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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 441 Li Lin’s battlefield alone

Just as Xerath was momentarily dazed, the granite shields all over his body shattered, revealing the red body of Malphite, who once again rushed towards him with an unstoppable force.

At the same time, Nasus summoned the fire that burned the soul and the magic that withered the body, and Azir mobilized the desert storm, driving dozens of desert behemoths showing their own special powers to rush here.

Seeing this, Li Lin controlled the Tyrant Beast, and together with Gai Bojia, who was dozens of kilometers away, fired more than a thousand compressed quantum explosions one after another, aiming directly at the ancient wizard spirit in front of him.

“Nothing can control me!” He let out a soul-shaking roar, and the strong taste of rancid metal appeared in the mouths of Li Lin and Nasus.

Following Malphite’s extremely fast collision, Xerath spread his arms, and a blue arc of magic that was as thick as an adult man’s arm swept around and rushed straight into the sky, causing changes in the world.

Covering dozens of kilometers in radius, black clouds with flashes of thunder and lightning covered the bright moonlight and the stars in the sky. The sweeping tornado winds could easily tear apart buildings. The entire world suddenly dimmed, leaving only blue and white arcs. Surge in thunder clouds.

Li Lin looked at the energy index with slight surprise. This magical thunderstorm was more than ten times stronger than ordinary lightning!

This is dozens of times higher than the temperature on the surface of the sun, and even the body of a god cannot withstand it!

Arcane magic is magic without attributes and can be easily transformed into elemental magic in the hands of a master or grandmaster-level arcane mage. Ryze often uses this to recruit fire.

But according to Xerath’s own magic, it is actually impossible to mobilize nature.

Even if he becomes a god, he is not the physical incarnation of natural storms like Volibear, one of the three demigods of the Freljord, and he does not have the authority of the wind goddess Janna to control the storm. It is extremely difficult to induce natural changes. of.

The reason why a lightning storm can be summoned is not only that this area is originally close to Mount Targon, the material realm and the spiritual realm are almost naturally integrated, and magic can be easily used to affect the material realm. There is also the residual energy that the obelisk extracts from the earth veins here, which is enough. Set off a storm that can easily kill those who are at the end of their ascendancy.

This is the blessing of magical power from the planet’s leyline. Under the pull of Xerath, even Azir and Nasus felt the threat of death, let alone Malphite, whose strength was comparable to that of the Ascended.

[Master, it has been detected that a very strong super thunderstorm is coming! 】

Just as Zhinao was reminding him, Azir’s magical voice transmission followed closely: “Li Lin, Nasus, Malphite, don’t let Xerath fully use this move!”

Immediately afterwards, the ground was not melted into glass by the high temperature, and the yellow sand blessed with Azir’s astral magic rolled up, once again forming the form of giant hands and chains, cooperating with Nasus’ magic and Malphite’s earthquake fragments from all directions, Sweeping towards Xerath.

But his arcane core once again extracted the remaining free magic elements in the air, injected them all into his own magic core, accumulated powerful magic in the blink of an eye, and then triggered an arcane magic explosion.

The arcane energy without attributes, centered on Xerath, spread rapidly in circles and waves in all directions, shattering all forms of attacks launched against him.

Seeing that something was not going well, Nasus hurriedly grasped the battle ax with both hands and injected a large amount of magic into it. Then he suddenly took a big step forward to block Malphite, and raised a blue magic barrier.

However, Xerath had extracted the power of the earth veins for more than a year, making his already endless mana surge to an almost unparalleled level. Of course, it was not something that an ascended person like him, who had not even recovered from his peak, could match.

In less than a breath, the magic barrier cracked like a spider web, and immediately shattered into countless fragments. Nasus and Malphite, who had no place to hide, were submerged in the arcane sea that swept like a tsunami, and even their brains could not catch it. to their signs of life.

There is a high probability that death will not occur. Ascended people are not so fragile and cannot even withstand arcane magic explosions of this level. Monolith is even stronger than some ascended people with lower strength.

Nasus and Malphite won’t be a big problem, and Azir put a quicksand barrier on them before they were covered by the torrent of magic, so they won’t have any serious problems, but injuries are inevitable.

“Damn it! How could Xerath be so strong?!”

Li Lin couldn’t believe it.

In his impression, Atreus, who had just regained his body from the war protoss Pantheon who was killed by Aatrox, could fight Xerath after arriving at the ruins of Nerimaji. Back.

At that time, although he had the remaining power of the Star Spirit and possessed a small part of the authority of the War Star Spirit, a star in the vanished War Constellation in the sky was lit during the battle.

Although the outcome of the subsequent battle is likely to be the defeat of Atreus, because the ancient wizard spirits have established a firm foothold in Nerimajie.

But a mortal who has not yet lit up the war constellation can fight with him, which is enough to show that Xerath’s ability should not be so strong.

He had only been out of trouble for more than a year. Even though he could accumulate strength in the mausoleum, he still had to guard against Renekton’s pursuit, and he couldn’t connect to the earth’s veins, so his mana growth was limited.

Li Lin’s brain was spinning rapidly, and he could only think of one possibility:

With his own participation, Nasus called Azir during the Battle of Vekora, and the two worked together to severely injure Xerath, causing him to change his original attitude of contempt for the resurrected emperor…

Li Lin felt a little heavy, but Xerath’s strength growth was still within the range expected by himself and Zhinao. It could only be said to be a relatively bad situation.

Based on the current strength of this ancient wizard spirit, the Tyrant Behemoth may have to suffer 36%-49% battle damage in order to defeat him.

I just don’t know if Xerath has a big killing move, otherwise this mecha will probably activate the “backup hidden energy” and give him a nuclear fusion explosion.

Anyway, with Azir’s sponsorship now, there is no shortage of funds. When the time comes, we will just build another Tyrant Behemoth.

Li Lin took a deep breath, then held his breath and concentrated.

In the following time, he must concentrate on defeating Xerath before the Tyrant Behemoth can’t move and use “mechanical repair” to reduce its quality.

Taking advantage of the force field shield’s duration of more than 40 seconds, the armor of the Tyrant Behemoth transformed into a charging form. With the blessing of anti-gravity technology, the super pulse thruster sprayed out almost transparent fire, and the entire mecha launched. An “unstoppable” offensive.

Xerath’s eyes with beating blue magic suddenly turned, and he waved to summon the thundercloud that had not yet completely formed to rain down thunder and lightning like a punishment from heaven, directly hitting the mecha with 100% accuracy.

Of course, the force field shield blocked all the magic lightning, which was currently over 100,000 degrees and was still heating up, without damaging any parts of the mecha itself.

And because of the existence of the anti-gravity device, the resistance caused by countless lightning storms is almost negligible, but the maximum energy supply exceeds 100%.

“Thank you so much for recharging me!”

With the remote assistance of Azir from far away, a thick quicksand shield that did not block the field of vision covered the entire mecha, just under the transparent barrier of the force field shield.

If the “invincible” effect of the force field shield disappears, this quicksand barrier combined with the liquid metal charged armor and energy barrier on the body’s surface due to the increased shield capacitance of the Tyrant Behemoth will not be a problem for a period of time.

The mecha’s battle damage rate will not exceed 10% until at least 3 minutes and 30 seconds of force field shield cooling time expires.

Li Lin was calm and composed, activated overload charging and overload operation at the same time, and controlled the Tyrant beast with full firepower. Plasma shells and quantum bombs densely packed like raindrops were launched from behind and in front of the mecha respectively, trying his best to avoid the electricity. Lightning struck and headed straight for Xerath.

At the same time, under the control of Zhi Nao, Gaibojia, who had been wandering on the edge of the battlefield, took the opportunity to launch material disintegration cannons, matching the war field hundreds of kilometers away that launched a group of material disintegration cannons in advance.

For a time, the entire Nerimajie, which was originally covered by thunderclouds and became extremely dark, was illuminated by more dazzling colorful lights. Even the magic lightning in the sky could not resist the penetration of the material cracking beams that were pouring down from the sky, as if it had its own Like his own life, he flew straight towards Xerath at high speed.

Standing firm from the torrent of arcane magic, Nasus and Malphite, who were slightly injured, hurriedly stood up, but before they launched their attack, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

Especially Nasus, whose purple-black magical eyes were fixed in the direction of Li Lin and Xerath, and was shocked to find that he could not intervene in this battle.

These are not magical energy beams, especially the orange-yellow beams falling all over the sky. Just one of them can have a dissolving effect on his ascended body.

Although I can withstand one shot without pain or itching, I can’t handle the large number!

Once again, he far underestimated Li Lin’s level.

On the battlefield in front of them, other than remote harassment or assistance like Azir, they couldn’t get involved at all.

Now the battle with Xerath has become a battlefield for Li Lin alone.

“This is impossible!” Xerath shouted in shock from a distance.

Immediately, he used less than one heartbeat to prop up an arcane barrier around his body, and then burst out a magical shock wave like lightning. The strong wind swept the fallen leaves in a spherical shape and spewed out in all directions in the west, destroying all the quantum bombs and resisting the attack. Most energy projectiles.

But at this moment, Li Lin drove the Tyrant Behemoth and was already approaching Zelas.

He was unable to dodge and failed to turn himself into a pure energy posture. The top of the mecha was equipped with a plasma electric field and spikes many times larger than him were pierced through his body, which happened to shatter the core of the original sealing sarcophagus on his chest.

The “armor” composed of metal chains, bronze gold and gravel around Xerath’s body was shattered, completely separated from the material appearance, and turned into a pure energy body.

“How dare you offend the future emperor of Shurima!”

Xerath threw out hot arcane pulses from his hands and chest, but there were still more than ten seconds left in the force field shield, so this kind of magic was of no use to the giant beast.

Li Lin didn’t pay attention to the ancient wizard spirit who liked to scratch his head in the game. He was known as the “head-scratching monster Ze Sanpao”. He put double high-power piercing drills on his fists, and ejected a plasma cutting lightsaber from his arms to shock the “villain” in front of him. Slashing with a sonic boom.

Even though Xerath is four or five meters tall, facing the 200-meter-plus Tyrant beast, he is like a nimble little mouse and cannot be controlled at all.

However, melee attacks often “miss”, which does not mean that the same is true for ranged weapons.

Just when Xerath mocked “it’s too slow” and avoided the fist of the Tyrant beast at an extreme distance, what he didn’t expect was that Li Lin had already secretly switched out an energy transmitter on the wrist of his left fist and aimed it at him. Based solely on the energy index, the charged particle light spear projectile is not weaker than the matter cracking cannon.


As Xerath screamed in pain, the spear-shaped energy body penetrated his chest, nailing him firmly to the ground that had long since turned into gravel, slag and glass.

Immediately afterwards, the material cracking cannons falling all over the sky immediately submerged it, and a mushroom cloud-like energy cloud rose.

The time for the force field shield ended. Li Lin retreated cautiously, not daring to move forward rashly, waiting for the cooling time of the force field shield.

However, at this moment, Xerath was slightly weak, but extremely wild laughter came from the energy that had not completely dissipated:

“Huh ha ha ha… My ultimate ritual has been completed, damn bastard, prepare to face the fate of death!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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