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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 451 My will is the future of mankind!

As soon as the Gray Lady appeared, the four councilors seemed to have a backbone, and their eyes were focused on her.

Although I didn’t know that she suddenly appeared at the meeting today, after all, everyone was supported by the Feros family, and everything they did was done with Feros turning a blind eye and acquiescing.

Today, Li Lin suddenly found evidence and wanted to overthrow them. Camille must be the first to be unwilling.

At least that’s what the four of them thought.

As the blade’s legs touched the smooth marble floor and made a “clang” sound, Camille, who was holding her waist and showing an elegant posture, walked to the other end of the gap in the parliamentary round table.

The next moment, Mel’s assistant and attendant Elola ran out of the corridor leading to the waiting room and called two guards to move a council chair and place it behind Camille.

Mel cast a questioning look at her, as if asking why the Gray Lady appeared at this time, and she seemed to know about it in advance.

Elora just gave Mel an apologetic look.

In fact, she had just received a call from Abiel, the head of the Philos family. She knew that the Gray Lady had arrived at the parliament hall and immediately found someone to arrange seats.

She originally wanted to take the opportunity to remind Mel, but she didn’t expect that Camille had already arrived.

I saw Camille sitting on a chair, looking at Elola slightly sideways, “If you can, can you make me a cup of tea? You should know my taste.”

“I will arrange your wishes immediately.”

When Elola hurriedly retreated, Camille looked around, staying on Li Lin for the longest time, and then withdrew her gaze and pointed at the projection in the center of the round table.

“I listened to part of your conversation. You were discussing the crimes committed by several congressmen?”

At this time, Salo and Hoskal had already sat back in their chairs. When the Gray Lady arrived, they did not dare to be too ostentatious.

However, Salo was still angry. He glared at Li Lin with great dissatisfaction and said, “This is pure rumor and slander! He is slandering us!”

“Whether it’s slander or not, I have a clear idea in my mind.”

Camille reached out and slid her hand a few times, her blue eyes turning orange from time to time, recording the data one by one.

The hall was quiet for a few seconds.

Until Camille spoke again to break the increasingly anxious atmosphere, “Is this why you came to me?”

Her words caused consternation in Salo and Hoskal.

“what’s the situation?”

“Why did Li Lin call Gray Lady here?”

They originally thought that the Gray Lady was here to support them, but now it seems that the situation has reversed?

Voslaton’s heart tightened, and the vague feeling of uneasiness became more and more obvious. From time to time, he glanced at Polpok, whose expression could not be seen at all, and could only judge his mood through the rotation of the gears on his face.

“What exactly is going on?”

What happened today was so sudden that Karina felt like her brain was a little overwhelmed. She didn’t understand Li Lin’s motives at all.

Also, according to Camille, Li Lin seemed to have invited her to attend the council?

Mel tilted her head and looked at Caitlin who was also shocked in the distance. She had a vague idea of ​​what Li Lin wanted to do, but she didn’t dare to confirm it.

Heimerdinger looked at Li Lin to his right, Camille to his left, and then looked at the expressions of other congressmen. After comprehensive consideration, he also chose silence.

“In fact, it’s not just the crimes committed by several congressmen.”

Li Lin stood up from the chair.

“Piltover has been subject to the decadent rule of powerful oligarchic families for too long, and its title as a progressive city has long been rusty and stagnant.

“Today’s Pi City is just a prosperous and prosperous city-state. It seems to be full of vitality, but in fact it has been declining.

“The original intention of this city-state was to be a beacon of enlightenment, independent of the troubled times of supremacy of power and pursuit of fame and wealth.”

“However, before my technology, how long had Piltover’s technology been stagnant?”

Li Lin’s tone was calm, but not angry.

Wherever he looked, no congressman dared to look him in the eye.

“You have long been lost in power. You are greedy for pleasure, indulge in comfort, and are extremely arrogant. You think you have wealth that rivals the entire world. You use your credibility to exchange for false and useless wealth and fame. But what’s the point?

“Noxus invaded Ionia, and you witnessed the country’s ambitions. In the subsequent war, the masons arrived. You knew that they were eyeing the twin cities, but they did nothing.

“The impoverished people of Zaan live in an environment that is so bad that it can lead to death, but you turn a blind eye to them, and even exploit them, draining the remaining blood of Zaan to maintain the glory of Piltover.

“If it weren’t for me and the Noxian army marched south to attack our twin cities, what would you do?

“If it weren’t for me, how long would it take for Za’an to riot again, and the second ‘Day of Ashes’ to come?”

Li Lin noticed the changes in the expressions of Salo, Hoskar, and Voslaton, as well as the turning of the gears at the corners of Polpok’s mouth, and already knew what they were thinking.

“Yes, you will definitely say that there are several mountains blocking the northern part of the Twin Cities, and Noxus cannot attack at all. If Pi City can easily suppress Zaun once, it can suppress it a second time.

“But have you ever thought that Swain has controlled the power of demons and even sent many war masons to infiltrate the major families in Pi City, so that he can easily kill you all in one fell swoop!

“As for the suppression of Zu’an, have you ever considered that Pi City also originated from Zu’an, and your bloodline is also inherited from Zu’an!

“Is this how you treat the possible crisis in the City of Progress, and how you treat your compatriots who have the same ancestors and the same origin?”

At this moment, a breeze suddenly blew up in the parliament hall, which stung the cheeks.

The next second, a blue bird appeared out of thin air and landed on Li Lin’s shoulder.

“Janna…” Camille subconsciously said the name of the goddess of wind.

“Don’t worry about me. I just heard Li Lin’s call to Zu An and came here to see the situation.” Janna’s clear and ethereal voice sounded directly in everyone’s minds.

The appearance of the Goddess of Wind made the four councilors present feel timid and nervous. A layer of cold sweat oozed from their backs, soaking the inner lining of their clothes.

Because Li Lin had just exposed the dirty deeds they had done behind the scenes, they were so angry that they forgot that there was a god standing behind this young man.

If you piss him off, wouldn’t it be tantamount to offending the patron god of the Twin Cities…

“Runeterra is facing an unprecedented crisis, but you short-sighted guys only care about your own interests.

“If the world is destroyed, what’s the use of all the money you have?”

Li Lin didn’t give them a chance to question, and immediately showed the scene of Belvis threatening to devour the Twin Cities, and then showed everyone the live shot of himself piloting a mecha to fight Xerath.

These are just some of the threats the world currently faces, and Xerath has been dealt with by him.

“This this……”

Karina and Mel’s eyes widened and they were already stammering, unable to say a word.

They really didn’t expect that the Twin Cities would now face the legendary crisis that caused the Shurima Empire to gradually decline.

Only then did Heimerdinger realize that it turned out that Li Lin came to borrow Gaboga some time ago to eradicate an evil god for mankind.

Although what attracted him more was another large mecha in the picture that was taller than Gaborga and looked like the lava giant Malphite.

The remaining four congressmen were already dumbfounded and still can’t believe what they saw and heard.

“In my opinion, allowing you to continue to be in power will undoubtedly push the Twin Cities into the abyss of eternal destruction. Only I can lead you to a brighter future.”

Li Lin’s face was stern, and his firm eyes swept across the round table. The four congressmen who were originally very powerful were like wilted eggplants, and they did not dare to be as arrogant as before.

After a while, Salo still wanted to struggle again. After all, if they compromised like this, they and the four families at the front of Piltover’s second echelon would be completely ruined.

“Why do you think you can lead the Twin Cities?”


Li Lin smiled.

“Just because I am the future pioneer, the mechanical creator Li Lin, just because I am the beginning of a revolution, the crystallization of human wisdom, the epitome of an era, the collection of the world…”

He paused for a moment, and soon, hundreds of mechanical engineers, drones, and aerial combat machinery Storms flew in from the open windows of the parliament hall under the control of the brain, occupying almost the entire space.

At this time, Elola was coming in from the corridor door with a tray of tea brewed. When she saw the scene in front of her, the tray in her hand slipped and fell to the ground. The extremely precious teapot was broken, and the fine tea leaves and tea water were mixed with the porcelain pot fragments. One place.

Then, Li Lin said the last sentence in an impassioned and powerful tone: “My will is the future of mankind!”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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