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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 388: Nostalgia for Hometown

After discussing the important matters, under Barrett’s reminder, the atmosphere between the two returned to the same as before, as if they had not discussed any sensitive matters at all.

“I have to go to Dawn Castle soon, so don’t come with me.” Barrett smiled and patted Li Lin on the shoulder, “But you don’t know, since the prince’s celebration banquet, Sona has been very kind to you. I’ll never forget it!”

“Haha, right…”

Li Lin couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed when he directly broke the relationship.

His attitude towards Barrett, which was neither humble nor overbearing, suddenly changed, and he was as nervous as facing his father-in-law.

Although he did tell Zoe that he had no idea about Sona.

But before time travel, she was one of Li Lin’s favorite heroines after all…

While talking, the two walked out of the front door. Barrett immediately saw Kashina and Sona hiding on the side of the yard, and his eyes were filled with laughter.

“Look, isn’t Sona coming now?”

Li Lin looked in the direction Barrett was looking. The smiling Kasina and the shy Sona were hiding behind a small flower bed, unable to block their figures at all.

Noticing the look in his eyes, Sona’s delicate and pretty face turned red. Her eyes that were originally focused here quickly shifted away, not daring to look directly at him.

However, Kashina, who had a more carefree personality, still grabbed her hand and forced her to run to the main entrance of the yard.

“Good morning! I didn’t expect you to visit so soon.”

Kashina said hello to Li Lin, and then began to wink at him, gesturing to Sona next to her, with the corners of her mouth raised in a high arc.

“Sona, I’ve been thinking about you so much these days that I don’t even think about composing music.” Her words teasing Sona were surprisingly similar to Barrett’s.

【elder sister! 】

“Okay, okay, Kashina, stop laughing at your sister.” Barrett shook his head with a smile, “You haven’t started training today, have you? With your current martial arts skills, you want to become a paladin of the Illuminator sect. Still a long way to go.”

Kashina made a face at Barrett, said “I’m going to train” and ran away, leaving Sona alone here who looked uncomfortable.

“This child…” Barrett shook his head and said to Li Lin with an apology on his face: “She has been spoiled by me and Lestara since she was a child. It is estimated that she will not mature until she truly becomes a Paladin. Please give me a try.” Forgive me.”

“Where are you talking about?”

Then, Barrett glanced at the sky and said, “It’s getting late, and I can’t keep His Majesty waiting for me.”

He said hello to Li Lin and Sona, and especially told Sona that His Royal Highness the Prince did not have time to take Li Lin to visit the capital, and asked her to entertain Li Lin on behalf of the Bouvier family and the Light Shield royal family, and then he Leave with a smile.

The two of them stood at the gate of the yard and watched Barrett’s carriage leave, and then fell into an awkward atmosphere again.

Sona’s moist eyes were staring at the ground, and her two white hands were tangled together. She seemed to feel that the guards on both sides of the door were staring at her with curious eyes, but this was just an illusion.

Li Lin could see her shyness, and he didn’t know what Doka Xina had said to her that day to make her so shy in the face of him.

After thinking for a moment, he took the initiative to break the silence: “Want to go out for a walk?”

“Of course!” Sona happily used her mind to communicate.

Li Lin waited for her to return to his room and changed into casual clothes for traveling. It was a knee-length coat common among nobles. It was paired with a thermal shirt, slim thermal trousers and precious leather boots.

Sona’s style of clothing is still ancient blue as the main tone, with other colors as embellishments, which just matches her rare hair color.

No matter where they went, the handsome man and woman quickly became the center of attention on the entire street.

Since Sona didn’t go out often, even among the common people living in the surrounding private houses with Bouvier Mansion as the core, few people knew that she was the youngest daughter of the Bouvier family.

In addition, their appearance is quite different from that of Demacians. Many people think that they are princes or princesses from foreign countries who are on a friendly mission to Demacia.

Some people even offered them gifts to show Demacian hospitality.

Of course, Li Lin naturally declined these gifts.

However, there are still some people with vicious eyes. People who know many noble children recognized Sona’s identity at a glance. When they saw her with a strange young man, they suddenly realized that the Bouvier family might be approaching a happy event.

But no matter what they think, Li Lin and Sona don’t care about other people’s opinions and evaluations.

It was quite a scene to arrive at Bouvier Mansion from Dawn Castle today. Almost all the roads along the road were residential areas.

Now it’s a completely different situation when it comes to a place dedicated to opening a house and doing business.

Li Lin even saw someone riding a bicycle on the street.

The two of them wandered around several commercial streets, occasionally tasting Demacia’s special snacks, and also discovered many novel gadgets.

When it was noon, they came to a popular ramen restaurant run by Ionians.

The shop owner recognized them as fellow villagers at a glance, and immediately warmly entertained the two of them, making them authentic ramen without any local specialties, which reminded them of Ionia’s memories.

The two of them had enough to eat and drink, and continued to take a stroll on the street while bathing in the much milder afternoon sunshine.

“When I was young, the elders of the monastery would often cook themselves and make a bowl of hot ramen for us lonely children.”

Hope appeared on Sona’s face, but it was soon replaced by loneliness.

“I really don’t know how they are doing now… A few years ago, I accidentally heard my mother say that Noxus attacked Sirana Monastery not long after I left Galen Province. The elders and the others…”

“Don’t worry, they will be fine.” Li Lin gave Sona a comforting smile, “I heard that there is a monk who has awakened the power of the dragon and another one from Freljord, who happens to be The spiritwalkers at the monastery teamed up to fight off the Noxians.”

“Really? That’s great.” This news obviously encouraged Sona, and she couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Li Lin stared at her profile, “Are you homesick?”

Sona blinked and turned her head, just in time to meet his eyes and cast him a doubtful look.

“Well, you see what I asked this question.” Li Lin changed his words and asked again: “Now that the war is over, have you ever thought about going back and taking a look?”

“Although the war in Ionia is over, the war in Demacia is not.” Sona lowered her eyes gently and sighed silently, “A few days ago, didn’t Noxus still send people to attack the border? Even His Highness the Prince They almost fell into the enemy’s hands.”

In fact, that should be Black Rose’s private order.

Li Lin did not pass this sentence to Sona, and she could understand Ionian and had no intention of exploring his heart.

“If you miss home, I can take you back for a visit.”

Hearing this, Sona couldn’t help but gasp, and suddenly recalled the question that her sister Kashina had just asked her this morning.

If Li Lin wanted to take him away from Demacia, what would his choice be…

Li Lin noticed a slight change in Sona’s expression, but didn’t think much about it, thinking that she knew she would have to travel a long distance if she wanted to go back and was reluctant to leave her family.

“Using the Hex Flying Gate, we can travel tens of thousands of kilometers back to our hometown in just a few seconds.”

“Hex Flying Gate?” Surprise flashed in Sona’s eyes, “I think I heard my father mention this name last year. Someone came to Xiongdu to request to install a tower, but the king refused… I heard that it is a kind of magic. ?”

“It’s a kind of arcane magic, using technology to control magic.”

Li Lin nodded in response and briefly and quickly explained to her the principle of Hex’s flying door.

“In other words… we can pass through the Hex Flying Gate and return to Ionia in just a few seconds?”

Sona’s little face showed hope.

“But now Demacia does not allow the construction of the Hex Flying Gate. Not only is it because of the Forbidden Magic Code, but Demacia also explicitly prohibits official trade, and our Gila Mann family represents Piltover.

“If we want to reach Ionia by airship Hexgate, we have to start from White Cliff City south of the Silver Mountains, then teleport to Taru Bay in the south of Navoli Province, and then take a boat to Ga Lin Province.”

Li Lin didn’t give Sona any time to react in disappointment. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and suddenly changed the subject: “If you want to go faster, I have invented a small mecha equipped with a ‘teleport’ module. It can directly carry We teleport to Galin Province.”

Sona looked shocked, “Then why didn’t you just say the last method? It also made me feel up and down…”

“Of course…” Li Lin stretched out his hand and gently scratched her nose, “It’s fun.”

This intimate gesture made Sona’s cheeks become visibly rosy, and she quickly looked away as if she was electrocuted. There was a little annoyance in the voice that came from her, “Why are you as annoying as my sister?”

However, Li Lin didn’t hear any annoying emotions in her voice.

On the contrary, she still had a trace of expectation.

If there really is such a technology that can be teleported at will, wouldn’t my sister’s worries be solved?

Sona felt happy in her heart and looked at Li Lin differently.

“Let’s go to the next place.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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