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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 444 Hey, why are you all here?

The white light finally faded, and Kyle and Morgana flew to the center of the explosion.

I saw one in the distance that was severely damaged and had been melted by gas to the point of being reduced to a shape. Only the “humanoid” steel giant could be barely seen.

Before it, Leona, who had also found this place, was staring blankly at the towering giant in front of her, “It can even withstand explosions that far exceed the temperature of the sun. What kind of monster is this…”

Kyle and Morgana landed behind Leona at the same time.

“Goddess of Dawn.”

Kyle said hello, and Morgana eagerly flew up to the upper middle of the mecha, feeling the remaining energy of the nuclear fusion reactor, and quickly found the cockpit.

Morgana tore open the metal shell that was fused together. Unfortunately, apart from the mess and damage inside, even the electric light no longer bounced and flickered, the wires and the mechanical arms, and there was no trace of Li Lin at all.

His heart that had sunk to the bottom finally relaxed. It seemed like Li Lin should escape early.

Morgana looked back at Kyle, and then met Leona’s gaze.

She asked with a stunned look on her face: “Do you… know this big guy?”

“To be precise, I know the owner of this mecha.” Kyle said in a deep voice.

Immediately afterwards, Morgana added: “His name is Li Lin. He is an Ionian from Piltover. He was a guest in Demacia some time ago.”

“Mecha… Piltover… Ionian… Demacia?”

Leona lowered her eyes and repeated these names several times, unable to connect them at all.

“What exactly is going on?” She raised her eyes and looked sideways at Kyle beside her. “Could it be that Azir did this explosion of the Sun?”

The news that Azir had revived and re-raised the sun disk in the center of Shurima could not be hidden from the Sun Cult that dominated Mount Targon, and Leona naturally knew about it.

The power of the sun disk also comes from the “sun”. Although it is very different from her own, if she insists on linking this explosion to a certain god, she can only think of Azir.

“Azir can’t do this.” Kyle glanced at his sister who landed from mid-air with her feet touching the ground. The divine light under the helmet flickered without revealing much.

[This mecha seems to have been abandoned. We need to find Li Lin first. 】

Morgana sent a message to Kyle.

[But doesn’t his armor have teleportation magic? We don’t know where he went. Where are we going to find him in this vast sea of ​​sand? 】

Kyle’s response silenced Morgana for a moment.

[Maybe we should ask Azir? 】

Since Xerath had previously drained the magic from the air, a weak flow of magic was easily noticeable.

Leona raised her eyebrows, a bit of confusion flashed in her eyes, and she glanced back and forth between Kyle’s helmet and Morgana’s face.

But because of the “face” between the star spirit hosts, she didn’t say much.

“We’re going to find Azir to find out. Do you want to come with us?” Morgana raised her chin at Leona and signaled.

The goddess of dawn looked to the east, closed her eyes and felt it.

Azir and his army are probably more than two hundred kilometers away from here. At this time, the aftermath of the explosion is gradually receding. The monarch of Shurima seems to be interested in returning here, and his breath is gradually approaching.

“It seems that he has already arrived.” Leona opened her eyes and said to the angel sisters.

After a while, as the yellow sand gradually filled Naerimajie again, Azir moved forward on the sand, and soon returned to the ruins where it was impossible to recognize a city.

When he saw Morgana, Kyle and Leona, the golden magic light in his eyes jumped a few times, and he focused on observing the goddess of dawn who also had the Gift of the Sun, but did not say anything.

Immediately afterwards, he controlled the quicksand to climb up the edge of the abandoned Gaboga mecha, and soon reached the cockpit.

“Where is Li Lin?” Azir said with an imperial majesty, but also looked hoarse and slightly sad.

From his point of view, it was impossible for any god to survive the explosion of the “sun”, not even Xerath.

From this point of view, Li Lin is even more impossible.

Although he didn’t want to believe this result, the scene of the young and promising young man being instantly burned and vaporized in the flames of the sun continued to appear in his mind.

Just like what happened when Xerath pushed himself into the fire of the sun on the Ascension Altar.

It shouldn’t be like this…

Azir’s heart was heavy.

“We should be asking you this.” From the desert emperor’s words, the angel sisters knew that he knew Li Lin, and Morgana asked.

Azir was a little surprised, “Star Spirit, do you guys know him too?”

The doubt in Leona’s eyes was even brighter. Who is this “Li Lin”, so that even the emperor of the Shurima Empire and two hosts who inherited the righteous star spirit care so much about him?

“Now is not the time to talk about this, right?” Morgana sounded a little impatient.

“He wasn’t in the cockpit when we arrived.”

Immediately following Kyle’s words, Morgana added: “His armor has the ability to teleport. With your ability to control sand, you should be able to find him.”

Azir was stunned for a moment, but without saying anything more, he immediately used the yellow sand under his paws to amplify his perception around him.

But before Li Lin could find it, he instead discovered a familiar evil aura.

“This is impossible!” Azir lost his voice, “Xerath is not dead yet?”

Before the angel sisters and Leona could react, he immediately waved the sharp spear staff in his hand, summoning the ancient sand beast formed from yellow sand and blessed by astral magic to escape into the ground.

After a while, as a blue arcane light exploded from the ground, an almost transparent arcane energy group broke out of the ground.

“Ha, haha…cough cough cough…No, nothing can stop me! Cough cough cough…even the sun!” Xerath’s weak voice came intermittently from the arcane energy body.

By his own strength, he shouldn’t have survived the explosion of a fusion missile.

However, at the critical moment when his life was in danger, Xerath dispersed most of his power and escaped underground at all costs, barely saving his life with the help of the magic power of the earth’s veins.

But even so, his life is now in danger, and his strength has been reduced to ten percent. He can’t even maintain his human form, and he can no longer fight at all.

As soon as he broke out of the ground, he was locked tightly by Azir’s quicksand chains and cage, unable to break free at all.

“Ahem…even if you find that idiot who is willing to sacrifice his life for you, you…can’t kill me!” With power… you can break through the seal again!”

“If you fall into my hands, do you think I will give you a chance?” Azir’s voice was filled with anger.

Not far from him, the angel sisters all said in shock: “What is this?”

Unlike them, Leona was not too surprised.

She has heard many legends since she was a child growing up on Mount Targon. In addition to the Titan Celestial Spirit believed in on Mount Targon, she also naturally knows about the fall of Shurima thousands of years ago.

In particular, the feud between Azir and Xerath is spread among the Shurima population, and the Sun Cult has detailed records.

“A traitor!” Azir snorted, pouring all his anger on Xerath, who was now extremely weak.

Quicksand blessed by astral magic continued to pass through Xerath’s energy body, torturing his spirit body and making him howl uncontrollably.

According to Azir, this is just the beginning.

If Li Lin really died in battle because of Xerath, he would not let this guy go easily!

“Torturing him now is of no use, why not find what you call ‘Li Lin’ first.” Leona was impatient.

From what she sensed, the astral energy contained in Azir’s body was simply unable to unleash an explosion that would exceed the temperature of the sun’s core by more than ten times.

Combined with the performance of the Winged Angel sisters beside her, Leona guessed that this incident was probably related to the “Li Lin” they called.

But what she didn’t understand the most was how on earth a mere mortal could do this? !

Leona’s doubts were quickly answered.

Just when Azir was searching for traces of Li Lin with the help of yellow sand, a huge arcane magic transmission circle appeared on the ground not far from them.

Several people looked at it in unison. About the time it took for an adult to breathe normally, another Tyrant beast with equally serious damage appeared in their field of vision.

At the same time, Li Lin’s brisk voice reached several people’s ears through the mecha: “Hey, why are you all here?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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