally unwearable Demacian noble clothes instantly spread all over his body, and then turned into clothes again.

Just as Li Lin was walking to the bathroom to wash up, Zhinao’s voice sounded in his ears:

[Master, the launch vehicle has been prepared, and the space-based laser ray satellite is expected to arrive at the expected orbit early this morning. 】

Li Lin was suddenly surprised, “So fast?”

[Our satellite base originally stored a launch vehicle, which was originally used to carry the Piltover University meteorological satellite. 】

[But even with your artificial satellite technology, the college has yet to design a weather satellite, so I will use this idle launch vehicle to launch your satellite for the time being. 】

Li Lin couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth, “This is called the reasonable allocation and utilization of resources. Well done!”

【hey-hey! 】

It seemed that the master’s praise was very appreciated. Zhinao actually simulated human laughter, which surprised Li Lin even more.

“It seems that your self-evolution logic has become more perfect.”

[Thanks to your quantum theory, Master, my computing power has increased exponentially. 】

Li Lin smiled and said nothing. A more intelligent brain would only benefit him and not bring any harm.

Omnic Crisis?

With the “Mechanic” system and his 100% absolute control over artificial intelligence, it is simply impossible to happen.

[Master, Prince Light Shield has to deal with the people who caused trouble yesterday and cannot accompany you around the capital. He has asked his servant to express his apology to you. 】

“When did it happen?” Li Lin, who was washing his face, asked in surprise.

[While you were sleeping, Prince Lightshield sent someone early to inform the servants left behind about this matter. 】

Yesterday, the middle-aged man encouraged the people to oppose Morgana, which directly angered King Jarvan III.

It was his decree to welcome Morgana back and announce it to the world.

But now someone dares to oppose him, which is tantamount to challenging the king’s authority.

If we don’t severely punish this guy who was appointed by someone, wouldn’t everyone be able to trample on the king’s majesty?

What’s more, the legendary Winged Protector is willing to return and continue to protect Demacia. This is a dream that generations of kings have dreamed of realizing.

When Morgana returns this time, this is a major event that can be included in the Demacia classics and be praised for thousands of years!

Anyone who dares to insult Morgana, the winged protector of Demacia, will naturally be taken seriously by Jarvan III.

Therefore, his son Jarvan IV took on the important task of trying this middle-aged man.

【Do you have any other plans today? 】

“Arrange it… There’s nothing else to do in Demacia. Why don’t we go find Sona? I just have something to ask of Barrett.”

Li Lin brushed his teeth quickly, and just as he walked to the door, he suddenly remembered something, “By the way, how is the situation with the drone monitoring Eldred?”

[The drone is operating in good condition, everything is normal, and the surveillance target Eldred has not moved at the moment. 】

“Continue to monitor him. If there is anything unusual about him, please notify me immediately.”

【clear. 】

Tomorrow must be 10,000 per day! ! 9(`д)9


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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