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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 455 Stagnant Time

The style of this tower is very similar to an old-fashioned clock tower. It is about tens of meters high. The whole body is khaki with dark green dots. It is full of traces of time. There are also traces of exquisite mechanisms in some places, similar to Piltover. clockwork technology.

Li Lin’s eyes flickered, and he activated “data-based thinking” to view the information on this translucent tower:

[Kilan’s Bell Tower: The residence of the elemental mage Kiran of Icathia, which was removed from the timeline by the time spell and is caught in the cracks of time. 】

It’s indeed Kieran’s tower!

Li Lin’s eyes flickered. When the door slowly opened, he and Kassadin looked inside at the same time.

The huge hall was filled with translucent figures of men, women, old and young, wearing clothes somewhat similar to those of ancient Shurima.

Their expressions were horrified, their eyes were staring out the window of the tower, and the movements their bodies made were the subconscious actions of the human body to protect themselves, as if there was something terrifying outside.

However, what is very strange is that even though the brain scan results show that these are living humans with signs of life, they have maintained one action for too long and ignored the tower door being pushed open.

The ruins of an ancient capital city swallowed by the void can also be regarded as an ancient battlefield. There are still towers and a group of living people that have been casted by unknown magic? !

So weird…

Kassadin hurriedly took a step forward and took Li Lin’s arm, “Li Lin, this place is very weird, don’t go in hastily!”

Li Lin didn’t say anything, but just released two drones and asked them to enter the tower to investigate the situation first.

When they just passed the gate, their figures became as illusory and ethereal as the tower itself, as if they had escaped into another space that was contrary to reality.

However, what was different from Kassadin’s imagination was that the two drones did not fall into stasis like the “living people”. Instead, they divided into two groups under the control of the brain, and headed towards the hall, which was also filled with people. Fly through the corridors and scan the internal structure of this tower.

After two or three minutes, when the data information was transmitted back to the armor interface, Li Lin said to Kassadin: “There is no danger inside, let’s go in.”

“This place…”

“trust me.”

Taking advantage of the strength in Kassadin’s hand to loosen a little, Li Lin took the opportunity to move forward and directly broke into the boundary of the tower.

Watching Li Lin’s figure gradually merge with the tower and become translucent, Kassadin’s heart tightened and he followed immediately without caring about anything else.

With an inexplicable illusion that has lasted for countless epochs, the scene in front of Kassadin, who was following Li Lin, suddenly changed. Everything became solid, completely different from what he saw in the outside world.

There was a solemn light in his eyes, “This…”

However, before he could say anything, he heard the sound of friction and rotation of mechanical gears, and the door behind him closed gently.

Kassadin was startled, and immediately summoned the Blade of the Underworld, trying to use his ability to walk in the void to travel through space. He was horrified to find that he could not tear the space here apart.

“Li Lin!”

He looked back at Li Lin, who was still studying the items in the hall calmly. He didn’t care about anything else and was going to use the Underworld Blade to force open the door first.

Unexpectedly, before he could take action, Li Lin had already flashed in front of him and stopped him.

“Li Lin, there is something weird in this place!” Kassadin shouted, raising the Void Stone, “You have been affected!”

Li Lin looked at the excited man in front of him, somewhat dumbfounded, “This matter is my fault. I didn’t explain it clearly to you.”

Then, under Kassadin’s stunned eyes, he walked straight to the door of the tower and pulled the door open.

Just hearing the same friction sound of metal gears turning as before, the door was opened again.

Kassadin: “…”

“This pair of gates has an exquisite gravity pressure plate mechanism. When people pass by, it will automatically close.”

After Li Lin explained a little, Kassadin silently took back the Blade of the Underworld and the Void Stone, took a deep breath, and spit it out again.

“You are still as bold as you were a year ago.” He sighed sincerely.

“How could I have achieved what I have achieved today without being bold?”

Li Lin laughed and was not ready to continue on this topic. He waved to Kassadin and asked him to follow him.

“After my observation just now, I found that everything here has fallen into a state of stagnation.”

They bypassed the crowds and walked in what was like a reception hall, and soon came to a slightly messy long table specially used for placing food.

I saw more than a dozen people with frightened faces bumping into the table somewhere with different movements, their bodies stagnating in mid-air, while the drinks, white milk, and fruits, bread, and meat products that were about to fall to the ground were moving in an unknown manner. The way is also frozen in the air, never touching the ground.

After the initial shock, Kassadin, who had adjusted his mentality, was already used to this kind of scene.

“What happened to this tower?” He couldn’t help but ask, turning his gaze to the window diagonally above, where swarms of void mosquitoes happened to fly. “Those monsters don’t seem to be able to find this place.”

While he was speaking, Li Lin picked up a green apple in mid-air, unfolded his visor and took a bite before Kassadin could stop him. The crisp sound echoed in the quiet space.

A little sour but juicy.

Even after thousands of years, the food here, under the influence of time magic, still maintains the state before it was removed from the timeline.

Perhaps in the original world line, the reason why Kassadin was able to fight alone in Icathia for so long was because of the supplies in this tower.

“You shouldn’t…”

“Well, it tastes pretty good. Do you want to try it? This is a specialty of Icacia.”

Li Lin picked up another apple that was stuck in mid-air and threw it to Kassadin.

However, the apple can move while he is taking it, and will return to a state of time freeze once it is separated from his body.

No matter how hard you try, you can’t throw it out, completely ignoring the rules of physics.

Even Newton had to shake his head when he came.

Li Lin shrugged his shoulders and expressed his helplessness. He grabbed the apple that had stopped leaving his fingertips again in his palm, walked a few steps to Kassadin, and handed it to him.

“Oh, forget it.” Kassadin sighed, stared at the apple for a long time, and then placed it on the table, “I’m not hungry now.”

Then, he looked directly at Li Lin, who had finished eating the apple and threw the core into the bottle on the table, “What on earth happened here?”

Based on previous drone scans and calculations of the tower, there are at least 10,000 people hiding in this huge building.

The vast majority of them are humans, with a small portion of the native Icathiya hated by Yoder, Vastaya, and Kassadin, and the troll-like people who should have been extinct.

They are probably the survivors of Icathia that was swallowed by the void.

“Have you ever heard of time magic?” Li Lin’s words brought Kassadin’s thoughts back to reality.

“Time… magic?” Kassadin made a confused voice, “Is there such a magic?”

He still remembered the types of magic that Li Lin taught him about in the Shurima Tombs, including astral magic, arcane rune magic, and elemental magic.

What the hell is time magic now?

“Time magic, to be precise, should be considered a type of elemental magic…”

Li Lin paused for a moment, suddenly thinking that his understanding might not correspond to reality.

“Or it could be a combination of elemental magic and astral magic.” He added.

“As the name suggests, time magic is the magic of controlling time, but throughout the ages, there have been almost no mages who can understand the mystery of time…well, there are almost no magicians.”

“A mage who can completely control such a large tower and the people inside, and can cast such powerful time magic, must be at least at the level of a grandmaster… No, I’m afraid a grandmaster can’t do this either.”

Thinking of this, Kassadin couldn’t help but gasped, “Although we don’t know if the owner of this tower is still there, we shouldn’t stay here too long.”

Li Lin was stunned for a moment and quickly realized what he wanted to express.

Although Icathia is a vassal state of Shurima, the people of Icathia have harbored a strong hatred towards Shurima for generations.

Just now, Kassadin showed off the Blade of the Underworld, which contains the power of the gods. If the master who cast time magic is still alive, and that guy is an Icathian, he will definitely be disadvantageous to them.

Li Lin laughed dumbly and waved his hand, “I know what you are thinking, you don’t have to worry.”

Kassadin raised an eyebrow, but since he said so, the man who knew he was extraordinary still chose to believe him.

“Let’s go and take a look at the library above. Maybe there are some ancient archives and books here that can help us.”

Afterwards, Li Lin and Kassadin activated the anti-gravity device of the armor, passed through the corridor that was almost crowded with people, and followed the spiral staircase on the side of the tower to the library where the drone just photographed many bookshelves and thousands of books. pavilion.

The quicksand that fell from the top due to impact is suspended in mid-air. Various magic disks used for lifting and lowering have different shapes, which together with the books scattered all over the sky form a strange picture.

Kassadin casually pulled out a book on the bookshelf at hand, opened it, and found that it was written in ancient Shurima language.

He knew most of the ancient Shurima language and had learned it while exploring the ancient tomb ruins. He could easily tell that this book was an introductory tutorial for mage apprentices.

“Since Icathia was conquered by Shurima, the emperor at that time made this country have the same writing and the same track as Shurima.

“After nine hundred years of development, the culture of Icathia has been basically assimilated by Shurima. Unfortunately, the anger in the chests of the Icathians has never dissipated.”

Li Lin shook his head, stretched out his hand and sent out a dozen drones to scan the contents of the books, and then uploaded them to Zhinao’s data terminal.

There are so many books, even if his brain is a supercomputer, he can’t read them one by one without knowing how long it will take to read them, not to mention there is a lot of useless information in them.

Let Intelligent Brain do the statistics and recording is the best choice.

It didn’t take long for the drone to reintegrate into Li Lin’s armor, and he asked his brain to start sorting out the data, and then made a report for himself, but no records of time-related magic were found.

Li Lin raised his head and glanced upward, but he was wondering why Kieran hadn’t appeared yet after he had been here for so long.

“It seems like we can continue to go up here.” He said to Kassadin, and then took the lead in flying upward.

In the space of two breaths, he entered from a corridor that was more primitively decorated and different from the outside world.

But as Li Lin went deeper, the sounds in his ears became more and more illusory, and even the sound of Kassadin’s footsteps behind him and the sound of power supply from the armor’s energy core gradually disappeared.

The corridor seemed to be stretched infinitely, and after walking an unknown number of steps, he suddenly felt light all over his body, as if he had been freed from some heavy burden.

Raising his hand again, Li Lin found that the armor on his body had disappeared, replaced by a set of clothes similar to those worn by the ancient Icathians in the tower.

He tilted his head, not feeling too much panic in his heart, and glanced forward and back.

There was no change in this not-so-wide corridor, except that Kassadin, who was following him, was missing.

This is no longer the original world he was in.

Li Lin didn’t stay too long. He continued forward to the end of the corridor and turned a corner. He noticed a single wooden door a dozen steps away.

When he walked to the door, the door opened automatically, and an older-sounding male voice came from inside the house:

“You finally came.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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