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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 450 Gray Lady arrives

“Li Lin!” Salo, who had always had a bad temper, finally couldn’t bear it anymore. He slapped the table and stood up to yell angrily, “Don’t think that just because you are hailed as a ‘future pioneer’, you dare to be so arrogant! This is the parliament, the highest authority in the upper city, but Not on any other occasion!”

Polpok followed up and said, “We usually respect you because of your genius and your contribution to the city, but that doesn’t mean you can slap your nose in your face.”

“Parliament is a place where members discuss business matters, which may be related to the future of Piltover. Since you are a member of the Gilaman family, you must be very aware of this matter.” Voslaton’s tone was equally unkind. He also brought Karina in.

It was because Hoskar was beaten to the punch by them that he didn’t know what to say. He just stared at Li Lin with what he thought was a vicious look and said nothing.

Heimerdinger and Mel seemed a little embarrassed and didn’t understand what he wanted to do. The same was true for Karina, whose expression was not good-looking, but she didn’t mean to be harsh.

She just felt that Li Lin’s behavior of not discussing anything in advance was a bit inappropriate, just like the way he insisted on defending Dicheng and making a “five-year agreement” with other council members two years ago.

However, they all automatically ignored Li Lin’s last words about talking about the crimes of the congressmen.

“Don’t get excited. I didn’t have any ill intentions. I just wanted to discuss Pi City’s legal issues with you.” Li Lin deliberately smiled in an indifferent tone.

Immediately afterwards, he calmly raised his right hand, and saw that the clothes on his cuffs once again changed into their previous appearance, and the precipitated matter combined into a drone.

There was silence in the parliament hall. Hoskal and Voslaton sat upright. The gears on Polpok’s mechanical face moved faster and slower, representing his change of mood.

Even Salo touched the shiny “Mediterranean Sea” and sat down again, frowning, wanting to see what Li Lin was going to do.

“A city-state’s long-term peace and stability cannot be separated from laws that are strict and fair and can keep pace with the times. It has been 218 years since Piltover was founded, and the laws have been revised more than once.

“By the way, Congressman Gilaman, do you know which edition of Piltover’s criminal code has been revised to now?”

Karina was stunned for a moment, “Uh… it has been revised to the 17th edition. Other codes such as the Civil Code and the Commercial Code have also been revised no less than 10 times. The code regarding the protection of craftsmen and patents has been revised 25 times. .”

“Yes, Pi City has developed for more than two hundred years and already has a very complete legal system. Civilian citizens must abide by it, and members of large families must also abide by it, including members of the parliament.”

As soon as Li Lin finished speaking, a brief silence fell in the air again.

Hoskar looked left and right, and in order to make up for the regret of not being able to speak, he was the first to refute: “Of course we abide by the law, what exactly do you want to express?”

“Yes… that’s right!” Salo’s confidence was not as strong as before, “We are councilors, leaders of the upper city. The law is revised in our hands, and we should abide by it!”

Voslaton frowned slightly, looking at Salo with anger in his eyes, as if he was dissatisfied with his remarks.

Karina and Mel’s eyes of different colors glanced at Salo, and a flash of light flashed deep in their eyes.

Heimerdinger blew his beard at the corner of his mouth and couldn’t understand what they were talking about. One moment it was about crimes, and the next moment it was about the formulation and modification of laws.

Of course, Li Lin had a panoramic view of the subtle changes in expressions of all the members.

Among the congressmen present, Karina is considered a quite upright person, a complete centrist conservative.

Although she once made the decision to exploit the bottom city in order to cater to other congressmen, it was really a helpless move.

After all, the parliament adopts a show of hands to make decisions, and the minority obeys the majority. She alone, even with Mel and Heimerdinger, can’t change anything.

As an “abandoned son” of the Medalda bloodline in Noxus, Mel won the sponsorship of the Philos family with his outstanding abilities after coming to Piltover, and he also had good relations with the Salo family.

Because Camille is involved in all major and minor matters of the Feros family, all Mel needs to do is to serve as the “eyesight” of the Feros family in the parliament. She has never done anything out of the ordinary.

A few days ago, her biological mother Anbesa wanted to “borrow” some Hex weapons to revitalize the Myrdalda family in Noxus and protect them from Swain’s liquidation, but was rejected, needless to say other things.

Not to mention Heimerdinger.

Apart from scientific research and the exploration of new technologies, he was not interested in anything else.

Judging from the intelligence Li Lin has collected so far, the Salo, Hoskal, Polpok and Voslaton families have committed the most crimes.

“Ahem…” Salo seemed to realize that his words were inappropriate. He paused for two or three seconds, cleared his throat and said again: “So… what do you want to say? Why do you want to bring up the law? ?”

“There’s nothing else.”

Li Lin shook his head, with a smile on his face, but no smile could be seen.

“I just think it’s inappropriate to let some criminals serve as members of parliament to run the country?”

When these words came out, Karina, Mel and Heimerdinger were stunned.

The faces of Salo, Hoskal and Voslaton gradually darkened, obviously very angry by Li Lin’s words.

“What do you mean?” Polpok asked in a machine-like hoarse and deep voice, “Are you saying we are criminals?”

“Ah no, no, no, you misunderstood.” Li Lin crossed his hands and leaned forward on the table. “I didn’t say everyone, I just meant those who have evil intentions.”

As he spoke, his eyes once again glanced at Voslaton next to Karina, as well as Polpok, Salo and Hoskar sitting opposite.

“Who the hell are you talking about?” Salo pointed at Li Lin and said sharply.

“Whoever answered my call has something wrong with him?” Li Lin gestured to Karina, Mel and Heimerdinger, “Didn’t you notice that they didn’t react at all?”


“Congressman Salo, calm down, calm down… We can’t let this young boy lead us astray.” For the first time, Hoskal did not add insult to injury, but comforted him.

Seeing Li Lin’s toughness, Voslaton and Polpok gradually realized that something was wrong, but they just looked at each other from time to time and remained silent.

“Child, you must have evidence when speaking and doing things, especially when you accuse others.”

Heimerdinger didn’t want to cause too much tension between Li Lin and the four congressmen, but he didn’t know what to say. He could only say something that he thought was fair.

“Since I dare to say it, I have the confidence.”

Li Lin snapped his fingers again, and the drone that had been separated and kept in the air turned on the projection device, displaying the holographic projection picture according to the different angles faced by each person.

It lists evidence of various illegal crimes committed by the Sarro, Hoskkar, Polpok, and Voslaton families, including but not limited to smuggling contraband, exploiting Zaun labor, engaging in favoritism, and colluding with the Noxian nobles. etc.

The people who colluded with Noxus to smuggle Hex devices and weapons were the Polpok and Voslaton families. This time Gangplank suddenly asked to increase the taxes on the Hex Flygate. They were also trying to crack down on Zillaman. The En family made small moves in secret.

Among them, the most egregious ones were the human trafficking cases that Salo and the Horskar family had been involved in for more than ten years, and had not stopped until the Alchemy Baron was banned in the past two years.

As for where those abducted people have gone…

Some were used as living subjects and handed over to the alchemy barons for alchemical technology experiments, while the other were sold to Noxus and became slaves or “cannon fodder” in the Liquidator Arena for entertainment.

Salo clenched his fists and slammed the table, “This, this… this is slander! It’s slander!”

“How could we possibly do such a thing?!” Hoskal also stood up and shouted, and the harsh sound of the chair scraping the ground echoed in the parliament hall.

Compared with the two council members who are not very bright, Voslaton and Polpok appear to be much calmer and calmer.

Voslaton finally stopped tapping his hand on the table, “Since you brought up the law, you must know the punishment for defamation and fabricating evidence in Piltover, right?”

“What’s more, this is slandering a congressman. Even if you are the son-in-law of Congressman Gila Mann, this alone is enough to send you to jail for several years… Oh, yes, it is also the most severe and chaotic Stillwater Prison in the upper city.” Polpok added.

“Li Lin…”

Caitlin, who was standing in the auditorium, had a worried look on her face, her two white hands tightly intertwined, trying to come out to help him.

She felt that with her own intelligence and evidence, it would be easy to break through the psychological defenses of several congressmen.

However, Li Lin just looked back at her, and the meaning in his eyes was very clear: Just leave it to me.

“The evidence is conclusive, do you still want to deny it?”

Li Lin turned his head again and leaned on the back of the chair, without any sense of nervousness in his words.

“If you are willing to plead guilty, considering your status as a council member and your contribution to Piltover, you may be given a lighter punishment. Maybe you will only be imprisoned for a few decades?”

“Presumptuous, really presumptuous!” Salo became more and more angry, spittle flying, “It seems you are really unrepentant?!”

“Come here, where is Sheriff Grayson? Drag this guy down quickly!”

“Wait!” Karina suddenly stood up and yelled, with a cold face, “Congressman Salo, Congressman Hoskar, we haven’t even read the evidence in front of us, how can you be sure that Li Lin is spreading rumors and slander? “

“Congressman Gilaman, is this even necessary?” Salo asked sternly, his words and expression as if he had really been slandered, “Do you think we would do such an unscrupulous thing?! “

“Li Lin is a member of your family. He slandered us and you actually spoke for him. Could it be that what he did today was instigated by you?”

“Congressman Hoskar, you can’t say such nonsense!” Mel’s face also showed displeasure, “I think you and I both know what Congressman Gila Mann is like, how could she do what you said? Such a thing?”

“Then how should we explain today’s situation?” Voslaton finally spoke and sneered: “I know that you usually have a good relationship with Councilor Gila Mann, but you have always been rational. I don’t want any quarrel between you. Friendship blinds you.”

“Mel, you know me, do you really believe that I would let my family do such a thing?”

Salo also deliberately showed a sad expression. Although his acting skills are a bit lame, considering the current situation, it is quite useful.

“This…” Mel’s gaze turned to Li Lin inadvertently, with uncertainty in his eyes.

“Child, it seems that no one is willing to admit the evidence in these statistics. Do you have any actual evidence?”

There was worry in Heimerdinger’s eyes. He did not want such a genius who led the Twin Cities to an era of innovation to be imprisoned simply for “defaming a member of parliament.”

Li Lin just smiled and shook his head and did not answer his question.

“Hmph, it looks like it’s just a bluff.” Hoskal became hardened and slammed the table hard, “Where is Chief Grayson? Where is she? Do you still want to retire as a police chief?”

At this moment, a female voice that silenced everyone echoed in the hall: “Chief Grayson is not here, can you look at me?”

Along with the sound of air jets and metal friction and collision, the sound of metal ropes rubbing against each other echoed.

Immediately afterwards, a woman wearing a feminine custom-made tuxedo, her whole body transformed into a metal shell, and her legs made of special materials into sharp blades descended from the sky on a hook lock.

“Grey Lady!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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