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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 44 You should be very clear about the consequences of kidnapping a congressman (please read

“What do you want to talk about?”

Hilko tried to keep his tone calm, while his eyes occasionally glanced at the batches of shimmering potions not far from Li Lin on the first floor.

This subordinate has a broken arm and is very thin. It is normal for his combat effectiveness to decline.

If Deka or others were allowed to come together, it would not be the situation in front of us…

This idea flashed through Hilko’s mind, but was quickly dismissed by him.

Since the opponent’s combat power is obviously stronger than his own, and he doesn’t have any extra shimmer potions on hand, taking it easy for the time being is the most correct choice.

The batch below will definitely not be saved. We can just make another batch after some time when things stabilize.

As long as he has the method to make the shimmering potion, he will have a chance to make a comeback.

And even if Fander is put back, wouldn’t it be the end of the world when this big iron guy returns to the upper city and then captures him?

It’s just a waste of this good opportunity for riots in the city.

Hilko is not a person who doesn’t know how to be forbearing.

Otherwise, only one of him and Fander will survive until now after the “Day of Ashes”…

After the Cyborg was knocked down, a group of people in the distance ran back and stood beside Li Lin.

“Hilko, you son of a bitch!” Benso was the first to squeeze out again, “Where is Fander?! If he is missing arms and legs, I will cut you into pieces, bastard !”

All I can say is…is he worthy of being a Zaan?

Li Lin in the power armor almost couldn’t help laughing.

A flash of fleeting anger flashed across Hilko’s face, who had just walked aside on the second floor, but he hid it well.

“You are worrying too much about Bensuo. Fandel is not short of money… Also, keep your mouth clean for me.”

“Bah! You’re such a forgetful bastard, you don’t deserve me to talk to you properly.” Bensuo cursed, “Stop fucking my mother-in-law, I want to personally make sure that Fandel is okay!”


Hilko took a deep breath and clenched his fists to resist the urge to have Ben Suo beaten.

Soon, he suppressed his anger in his heart, and then turned back to signal the bald man’s men to bring Fandel out.

The bald man with tattoos entered the room and untied Fandel’s restraints, then put him on his shoulders. As the others followed Hilko to the first floor, they faced Fandel’s men on the other side.


Among the crowd, when they saw the bald tattooed brawny man holding Fander on his shoulders, Wei, Bangbao, Clegg and Milo all exclaimed in surprise.

If Bensuo hadn’t been afraid that Hilko would kidnap the four children and had someone grab them in time, they would have already run to Hilko.

Although Hilko has no such idea at all…

Li Lin controlled the power armor and walked up to Hilko and the others. Facing the hostile eyes of a group of people, he took Fander from the bald tattooed man and walked back, placing him on the ground.

The four children’s eyes were red and they quickly gathered around, “Fander…”

Fandel opened his turbid right eye, with a hint of surprise on his face, “Wei, Bangbao, Craig, Milo…”

“Old bastard, why do you only have eyes for your child, and I’m here too!” Bensuo couldn’t help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Fandel was okay, and laughed and cursed from the side.

“Yes, and you, old man.”

A slight smile appeared on Fandel’s face, and he stood up tremblingly with the support of Benso and the four children.

When he saw the huge steel armor in front of him, a look of shock appeared on his face.

Although he knew that a machine had carried him back when he was unconscious just now, the perception of seeing only a part of it was completely different from seeing the whole body.

“Miss Gila Mann, sir…” Fander nodded to Caitlin and Jace, his eyes staying on the power armor for the longest time. “And this… could it be Li Lin?”

Li Lin was a little surprised, “You can actually recognize me?”

Fander, who looked a little pale, glanced at the rifle in Caitlin’s hand and Jace’s shining energy cannon.

“It’s just a wild guess… I can also tell that you must have something to do when you come to Dicheng armed with weapons today.”

Before Li Lin or Caitlin could speak, he continued: “I will find someone to help you, but first let me solve the mess in front of you.”

Fandel focused his gaze on Silko, who had been silent on the other side, and looked into his eyes that were so indifferent that they seemed not to contain any emotion.

“Silko…” Fandel muttered in a low voice, with various emotions mixed in his tone, and finally turned into a sigh.

He looked back at Bensuo, “Let’s go back…”

“What?!” Benso’s eyes suddenly widened with an expression of indignation, “You old bastard, do you know? This bastard killed a dozen of our brothers!”

Fandel pressed Bensuo, held the long knife and pointed it at Hilko’s arm, and said in a low voice: “If the conflict continues, only a dozen people will die.”

When he recalled the scene where the monster rampaged around in his tavern and hit so many people in an instant, he still felt very angry.

But Fandel was sober and would not let his anger control him.

The shimmer potion is not far away. If Hilko wants to kill the enemy, he can always grab a few bottles when they break the shimmer jar.

By then, even if Li Lin has power armor and can eventually defeat them, and can change people’s speed, it will not be a problem to pull a few dozen people on his back before death.

Of course, there is a deeper personal reason why Fandel does not want to take action against Silko:

What happened that year made him feel deeply guilty.

“You have just seen the horror of these monsters. We cannot risk our brothers’ lives…” Fandel lowered his voice as much as possible and said in Bensuo’s ear.

Then, he pointed to the alchemy device filled with purple liquid not far away, as well as boxes of shimmering potions placed nearby.

“Besides, the eldest daughter of the Giraman family is here, and the law enforcement officers will surely come to our door soon. If we have a conflict with Silko now, it will give the people in the city a reason to send us to prison. .”

“Oh, damn it!” Bensuo cursed secretly and glared at Hilko with angry eyes, “I’ll let you go this time, you bastard!”

He took a deep breath, helped Fandel turn around, and waved to the people behind him, “Let’s go!”

“What about you? Won’t you go together?”

Fandel looked back at Li Lin, Caitlin and Jace, who were still standing there with no intention of leaving.

“No, we still have something to ask Hilko.” Li Lin explained.

Fandel’s expression was a little hesitant, not sure how Silko provoked the Giraman family.

But he didn’t ask too much, “Okay, if you finish your work, you can come to Fulgen’s Tavern to find me.”

“You must come!” Bao Bao waved his hand and interjected from the side.


Li Lin watched everyone walk to the corner at the end and disappear from sight, then turned to look at Hilko again.

“What do you want?” Hilko’s expression was still cold, and so was his voice.

“Were you responsible for the riot in the upper city?” Caitlin looked serious and asked before Li Lin could speak.

Hilko looked at the bald man with tattoos next to him, and then said with a smile: “Little girl, you have to speak with evidence. You are making a false accusation.”

“There has just been a riot in the upper city, and you want to take the opportunity to seize control of the dark alley.” Caitlin frowned slightly and snorted, “Stop pretending to be stupid.”

“That’s a coincidence, little girl. We have never been to the upper city. Who would have thought that there would be riots in the upper city?”

Hilko spread his hands and looked innocent.

“When everything happens by coincidence, it is no longer a coincidence, but a premeditated event.”

Seeing that Hilko had no intention of admitting it, Caitlin threw out a trump card, which could be regarded as a threat to him:

“Regardless of whether you have anything to do with what happened in the city or not, I think you should be very aware of the consequences of kidnapping a congressman.

“After all, all the clues left by the kidnapped congressmen point to Dicheng…”


Before Caitlin finished speaking, Hilko’s expression suddenly changed and she immediately interrupted her.

“You just said…kidnapping a congressman?!”

Thanks to book friend 20190816062734788 for the reward!

ps: It is very important to keep reading during the new book period and the testing period. Please keep reading, my dear friends. If you want to keep books, wait until they are on the shelves (*)


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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