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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 421 Equipment enchantment, the seventh generation infinite armor!

Returning to Pi City, the most important thing at the moment is to quickly upgrade the mechanical creations that are currently lagging behind the level of new technologies they have mastered, especially the Source Project Infinite Armor.

Although Li Lin’s physical fitness can be called a “little superman”, as long as he does not face gods and wizards who control magical powers, he is already considered invincible among humans.

But no matter what, there is still a big gap between his current physical body and those Kryptonians who come to Earth and can be strengthened as long as they are under the yellow sun, and it is even far less effective than the Infinite Armor.

The strengthening of the body is just incidental. As a mechanic, no matter what, you still have to rely on mechanical creations.

After briefly sorting out the required materials, Li Lin prepared to upgrade his Source Plan Infinite Armor first.

The main material of the sixth-generation nano battle armor is the star iron that Zoe found from the starry sky. It is combined with the concentrated primitive crystal exchanged from the system to make a crystal armor coating, which has strong defensive power.

However, now that there is a zero-element synthetic metal material, Li Lin can only say that both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Zero-element synthetic materials are tougher and can be used in various fields. They can also withstand the high-pressure environment required for nuclear fusion reactions.

Although Star Iron lacks toughness, it is an excellent energy conductor, allowing the armor to perform almost without loss during energy transmission, greatly improving the utilization efficiency of the energy core’s energy supply.

Li Lin thought carefully and asked Zhinao to help calculate and compare the data differences.

After careful consideration, he decided to abandon the crystal armor coating made of the original crystal, making the new generation of Infinity Armor mainly made of zero-element nanometals, with star iron attached to the surface as the armor coating.

In this case, not only will the armor’s energy conductivity not change much, but its defensive performance will also be greatly improved.

After leveling up to level 75, Li Lin did not unlock any new weapons except for “nuclear fusion missiles” and “quantum blast bombs”. The material disintegration cannon was basically the pinnacle of current energy weapons.

Nuclear fusion missiles are too powerful and have few opportunities to be used. Li Lin does not plan to equip them on a battle armor or mecha. Instead, he plans to put two of them on the material projection space-based satellite as a backup.

When the time comes to face Belvis, if this guy’s strength is really as terrifying as Malphite said, and he still can’t negotiate, he will be ready to throw nuclear fusion missiles at the ruins of Belvis.

Against beings beyond the demigod level, nuclear fission atomic bombs and uncontrollable nuclear fusion reaction hydrogen bombs may have limited effect, but what Li Lin controls is controllable nuclear fusion, and its power is vastly different from the first two.

If Belvis could even carry a nuclear fusion missile…

Maybe the final battle against the void will come early.

The seventh-generation Project Source Infinite Nano Armor is mainly about the replacement of materials and the upgrade of quality. Its performance is much higher than that of the sixth generation. However, in terms of weapons, it only has nano-scale quantum blast bombs, which are far more powerful than compressed rocket missiles. Able to precisely control the targets affected by the explosion.

For example, in an urban area occupied by the enemy and including civilians, sending drones for indoor operations may cause heavy losses, and there is a high probability that innocent people will be injured.

The quantum bomb is different. Li Lin can release the missile indiscriminately according to the enemy’s area. When it explodes, its firepower will accurately lock on the target that needs to be destroyed, basically not affecting everything around it.

In short, quantum bombs are extremely powerful, but they are only effective against enemies, which is equivalent to turning on the “no harm to friendly forces” in the game in real life.

When the materials are ready, almost all the main materials need to be replaced, and Li Lin is ready to directly create a new set of armor.

The envisioned picture in his mind was uploaded to the Intelligent Brain data terminal. It took him less than an hour to create the seventh-generation armor, and then spent another two hours enchanting it with rune magic.

[Source Plan·Infinite Generation VII (Epic)]

【Nanotechnology Battle Armor】

【functional module】

[Nano energy core, zero element nano metal, star iron armor coating, mimicry, nano self-healing, nano active material filling… super pulse thruster, full weapon form… quantum bomb. 】

[Total attributes: 90% damage reduction, 88% maximum energy recovery per second. 】

[Rune magic enchantment: energy increase, shield barrier (defense enhancement), rapid repair, energy weapon efficiency increase. 】

The creation of the warframe is completed, and what needs to be done now is to enchant it with equipment effects through the system’s new [Equipment Enchantment] function.

Epic-quality warframe has a total of 4 equipment slots. Enchanting the first piece of equipment requires 500 Orange Essence, the second piece requires 1000, the third and fourth pieces require 2000 and 4000 respectively. Each additional piece needs to be added to the original slot. Multiply by 2.

According to the system description, as long as the equipment is enchanted to the infinite armor, and then the large-scale mecha is controlled through its connection, the enchantment effects can be shared, which made Li Lin quite excited.

He has already identified two pieces of equipment that need to be enchanted: “Banshee’s Veil” and “Draxa’s Curtain Blade” are must-haves.

One of the two pieces of equipment is of epic quality and the other is of artifact quality. Although the Draksa Curtain Blade is not as good as the Banshee Veil in terms of quality, Li Lin values ​​​​it very much and can trigger it by killing the target with a “critical strike”. Can ignore unit volume collision and be immune to the short-term invisibility effect of physical attacks.

“Critical Strike” can only be triggered with this sharp blade. However, if its equipment attributes are attached to the infinite armor through [Equipment Enchantment], it is equivalent to the armor being a “sharp blade”. As long as the armor is killed with one blow, Can trigger this ability.

As for the remaining two equipment slots, Li Lin currently has three options: Astral Drive, Abyss Staff and Guardian Angel.

Although he currently still has the Ascension Talisman Prototype and the Blue Bird Pendant given to him by the survivors of the Zaun explosion, and then added with protective magic by Janna.

However, one of these two pieces of equipment provides a lot of health, mana and recovery effects. It also has a life-saving function, which can provide a lot of magic shield when life is in danger. After being broken, it can also increase the maximum health and recover immediately. All states.

The other item is an item blessed by Janna, through which he can communicate with the Goddess of Wind and call her to his side. It is equivalent to a “communicator” and does not have much effect on its own.

They are not suitable for enchanting on Warframe and will only waste equipment slots and attributes.

And since the armor does not lack shortcomings in energy, offensive methods, and defense, and the equipment slots are very limited, even if he has more than 86,000 blue essences that can be exchanged, the equipment that can be used is still limited.

Astral Drive is of epic quality and costs 6000 blue essence. It is a helmet made of star iron and inherits the magic of the heavens.

It allows the wearer to have the effects of “Insight” and “Haste”, and can also trigger the “Curse Dance” BUFF in a combat state.

In short, the ability effect of this piece of equipment does not actually match its own attributes, especially the “insight” ability to see a location ten kilometers around itself, which has a 1-minute cooldown, and is completely useless.

Li Lin dispatched the nano-drone himself, or flew into the sky to let the brain scan it. There was no cooling time, and the scanning speed was much faster and more convenient.

In other words, the normal state is increased by 10%, and the movement speed increased to 20% during combat has a slight effect. Compared with Janna’s blessing of improving both agility and nerve reaction speed, it is still not on the table.

The reason why Li Lin is attracted to this piece of equipment is entirely because of its ability to reduce the cooldown time of other skills by 30%, because it can provide blessings for the “force field shield” of the armor.

Even after upgrading, the Infinity Warframe’s force shield still has a 5-minute cooldown and can only last for one minute.

If coupled with the reduction of the passive effect of Astral Drive, the force field shield only has three and a half minutes of cooling left, which is equivalent to two and a half minutes to obtain an “invincible” effect, which can greatly improve the life-saving ability.

In addition to having this piece of equipment, Li Lin was mainly in trouble between the Void Staff and the Guardian Angel.

Although the Void Staff has “void” in its name, except for its dark purple color, which is slightly similar to the void, its other attributes have nothing to do with the void.

It is only of artifact quality and is a piece of equipment found only in ancient legends. Its basic attributes only provide 2000 mana points and 60% spell power. Its only passive is a 75% penetration effect, which is also applicable to energy.

With this attribute, Li Lin can fight against powerful mages, even gods, demigods, and ancient gods. With this penetration attribute, he can ignore most of their defensive shields and magic resistance, allowing his armor to cause more damage. High damage.

But the guardian angel’s abilities, which are also only of artifact quality, are also impressive.

In addition to the basic attributes, it can allow people to enter a “time freeze” state for up to 1 minute when they are about to die, and then quickly return to the state at any time within a day according to the user’s wishes, and is exempt from all Negative effect until the end of the battle, equivalent to a piece of “resurrection” equipment.

But similar to the “Elizabeth’s Miracle” that Li Lin gave to Caitlin, this piece of equipment can only be used once, and has no effect after that, which is equivalent to wasting an equipment slot.

After thinking for a long time, for the last equipment slot, he chose the Void Staff, an equipment that provided penetration.

The Banshee Veil already provides considerable magic resistance, and can provide immunity to mind control as long as the accumulated magic shield is broken.

Combined with the “anti-demon device” that Li Lin now has design drawings but has not yet begun development, there is nothing to worry about in terms of magic resistance and mental control.

Draxa’s Curtain Blade can provide a stealth effect that is immune to physical attacks after killing the target with one strike. The armor built with zero element synthetic materials and star iron has almost full physical resistance.

As long as Li Lin puts on the seventh-generation infinite armor now, it will be equivalent to a burst of flesh. No one under the demigod can penetrate his armor, and there is no shortage of defensive means.

After comprehensive consideration, his current offensive methods are relatively lacking. The material disintegration ray can disintegrate matter, but it has limited effect on the magic barrier. It is nothing more than high power and power to crush everything.

The same is true for shaped arc lasers and shaped particle spears, both of which are energy rays.

In addition to nano-quantum bombs, nano-warriors lack kinetic energy weapon attack methods, so energy penetration is very important to Li Lin.

After deciding on the equipment to be purchased, Li Lin’s wealth column suddenly disappeared with 8700 blue essence.

Immediately afterwards, on his left and right hands appeared a silver-white helmet with two pointed corners bent upward, a shining golden gemstone between the eyebrows, and a wooden body with a metal truncated cone-shaped head, and a purple spherical orb inlaid inside. Staff.

[Astral Drive (Epic): According to legend, only the star spirit host who has inherited the power of the giant star spirit is qualified to wear it and unleash the true power of this astral item. 】

[Basic attributes: 10% maximum health, 10% maximum mana, 10% maximum magic power, 90 combat power. 】

[Ability Effect]

[Insight: Insight is centered on itself, within a 50-meter range within 10 kilometers, lasting 1 minute (cooling time 1 minute). 】

[Extreme speed: Provides 15% skill cooldown reduction and 10% movement speed. 】

[Curse Dance: After entering the combat state, the skill cooldown reduction and movement speed effects provided by “Extreme Speed” are increased to 30% and 20% respectively. 】

[Void Staff (artifact): Legend has it that during the Darkin War, an arcane mage with extremely high magical talent appeared in the Valoran continent, and he led people to fight against the Darkin. However, a mortal body cannot compete with the gods after all. When he was stained with blood on the battlefield, the powerful staff he held was eventually lost in the long river of history. 】

[Basic attributes: 2000 mana, 60% spell power, 75% spell penetration. 】

[Ability Effect: None]

As soon as he got the two magic items, Li Lin felt his body change suddenly, and huge vitality and magic power quickly emerged under his flesh and blood.

He glanced at the Astral Rider Helmet in his left hand and understood that all his changes were due to the increase in its percentage of health, mana and spell strength.

“Hey, no wonder it is said that only a powerful star spirit host can play the role of your helmet, and the maximum percentage bonus will be achieved together.”

He muttered verbally, and the orange essence in the wealth column in his mind dropped by another 6,000, and determined the target of the enchantment to be the seventh-generation battle armor on the workbench.

With a slight movement of his hands, the two pieces of equipment instantly turned into orange particles and quickly integrated into the seventh-generation battle armor.

Coupled with the two pieces of equipment previously enchanted by consuming 1,500 orange essences, the seventh generation of Infinite Warframe is basically complete.

Li Lin was satisfied to check out the new abilities and attributes of the armor. He pressed one hand on the table and touched the new armor with the other.

The nanomachines moved quickly along his two arms, almost indistinguishably. One piece of clothing receded, and the material of another set of clothes immediately filled the originally vacant position.

“The sixth-generation armor can be sealed away. Although it is not the armor that has been with me the longest, I can still think of it.”

Li Lin thought of the previous set of armor that Zoe accidentally turned into a crystal butterfly, and couldn’t help but smile helplessly at the corner of his mouth.

“Zoe was gone long enough this time.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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