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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 392 It looks like we have a fight coming

As soon as he returned to the capital, Jarvan III ordered a week-long celebration just to celebrate that the symbol of Demacia, the Colossus of Justice, Galio, could stay awake forever and fight against enemies for the kingdom.

Not long after, the elite sculptors of the Dulang family rushed to the Battle Monument Road at the king’s order to assist Li Lin in transforming Galio.

As a family with a longer heritage than the Light Shield and Crown Guard families, the Dulang family has never been discontinued from the beginning of the founding of the country to the present. It can be said that even the king must respect the existence.

Even if no one from the Durang family holds an important position in Demacian politics, no family dares to look down on them.

After all, without Durang’s ancestors, Galio, the Colossus of Justice, would not have been built, and Demacia would have perished countless times in the past few hundred years.

Invaded by the barbarians of the Freljord, destroyed by various desperate mage groups, and captured by Noxus, which was imperializing and expanding outwards…

It can also be said that the Durang family is completely the founding father of the Kingdom of Demacia. Without Durang, there would be no Demacia.

When Palmer, the head of the Durang family, wondered who could wake up Galio and arrived at the scene with his family members, everyone was immediately stunned by what they saw.

Where are the shadows of the stone pillars that are almost as tall as Galio on the Battle Monument Road in front of me?

Fixtures tens of meters high have already surrounded Galio. Humanoid machines flying in the sky, drones, and various suspended cutting-edge equipment that they have never seen before have already covered the scene.

At first glance, this place looks like a high-tech temporary outdoor machinery maintenance factory. With the dozens of meters tall Galio, it looks more like a mecha repair factory.

“Your Majesty… What is going on here?” The slightly older Palmer trembled and seemed to have used all his strength to say these words.

Not only him, but all the sculptors in the Du Lang family were afraid to take a breath.

If King Jarvan III hadn’t warned them to be mentally prepared early and specifically stated that everything they saw was not magic, they would have thought it was an invasion by some kind of steel monster.

Following Zhinao’s timely notification, Li Lin, who was measuring Galio’s chest, flew down from a high altitude and stopped steadily in front of Palmer.

This is an old man wearing pince-nez, holding a delicate cane, with a thick beard and combed back gray hair.

He was wearing a blue and white Demacia traditional double-row lace-up top and aristocratic slim trousers. Golden patterns were embellished on the robe, and a four-pointed star with the Durang family emblem with a triangle in the center was sewn on his shoulders.

Li Lin’s armor quickly transformed into ordinary clothes, and then he gave an aristocratic salute to the sluggish Palmer, “May the Winged Protector God bless you. You must be the senior Palmer mentioned by His Majesty the King, right?” “

After being reminded in a low voice by the blond young woman next to him, Palmer quickly recovered and returned the greeting with the same etiquette, with a more respectful attitude, and then said: “Yes, you should be Li Lin, Duke Li, right? ?”

“No, no, I don’t dare to take it seriously. Just call me Li Lin.”

Li Lin couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

Even in the Twin Cities where the name “Future Creator” is well known to everyone, regardless of men, women, old or young, he is not used to having others call him “sir.”

“Alas, you are now the Duke of Demacia, and you are a title conferred by the king himself. Our actions must abide by the noble etiquette.”

“Stop praising me.”

Palmer likes this kind of person who possesses high-end technology but is very humble.

After roughly understanding Li Lin’s character, he decided to get straight to the point, “By the way, how are you going to continue to provide energy for Galio? The letter conveyed to me by His Majesty mentioned it, what is it called ‘Drinking Change’?”

His pronunciation was weird, but Li Lin was not surprised. There was no relevant vocabulary in Demacian, so he could only piece it together here and there.

“It’s nuclear fusion technology.” Li Lin corrected, “A fusion reaction produced under controllable extremely high pressure can produce a large amount of energy.”

He only gave a brief introduction. This technology is too sophisticated and is still in the “medieval” stage. It is impossible for Palmer, who has never understood Hex Technology, to understand it.

As expected, even with Li Lin’s brief introduction, Palmer was at a loss. He only understood that this thing could generate energy.

Palmer was stunned for a moment and looked up at Galio, who was talking to the mechanical engineer.

Li Lin followed his gaze and looked behind him, “I know you still have many doubts. I can slowly explain them to you, such as my mechanical engineers.”

“If it is beneficial to our next work…”

The most important thing for two teams to complete a task together is running-in.

After a brief understanding, Li Lin and Palmer found that each other’s personalities are easy to get along with, so the next step will be easy.

He quickly introduced his various precision instruments to the old man, especially the mechanical engineer who could talk and behaved almost like a normal person except for his appearance.

After living for more than fifty years, this was the first time that Palmer heard the term “artificial intelligence”, and he had to admire Li Lin, a fledgling craftsman who achieved such achievements in just two years.

After more than half an hour of introduction, Li Lin roughly talked about all the instruments he brought, especially the shell of the nuclear fusion reactor with a diameter and height of one meter at Galio’s feet.

Although there is no relevant knowledge, no one in the Du Lang family can remember how to use so many high-tech mechanical equipment, but it is quite easy for everyone to remember a machine, and this is their way of coping.

After roughly understanding everything, Palmer patted his chest and said, “Just tell us what you want us to do, and we will do our best to cooperate with you.”

“To be precise, there is only one thing I need.” When he got to the point, Li Lin’s face became serious, “I want to know where the core of the Dulang family’s demon-forbidden statue is.”


Palmer and the family members accompanying him looked at each other, the embarrassment clearly visible on their faces.

Carving a statue of the Forbidden Demon Stone is a skill, especially the technique of making the statue “alive”. It is an exclusive secret skill passed down from generation to generation of the Dulang family, and has not been revealed even by successive kings.

But now Li Lin actually wants to know the working principle of the forbidden magic stone statue, which really puts Palmer in trouble.

“Don’t get me wrong, I have no intention of plagiarizing the Du Lang family’s secret skills.”

Noticing their expressions, Li Lin hurriedly explained: “The reason why Galio can give birth to consciousness must have some kind of core, but due to the special nature of the Forbidden Demon Stone, my technology is temporarily unable to scan its interior.

“But the energy core to power Galio must be loaded into its body. Initially, it will be installed in his chest. If you don’t know where the core that carries his wisdom is, construction on Galio will easily damage it. fundamental, resulting in the loss of independent action.”

Palmer frowned in thought. What Li Lin said was indeed what he was worried about before.

Although Galio’s ability to move is just a legend in Demacia, this is not the case in the Durang family.

For hundreds of years, countless leaders of the Rendulang family have wanted to recreate the achievements of their ancestors and build a demon-forbidden colossus similar to Galio, but they have all failed without exception.

The Forbidden Demon Colossus they created has no intelligence, and cannot even absorb magic and act on its own.

After hundreds of years of research on the Galio design manuscripts drawn by their ancestors, it was not until Palmer’s great-grandfather’s generation that they discovered that what the Forbidden Demon Colossus needed most was a special “core.”

It was it that absorbed countless arcane magics and gave birth to the consciousness of “Gario”.

Carrying the wisdom passed down from his ancestors, Palmer designed for the first time a forbidden magic stone bird that could fly freely.

Although they have no intelligence of their own and can only follow instinctive actions like low-level machines following fixed programming, it is still a new milestone for the Dulang family in hundreds of years.

Moreover, the production of this kind of core is not that simple at all.

If you take it out from the stone statue, you will obviously find that the rune imprints on it are…

In other words, the reason why Galio can give birth to wisdom and move freely is based on the “magic core”.

How ironic that a country that forbids demons needs to be protected by “forbidden demon” statues that use magic as the core of life.

This is what worries Palmer.

Li Lin possesses “data-based thinking” and naturally knows what the “life core” of Galio’s birth consciousness is.

It is essentially the same as the guardian stone statue in the Shurima Tomb. The only difference is that the materials used are different.

Li Lin was not interested in the magic of how to give “souls” to “dead objects”, as his rune technology theory has related records.

The only thing he wants to know now is whether Galio’s core will affect the installation of the nuclear fusion reactor.

“If you’re worried about demons…”

Just when Li Lin was about to show off his cards and tell Palmer that he actually understood rune technology and there was no need to worry about him leaking the secrets of the Du Lang family, his words stopped suddenly and he looked behind Palmer suddenly.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Noticing the sudden change in Li Lin’s expression, Palmer was stunned for a moment, then felt a heavy metallic rancid taste suddenly emerge from his mouth, and his expression changed drastically.

“Magic…magic that even the Forbidden Magic Stone cannot absorb?!”

Not only him, but also many sculptors from the Dulang family, including Galio, noticed the abnormality and turned their heads to look in the direction of Xiongdu.

“Looks like we have a fight! Little metal man, let’s talk next time.”

With that said, Galio said goodbye to the mechanical engineer chatting with him in front of him, broke free from the iron frame that bound his body, vibrated his wings and flew into the sky.

The swirling air currents stirred up dust and caused everyone in the Dulang family present to be confused.

“Cough cough cough…”

Palmer coughed violently from inhaling the dust, covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve, squinted his eyes and turned around.

Unexpectedly, there was nothing behind him.

“Eh? Where is the person?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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