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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 395 The Sword of Holy Judgment!

The energy barrage of Battle Mech Kog’Maw is a tracking plasma energy bomb launched by locking on the target. The error range of the maximum 800 kilometers range will not exceed 100 meters. This is still counting the explosion and spread of the energy cannon.

With Morgana’s ability, she can appear hundreds of meters away in just one heartbeat, which is not stressful at all.

She can sense danger in advance and is fully capable of avoiding the range covered by plasma cannon barrages.

Therefore, Li Lin did not choose to remind her loudly at the critical moment of her battle with Kyle.

Evenly matched strong players often lose due to extremely detailed mistakes.

If he distracted Morgana at this moment, the two blades would probably pierce her chest in the next blink of an eye.

Eight hundred kilometers is a distance that energy cannonballs can reach almost instantly.

After a while, dense blue light spots appeared in the sky covered by pure white astral magic.

The angel sisters simultaneously sensed the approach of an extremely dangerous huge energy. Their swords braving the golden light were entangled with the chains wrapped in purple-black cold flames. They stopped in unison and looked up at the sky in astonishment.

Morgana is very familiar with this energy, and the exact same aura remains in the forest that was corroded by Fiddlesticks’ dark magic and razed to the ground.

This is what Li Lin drove his mechanical army to do!

She suddenly turned her head to look at Li Lin, who was standing on the edge of the battlefield and wearing armor, with a hint of displeasure on her face.

Although she could sense that the attack was not directed at herself, but at Kyle, the feeling of having an outsider intervene in their sisters’ dispute really made her angry.

Morgana, who was well aware of the power of the plasma cannons falling rapidly like a dense shower, did not dare to hesitate for too long. She immediately used the chain to shake off the bound swords of Giri, and put a shield of darkness on herself.

She was actually completely worthy of hundreds or even thousands of plasma cannonballs, and could withstand them with her magic shield alone.

Tens of thousands of rounds of plasma cannons may cause her to be slightly injured, but Morgana, who has inherited the power of the protoss, can still choose to resist.

However, this dense energy barrage is only a rough perception, there are at least hundreds of thousands of them.

One Kog’Maw can fire more than one plasma cannon, let alone 1,200 of them combined, which is basically a “qualitative” change.

Morgana couldn’t guarantee that she could survive such a huge amount of annihilating energy.

Even if she could survive it, she would be seriously injured and it would take months or even years to fully recover.

Perhaps, it is not impossible to die because of this.

But before ducking away, Morgana stared deeply at her sister who was still in a dazed state, and finally gritted her teeth and left her alone.

With the power of the star spirit, one can be stunned for only a moment.

At the same time that Morgana retreated from him, Kyle had already reacted. He glanced at Li Lin in the distance with an indifferent gaze, and immediately vibrated his wings and flew towards the distance at high speed, trying to avoid the plasma barrage sweeping across the sky. .

But she didn’t expect that it turned out to be an energy cannon with a tracking effect.

As the first round followed, Kyle’s plasma cannon almost touched the ground, erupting into a blue light that stung her eyes. The leaked energy spread, sealing her retreat.

Immediately afterwards, another wave of plasma barrages seemed to have predicted her movement trajectory and blocked her way forward.

By the time Kyle discovered that he was surrounded by this rain of annihilating energy that did not contain any magic, it was already too late.

As the overwhelming plasma cannon accurately poured down on the land of less than 100 square meters, Kyle, who was wearing silver and bright gold body-hugging armor, was instantly submerged in the rolling blue “ocean”.

“elder sister……”

Morgana, who returned to Li Lin, saw this scene and subconsciously shouted out her name to Kyle.

There was a deep grudge between the two sisters, and they both wanted to kill each other, but when it came to the real possibility of separation, she would feel sad again.

Ultimately, her hatred for Kyle was only superficial, but she was actually worried about her sister in her heart.

“She’ll be fine.”

Hearing Li Lin’s voice, Morgana turned around and glared at him with complicated eyes, “Why did you do this? I said, this is a grudge between our sisters and no outsiders are allowed to interfere!”

“I know, but you can’t beat Kyle. Her strength has grown too much compared to hundreds of years ago.”


Li Lin shook his head and did not give Morgana, who still wanted to argue, a chance to speak.

He turned half sideways and pointed at the Colossus of Galio that could be vaguely seen with the naked eye in the distance on the plain.

Further away, there is the forbidden magic stone wall of Demacia’s capital.

“Do you still want the people of Demacia to be implicated because of the conflict between you sisters?” He raised his voice with a hint of scolding.

Morgana was silent.

The place where she and Kyle originally fought was at least 20 kilometers away from Xiongdu. As she was forced back step by step, it was now less than 10 kilometers away.

That battle was still fresh in her mind.

Divine fire fell from the sky and set fire to the city she protected.

Light and darkness intertwined, reason and righteousness intertwined, dyeing the sky the color of weeping blood.

With the ruins of the house shattered, her father Chiram was seriously injured and fell among the rubble, and finally died in her arms…

A moment of confusion flashed across Morgana’s face.

Immediately afterwards, she sensed the energy rising in the distance again, even overwhelming the energy caused by countless plasma cannonballs. She turned back sharply, and the dazzling golden light reflected in her eyes, causing deep fear to well up in her heart.

The golden light broke through the blue annihilating energy, and countless purifying sword blades with golden light surrounded Kyle, providing him with an energy barrier from the astral protection to resist all continuous damage from the outside world.

This is the new ability she mastered after advancing to the next level at Mount Targon – the Sword of the Holy Judgment!

Kyle vibrated his wings and soared into the sky, remaining still hundreds of meters in the air.

Although the energy impact just now caused her helmet to fall off and her silver-white hair to spread out, making her look miserable, she was unscathed.

At the same time, the sky-wide plasma barrage locked on her was unable to break through the protective barrier brought by her Holy Sword. They directly cracked within a hundred meters of it, turning into blue-white particles and disappearing into the air.

Because the battle mech Kog’Maw’s attacks were basically ineffective, Li Lin ordered them to remain on standby, and then asked the war lord to target her.

Kyle still did not change his arrogant demeanor, staring closely at Li Lin and Morgana below with a stern attitude.

“Li Lin, as a person favored by the world, you actually conspired with the fallen!”

The principles in Kyle’s hand were united again, turning into a huge sword with shining golden light. The tip of the sword was pointed at the two people below, with a hint of confusion and anger in his tone.

The coldness and ruthlessness she had deliberately maintained were shaken.

Li Lin was not surprised at all that Kyle knew his name and specialness. The ability to easily see through the human soul as a righteous star spirit would also be inherited by the host blessed by him.

He just shook his head, “You’re too extreme, Kyle.”

“It seems that my sister has brainwashed you with her depraved theories.” Kyle directed the sword of judgment around him downwards, “The sins of the conspirators are even worse!”

“Oh, at least my ‘corruption’ theory didn’t destroy the people around me.” Morgana said sarcastically, not to be outdone.

Li Lin looked at the rapidly soaring energy index on the intelligent data system panel and knew that Kyle wanted to put Morgana on trial together with him.

“It looks like we’re going to fight side by side.” He chuckled.

“How long have you been and you’re still in the mood to joke!” Morgana glanced at her, “I told you not to get involved, but now…”

Just as the two were talking, Kyle’s figure suddenly disappeared and rushed downwards at a speed that Li Lin could not react at all, carrying countless sacred swords with red flames and golden light to impact.

In just one breath, she flew dozens of kilometers, controlled the purified blade to pass through the portal made of astral magic, and instantly teleported it to the top of the two people’s heads, launching the first attack.

Countless cursed blades imitated the form of the dense plasma cannon, turning into a rain of swords falling from the sky at high speed.

“Get out of the way!” Morgana hurriedly put a layer of dark magic shield on herself and Li Lin, and urged while dodging.

The Sword of Holy Judgment is a move that Kyle has never used before. Compared to the flaming impact she summoned from the fire blade, these golden holy swords of different sizes are much more powerful.

Li Lin didn’t want to use the precious force field shield with a long cooldown at this time, so he activated the blinking function and instantly appeared a hundred meters away.

Because the holy sword does not have locking and tracking functions, it must be controlled by Kyle’s mind throughout the process.

The humans in front of her suddenly disappeared, and she was stunned for a moment. All the magic swords that rushed towards Li Lin pierced the ground, kicking up large amounts of dust and rocks.

“A very special ability, but it doesn’t help.”

Just as Kyle was about to control the holy sword to track Li Lin again, Morgana, who had a little breather on the other side, raised her hand and released dozens of dark magic missiles one after another.

Although they could not cause any harm to Kyle, who was protected by the formation of the holy sword, her magic had a very strong ability to forcefully imprison him, which could at least make Kyle unable to move for a few seconds.

Taking advantage of this gap, Li Lin used the blinking function one after another, and quickly got into the body of the Tyrant warrior who had been parked far away and was now teleported over.

The battle armor sets the mecha, double layer protection and double insurance!

At the same time, Morgana flashed to Li Lin’s side, not daring to shift her gaze from Kyle who was breaking through the restrictions, “Call Zoe quickly, we can’t break through her protection!”

“Zoe said she wanted to send a message to the Titan Star Spirit. Even if she is summoned now, it might take at least an hour or two to arrive just like the last time she faced Fiddlesticks.”

Saying this, Li Lin actually had no intention of summoning Zoe.

With the Infinity Armor and Warrior Mecha, he can deal with Kyle at will, but he can’t break her defense.

If she didn’t know this invincible ultimate move, he would even be confident that he could easily take down this star spirit host who inherited half of the power of the righteous star spirit, even though she has now reached the “blazing” state of the third stage of ascending to the gods. , only one step away from the final “transcendence”.

Moreover, only being defeated by a mortal can completely shatter Kyle’s high self-esteem.

“Even so, you have to call her here!”

Seeing that Kyle was about to break through his restriction, Morgana sounded a little anxious and threw out a few more dark magic missiles in an attempt to strengthen the restriction. Unfortunately, Kyle, who was well prepared, used magic to easily break it.

“With the continuous blessing of Kyle’s magic power, unless this energy barrier of star protection is broken, it will always make her immune to our attacks!”

Just as Morgana was speaking, Kyle broke through her confinement and once again drove countless holy swords that seemed to be able to penetrate space to fly towards the two of them.

The two were forced to separate again, only in this way could Kyle’s blade be dispersed.

Li Lin didn’t care. His mecha had a nuclear-powered reactor, almost unlimited energy, and could use the “flash” function countless times. Kyle’s blade couldn’t catch up with him at all.

The reason why he separated from Morgana was that he wanted to reduce the pressure Kyle brought to her and prevent her from getting hurt.

“Damn it!” Morgana cursed secretly, “Li Lin, hurry up…”

Before she could finish speaking, Li Lin’s voice immediately reached her ears, “You don’t need Zoe, I have a way to break Kyle’s holy sword protection.”


Morgana looked shocked, thinking that she had heard wrongly, or that Li Lin had gone crazy?

“We just need to delay for a while…just one hour!” Li Lin shouted at Morgana, who was already several kilometers away from him.

Immediately, his eyes returned to the holographic display screen of the mask, which was simulating the launch of a launch vehicle carrying an artificial satellite.

The space-based satellite is ready now!

A book recommended by a group of friends, The Assets of Sanjiang


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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