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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 391 Nuclear Powered Galio?

Knowing the news of Galio’s awakening, the Light Shield Royal Family acted very quickly.

In less than half an hour, a mighty royal guard and a group of nobles poured out of the city gate and arrived at the Battle Monument Road outside the city where the Galio statue was located.

At this time, people who had already heard the news and came outside the warning circle formed by soldiers cheered at the giant statue in the distance.

Galio, who has awakened several times in the legend, is now able to “alive” again. For them, this is a big event worth cheering for.

Looking at the colossus that had come to life and was squatting down to talk to the soldiers, laughing from time to time, not only the accompanying nobles, but also Jarvan III looked confused.

Why did Galio suddenly come to life?

While the nobles and guards behind him were pointing and talking at Galio, he quickly noticed Li Lin and Sona not far away.


Barrett was the first to react and immediately dismounted and ran over.

Afterwards, Jarvan III looked at each other, his son and Tiana, and then gave Xin Zhao a look, not talking to Galio for the time being, and followed closely.

【Father! 】

“Lord Bouvier.”

The squad leader beside them, Joseph and his adjutant, quickly performed a military salute.

Barrett nodded at them, and his anxious eyes quickly returned to Sona, “What is going on?”

Although he knew that his daughter was actually a mage, her magic could basically only be cast by relying on the ancient harp.

Moreover, driving Galio requires a huge amount of magic. Even if there is a battlefield of magicians on the front line, this colossus may not come alive, otherwise it will not be just a legend.

Barrett is convinced that his daughter’s magical talent cannot reach the point of driving Galio, so there is only one person left who can “resurrect” her…

He turned his eyes to Li Lin, who was very calm, smiling politely, and saluting him. He didn’t know what to say.

More than half an hour ago, the king and some close nobles gathered in the Hall of Valor to discuss how to deal with the down-and-out noble who spread rumors about Morgana’s “fall”, as well as matters related to the ban on magic.

When the guards guarding the city conveyed the news that Galio was alive, everyone was stunned.

Without bothering to summon other ministers, Jarvan III immediately called the guards on duty to ride out of the city with him. Some nobles who also learned the news were met by him on the road.

[This matter is very complicated…]

Sona gestured with her fingers, but when she saw the king approaching, she hesitated again, not knowing how to tell her father.

“Let me tell you about this… Your Majesty, Your Highness the Prince, and Grand Marshal Tiana.” Li Lin said, and bowed to the three people who came.

“Did you resurrect Galio?” Jarvan III said with surprise.

He and Barrett have similar ideas. Li Lin has his own “mechanical army”. It doesn’t seem to be difficult to get Galio to move again?

“That’s right, Your Majesty.”

Li Lin’s answer really shocked several people.

It’s one thing to make guesses in your mind, but it’s another thing to get the affirmation from the person involved.

“How did you do it?!” Tiana couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Li Lin repeated what he said before.

Although he spliced ​​some more esoteric words that were not found in Demacian, they still understood what he wanted to express.

As long as there is energy to drive, Galio can always be awake!

And according to Li Lin, this process does not necessarily require the use of magic.

The king suppressed the excitement in his heart and asked as calmly as possible: “You mean, you have the ability to keep Galio awake?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Li Lin thought for a moment, “The essence of the forbidden magic stone is not to suppress magic, but to absorb magic. As long as an energy source is installed in Galio’s body to continuously supply energy, he will be able to move freely. Plenty of energy.”

Several people were silent for a moment, and Barrett suddenly reacted, “Wait a minute! What do you mean by the Forbidden Demon Stone…?”

In fact, even the Durang family, who invented the Forbidden Demon Stone Colossus, knew little about it and did not understand it deeply, let alone other Demacians. Almost no one knew the principle of the Forbidden Demon Stone.

They only regard this stone, which is made from the ash powder of the forbidden magic stone tree mixed with lime, as a special item to suppress magic. This is the first time they have heard of this idea of ​​absorbing magic instead of suppressing it.


Jarvan IV noticed that his father, adoptive father, uncle, and Tiana all had stunned expressions on their faces. Apparently, they did not understand the specific purpose of the Forbidden Demon Stone.

Of course, Li Lin was able to invent armor that could be transformed into normal clothes at will, as well as a mechanical army. Now that even Galio could awaken them, they still believed in his authority.

“You and Palmer, the head of the Durang family, must have a lot in common.” Jarvan III sighed, stroking his gray beard. “He is currently working on recreating the glory of Durang’s ancestors and creating a forbidden demon army for Demacia. Colossus Troops.”

Forbidden Demon Colossus Force…

This time it was Li Lin’s turn to be surprised.

If Galio’s birth was due to absorbing too much magic and was just an accident, then how on earth should the other forbidden magic statues move?

What’s more, from his understanding, even in the official timeline, Demacia did not have anything similar to Galio’s Forbidden Stone Statue Troops.

Could it be that it was created later?

Just when he was confused, Galio noticed what was going on here, “Hey! I know your armor, you are… Jarvan of Light Shield! Am I right?”

There was a trace of confusion in his rich and deep voice, “But you are a little different from what I remember.”

Jarvan III and Jarvan IV looked up at Galio at the same time, and then the father and son looked at each other and smiled.

“I am Jiawen, but I am definitely not the one you know.” Jiawen III responded with a smile, “You should be talking about my grandfather, right?”

He still remembered that his grandfather once used Galio during a battle against the northern ice barbarians.

According to the few records, the barbarians not only have extremely powerful mages who can fight hundreds of people with one person, but they also have giant beasts as big as hills, Behemoths.

Many soldiers died under the evil magic of the mage. Even rune steel, which was mixed with forbidden magic stone powder and poured with holy water and was always known for its magic resistance, could not withstand it.

Due to the brutality of the battle, not many people survived, and the description of Galio was only briefly mentioned and extremely vague.

But not long after, Jarvan I was killed in a fierce battle with Noxus in the southern part of the Silver Mountains.

The only way to fight alongside Galio is to fight the barbarians in the Icefield Battle.


Galio scratched his head, looking extremely confused.

Although he spent most of his time in deep sleep, he had no concept of “lifespan” and most people were just passers-by in his hazy consciousness.

Galio didn’t know what death was. In his opinion, those who suddenly “disappeared” should have been sent to be repaired, just like him who had just returned from the battlefield.

“The Jiawen you are talking about is the first generation. He passed away in the arms of Qian Jue more than a hundred years ago.” Jiawen III paused, “I am Jiawen III, and this is my son, Jiawen IV. “

Galio obviously didn’t understand what “returning to Qianjue’s arms” meant, but it was probably something bad, so he felt he shouldn’t ask more.

“How long can you stay awake this time?” Jarvan IV asked immediately.

“If I don’t smash things, the energy in my body can probably keep me awake for several days.” Galio said excitedly, “This is all thanks to this little man beside you!”

Because he didn’t have time to introduce himself just now, he didn’t know Li Lin’s name yet.

“His name is Li Lin.” Jiawen III introduced him, looking at Li Lin with even more surprise.

“Hey… uh, Jarvan from the third generation, he said he has the ability to keep me awake all the time without using magic!”

It should be King Jarvan III!

Tiana frowned, wanting to correct Galio’s words, but in the end she remained silent.

This big guy is much older than the current king. In terms of seniority, it should be the king who calls Galio by his honorific title.

“Hey, Li Lin, can you make me… what? Oh yes, it’s an energy core!” Galio said, “I can help you fight!”

After waking up again, Galio no longer even thought about smashing things or fighting. He only thought about staying awake.

As long as he stays awake, he will be able to stay on the front line in the future and have countless fights to fight!

Galio can still distinguish between a “full” meal and a “full” meal.

Li Lin did not answer Galio’s question for the time being, but turned his gaze to Jarvan III beside him. The king immediately understood what he meant.

“If you can keep Galio awake, Demacia is willing to pay any price, as long as we can afford it!”

Jarvan III’s loud voice immediately attracted the attention of the noisy nobles in the distance, and even the common people who came to watch the excitement and cheer fell into silence.

Galio can actually stay awake… Did they hear that right? !

Before Li Lin could respond, he continued: “I specifically allow the Gila Mann family of Piltover to be the only designated family for official trade in Demacia.

“Li Lin will also serve as a special honorary ambassador of Demacia, and will be granted the title of ‘Future Pioneer’ in the town of Sasanli and the Waterwa Hills in the west of the Demacia Plains. He will be granted the title of Honorary Duke and enjoy the treatment of a member of the Demacia royal family. !”

Everyone present was shocked when the decree came out, but no one dared to question the king’s authority at this time.

Even Tiana has no problem with this.

Having a long-running, 24-hour justice colossus named Galio, an honorary dukedom, and royal treatment means nothing.

Li Lin was stunned and even a little nervous, “Your Majesty, this…”

“This is a gift from the king, you don’t have to refuse!” Sona’s excited voice sounded in his mind.

“This is what you deserve.” Jiawen III stepped forward and patted Li Lin gently on the shoulder, “What I just said is not included in the ‘price’ I promised. You can understand that this is My extra gift to you.”

I had only been in Demacia for a few days, and in the blink of an eye I became a Duke. This is the highest title under the royal authority…

Li Lin couldn’t help but feel filled with emotion.

But in this way, he was bound to Demacia’s fate.

Although it was slightly different from what he expected, it would also facilitate the formation of the League of Legends in the future, so there was no need for him to refuse.

“I would like to thank His Majesty for your grace!”

Li Lin made fists with his hands, crossed them in front of his chest, bowed slightly to the king, and performed a standard aristocratic salute.

Jiawen III was extremely excited and patted him on the shoulder twice more, “Hahaha… Okay, great!”

“How on earth can you keep Galio awake?” Tiana couldn’t help but ask, “And it’s not magic?”

The king’s order has been issued. If Li Lin can’t do it…

If Li Lin knew what she was thinking now, he would definitely complain about her “frog in the well” thinking.

Just because you don’t know doesn’t mean others can’t do it.

“Use the energy supply core that provides energy for my mechanical troops.” Li Lin said with a faint smile on his face, “I named it: nuclear fusion reactor.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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