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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 396 Divine punishment from heaven? Satellite rays!

Morgana could hear Li Lin’s shout, and so could Kyle, who was sandwiched between the two.

Although she didn’t know where the confidence of this young man wearing exquisitely skilled armor came from, but inexplicably, she felt an uneasy throb in her heart.

Only sinners need to fear, the light of justice and the holy sword of judgment will protect me!

Kyle forced down the suppressed emotions in his heart and glanced at Li Lin and Morgana, whose soldiers were divided into two groups and fled in opposite directions with burning golden eyes.

She thought for a moment, and relying on the sacred protection provided by the holy sword, she decided to deal with Li Lin first, and then use the holy fire to purify her “fallen and unclean” sister.

The wings stained with red and golden light fluttered out sonic booms. Kyle held a sharp blade and surrounded himself with the holy sword, chasing after Li Lin.

Seeing this, Morgana gritted her teeth out of concern for Li Lin, and chased them with her wings, casting magic from behind to harass Kyle from time to time.

However, due to not using her wings for many years and the psychological factor of disgust, her flying speed was not as fast as that of Li Lin and Kyle, and she lagged far behind them.

“Oh~~My stupid sister, you finally figured it out, the purpose of having wings is to fly?”

“Having feet is also used to measure the earth!” Morgana retorted, trying to attract Kyle’s attention.

However, Kyle completely ignored his sister who was causing trouble behind him, and tried to kill Li Lin first who didn’t know what he was preparing.

“Your justice is to kill innocent people?!”

“The fallen are unforgivable, and those who conspire with them are even more guilty.” Kyle snorted, “I think I have made it very clear before.”

Morgana looked gloomy, and she didn’t know what Li Lin, who had been running away, was thinking, and why he didn’t quickly call Zoe to come for support.

A human trying to defeat a god?

How can this be?

But no matter what, she couldn’t let Kyle kill Li Lin, otherwise Kyle’s life would be in danger when Zoe returned.

Morgana threw out the temperatureless purple-black flames, and the salty smell hit her face. When she came to her senses, she found that they had flown away from the plain where the capital city was located, and arrived above the Sea of ​​Conqueror.

Li Lin was still running away, firing a powerful charged particle light spear or an astonishingly powerful material disintegration cannon towards the rear from time to time, but none of them could break through Kyle’s defense.

But for now, it seems that he intends to lure Kyle away from the capital, but Morgana is satisfied.

At least, their next battle will no longer affect ordinary people.

As the three of them chased each other, they soon arrived at a temporary resting island near the port town of Viscasia in the northwest of the Demacia Plains.

[Master, the War Lord’s mega-class cannon has been charged to the limit. 】

Following Zhinao’s reminder, Li Lin switched the interface in front of him to the war lord on the Demacia plains.

“Very good, let’s give her a showdown first!”

After another flash, Li Lin hovered in mid-air.

Kyle, who was chasing after him, realized that he was no longer running away, so he immediately stopped his wings and kept a distance of about 1 kilometer from him.

“Are you willing to stand trial?”

“I’m not guilty, so how can I accept trial?”

“O stubborn human being, may the fire redeem your sins.” Kyle shook his head and said in a regretful tone.

Immediately afterwards, she raised Giri above her head and activated the magic with the golden giant sword dyed with purifying fire.

At the same time, scorching flames of the same color suddenly rose around Li Lin, but were blocked by a blue-white translucent energy barrier.

The armor continued to squeeze the energy from the nano-energy core, the powerful shield and the flames were in a stalemate, and the energy at the magic and physical levels clashed with each other, but it was unable to do anything to this barrier.

“That’s all you have?” Li Lin deliberately mocked.

Kyle frowned and said nothing. He held the hilt of the sword tightly with his right hand, swung the giant sword, and straightened his arm forward.

The holy sword surrounding her parted in half, penetrated into the portal she summoned, and arrived around Li Lin almost instantly.

Since the astral flames cannot penetrate your barrier, let the Holy Sword come!

At this moment, Morgana arrived belatedly and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Li Lin!”

But before she could put a magic shield on Li Lin, Kyle’s holy sword had already penetrated the energy barrier he had generated.

But the next moment, the holy sword froze in mid-air again just before it came into contact with the warrior mecha. The sword trembled. No matter how much magic power Kyle applied, he could not pass through the almost transparent “invisible barrier”.

Force shield!

“What’s this?!”

Kyle was stunned, but Li Lin smiled.

“Too late.”

“What’s too late…”

Just when Kyle was confused, a more annihilating kinetic energy shot out from a very far direction. By the time it reached her perception range, it was already too late.

She had just turned her head to look to the southeast in shock. In less than a heartbeat, the specially-made shells fired by the War Lord’s mega-class cannon had already arrived in front of her.

“Damn it!”

This is the weapon Li Lin used against Fiddlesticks!

When Morgana, who had arrived late, saw this, she couldn’t help but swore. She applied a shield to herself and flew backwards, trying to put as much distance between herself and them as possible.

Although this shell is not composed of energy, compared with the previous dense plasma shells, the low-power material cracking cannon launched by Li Lin, and even the Sword of Kyle’s Holy Judgment, are not at the same level.

Morgana can deeply feel that even if she has defensive means, as long as she is within the coverage of the shell explosion, even if it is the edge range, she will be seriously injured.

Could this be the method that Li Lin said could break Kyle’s sacred barrier of protection?

But he himself was within the explosion range…

Does he want to die with Kyle?

Almost subconsciously, she felt an unreasonable pain in her heart.

I don’t know if it’s for my sister Kyle, or for the only friend I’ve made in these hundreds of years of confusion, Li Lin.

Morgana didn’t know the effect of the force field shield Li Lin had mastered, and her mind was in a state of confusion.

With a deafening bang, a mushroom cloud rose in the sky. Thick smoke, flames and various debris spread everywhere. The entire world was covered by a blinding white light, even the patch of light under their feet. The uninhabited islands trembled.

Large pieces of rock slid from the mountains and rolled into the roaring sea. Several gullies were opened in the center of the huge island. The seawater from the Conqueror’s Sea surged in and filled it. The strong energy shock wave divided the island into two parts. Made several pieces.

Morgana reflexively blocked the light with her hands, unable to help but tremble all over.

The figures of Li Lin and Kyle had been swallowed up by the bursting high-temperature flames, and they disappeared.

A full twenty or thirty seconds passed before everything in front of him gradually calmed down.

The anxious Morgana looked intently towards the center of the shell explosion, with shock on her face.

Li Lin and Kyle were still hovering in the air unscathed, as if nothing had happened just now.

The only difference was that Kyle was out of breath and seemed tired, and the holy sword around her was missing more than ten handles, and the golden barrier surrounding it was much darker.

“You really scare me, mortal.” Kyle relaxed his breath slightly, and the golden light in his eyes beat fiercely, “But your attack is ineffective against me.”

She continued to point her sword at the young man in front of her, “Today, there is no way you can escape justice!”

“Justice? It comes out of your mouth like a high-sounding word.”

Li Lin controlled the plasma swords of the warrior mecha to unfold its arms, and the thermal meteor hammer at the tail was also ready.

Kyle’s face turned cold, and he immediately approached Li Lin, trying to behead him with his own sword.

In the distance, Morgana, who reacted quickly, quickly joined the battle, assisting Li Lin against his sister who had no humanity or mercy.

A great battle is about to break out over the Sea of ​​Conqueror.

With Li Lin’s participation in the battle, the balance of this battle gradually tilted towards Morgana.

With the aid of intelligent brain quantum computer calculations, he could predict almost all of Kyle’s attack trajectories and methods, and he just happened to avoid her attack every time.

But after all, he was facing a god who had already carried the power of a giant and transcended the realm of mortals. The quantum computer coupled with the intelligence brain had not yet been completely upgraded.

Sometimes when there is an unavoidable attack or Kyle uses the purifying Sword of Judgment to assist in the attack, he either activates the energy barrier or uses the force field shield whose cooldown time has expired, and the mecha is not damaged at all.

As time passed and the sea battle continued, Morgana became increasingly frightened.

She found that she could hardly keep up with the fighting rhythm of Li Lin and Kyle, and she basically became an outsider.

This fight that originally belonged to their angelic sisters gradually evolved into an incredible battle between one person and one god.

Not only that, the two of them had been fighting for so long and still remained unscathed!

Kyle’s magic is fully charged, and he continuously charges his divine protection, making it impossible for Li Lin to break through the defense.

Li Lin, on the other hand, had full dodge, making it impossible for Kyle to touch him most of the time.

Even if you touch it, you will be blocked by a strange energy barrier…

But they still “enjoyed it” and tried to defeat each other.

Morgana didn’t know what to say.

The battle was fierce and an hour passed quickly without realizing it.

Just as Morgana was fishing, occasionally harassing her sister, Li Lin suddenly said an inexplicable sentence: “It’s time.”

There was a lot of excitement in his tone, which aroused doubts in the two sisters.

“Morgana, stay away from us!”


“Stop being stunned!”

When Kyle saw this, the uneasiness and throbbing he felt in his heart suddenly reappeared, and became even stronger.

“What did you do?!” she snapped.

“I’m prepared to defeat you.”

Seeing that Morgana was far away, Li Lin curled his lips, and an almost transparent force field shield appeared on his body again.

[The space-based satellite is already in place! 】

[The muzzle track has been adjusted! 】

[All data calibration completed! 】

[The target has been locked: Angel of Justice Kyle. 】

[Material disintegration cannon laser beam, fired at full power! 】

As Zhi Nao’s neutral voice sounded in the mecha, Kyle suddenly took a breath of air and felt a fatal threat coming from the sky.

Her whole body froze, her neck was stiff, and she subconsciously looked above her head, her eyes widening.

I saw an annihilation laser that eclipsed the sky falling from the sky, like a divine punishment from the giant gods and stars.

“Hahaha… let’s have a taste of satellite rays!”

Before Li Lin could finish his words, his words were drowned out by the buzzing sound of a laser capable of splitting everything at the atomic level.

At the same time, he and Kyle disappeared into the white light again.

But this time, compared to the mega-class cannon launched by War Lord, the effect was completely different.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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