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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 414 Ideas about League of Legends

The king’s public announcement of the abolition of the Forbidden Magic Code was beyond everyone’s expectations, including Li Lin’s.

According to his idea, Jarvan III should at least proceed step by step, first asking Barrett to reorganize the demon seeker association, and then suspend the search for mages in the country to give the people a time to mentally adjust.

At the aristocratic level, he would continue to tell them the benefits of abolishing the forbidden magic code, so that the upper-class aristocrats and powerful people would gradually accept it.

In essence, this kind of reform action initiated by the king can be regarded as a top-down reform, which will not only touch the interests of conservatives, but also create and distribute new interest “cakes”.

However, today’s conservatives have disappeared with the great liquidation of Xiongdu and the change of top management. Most of the remaining people are swinging neutrals. As long as Jarvan III can win over them, they will easily support the reform.

After all, Demacia is still a feudal country. The king has the final decision-making power and is the highest-level person in power. Even the Shield Council obeys the king’s orders and can be convened or dissolved at will.

Jarvan III’s order is the bellwether for the future political direction of Demacia. Especially after witnessing his political iron fist once again, other families naturally dare not say anything.

However, it turns out that what Li Lin can think of, as the head of a country who has been the king for more than 20 years, can also think of it.

After announcing the abolition of the Code of Forbidden Magic, Jarvan III threw out a series of additional legal provisions before the noble representatives could discuss and raise objections.

This includes, but is not limited to, pardoning no-fault mages and providing them with state compensation, awarding rewards to the first batch of mages who take the initiative to register, arranging unified training for citizens with magical talents, and granting them titles and titles if they contribute to the country.

Of course, all this happens step by step, and it is impossible for citizens who know magic to trust the country all of a sudden and break away from the traditional thinking of banning magic.

What Jarvan III wanted was to use the nobles to build momentum and let them take the lead in vigorously publicizing that the turmoil was caused by Noxus. He wanted to shift the focus of Demacia’s conflicts to the conspiracy of mages, and try to divert domestic attention first. contradiction.

After that, King Duoduo gave a speech, announcing to the people that Demacia had abolished the ban on magic. It mainly used the harmonious coexistence of Ionians and magic as a reference and propaganda object, and encouraged citizens to take the initiative to register as mages until the people could Live in harmony with the mages.

It’s just that the road to reforming the ancestral laws is difficult, especially for Demacia, which highly values ​​its own traditional heritage.

In the next few years or even more than ten years, the social turmoil caused by the reform of Demacia’s traditional laws will definitely not be small. It depends on how King Jarvan III and Crown Prince Jarvan IV deal with the abolition of the Forbidden Magic Code. negative impact.

Most likely, Jarvan IV will choose to marry Shyvana, allowing the royal family to inherit the elemental dragon bloodline and play a leading role. The new bill will probably go smoothly.

But first, Shyvana must at least gain the trust of the soldiers and people in the town of Edessa, which is a big problem for her.

After a busy day, Li Lin was invited by the king to attend a private dinner in the evening.

Not many outsiders participated, only the members who attended the Strong Shield Council today.

In addition to eating, the most important thing the king entertained them with was the future development of Demacia.

The Forbidden Magic Code has been abolished, and the new draft of the bill has been basically confirmed. However, this can only be regarded as a preliminary verbal confirmation. In the future, members of the parliament responsible for the major areas of power will need to work together to completely improve the law.

Soon after, Jarvan III was ready to issue an edict to inform the people of the capital and the whole country, just like the “Trefari Proclamation” issued by Swain, the new commander-in-chief of Noxus, when he took the stage last year to carry out aristocratic reforms.

After drinking and eating, the king discussed the matter of the mage with several ministers.

Tiana and Peter’s attitude was not firm, but they only stated that they would all obey Jarvan III’s arrangements.

After all, the legitimate daughter of the Crown Guard family, Laxana, is a gifted mage, and the reform of the Forbidden Magic Code will also be beneficial to them.

Fiona had already gained the appreciation of Jarvan III for looking at the mage issue from a different perspective, and was temporarily given the official position of Minister of Foreign Affairs, so she was naturally supportive of the reform.

The new Minister of Land Management, Nick Jeffery, is a reform radical and a fanatical follower of the Lightshield royal family, supporting the king in all political matters.

Not to mention Barrett, Sona is also a mage. He definitely wants to create a better living environment for his daughter, instead of hiding it every day.

Isabel is absolutely neutral and rarely participates in any political affairs. She only attends the Strong Shield Council in name only.

As for Wallis and Borg, they were neutral swing factions. After many questions were answered, they reluctantly agreed to the reform, but the bill drafted by the King and Pitt still needed to be improved.

Jarvan III also asked Li Lin what he thought of the new draft bill. Unfortunately, he was not proficient in the law. He could only answer based on his own understanding of people’s livelihood and put the people first.

In addition, there are interpretations calculated by the brain, which are quite constructive for Demacia’s new stage of reform.

The banquet was coming to an end, and everyone announced the dissolution of the banquet with the final clink of glasses.

This will be the end of this tense time and the beginning of a new busy time.

Jarvan III intended to end this reform within his own term and not leave this trouble to his son.

So starting from tomorrow, they will speed up time to carry out reform-related matters.

When everyone left the table, Li Lin approached the king, who was already a little tipsy and was being supported by Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao, “Your Majesty.”

“Oh, it’s Li Lin.” Jiawen III waved his hand and asked the two to let go of him for the time being. He looked directly at the young man in front of him with clear eyes, “Is there anything else you want?”

“There are a few.” Li Lin nodded, “I will install Galio’s fusion power engine on it tomorrow.”

“Hahaha… don’t worry about this. The Forbidden Demon Stone in the Imperial City is full of magic power during these days, and Galio helped to guide it out. He said that he can still move around for at least half a month.” Jarvan III laughed.

“The main reason is that I have spent too long coming to Demacia this time, and it’s time to go back and take a look.”

Including the weeks of traveling and staying in Demacia for almost more than a month, two months have passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Lin gained a lot from his trip to Demacia. The biggest one was unlocking the space-based weapon satellite, which gave him more confidence to face Belvis in the future.

In the next ten months, he will expand his mechanical army as much as possible and build the Tyrant Mecha Behemoth.

According to Zhinao’s calculations and estimates, at Li Lin’s current construction speed, if he did it himself, it would probably take more than half a month of sleepless work, which is equivalent to building a Gundam by hand.

But with only the Tyrant Behemoth and the mechanical giant Gai Bojia, Li Lin was still uneasy. He also wanted to create the Tyrant Mecha Sword Demon.

If possible, Battlefield Mecha Xerath must also be put on the agenda. This is the most strategic “biological” arcane mecha in the entire Battlefield Mecha series. Only one can be produced, and the required materials are Xerath himself.

Anyway, Xerath, who had stolen the astral power and ascended, could not be killed. Even if he was defeated in the end, he could only be sealed.

Based on Azir’s current thinking, if Xerath could be transformed to erase his original thoughts and become a complete living weapon, he might agree to it.

Defeating Aatrox the Darkin and Xerath the Ascended needs to be put on the agenda.

But before that, Li Lin needs to visit Shurima again, find God Emperor Azir, and seek help from him and Nasus.

Perhaps, with mechas and a sufficient number of mechanical legions, Li Lin can also provide help to them who are currently anxious about Shurima’s political affairs.

For example, recovering the darkin living weapons scattered all over the place, or defeating the darkin that has broken through the seal and harmed one party.

The previous Twilight Star Spirit Maisha was able to seal the darkspawn with the cross-blade Charikal, so Zoe may also be able to use this to lift the seals of the darkspawn and allow them to serve Shurima again, killing two birds with one stone.

Even though Shurima has long lost its glory when it was protected by thousands of celestial warriors, the final void war is coming. Any powerful existence is a viable force against the void monitors and void creatures and cannot give up.

“Do you have to go back?” Jiawen III stopped joking and said seriously, still wanting to retain him.

“After all, I am also a member of the Gila Mann family. Without the help of Senator Gila Mann and Miss Gila Mann, I would not be where I am today.”

“What about Barrett’s little daughter Sona?”

Jarvan III raised his eyebrows, “A few days ago, you visited Bouvier’s house every day, and Barrett also mentioned to me at length that the two of you were playing music in the pavilion and getting along very happily.

“I think you are a talented man and a good-looking woman, and you are a perfect match. Besides, she is about to get married. If I remember correctly, it will be more than a year before she has her coming-of-age ceremony… Your scandal has been spread among the aristocratic circles. Come on, are you disgusted with her speechlessness and want to leave her?”


Li Lin’s face was filled with embarrassment. When Jiawen III said this, he didn’t know how to answer.

But looking at the smiling expressions of Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao, he knew that the king’s words just now were just a joke.

“Hahaha… When we talk about the love between children, why do you suddenly seem to be a different person?”

Jarvan III laughed and patted Li Lin on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry, as long as Barrett and Lestara don’t say anything, I won’t interfere too much with you young people. It’s just that when you return to Piltover, you should come and see Sona often. I can see that. That girl likes you very much.

“Say, your nano-armor has the effect of teleportation? And your Pi City has developed a new technology in the past two years. It should be called Hex Flying Gate, right?”

Jiawen III glanced at his son and Xin Zhao, and saw them nodding, making sure that he was right.

“That technology happens to be the technology of your Gila Mann family. I have given you permission to be the only foreign family that can conduct official trade with Demacia. You can set up the Hex Flying Gate outside the capital. When the time comes, we will It will be more convenient to travel between them.”

“Your wisdom, Your Majesty.”

Jarvan III yawned, “I’m tired, I’m tired, people… I’m tired now.”

He rubbed his eyes, his face full of tiredness, “Do you have anything else to do?”

Li Lin hesitated for a moment, “I have one last thing.”

“But it doesn’t matter.”

“I have an idea to form an international organization called…League of Legends.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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