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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 420 The pinnacle of genetic technology is the Kryptonians

Li Lin had a brief chat with the two, and Caitlin actually wanted to test how much he weighed and asked to compete with him.

The results are obvious.

Caitlin, who could have used her physical skills to stabilize Li Lin, was now subdued by a blow without even having time to react, and he took the opportunity to tap her on the lips.

This is the effect of Li Lin directly breaking through the speed of sound without using the bonus of the super speed trait.

The physical enhancement brought about by the third-stage gene enhancement surgery is a qualitative leap compared to the second-stage injection of active enhancers.

Seeing that Li Lin could almost do this in the physical body, Kasha was extremely excited and immediately begged him to perform this surgery for herself, as did Caitlin.

Zhi Nao’s work efficiency is very high. The operating table in the sterile laboratory has been repaired by mechanical engineers, and all the facilities inside have been replaced with zero-material materials, just enough for a new round of surgery.

The first person to undergo genetic enhancement was Caitlin. She had already undergone two stages of physical enhancement and was the most suitable candidate.

Kaisha has not drank genetic enhancement potions, nor has she been injected with active enhancers. The source of her own strength is the energy purified from the original living skin. Her physical condition is relatively complex and requires detailed study.

Before that, Li Lin put on protective clothing and stayed with Caitlin, who was enduring the pain during the operation, and asked her to hold his hand tightly.

After more than a minute passed quickly, the nano-genetically modified robot came out of the injection wound again, and the operation was completely completed.

Similar to Li Lin’s situation, with the blessing of advanced traits such as super strength, intelligence and agility, Caitlin also showed that she was not adaptable to her own strength and needed the assistance of her brain for physical adaptation training.

However, compared to her lover, Caitlin lacks a “man of steel” superpower.

After genetic enhancement, Li Lin’s body is immune to most physical damage. If he adds a body of steel, even without a battle armor, it will not be a problem to face any attack from ordinary mortals.

Although superpowers also have good resistance to magic, the magic in Runeterra is diverse, such as the ruined curse of Shadow Island.

Once ordinary humans get involved, their vitality will be continuously sucked out by the black mist until their physical bodies fail and become part of the living dead cursed by ruin.

Li Lin didn’t have the confidence not to rely on the energy barrier of the armor, but to use only his physical body to roam among the cursed black magic that could devour the soul.

Moreover, even with the three-stage physical enhancement, there are still many limitations compared to the nano armor, and the overall body cannot be compared to the machine, unless it is like Superman and his tribe of Kryptonians, who are almost invincible under the yellow sun.

It is not wrong at all to say that the pinnacle of genetic technology is the Kryptonians.

In the subsequent individual enhancement system of the system that Li Lin can already check, the “gene ascension” branch route is actually somewhat similar to the Kryptonian system.

It can provide energy for itself by absorbing sunlight, and can unlock “biological stance” to provide more special abilities.

In short, if you take the genetic enhancement route, the final destination is Superman Clark Kent.

However, what Li Lin is not sure about now is, if all the “gene ascension” theories are unlocked, which version of Superman will he target…

According to the current upgrade speed, it was still too early to reach that point, so he didn’t need to think too much.

In the morning, Li Lin and Kasha helped Caitlin quickly adapt to her body in the Piart Mountains.

After returning to Piltover, he took Kaisha and took a closer look at her current physical condition. He found that her current physical fitness was almost at the level of one or two injections of active enhancers, which was still a little behind the third injection.

Li Lin’s lack of physical fitness and customizing genetic enhancement modifications to make up for it is not a problem for Li Lin.

After lunch, with the help of Intelligent Brain, he made a special editing design for Kai’Sa’s body, and then performed surgery on it. The third existence in Pi City that could crush the normal ascension person appeared.

A few more hours passed, and Kai’Sa generally adapted to her own changes. She sat on the top of the mountain with Li Lin and Caitlin, and there were snacks brought by the mechanical engineers beside them, and together they watched the dim sun that was about to merge into the horizon.

Caitlin leaned on Li Lin’s shoulder, “It’s been a long time since we watched the sunset together.”

Li Lin stuffed a small sweet cake into her mouth and said with a smile, “Isn’t this a chance?”

“Hmph~~ If we didn’t have to adapt to the physical strength, we really might not have this chance.” Caitlin pouted slightly and said vaguely.

Kasha, who was sitting next to Caitlin, kept nibbling snacks beside her without saying a word, with a hint of loneliness flashing across her face.

She noticed Kasha’s expression, poked Li Lin with her elbow, and then stood up from his arms, focusing on the little girl who seemed to be remembering the sad past.

Caitlin gently put her arm around Kasha’s slender waist, then rested her chin on her shoulder, trying to use a relaxed tone and asked: “What are you thinking about? Are you so lost in thought?”

“Is there anything else you can’t share with us?” Li Lin also chuckled.

Kasha bit her lower lip, “Li Lin, sister Caitlin…”

After a moment of silence, she sighed, “When I was a child, I often climbed up the mountainside with my companions to watch the sun slowly set into the western mountains… Unfortunately, they are no longer here now.”

Li Lin and Caitlin looked at each other, expressions of surprise flashed across their faces.

It turns out that Kai’Sa was thinking about something she saw, recalling what happened before the void swallowed her hometown.

“You are never alone, you have us.”

Caitlin gently stroked Kasha’s silky hair and her tone was gentle.

“At that time, we can also invite Orianna and Seraphine to come to the mountain together. No matter it is sunrise or sunset, we will accompany you.”

“Thank you…” Kasha’s voice was choked with sobs, and she half-raised her eyes, trying to prevent the tears in her eyes from falling.

Li Lin sighed silently in his heart, and couldn’t help but feel extremely melancholy.

The void had destroyed too many things. His world had been swallowed up by the void, and Runeterra could not suffer the same fate again.

After a brief silence, Li Lin broke the slightly dull atmosphere: “Speaking of this…Ka’Sa, Zhinao told me before that the mechanical engineers it sent to Shurima have contacted Kassadin and returned the I got his satellite phone, have you ever contacted your father?”

As soon as she talked about this, the depression in Kasha’s heart disappeared, and her eyes suddenly lit up, “Yes, I have already talked to my father on the phone! He told me that he is fine now and told me not to worry about him!”

The time she spoke to Kassadin was before Li Lin launched the second communication satellite, Venus.

At that time, even the exploration satellite SkyEye had communication receiving devices, but ultra-long-distance face-to-face projection communication was not yet possible.

Later, after the communication satellite was launched, Li Lin was not in Piltover, and Kaisha did not ask for it. She didn’t even mention it in her daily conversations with Caitlin, Orianna, and Seraphine.

Therefore, Zhinao made no relevant arrangements and sent Kassadin a new type of call projection facility so that he could chat face-to-face with Kassa.

“Didn’t you directly determine your father’s location and teleport to meet him?” Li Lin said in surprise.

“Well…Dad has been wandering around the border of Icasia for the past few months. He told me that it was very dangerous and wouldn’t let me go find him.”

Kaisha’s tone sounded a little lonely. She hadn’t seen her father for more than a year since she left Shurima and came to Piltover.

In addition, after three years of “life and death separation”, her yearning for Kassadin grew day by day. She wished she could teleport to him now and tell him about her experience in Piltover, that she had escaped the influence of the void, and that she had also handed over to him. new friend.

“However, dad said that he will return to Weikaola soon to rest for a while, and then I can go see him!”

“I can go with you.” Li Lin said with a smile.

Kasha’s purple eyes were filled with excitement, “Really?!”

“It just so happens that I have to go to Shurima to deal with some things.” He nodded, “For example, Malzahar, and then I have to find Emperor Azir.”

Li Lin paused for a moment, “It’s time to resolve the matter between Darkin and Xerath.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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