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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 406: Being penetrated into a sieve

Most of the escaped mages are innocent people who were persecuted by the Demon Searchers and the Forbidden Magic Code. Of course, there are also some evil mages who have done many evil things.

They were either sentenced to life imprisonment, or they would be taken to the execution ground and hanged soon.

When everyone agreed to surrender, these people lost their temper.

Even if Demacia wants to abolish the Forbidden Magic Code and pardon the mages, it will be other innocent people who were arrested, and it has nothing to do with desperadoes like them who have made money and harmed their lives.

However, their little Jiujiu couldn’t hide it from the smart brain that had upgraded its quantum computing system.

After scanning through the storm, Zhinao captured some sinister-looking people and reported them to Li Lin. He used “data-based thinking” to quickly eliminate this group of vicious mages.

A small group of people realized something was wrong and wanted to use other mages around them as hostages and threatened Li Lin to let them go. However, they did not expect that the storm had already scanned their every move in the system.

The moment they took action, and when they thought they would succeed, Storm’s electromagnetic machine gun fired. Almost at the moment of the gunshot, the evil mages with ulterior motives were killed with one blow.

Soon, Jarvan III and the Fearless Vanguard, who were belatedly arriving, put these mages back in shackles of the magic stone and temporarily imprisoned them in other prisons.

Galio, who had rushed back from the city to check the situation, found that he had been running back and forth for a long time and was of no help at all, and he couldn’t help but feel annoyed.

It was the king’s comfort and commendation, praising him for protecting Demacia’s soldiers, which made him feel much better.

Next, Li Lin informed the king of what these mages had just done and their wishes, and mentioned that they had not done anything evil, they just wanted to live.

What’s more, whether they have magical talents or not is not under their own control. They should not have their magic abolished and become cripples for life, and then be exiled abroad, or be locked in a dark cage and receive inhuman treatment.

After this incident, the king agreed with Li Lin’s view and also attached great importance to the imminent legal reform.

However, this kind of matter that concerns the whole of Demacia cannot be rushed, and must be done step by step slowly, otherwise anything that goes wrong in any link will cause social turmoil again.

First of all, Jarvan III must at least ensure that today’s chaos in the capital comes to a complete end and find out who is behind it.

It is necessary to interrogate the assassins Jamila and Silas.

For safety reasons, Li Lin specifically applied for the use of invisible air combat machines to guard the two of them, so that they would not “suicide” in prison, just like the mysterious “suicide” of the Viscount who was imprisoned in the sky prison.

It would take some time before the results of the interrogation were available. Jarvan III decided to give a speech about today’s chaos in the capital in the Grand Plaza later to appease people.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Lin first went to the territory of the Bouvier family, which was relatively close to here, to greet Sona. After making sure that she was okay, he quickly returned to Pi City and made two “truth serums” that can make people tell the truth. After handing it over to the prince, he returned to Dawn Castle and quietly waited for the news.

After a while, the rapid and melodious bells of the grand square rang, and people who were still shocked by today’s events quickly gathered around.

Li Lin stood under the high platform of the speech, standing side by side with Jarvan IV and Barret.

Xin Zhao and Tiana stood behind the king on the high platform, with an 8-man shield formation from Dauntless Vanguard beside them, full of vigilance and vigilance.

After experiencing the assassination of the king today, they did not dare to make any omissions, especially at this moment when people gathered together.

Jarvan III’s speech was very simple. He first introduced what happened today, and then informed the people that the Winged Protectors had reconciled, but in order to better protect Demacia, they were determined to return to Mount Targon to further accept the inheritance of the Titans. Will be back soon.

Immediately afterwards, he made it clear that today’s turmoil in the capital was infiltrated and planned by hostile forces, and also explained that he was assassinated by an assassin, which caused a burst of uproar and consternation among the onlookers, who speculated that only Noxus could do such a thing. come out.

Jarvan III assured the people that the murderer had been brought to justice and the investigation results would be released soon to uncover the enemies hiding in the capital, so that everyone did not have to worry.

However, the curfew system must be implemented on the more sensitive days in recent days. I hope everyone can understand.

He also explained that Galio, the Colossus of Justice, would always defend the kingdom with a sober attitude, and also asked Galio to appear and flash his elephant, which caused the people to cheer.

Even though the originally agreed-upon celebration could no longer go on due to this matter, fortunately the decree had not been conveyed to the lower levels for the time being, so Jarvan III did not have to waste any time explaining anything.

Finally, the king ended today’s speech with an impassioned speech, which re-energized people’s hearts and temporarily calmed the panic of the citizens of Xiongdu.

After announcing the disbandment, everyone returned to Dawn Castle together.

The soldiers responsible for interrogation moved very quickly, and it can be said that the “truth serum” using genetic technology was very effective.

Assassin Jamilla quickly revealed everything he knew about the situation:

He was originally from Noxus and belonged to the Black Rose Society. After receiving a higher-level commission from his superiors, he was asked to come to Demacia for a mission, and he was given a legendary weapon that only appeared in the legend – Draksa’s Curtain. blade.

After receiving the mission, Jamila disguised her identity, sneaked into Xiongdu, and secretly communicated with the mysterious man who had never shown his face using a special letter.

This kind of letter can only be opened in a specific way. If it is opened by force, it will be burned directly. It is an application of magic.

The mysterious contact asked Jamila to disguise his identity and lurk in the capital quietly, waiting for orders, and to convey to him detailed information about the people around the king from time to time. In the blink of an eye, a year passed.

Until today, Jamila, who was staying at home, suddenly noticed something unusual in the sky, and then received an urgent mission conveyed by a short crossbow arrow shot through the window. He wanted to use the Draksa Curtain Blade to assassinate the king in secret, and use any method to kill the king. Way.

Jamila’s interrogation did not yield any useful information, except that Xiongdu was indeed infiltrated by the Noxians.

In anger, Jarvan III immediately delegated power to Tiana and Barrett, letting them lead the fearless vanguard to thoroughly investigate the major nobles.

Of course, what made him even more annoyed was what lay behind.

After Silas regained consciousness, the interrogators asked him a series of questions and then asked him again using “truth serum.”

Unlike Jamila’s resistance and lies, Silas said exactly the same words twice. In both words, the suspect pointed at the Demon Searchers Association.

A mysterious mage claimed to be the Illuminator and entered the most tightly guarded cage in the Mithril Pavilion where Silas was kept alone. He also provided him with the Dulang family’s manual on the principles of the forbidden magic stone.

Today, this mysterious man has given Silas ten bottles of precious concentrated mana potions, providing him with the source of magic power to break out of the prison.

The reason why the problem is blamed on the Demon Searchers Association is because the Illuminators must obtain the permission of the leader Isabel and report to the Demon Searchers before they can visit these imprisoned mages, and can only operate on the periphery.

However, Isabel has not sent anyone to Mithril Pavilion in recent times, and there is no record reported by the demon searcher. So how did this mysterious guy enter Mithril Pavilion, and even passed the guard Silas? The guard?

According to Li Lin’s understanding of the original world line, even Lux entered because of her status as a direct daughter of the Crown Guard family.

What’s more, the guards didn’t want her to come into contact with Silas at that time, and they wouldn’t even let her enter the dungeon.

It was an officer she met “by chance” who was escorting prisoners who revealed her identity and asked the guards to let her go.

On the surface, Eldred is also a member of the Crownguard family, which is equivalent to Lux being one of them. If she wants to visit her “own” territory, the guards should let her go.

But secretly, Lux didn’t know at all that she had been clearly arranged.

What’s more, mana potions were originally only available in Ionia. It wasn’t until Noxus invaded this nascent land that they mastered the production method of this potion that could restore magic power.

In other words, this mysterious guy definitely has close ties with Noxus.

Mithril Pavilion has only one exit, and since it is an important place where mages are imprisoned, the guard is particularly strict.

Noxian “spies” are able to operate here unimpeded. Doesn’t this mean that there is a mole in the Demon Searchers’ association?

Li Lin did not suspect that this was LeBlanc’s doing.

Let’s not talk about how capable she is at being able to cast her own trick clones in a capital full of Forbidden Demon Stones.

According to Li Lin’s understanding of the trickery magic inherited from Shurima, unless it is also transformed by trickery, it will not have the effect of crossing obstacles at all.

This eliminated the pale lady as a suspect.

It’s just that as the leader of a country, Jiawen III managed the country’s people’s livelihood very well and was loved by the people.

But the capital city under the emperor’s feet was almost infiltrated into a sieve by hostile forces, and he didn’t even notice…

Li Lin really didn’t know how to evaluate him.

However, now with his intervention, Demacia’s purge has just begun.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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