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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 407 Your name should be on this anti-revolutionary list

In the following days, people in Xiongdu were panicked and shrouded in the shadow of panic.

Barrett and Tiana are both very capable, and they are also the people Jarvan III trusts the most.

After receiving a seal issued by the king that could represent themselves and symbolize the supreme royal power, they first stopped the official duties of all the demon seekers and demon destroyers in the Demon Searchers Association and waited at home for investigation.

Especially on the day of the battle between the Angel Sisters, when Silas led the mage to escape from prison, all the Demon Seeker guards who were supposed to guard Mithril Pavilion were temporarily arrested by the Dauntless Vanguard.

During their interrogation, Li Lin’s “Veritaserum” played a great role.

Of the dozens of guards who were supposed to be on duty that day, almost two-thirds were ordered by their superiors to take the day off and someone would take over their duties.

The remaining one-third was affiliated with a certain demon seeker commander and received money.

This information was deduced from the investigation of the money hidden in their home and the confessions of the two survivors.

Because this group of demon seeker guards had to guard the Mithril Pavilion dungeon, they were killed almost the same day by Silas and some extremely vicious mages who hated Demacia.

However, although they were dead, it did not have much impact on the investigation.

Barrett followed the lead, arrested their leader, and used Veritaserum to confirm him for corruption, bribery, and intent to commit rebellion. He also captured other leaders of the Demon Seekers Association, including members of the Shield Council members’ families.

Among them, they seized a number of magic items that should have been sealed but were now secretly put into use.

After a few days of hard work, Demacia has recorded no less than a hundred names on the anti-rebellion list, and this is just the tip of the iceberg related to the unrest in the capital.

In the council hall of Dawn Castle, Jarvan III, wearing golden armor with a gloomy face, was sitting on the throne facing the door.

Xin Zhao held a three-clawed spear and stood behind him with a firm gaze and expressionless face, like a lifelike humanoid wax figure, motionless.

Sitting on a huge round table that looks like a shield are Grand Marshal Tiana, Minister of Noble Management Wallis, Minister of Finance Borg, Minister of Foreign Affairs Camilla, Minister of Land Resources Management Clement, and Minister of Law Newman. , Bishop Isabel of the Church of the Illuminator.

In addition to them, their entourage, advisors, deputies and representatives of other minor families stood in the auditorium on both sides.

The seat opposite Tiana was empty. It originally belonged to the leader of the Demon Seeker Association, her husband Eldred.

However, recent issues regarding the Demonseekers’ association have been frequent, and Jarvan III has temporarily suspended his position, including his status as a member of the Standing Shield Council.

It was so quiet in the parliament hall that even people’s slight breathing could be easily heard.

Everyone knew that the king was angry and in a very bad mood. As a result, no one even dared to take a breath, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed.

With the “booming” sound of the door axis turning, the double doors of the parliament hall, which were carved with exquisite patterns of shields, swords and flying wings, were pushed forward.

The guard standing guard at the door holding a halberd knocked the end of the weapon in his hand, and the metal collided with the marble floor, making a crisp sound.

finally come……

Everyone in the hall looked at the door.

Barret and Jarvan IV in military uniforms were seen crossing the gate with serious faces, followed by a figure that everyone was familiar with and who had provided great help to Demacia – Li Lin.

Seeing the three of them, Jarvan III’s frown relaxed a little, and he made a casual move with his right hand holding his chin. The servant standing not far away understood the idea and quickly brought three chairs and placed them next to the king’s throne. .

The eyes of several congressmen and ministers all flashed with different thoughts.

When the Shield Parliament was held in the past, no one had ever been able to sit at the Shield Round Table with the king and eight members, not even His Royal Highness the Prince, or Barrett, who was close to the king.

But now, Jarvan III actually called his servants to place seats for them, which really surprised them and the people standing on both sides.

“Sit over here.” Jarvan III said to the three of them.

Soon, Li Lin sat on the right hand side of the king, while Jarvan IV and Barret took their seats on the left side.

Afterwards, Jarvan III sat up straight and looked around at the people around him. “Now that everyone has arrived, the meeting can begin.”

His voice gradually fell, and the air fell into silence again. The dull atmosphere was not relieved by the arrival of Li Lin, Prince and Barrett.

After a while, the king said in a cold tone: “You must know the reason why I summoned you today, right?”

Except for Tiana, who had an indifferent expression, and Isabel, who was very indifferent, the other five congressmen’s throats squirmed in unison and they swallowed.

As he spoke, Jarvan III glanced at Barrett, who was sitting next to his son, “Tell them about it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Barrett took out a roll of parchment from the shirt pocket inside the collar of the armor, then unfolded it and stood up, glanced around with stern eyes, and cleared his throat.

“After investigation by Generalissimo Tiana and I, a total of 136 suspects suspected of participating in the turmoil in Xiongdu were arrested, including members of all the members of the MPs and ministers’ families here except the Crown Guard family.”

As he spoke, Barrett lowered the parchment and glanced at them, his tone also mixed with sullenness.

As a good brother of Jarvan III, he is also very concerned about the fate of Demacia.

In addition to the Light Shield royal family, the Bouvier family has contributed the most to this country.

Although Barrett also understood that where there is light, there must be shadows, but what he did not expect was that the kingdom that seemed prosperous on the surface was riddled with holes in the shadows that had been eaten away by moths.

At this time, he really wanted to use the Illuminator sect’s phrase “The shadow cannot be contained by the light”, which is used to teach all noble children, to scold these corrupt politicians for not doing real things!

All the powerful nobles were infiltrated by hostile forces without even realizing it, and even attempted to assassinate King Jarvan III!

How could Barrett bear this tone?

“Among the list of purges, there are 23 members of the Zachary family of Law Minister Newman, 21 members of the Fitch family of Finance Minister Borg, 17 members of the Harlan family of Noble Management Minister Wallis, and Foreign Secretary Cammy. There are 13 members of the Cartel family of La and six members of the Omar family of Land Resources Management Minister Clement.”

The more he spoke, the more anger grew in his eyes.

Even he felt extremely ashamed when the family names of the several Strong Shield Senators and ministers on the anti-rebellion list were mentioned in public.

Then, Barrett snorted coldly and read out the candidates for each family’s participation one by one.

Everyone’s faces were drooped, looking extremely ashamed, and they didn’t dare to raise their eyes to look at the King and Barrett.

“There are 80 people in total, accounting for more than half of the entire anti-revolutionary list. I really don’t know how you educate the children of your own family?!” Barrett yelled, but no one dared to refute him at this juncture. .

Immediately afterwards, he read out the rest of the list one by one. These people were all members of other minor families in Xiongdu, and even some unknown small family members.

Just as his loud and angry voice echoed in the parliament hall, Li Lin and Jarvan III were observing the changes in the expressions of the members in front of them.

However, since they can hold the position of parliamentarian, they have been involved in the political field for a long time. They can be said to be veterans. They are quite good at managing their own expressions and basically can’t tell anything.

Ever since he was temporarily dismissed from his official position, Eldred still hasn’t revealed any clues, but under the scanning and analysis of his brain, he has indeed panicked, as if something was beyond his expectation.

Li Lin knew very well that Eldred would not be the only mastermind behind this incident.

The mysterious man who pretended to be the Illuminator and provided mana potions to Silas has not yet been found.

But today’s capital, including the sewers, has been set up by Li Lin’s drones and storm robots, and he can’t escape at all.

In addition, Eldred will not be patient for long. He already knows about the Veritaserum, and it won’t be long before he secretly meets with his own henchmen, maybe some of the five congressmen in front of him, or all of them. .

When they meet, it’s time to completely close the net.

After Barrett finished reading all the lists and initially convicted most of them according to Demacia’s laws, he sat back down in his seat with a sullen face.

The parliament hall fell into a long silence again.

“Newman, what do you think about this?” the king asked with a cold face, without raising his head.

This time, the Zachary family had the largest number of people involved in the chaos in the capital, so many that even Newman himself did not expect, not to mention that he also managed the laws of Demacia…

The king does not show his emotions or emotions, and Jarvan III is still able to suppress his anger and speak calmly, which is already very good.

Newman cursed secretly in his heart before he realized that he was probably being plotted.

It’s just that this person from the Zackley family is Eldred, Camilla or Clement…

He doesn’t know yet.

At least, it can’t be those four backbone families whose strength can only be ranked in the middle of Xiongdu.

What Newman suspected the most was Eldred. This hypocritical villain always did one thing in front of others and another behind others.

Moreover, there are actually Noxians involved this time, which is completely different from their original plan of internal fighting. Maybe it was Eldred who did it!

Newman glanced at Camilla next to him from the corner of his eye, and met her eyes exactly.

I’ve said it before, don’t be in such a hurry to implement your plan!

This was what Newman wanted to convey, and Camilla understood it immediately.

But she just looked away, which made Newman angry.

“Lord Zachary, Your Majesty is asking you something!” Tiana urged with a dissatisfied tone.

“Oh yes!” He responded immediately, “I express heavy self-blame for this riot. It was my neglect of discipline that led the Zachary children to go astray and join this riot! When I return home this time, I will definitely clean up my house and avoid…”

At this moment, Jarvan III slammed the table, interrupting Newman’s words, which shocked some people in the hall and suddenly became alert.

“You should know that what I want to hear is not your confusing terminology.” The king’s voice was very indifferent, like the brief calm before the storm.

Newman was stunned for a moment, “I, I don’t understand what you mean, Your Majesty.”

“Oh? You really don’t understand?” Jiawen III raised a teasing sneer on his lips, “Why do I think your name should be on this anti-revolutionary list?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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