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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 400: Troubles in the capital, the king is assassinated

In the bustling eastern part of the capital, they were awakened from a dream by the dark magic that swept through the entire capital. Some magic cannot be suppressed even by the Forbidden Magic Stone!

For a moment, the people in Xiongdu were panicked.

Some of them hid at home and did not dare to go out, but more of them packed up their belongings and ran away, leaving before the powerful enemy could reach the capital.

Although the Light Shield Royal Family acted quickly, they immediately sent out soldiers to maintain order and told them not to worry, as the city was the safest.

But after all, the overall environment of Demacia is only at the medieval level. Even in the capital, there are still only a small number of educated people. The vast majority of citizens have almost zero ability to distinguish external information. Listening to the wind is like rain.

They heard the news from nowhere, and learned that it was Morgana’s sister who was confronting her, and the grudges between the Winged Protector sisters. They also learned that they destroyed a city-state hundreds of years ago due to fighting. There were countless casualties.

As a result, the people’s fear became even greater.

If the area enclosed by the city walls of the Imperial City was their safe haven, then for them now it was like a “waiting to die” cage, and they did not want to stay here.

Therefore, a considerable number of people did not listen to the soldiers’ dissuasion and insisted on leaving the city for refuge. They crowded into the closed city gates in the east and northeast.

However, the captain of the guard guarding the city had already received the king’s order to close the city gates and not allow citizens to go out. Soon, he had a conflict with the people below who wanted to leave the city.

“Why aren’t we allowed to leave the city?”

“Do you want us to stay here and die?”

“We can’t stay here. The Forbidden Demon Stone in Xiongdu can’t suppress this kind of magic at all!”

“That’s a god. Do you understand the god? How can we stop the god?”

“The legend that the winged protector gods care about the people is false! They only have an extreme desire to control us!”


The people cursed more and more fiercely, and the anger in their hearts became more extreme due to fear. They kept pushing the guards guarding the city gate, and some even threw rotten vegetables and rotten eggs at them.

The guards on guard were also aggrieved. Their duty was to protect the home and the people, but now the people they were guarding were speaking harshly to them and even throwing objects at them.

Some soldiers with bad tempers could no longer bear their temper, and despite the dissuasion of their teammates, they started quarreling with some emotional people.

But doing so is tantamount to continuing to escalate the serious situation.

At this time, the king who was still at the southern gate quickly learned of the commotion in Xiongdu, and looked sadly into the silent distance again.

“Your Majesty, the stability of the capital is the first priority.” Tiana suggested with a stern face.

Immediately afterwards, Barrett also hurriedly said: “The Generalissimo is right. Before fighting against foreigners, you must first pacify yourself. Even if you care about Li Lin and Protector Morgana, we cannot intervene in the battle between them. We can only Pray for them.

“Now that the capital is in turmoil and rumors are spreading among citizens, we must do the immediate thing first.”

The nobles also talked a lot, basically admonishing the king to let him control the unrest in the city first, and the people came first, and other plans would be made later.

“Father!” Jarvan IV tightened his grip on the Dragon-Stringing Spear and volunteered, “Let me lead the personal guards to check the situation!”

Jarvan III was silent for a while, then raised his right hand and made a “stop” gesture. The nobles who were talking endlessly fell silent.

“Tiana, follow me and lead two vanguard companies to the DC area, and send 8 more vanguard companies, as well as those who have not been assigned tasks and are still in the city, to check the situation in the city, and try to treat our citizens of Demacia in a gentle way.

“Barrett and my son led the Guards and two vanguard companies are still roaming around the capital, providing support at any time and helping those in need as much as possible. As for the rest of you…”

Jarvan III looked around at the gathered nobles and said, “If nothing happens, everyone should go back and try to appease the citizens in their respective territories and don’t use violence.”

At the Shuoyin City Gate in the east, an unknown person among the crowded and noisy crowd took the lead and hit a guard with a stone on the roadside, causing his head to bleed.

With this starting point, the conflict between the army and the people completely intensified and turned into a direct conflict in an instant.

“Crazy, all of them are crazy! Do you know that you are violating the laws of Demacia?!” the captain of the guard at the east gate yelled, “Shields!”

But before the soldiers could react, people crowded and broke up the formation they were about to close. Some of the strong men, with red eyes, bumped into the soldiers, punched and kicked them.

Thanks to the protection of Demacia’s standard plate armor, those soldiers only needed to protect their faces and would not be seriously injured.

“You want us to stay here and wait to die!”

“Hypocritical country, it sucks!”

“Everyone, let’s rush together! They don’t dare to attack us, they just need to rush out of the city gate!”

“Raise your shield, raise your shield quickly!”

“Damn it, stop this mob!”

“What the hell…why did you draw your sword?!”

In a conflict that was so intense that it was almost abnormal, both soldiers and ordinary citizens were extremely excited, as if they were not facing their compatriots, but the bloody feud between Noxus and the barbarians in the north who were burning, killing and plundering.

Soon, Jarvan III, who came after hearing the news, was shocked when he saw this scene, and hurriedly asked Tiana to lead the Fearless Vanguard Shield Formation to separate the two sides.

“King Jarvan III has arrived, please stop!” Tiana drew her sword and shouted.

However, everyone was red-eyed, and the shouts of the crowd and guards were like waves, instantly drowning her anger.

In desperation, she had no choice but to let the Dauntless Vanguard’s shield formation clear the way and disperse the conflicting crowds as much as possible.

“Xin Zhao, hurry up, go and help too!” The king issued the order urgently.

“Your Majesty, my duty is to protect you.” Xin Zhao said, “Now is the time of turmoil, and I cannot leave you for half a step.”

“This is protected by the Guards, so you don’t have to worry about me.”

Jarvan III shook his hand and quickly scanned the surroundings, trying to find a high ground where everyone could see him, while speaking.

Xin Zhao tightened the reins of the war horse, frowning slightly, “Your Majesty…”

He didn’t know what the situation was like in other urban areas of Xiongdu, but judging from the current situation in the eastern Shuoyin City Gate alone, the conflict between everyone was too unusual, which made him very uneasy.

Combined with the information reported by the guards on the way, it is likely that the unrest was deliberately promoted by someone behind the scenes.

So Xin Zhao had no idea whether a mage was involved or whether it would target the king.

Due to the influence of Morgana’s residual magic, their mouths were always filled with the smell of metal decay, and he could not distinguish it based on this method.

According to his own judgment, these rioting citizens, including the guards, must have been affected by something, otherwise they would not dare to fight each other.

“With your strength, you will be able to separate them all soon.” Jarvan III said, “We must end this conflict as soon as possible, otherwise the situation will continue to deteriorate.”

Xin Zhao shook his head, remembering Li Lin’s warning not long ago, “I can’t leave your side now.”

“This is not a request, Steward.” Jarvan III changed his title to Xin Zhao. “This is an order.”

Deciding between protecting the king and disobeying orders is really difficult for Xin Zhao.

But he also knew that Jarvan III had a very bad temper and would always put his own safety at risk as long as it was for the sake of the country and the people.

Just like the more than ten years since he followed the king in the defense of the country, Jarvan III would lead troops on the front line every time, and every time he would be surrounded by dangers.

Even the dissuasion of Barrett, who was regarded as a good brother by the king, could not change his mind…

While Xin Zhao was hesitating, Jarvan III was already riding his horse to a small platform built for unknown reasons not far away under the protection of his personal guards.

While hesitating, he suddenly heard Tiana in the crowd angrily scolding the mob, and thought of the oath he had sworn to her.

No matter what, his duty is to protect the king, and there is no room for error.

Xin Zhao quickly chased after him.

But at this moment, Xin Zhao, who had a keen sense, suddenly felt the magic in his body stirring, and then heard a very small sound of a sharp weapon breaking through the air, and he was suddenly startled right next to the king.

“Be careful, Your Majesty!”

After saying that, Xin Zhao didn’t care about anything else. He grabbed the barrel of the three-clawed spear with both hands, swung it in a semi-arc in front of himself, and then stabbed forward suddenly.

Suddenly, an almost transparent energy flowed from his palm into the gun body, quickly spread to the blue gem at the core of the gun head, and then rushed out along the sharp silver gun tip.

Qi Jin passed through the gap behind the guards until it stabbed into the air beside the king, bursting out a stream of blood out of thin air.

Because of Xin Zhao’s attack, Jarvan III’s horse was frightened. He raised his front hooves and let out a loud roar, knocking the unsuspecting king over and slamming him to the ground.


“There’s an assassin! Someone’s assassinating the king!”

“Protect Your Majesty quickly!”

“Mage, it’s a mage!”

Noticing the blood on the ground next to the king, the guards became commotion, dismounted and drew their swords, alerting the surroundings.

Even the Fearless Pioneers, who were suppressing the crazy citizens in the distance, ignored them and rushed out.

But before them, it was Xin Zhao who rushed to the king’s side first, “Your Majesty!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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