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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 408 Innocence? Veritaserum is enough

Although Jarvan III usually looked kind and peaceful, after all, he had been fighting on the battlefield for the past twenty or thirty years.

Even if he didn’t have a mentor as good as Xin Zhao when he was young, and he might not be as good as Prince Jarvan IV at the same age, the evil spirit he had honed on the battlefield would still be as strong as before.

The astonished Newman’s eyes suddenly widened, and he suddenly raised his head to look at the king. Just a look from Jarvan III made him horrified and almost lost his sense of proportion.

Does he know what I did? !

But this is simply impossible…

No one knew about our secret meeting except the eight of us!

Newman immediately left his seat and took two steps back to ensure that the king could see him.

Immediately afterwards, he knelt down on his knees without any sloppiness, and hit his head heavily on the smooth marble floor, making an easily audible muffled sound.

“Your Majesty, I was wronged!” Newman shouted in a tearful tone, as if he had been greatly wronged. “I am loyal to the Light Shield Royal Family and to Your Majesty. I do know the gang of people in the family who participated in the turmoil in the capital. , and it has nothing to do with them, so you have to be careful!”


Jarvan III stroked his gray beard and pondered for a moment. The expression on his face almost made Newman misunderstand that his crying had an effect.

When the king’s next words came out, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave: “Do you dare to use veritaserum to make me question you?”


Newman was stunned.

Of course he knew what Veritaserum was.

The Zackley family sponsored the current warden of the prison.

Although more than twenty years have passed and the warden has separated from their family, it is still very simple to get some information from him because of his grace back then.

Veritaserum, which I had never heard of before, and which sounded like some kind of magic potion at first glance, was provided by Li Lin.

Newman knew that this medicine could affect people’s minds, and based on his knowledge, he could only think so.

As long as this medicine is injected, no matter what the interrogator asks, the injected person will tell the truth obediently without any lies.

He never expected that Jiawen III would use this to ask him.

“Your Majesty!” Newman panicked and hurriedly raised his head to complain: “I am now 53 years old. Since the late king was alive, I have been loyal to Demacia and the Lightshield royal family, and have done my duty. This potion has There are no side effects yet, so how can you…”

“My Veritaserum uses genetic technology, just like the technology I used to treat the soldiers of His Royal Highness’s personal guard who were blinded by magic. I can guarantee that it will have no side effects.” Li Lin assured.

The smile on Jarvan III’s face became even wider, but Newman couldn’t read any warmth from it.

He is serious!

“His Majesty!”

“Why are you panicking?” Jarvan III questioned, “You seem to be afraid of being injected with Veritaserum?”

At this time, before Newman could respond, Camilla took the opportunity to interject: “Your Majesty is joking. Lord Zachary has been in poor health in recent years. We cannot use unknown medicine blended by outsiders on Zachary.” On the adults.”

“Pay attention to your words, Lord Carter, Li Lin is not an outsider.”

Jarvan IV glared at Camilla. He had long disliked these corrupt politicians, and now he could take the opportunity to make things difficult for them.

“Li Lin has been canonized as a Duke by my father. However, you have not inherited your father’s title. At any rate, you should be addressed as Mr. Li.”

Camilla’s eyes quickly switched between Jarvan IV and the indifferent Li Lin, and then stayed on the face of Jarvan III for a while before thinking of the edict of the king outside the city today.

She pursed her lips and remained silent for a moment, lowered her eyes and apologized: “I’m sorry, Your Highness, Mr. Li, I was negligent.”

How to do this?

If Newman is injected with truth serum, he will definitely turn us all in!

Camilla forced down the urgency in her heart and glanced at Clement diagonally opposite her from the corner of her eye.

As everyone knows, even this subtle eye movement was noticed by Li Lin, whose thinking and reaction speed were far faster than ordinary people.

It seems that both the Foreign Minister and the Minister of Land Resources Management are quite suspicious.

Li Lin murmured in his heart.

“Your Majesty, I also feel that this is not appropriate at this time.” Wallis glanced at Newman who was kneeling on the ground, and couldn’t bear to interject, “Newman, as a two-generation veteran, should not be treated like this.”

“Now is not the time for you to mediate conflicts, Wallis.” Jarvan III said in an unhappy tone.

According to his actual idea, he wanted to use veritaserum on all the other five congressmen present except Tiana.

Compared with the Crownguard family, other families have more or less the phenomenon of seeking power for personal gain and engaging in malpractice for personal gain in some aspects.

Jarvan III knew this very well, and he had always turned a blind eye just to maintain the stability that the nobles and the royal family had finally achieved through the efforts of Queen Catherine during her lifetime.

Now, there are members of these major families who participated in the rebellion in Xiongdu. He originally did not expect that his right-hand man, the minister who was a member of the parliament, would be involved. He just wanted to take the opportunity to beat them.

However, Newman’s reaction exceeded Jarvan III’s expectations.

This old fox has never reacted so loudly before…

Jarvan III narrowed his eyes and tapped the three fingers of his left hand rhythmically on the round table. It was like a death knell from hell that struck Newman’s heart, making him even more anxious.

“Your Majesty, please think again!” Wallis begged.

The king didn’t want to pay attention to the peacemaker, and stared straight at Newman lying on the ground, “What’s wrong with you?”

“My loyalty to Demacia can be seen in the sun and the moon!” Newman cried loudly, “I can swear to the Winged Protector Sisters!”

“Then use Veritaserum.”

Jarvan III made a move, and the servant quickly delivered a small box, which contained a small mechanical syringe.

“Your Majesty!” Wallis was shocked. He originally thought that the king just wanted to warn Newman, who has been a lot more arrogant in recent years. “Are you really prepared to…”

Jarvan III snorted coldly, “If you have a clear conscience, what will happen if you inject a dose of medicine?”

Newman was already crying loudly and his head was bleeding.

Clement couldn’t hold it any longer and begged: “Please think again, Your Majesty!”

“Please think twice!” Camilla said immediately.

Only Chancellor of the Exchequer Borg remained silent, no matter how many times Wallis greeted him, it was useless.

“It seems that I have accommodated you for too long, and you have all forgotten who is in charge of Demacia?” Jarvan III shouted angrily, scaring several parliamentarians and ministers from speaking anymore.

He has decided that even if he is stripped of his title of Mingjun today and risks offending these great nobles, he still has to inject Veritaserum into Newman!

The king’s eyes were filled with ice, “Minister Zachary, do you do it yourself, or do you want me to help you?”

“Since Your Majesty doesn’t trust me, I have no choice but to die to maintain my innocence, and I don’t want to suffer this humiliation!”

While speaking, Newman suddenly pulled out a short dagger from his lapel, causing a burst of exclamations in the parliament hall.

According to Demacia’s regulations, except for the king, Xin Zhao and the guards standing guard, no one entering the council hall is allowed to carry weapons, including Grand Marshal Tiana.

Unexpectedly, Newman took advantage of his position to secretly carry a dagger to the parliament.

If this guy has any ulterior motives and wants to murder the king…

Tiana felt a chill in her heart.

However, even though she thought so in her heart, in reality she still had to take action without hesitation when it was time to fulfill her responsibilities.

She immediately stood up, trying to snatch Newman’s dagger and subdue him.

However, Li Lin and Xin Zhao are faster.

One of them had a battle armor attached to his body. One flashed to Newman’s side and directly bent the dagger made of rune steel. The other quickly crossed the round table of shields and rushed in front of Newman in less than a second, grabbing the dagger he originally held. Dagger on the right wrist.

After a while, the guards who were guarding the door rushed in after hearing the movement. At Xin Zhao’s signal, they quickly ran over and detained the Minister of Law who seemed to be in despair without saying a word.

Jarvan III’s face was as gloomy as ink, and he had basically guessed that Newman must indeed be related to the turmoil in the capital, and he might be the mastermind behind it.

Otherwise, it was just a veritaserum, so why would he want to die but refused to tell the truth?

It was obvious that he had something ulterior motive in his heart, and he didn’t even dare to do this because he was afraid of revealing his accomplices!

Jarvan III put his left hand on the armrest of the throne, propped himself up and stood up. He held the Veritaserum syringe tightly in his other hand and walked slowly to Newman.

Tiana followed closely beside him.

“It’s easy to prove your innocence, so why go to the point of seeking death?” The king said without any emotion in his tone, and he plunged the needle into Newman’s neck, “It’s enough to prove it with Veritaserum.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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