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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 458 Tentacles! The Eye of the Void from the Corrupted Abyss

Before Jilan could cast his spell, Li Lin hurriedly asked the rest of the Enlightenment Department and the location of the cornerstone fragments of other departments.

In the original world line, Ryze collected most of the cornerstones of Precision, Dominance, Sorcery, and Determination, but Enlightenment could not find any yet.

If Kieran knew, it would save him a lot of trouble.

However, as he said before and recorded in the classics, various errors in different timelines will lead to completely different results, and the same is true for the location of the world runes.

Jilan only told Li Lin the locations of the world runes in the parallel timelines that he observed that were most similar to the current time and space.

Knowing that a cornerstone fragment of enlightenment was on the path to enlightenment in Ionia, Li Lin quickly wrote down the approximate location.

The next second, as the world in front of him turned into an illusion again, before he had time to say hello and farewell to Kieran, he blinked again and returned to the corridor he originally entered.

He was stunned for a moment, then looked at the time and found that since his consciousness was pulled into the time crack by Kieran, the time in the outside world had not flowed.

Kassadin noticed something strange about Li Lin and quickly asked, “What’s wrong?”


He lowered his head and spread out his left wrist. The watch transformed from “Perfect Timing” was still on his wrist.

This enlightenment world fragment will not be affected by time and can travel between time and reality.

After a pause, Li Lin turned around and said to Kassadin: “I have got what I want. We can leave here and continue to pursue the traces of Malzahar’s men.”

Although he was confused, he didn’t ask too much and just followed Li Lin back along the original road.

But when the two returned to the entrance hall of the tower, Zhinao suddenly issued a warning:

[Extremely strong void energy fluctuations detected! 】

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground beneath his feet trembled. The outside of the tower was illuminated by purple evil light, and the energy index continued to soar.

Using the anti-gravity device to stabilize the center, Li Lin and Kassadin quickly flew towards the wound and looked out.

I saw a crack in the ground hundreds of meters away from the tower, and several wriggling tentacles dozens of meters long and several meters thick protruded from it, easily leveling the towering ground hernia.

Immediately afterwards, Zhinao’s next alarm made Li Lin and Kassadin’s hearts sink:

[The magnitude of the void energy this time is close to that of the god warrior Nasus. 】

“Can he actually rival the Grand Maester?!” Kassadin exclaimed.

“Ascendant level…” Li Lin frowned, “If I were outside Icacia, I could kill these monsters casually, but here, I might attract more.”

“Can you defeat the Ascended?!” Kassadin, who was already shocked, couldn’t help but raise his voice when he heard what he said.

[The master basically defeated Xerath alone. 】

Zhinao’s tone sounded a little proud, while Kassadin’s expression was stunned.

Xerath, that’s the Ascendant that Nasus and the Renekton brothers couldn’t secure despite their combined efforts…

“Don’t listen to Zhinao’s nonsense. At that time, the God-Emperor, the Grand Master, and the lava beast were there to help me… Now is not the time to talk about this.”

Li Lin frowned. It was clear that they had not detected such a powerful void creature lurking nearby when they came. Now that so many tentacles suddenly appeared, could it be that the void cultists sacrificed livestock alive and awakened them?

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of something that looked like a human figure in the distance.

He quickly zoomed in on his armor and noticed a few figures jumping into the crack at the corner of the tentacles of the abyss. They looked like cultists from the Void Sect who were dressed like living sacrifices.

Since there are void cultists here, it proves that Malzahar is definitely hiding around here!

The next second, more tentacles stretched out from the crack in the earth that was emitting dazzling purple light, piercing the corpses of the previous few people.

Following the rhythm of the tentacle energy, several corpses quickly turned into ashes and were disintegrated and absorbed.

The more Li Lin looked at these tentacles, the more familiar they seemed. He immediately started “data-based thinking” and was surprised to find that the owner of these tentacles turned out to be the Eye of the Void, a member of the same race as Vel’Koz.

The Eyes of the Void are the first void creations created by the void that have certain intelligence. They will obtain the knowledge in their minds by decomposing their prey, fully understand this material realm, and then pass it on to the will of the void – the void monitor.

Generally speaking, except for the oldest Eye of the Void, Vel’Koz, the other Eyes of the Void are not very powerful, because they are mainly a group that provides knowledge to the Void.

Even Ryze was able to kill an Eye of the Void that coveted the Rune of Overlord in the snowy Freljord underground.

The main reason why Zhi Nao has an energy level comparable to that of the gods is that there is not only one Eye of the Void.

“How about we teleport away, Li Lin.” Kassadin looked through the window at the dozens of squirming tentacles in the distance, and said worriedly, “Malzahar is hiding here, there is nothing we can do to him. .”

“Those void monsters can’t find us, so we can wait.” Li Lin calmly observed the tentacles and continued after a moment: “They won’t go anywhere else in a short time. This is our opportunity.”

Kassadin was stunned, “Huh? Do you think…”

This is all experience, of course I want to kill them!

Li Lin’s eyes gradually became colder, “Taking aim at the Xingyu space-based satellite, prepare to launch the orbital giga-level cannon.”

【clear. 】

[Space-based satellite and meteorite orbit adjustment, charging preparation, countdown to 10 minutes. 】

“We’ll wait another ten minutes and then rush out to find Malzahar.”

Kassadin didn’t know why.

Because they haven’t seen each other for so long, he doesn’t even know the extent of the technology Li Lin has mastered now, although no one else except Caitlin understands it.

While waiting, Li Lin asked Zhinao to transfer the Tyrant Behemoth and 5 War Lords to the Sea of ​​Conqueror to the west of Icathia.

If this orbital giga-class cannon did not affect Malzahar, he was prepared to let the war lord use kinetic artillery fire to clear the ground.

The mega-class cannon is responsible for large-scale strikes, while the quantum bombs track for signs of life and strike accurately.

He didn’t believe that this “Void Prophet” had the ability to evade all ultra-long-range artillery strikes.

If nothing else works, drop the remaining nuclear fusion missile on the Starfall. Anyway, Kieran’s tower will not be affected by external factors, and the same will be true for people entering the tower. There is nothing to worry about.

As time passed, several thick tentacles retracted from the ground, and then two eyes of the void floated out of the abyss.

Their vertical single eye is almost the entire body, and it is wrapped in a soft and pale fibrous body, with three tentacles connected to it, waving continuously in the air.

Once in contact with the air, the pale and soft body quickly formed an extremely hard chitinous carapace that almost no ordinary tools could destroy.

There is a one-eye with a vertical pupil that is at least tens of meters in size and releases purple-red electric light to the outside world. The three energy balls above the head focus on the corrupt energy that absorbs the soul.

Anyone who takes one look at it will have their soul swallowed by the void, forget themselves, and pray to dedicate everything they have to the great nothingness.

Not long after, four more eyes of the void flew out from the ground.

Their eyes met and they communicated by releasing a strange energy wave, without the need for human “superfluous” language.

Li Lin felt very solemn and roughly guessed that this might be Malzahar’s conspiracy. He wanted to use these six eyes of the void to devour several cities at the southern end of Shurima.

Kassadin also saw the abnormality, “What cards do you have left? It’s time to use them, right? We must not let them leave Icathia!”

“Don’t rush yet.”

Li Lin stared at the countdown with only 30 seconds left on the holographic display, but these eyes of the void seemed to be deliberately preparing to disperse.

It’s too late.

“Kassadin, please stay here and don’t go out. I’ll attract their attention.”

“No!” After hearing what Li Lin said, Kassadin’s attitude was very firm, “This is no different from sending yourself to death. I can’t let you go!”

“Aren’t you still confident about me?” Li Lin shook his head and laughed, “When have I ever done something I was not sure about?”

[Mr. Kassadin, you can trust the master. 】

Even Zhinao persuaded.

If what happened to Xerath was true, these huge void monsters in front of him might not have much impact on him.


Kassadin hesitated, “But if something happens to you, Kasha and Miss Gila Mann…”

“You are such a cuckold, can’t you expect me to order something good?” Li Lin scolded with a smile, no longer paying attention to the etiquette towards the elders.

But this made the slightly dull atmosphere much better.

Seeing that the Eye of the Void had flown far away, Li Lin ignored Kassadin and said, “Zhinao, don’t let him follow him out.”

He gave the order to Zhinao, then immediately flashed to the door, opened a crack in the door and got out, and quickly closed the door tightly.

Seemingly sensing the energy of the nano energy core and the aura of the living, the six eyes of the void that were about to walk away stopped at the same time. The big eyes that could penetrate the soul turned at the same time and looked at Li Lin who was rising into the sky.

“Gululu Pugajiguji…”

The nearest Eye of the Void makes an inexplicable piercing noise, which can easily affect the sanity of living beings, but Li Lin has accumulated 10 minutes of Banshee Veil energy shield and anti-demon device, so he is not afraid of this kind of mental pollution at all. attack.

“Big eyes, all look at me!”

Li Lin turned on the loudspeaker and shouted, attracting the remaining five eyes of the void, which were filled with curious colors.

They twisted the tens of meters long tentacles on the huge eyeballs and quickly flew back.

“Advanced knowledge…” The Eye of the Void, which had just made a mental pollution noise, vibrated the air and spoke in a dull voice, “Decompose and obtain!”

Immediately afterwards, its three tentacles supported a fixed posture in the direction of Li Lin behind it. The tips of the tentacles, the three energy balls on the vertical pupils, and the huge eyeballs simultaneously fired void energy rays that could disintegrate matter.

“Zhuo, you’re another one who makes big moves when you meet him!”

Li Lin complained, and activated the force field shield without haste. The almost transparent film dispersed all the disintegration rays, so that he did not suffer any harm.

While the force field shield lasts, he does not have to worry about his armor being corrupted by void energy.

At the same time, as the countdown of the brain ended, a specially-made giga-level cannon shell fell from outer space at a high speed and arrived in this area within a moment.

Several eyes of the void widened, and they looked towards the sky at the same time, only to see a dazzling white light that submerged everything in the area.

[You killed 6 Void Eyes! 】


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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