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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 453 The land where Icasia once stood

Icathia is an independent and proud country located in the southeast corner of the Shurima continent.

This once was a rich and prosperous land, but now it has become the most desolate and evil place.

Although it was violently conquered by Shurima, in the following hundreds of years, humans, three-fingered troll-like long-lived species, vastaya, and yordle coexisted harmoniously.

But all this was completely broken by Icacia’s extremely stupid ruling council.

A massive earthquake occurred in the coastal province of Sa’abola, shaking the dark things lurking deep beneath the earth to the surface.

After investigation by the elemental mages, the Governing Council was shocked to find that this dark power actually had the power to rival the Celestial Warriors of the Shurima Empire.

They call it “the void.”

After careful consideration, they sent the best warriors of Icathia to escort the collection of the abyss, using the elemental flame “Eternal Flame” to reluctantly contain it, and prepared to resist the injustice done to them by the Shurima Empire.

For hundreds of years, every time the governing council applied to the Ascension Group, seeking to grant them even one of their country’s ascension quotas.

However, the older generation who experienced the violent conquest of Shurima are still alive. They instilled in their descendants the concept of hatred for the Empire, insulting the Ascended Order, and contempt for the Emperor.

Wolf ambition is just hidden under the surface of false flattery. The Empire and the Ascension Group knew very well what Icathia wanted, so they never agreed to their request, but they never gave any reason.

In a vicious cycle, Icacia’s hatred of Shurima grew day by day.

When the contained “void” was transported to the capital of Icathia, hundreds of years later, the governing council crowned a new mage king and reorganized Kaua’ali, a group of heroes who protect Icathia and the mage king.

According to their status in the hearts of the Icathians, they are not inferior to the Ascended Ones worshiped by the Shuriman people.

The Council declared war on the Shurima Empire. No nation wanted to ally with them, but they were undaunted.

During the first battle with Shurima, the elite Khaoari warriors killed an arrogant Ascended One. The soldiers and civilians were excited and their morale was high.

However, before they could celebrate for too long, bad news followed.

The powerful Ascended Legion has arrived in Icathia, and with the blessing of the power of the sun disk, each of them has easily conquered the border cities of Icathia.

Under the mighty power of the gods, they can kill the Mage King like they did nine hundred years ago, nail his bones to the top of the city, and let them rot as a warning.

The Ascension Group sent three Ascended Ones. Under their joint attack, the Icathian army retreated steadily, leaving no resistance.

The crazy governing council ordered the release of the void, and the elemental mages released the eternal flame, causing the evil things contained within to descend on the land.

In an instant, the void swallowed the earth, tore the surface apart, and opened a transmission channel from the void plane to the material plane. The escaping void breath created countless void creations, greedily sucking the vitality of this vibrant land.

At this point, the Void War that lasted for hundreds of years began.

The leader of the Ascension Group, the Ascended Valkyrie Setaka, died on the battlefield. Thousands of heavenly warriors fell one after another, and in the end almost no one remained.

If Horok hadn’t jumped deep into the abyss, away from the sun disk that gave him power, pierced the heart of the void with the blade of the underworld, and closed the void passage, even the Shurima Empire might have fallen, leaving this world Completely swallowed by nothingness.

Li Lin stood on a small hill at the border of Khalisai and looked far into the distance, his sight rising from low to high.

From the desert to the salty zone, to the chitinous crust rising up like a hill, and finally looking towards the sky where black clouds sweep, lightning and thunder appear, and the sky has not changed for thousands of years.

The whole world is in a gray mist. The bleak and biting cold wind can almost penetrate people’s souls. There are bottomless abyss and fissures everywhere. Occasionally, there are at least ten square meters in one place. The giant footprints hint at how terrifying this place is.

No creature can survive in this corrupted land without protection.

This was the first time Li Lin saw part of Icacia with his own eyes.

Kassadin was less than a kilometer away from here, far from entering the territory of Icathia, which made him feel at ease.

If something went wrong with Kassadin, he wouldn’t be able to explain it to Ka’Sa…

Li Lin took a deep breath, started the thruster engine, and flew towards Kassadin at high speed.

[It is detected that the oxygen content of the air is gradually decreasing…]

[By the time you arrive at Mr. Kassadin’s location, the oxygen content in the air is expected to drop to 15.78%. 】

[If you leave Khalisay and enter Ikasia, the oxygen content of the air will drop to 12.33%. This is only an average level based on the ambient air element content. 】

[It has been detected that the air of Icasia contains energy particles that cannot be analyzed, and it is impossible to know whether they are harmful to the human body. 】

[Master, I suggest you start the internal circulation oxygen supply system in advance. 】

Li Lin frowned, and with a thought, he switched the breathing mode of the armor from filtering to internal circulation, then saw the figure below and quickly landed.

Kassadin was crouching behind a hernia protruding from the ground, cutting the material above with the Blade of the Underworld.

At the reminder of the power armor’s smart chip, he first glanced behind him, then stood up and turned around, saying in a surprised tone: “Li Lin?!”

Li Lin waved to him and said with a smile, “Long time no see.”

“Why are you here?” Kassadin withdrew the Blade of the Underworld, dropped the Hernia Shard in his hand, and quickly ran to Li Lin’s side, his tone was quite astonishing, “Also, you can actually fly? !”

Although Kaisha had told him that Li Lin could fly, with his growing familiarity with power armor, he really couldn’t imagine how such a heavy armor with limited energy supply could soar into the sky.

All along, Kassadin subconsciously felt that Li Lin should have used a method similar to “gliding”, which allowed the armor to glide briefly when it fell from a high altitude, thus making his daughter think that he could fly.

But looking at it now, Kassadin realized that he was totally wrong.

“Actually, since we parted in Nasramei, not long after we returned to Pi City, I developed the flying technology.” Li Lin explained, “Although the armor at that time could not leave Runeterra, it could still fly tens of thousands of meters. High in the sky.”

“Ten, tens of thousands… meters?!” Kassadin stuttered in shock, almost speechless.

But soon, with a lot of life experience, he calmed down his emotions, relaxed his tense nerves a little, and did not continue on this topic that he could not understand the principle of.

“By the way, Kassa…” Kassadin hesitated.

Although Li Lin couldn’t see his expression clearly through the mask, he could tell his current mood from his slightly choked voice.

“Thank you, you really did.”

Li Lin understood that Kassadin was referring to helping Kai’Sa peel off the void shell. “Unfortunately, the situation is still not optimistic.”

Kassadin was silent for a while and sighed heavily.

Kasha had told him about Beervis before, and warned him not to go to the ruins of the city that had long been swallowed up.

That city is not far from Zoran, the “utopian” city rumored by the desert people.

However, anyone who knows a little bit about Void would not think that Zoran, who is close to Icathia, is a “paradise.”

The Axels once occupied this uninhabited land and opened void corridors from both ends of the mountain range, allowing people to reach directly from Khalisay…

If you are not afraid of death.

Belvis is a port city on the other side of the southern mountains.

Kassadin went to Zolan to investigate, and he also thought about going to Belvis. Fortunately, Kasha’s reminder was timely and he gave up the idea.

After a moment of silence, Li Lin took the lead to break the slightly solemn atmosphere, “Didn’t you say you were going back to Weikaola to see Kasha? Why did you suddenly turn back again?”

Kassadin hesitated for two seconds and said in a serious tone: “That was originally my plan, but on the way back, I rescued an expedition team in an ancient tomb ruins in Halise. They claimed to be from Archaeologist at the University of Piltover.”

Li Lin raised his eyebrows and hummed softly: “Huh?”

The academy recently sent only one expedition of archaeologists to Shurima, the same team Ezreal’s parents were on.

Unexpectedly, they almost died in the ruins and were saved by Kassadin who happened to be passing by?

“Do you know them?” Kassadin asked.

“Maybe, there should be a professor I’ve met in there.”

“That’s so lucky. They rashly went deep into the ruins without hiring experienced local guides. You should warn them if you encounter them in the future.”

Afterwards, Kassadin continued to talk about his experience: “One of the archaeologists said that they met a preacher in Keneser. According to the clothes they described, there is a high probability that they are members of the Void Order of Malzahar. people.”

Li Lin’s face gradually became serious, “Have you found out where Malzahar is?”

Kassadin shook his head, “I wanted to go to Kenese to find that guy, but unfortunately the archaeologists told me that Kenese had already returned to Shurima’s rule. The missionary failed to enter the city and only came from the herdsmen. I bought a batch of Dashai bighorn sheep and headed southeast.”

He paused for a moment, as if thinking, “Well…according to the time, I should be able to meet him today.”

Li Lin was silent for a while, “Zhi Nao, send a drone to scan for signs of life nearby.”

【clear. 】

Under Kassadin’s shocked gaze, the nanomaterial rapidly transformed, and more than a dozen mini-drone quickly separated from the armor, took off and entered the invisible state of optical camouflage.

“This, this is…”

“My newly developed nanotechnology.”

Li Lin smiled, then stretched out his right hand, and more nanobots flew out from above, wrapping Kassadin who showed no resistance.

The nanobots drilled into the interior along the gaps in some of the opened parts of Kassadin’s original powered armor and attached to his body.

As the Hextech power armor spewed out white gas and was released from Kassadin, the new Voidwalker nano-armor seamlessly covered his whole body, and also fixed the underworld blade’s gauntlet. On his right hand, the appearance was no different from the original one.

Kassadin raised his hand and looked in shock, then looked at the identical armor parked in front of him, and opened his mouth, but did not make any sound.

He had no idea what was going on.

“Your Hex Power Armor is too old. I made you a new armor that uses the same technology as mine.”

Li Lin chuckled and said, “I named it Source Project Void Walker.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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