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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 394: Fight to the death, the mechanical army is ready for deployment

With Galio taking care of the rangers, Li Lin could focus entirely on the battlefield where the angel sisters clashed.

Under the “digital thinking” panel display, their combat power, using all their magic, exceeded 100, showing an unobservable state.

Of course, the supersonic collision that lasted several times in the blink of an eye was much more intense than when Nasus fought against Rek’Sai.

In order to prevent the armor from being damaged by the spread of energy, Li Lin continuously activated the energy barrier and wandered around the edge of the battlefield to observe the battlefield.

The sword Kyle holds is called “Giri”, which is actually the collective name for the sword of justice and the sword of shadow in her hand.

The half-sword that belongs to her is called “Li”, and the one that originally belonged to Morgana is called “Yi”.

With the suppression of Giri, and over the past hundreds of years, Kyle’s “Ascension to the Gods” has already reached the third stage, while Morgana tried to get rid of her wings, but her strength never improved at all.

Li Lin discovered that Morgana, who was originally evenly matched with Kyle, was gradually losing to her fierce attacks and gradually falling into a disadvantage.

We can’t let the two of them continue, we have to find a suitable opportunity to intervene…

He couldn’t help but frown secretly. Losing one of the angel sisters would eventually reduce their effective strength when facing the void.

What’s more, Morgana’s extreme “righteousness” and extreme humanity are not bad.

If Kyle wins the battle, she may completely abandon humanity like in the parallel universe and become an extreme “just star spirit” who only cares about divinity.

At that time, she will represent “absolute justice”, judge all evils in the world with fire, and will never tolerate it. She will completely stand on the opposite side of mankind.

In this way, before the end of the war, mankind will have to face one more divine enemy.

This is not what Li Lin wants to see.

“Zhi Nao, bring me the Tyrant warriors.” He pondered and quickly issued an order, “How is the orbit of the space-based laser ray satellite?”

[Master, our satellite has not been launched yet. 】

Li Lin slapped his head and remembered that it would not take off until early this morning and reach the predetermined orbit.

“Don’t think about the time and risks, light the fire and launch it now.” He urged, “To deal with Kyle, the war lord alone may not be able to threaten her.”

【Your will. 】

[The launch vehicle has been ignited and is expected to deliver the space-based laser ray satellite to the corresponding orbit in 74 minutes. 】

[According to my calculations, it takes 18 minutes for a space-based satellite to fully deploy and about 3 days to adjust its orbit. 】

[If you forcibly use satellite rays, it may cause it to deviate from the expected orbit, extending the orbit adjustment period to 14 days to 25 days. 】

About an hour and a half?

Hope Morgana can hold on.

“I understand.” Li Lin frowned and thought for a moment, “By the way, contact Professor Heimerdinger for me and tell him that I am in trouble and may need to use Geboga… He shouldn’t refuse me.”

As he was giving the order, the battle on the other side became more intense.

At this time, Kyle had landed on the ground. Perhaps she felt that she was not advantageous by throwing spells at each other, so she began to fight in close combat with Morgana.

The older sister clenched the separated giri with both hands and could slash dozens of times with each heartbeat.

Although the younger sister is not as strong as her elder sister and is at a disadvantage, she can still barely resist with the protection of the soul chain and the shield of darkness extending from the body behind her.

The two half-swords stirred up waves of orange-red flames, slicing and piercing from different angles. Morgana’s dexterous chain would always take the opportunity to quickly wrap up along the sword body in an attempt to take Giri away from Kyle’s hands. .

“Is this your magic trick?” Kyle sneered, quickly opening more than a dozen portals around him.

The impact of starfire flames that was enough to pierce the god’s body shot out from it. Morgana’s face was stern, and she quickly let go of Kyle’s sword blade, and flew out in a flash.

She had experienced the blade fire formed by this magic when she fought with Kyle. It has tracking function and amazing penetrating power. Her own dark shield can only barely resist it.

Now Kyle’s divine power has more than doubled, and this kind of flame is enough to easily penetrate the protection brought by dark magic.

Morgana gritted her teeth and first gathered dark magic energy bullets and corrupted cold flames to weaken the power of Kyle’s blade fire. Then she once again increased the energy supply to the dark shield, barely able to offset the fierce star blast before it shattered. The impact of Jieyaoyan.

“What did you do with mother’s sword!” she roared.

“I’m just doing what’s necessary.”

Kyle swung his sword, vibrating his wings to create a sonic boom, and almost instantly approached Morgana again.

“Give up, sister.” Her voice was as cold as ice, “I have reached the state of blazing sincerity, and there is no way you can defeat me.”

“You also have weaknesses!”

Morgana was unwilling to admit defeat, and the dark shackles tightly locked Kyle, but was incinerated by the purifying flame barrier rising around her.

“I couldn’t have.”

As Kyle’s body was wrapped in holy golden light, the light in the sky was devouring the darkness, and Morgana was also retreating steadily, gradually retreating from the lower reaches of the Galaxy towards the direction of the capital.

The golden light attached to Giri turned into an afterimage. Each collision with the dark chain would set off a magic explosion and a sonic boom that could level the ground several meters deep. Each blow would leave tiny traces of blood on Morgana’s body. But it will be back to normal soon.

Li Lin on the side couldn’t stand it anymore. At least he and Morgana had some common topics.

Even after returning to Demacia, she couldn’t stand this country that believed in Kyle and had “empty” beliefs, and she degraded this country to nothing in front of him.

But Li Lin could see that Morgana was actually just a talker, and she still hoped that this country, her second hometown, would prosper and have a promising future.

Now that Kyle has returned early, it has disrupted Li Lin’s plan. He cannot let Morgana be beaten by Kyle.

What’s more, they are approaching Xiongdu, which is a large city with a population of hundreds of thousands.

If the battle between the two sisters hundreds of years ago affected civilians and destroyed most of the city-state again, Demacians would probably dislike the Winged Protector, and the reform of magic would be even more difficult.

As the saying goes, if you want to resolve disputes, you will inevitably fall into them.

Now is the time to step in!

“How prepared is the mechanical force?”

[I have mobilized 10 mechanical legion formations, with a total of 1,500 air combat mechas Storm and 1,200 battlefield mechas Kog’Maw. 】

[The air combat machine Storm is currently erecting an energy barrier in front of the Forbidden Demon City Wall in Xiongdu to resist the energy aftermath of the battle between the Winged Protector Sisters. 】

[Battlefield Mecha Kog’Maw and the War Lord are currently on standby at the maximum range in the no-man’s land of the Demacia Plains, ready to execute your orders at any time. 】

Li Lin took a deep breath, “Very good… activate the battlefield mecha Kog’Maw precision strike mode, and lock the target on the Angel of Justice Kyle.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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