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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 39 Please, save Fandel

Piltover on the other side.

Li Lin, Caitlin and Jess returned to Giramann’s house to arrange the servants and make their own preparations. The three began to investigate the traces of Giramann and his wife.

Under the investigation of Caitlin’s genius detective thinking, all the clues point to one place-Zaun.

The three of them did not dare to wait too long, and quickly found a law enforcement officer and asked him to notify Sheriff Grayson. Then they rushed to the airdrop street without stopping, and took the screamer down to the middle level of Zaun.

Along the way, Li Lin’s exoskeleton power armor was the focus of everyone’s attention, and he even paid double the price to take the elevator.

Fortunately, many law enforcement officers knew Caitlin, the daughter of the Gila Mann family, so they were not stopped for questioning.

The exoskeleton powered armor invented by Li Lin is mainly black in color. It is roughly two meters high and fits the human body relatively well. The overall shape is streamlined with muscular lines, integrating practicality and handsomeness.

As the energy core of the armor, the Hex energy crystal is placed at the core of the chest and is protected by layers of thickened metal armor. It will not be seen at all that the power core device is hidden here.

Although it is not that fragile, for the sake of conservatism, Li Lin did not show it off like Iron Man.

The performance of his armor is not as good as the Mark combat armor, and he is not a fool. Why would he let others know about the core part that is obviously a weakness?

[Exoskeleton powered armor (rare): A wearable mechanical device composed of a steel frame that can use force to exert additional strength that is difficult to achieve with the physical body. 】

[Attributes (mechanical): 15000 health, 500 energy, 35 combat power]

[Ability Effect]

[Passive·Full Automation: The power armor is completely driven by energy and does not require the wearer to expend any effort. When the energy is exhausted, the power armor will be unable to move and consume 50 energy per second. 】

[Passive·Mechanical Improvement: The materials of the power armor have been improved and upgraded, providing additional attributes for all skills (except the energy crystal core), and improving the mechanical device by one level. 】

[Passive·Alloy Armor: Made of improved and upgraded high-quality alloy, providing an additional 1500 health points. 】

[Passive·Energy Crystal Core: Using energy crystal as the core, it provides an additional 1000 energy. 】

[Passive·Quality Carrier: Improved materials increase adaptability to energy, providing an additional 500 energy. 】

[Passive·Charging: The energy core can absorb magic elements in the air to recharge itself, recovering 5% of the maximum energy per second. 】

[Active·Adaptive Defense: Activate the energy core to charge briefly for 1 second, consuming 10% of the maximum energy to obtain an adaptive shield of 20% of the maximum health, which lasts for 10 seconds (cooling time is 1 minute). 】

[Active·Overload Charging: Consume 15% of the energy of the current power supply core at one time for three seconds of overload charging. After the charging is completed, the armor can gain an additional speed bonus of 10 seconds, and the next attack can cause destruction to the target. Sexual damage, while causing energy shock to a 5-meter fan-shaped area behind the target. 】

[Active·Overload Operation: The energy core is overloaded, causing the current mechanical creation to temporarily gain an additional 30% health and energy. The maximum energy recovered per second is increased to 15%, and an additional movement speed bonus is obtained for 8 seconds (use The energy crystal will become useless after 3 times). 】

[PS: The Twin Cities are just the beginning. 】

Together, this exoskeleton power armor provides 16,500 health and 2,000 energy.

If you exclude the 50 points of energy consumed per second to drive the armor, at the rate of self-charging of the energy crystal, 50 points of energy can be recovered per second.

Not only that, with the upgrade of Li Lin’s [Mechanical Improvement] skill, the armor that was originally only “fine” grade was upgraded to “rare” grade, and all aspects of attributes and skills were greatly improved.

Moreover, this set of power armor is currently only a prototype and is in the experimental stage.

However, it has many advantages, but also many disadvantages.

What made him most uncomfortable was that this suit of armor had no system auxiliary devices. Everything had to be seen with his naked eyes through the helmet, and his field of vision was greatly restricted.

Secondly, its movements are a bit slow. Unless the [Overload Charge] skill is activated, it generally cannot catch up with an agile and agile person.

In addition, as a line of defense for Li Lin to protect his own safety, it does not even have a weapon system now. He can only rely on rushing in front of the enemy and hitting it with his fists like a reckless man.

But fortunately, it has rough skin and thick flesh, and has 16,500 health points and a 3,300 blood shield that can last for 10 seconds by consuming energy, one per minute.

Even if the entire Piltover marshal were shooting at him, he would be able to hold on for a long time.

In short, if we put aside the insufficient energy, just relying on Li Lin’s current level of power armor, Picheng may not be able to do so, but it is still not a problem to overtake Zaun at this stage.

The premise is that there is no help from Janna, the goddess of wind…

The screaming machine descended, and after a while, the three of them arrived at the middle level of Zaun.

Caitlin and Jace put on breathing filters, one held a gun and the other held a hammer, and there was a big mechanical guy beside them.

No matter who they are, they have to walk around when they see them.

Jace didn’t quite adapt to the strange looks from the people around him. He slightly covered his face with the hammer and then asked Caitlin: “Where should we go next?”

“I don’t have a clue yet, I have to investigate first.” Caitlin responded angrily.

“Otherwise, let’s go find Fandel for help.” Through the power armor, Li Lin’s mechanical voice came out, “I have some friendship with him.”

Caitlin glanced at the big man next to her, “Have we met once and established a friendship?”

“To be precise, we have met twice.”

Li Lin hadn’t had time to mention to her the last time he came to the dark alley to meet Fandel.

“I paid him back a favor last time, and now we are friends.”

“I think this is a good idea, Caitlin.” Jace was silent for a long time and then persuaded, “Since the man named Fandel is the leader of the dark alley, he might know something.”

Caitlin nodded slightly, “Okay, sounds like a good idea.”

The three of them walked towards Fulgen’s Tavern.

But within a few minutes of walking, they discovered that many people with weapons in their hands and fierce faces came out of different alleys and flocked to Fulgen’s Tavern.

Jess looked at this group of people, feeling a little confused, “What… is going on?”

“Is it a gang fight?” Caitlin pondered for a moment, “Let’s follow quickly…”

Before she could finish her words, Li Lin, who was in the power armor, caught a glimpse of a little blue-haired girl not far away from them who was going in the opposite direction of everyone and was accidentally hit by someone.

“Bang bang?”

Caitlin tilted her head and looked at Li Lin, who had unfolded his armored mask, “What did you say?”

He seemed to hear someone calling him, and Baobao in the crowd looked in the direction of the source of the sound, and his attention was first attracted by the most conspicuous mechanical armor.

When her eyes moved up and finally saw the familiar face clearly, the tears in her eyes could no longer stop falling.

Boomstick quickly stood up, wiped the tears from his face with his dirty hands, and trotted up to the three of them.

She raised her head, clenched her little hands, looked at Li Lin aggrievedly and pitifully, and begged with choked sobs:

“…Please, we must save Fander!”

In a previous chapter, there was a small bug in the description of the basic attributes of the exoskeleton-powered right arm using the Hex energy crystal. It should be 500 energy instead of 750 energy. This has been corrected.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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