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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 46 Do you really think you can escape? (4000 combined)

It was dark at night, and the dense buildings made of yellow-green bronze and steel completely blocked the silvery-white moonlight from the outside.

In this city shrouded in thick smog, the dim yellow alchemy street lamps can barely dispel the darkness. Most of the light comes from the shops and residences along the narrow alleys.

The farther away you get from Midtown Square, the unmaintained roads become dilapidated and even overgrown with weeds, rocks and garbage.

In the end, even the flames of the alchemical street lamps no longer continued to extend into the distance, so that everything at the middle boundary was completely engulfed in darkness, and it was almost impossible to see the five fingers.

In an abandoned factory, decayed and rusty steel and bronze grids are stacked haphazardly. Most of the exterior walls made of cheap stones have collapsed, and the facilities inside that can still be sold for a few bucks have long been demolished. Everything was gone except for a pair of empty tin cans.

The evening wind that whistled from the canyon from time to time passed through the metal gaps, causing some structures that had been in disrepair to creak. The sound was strangely like the cry of a sad woman or a baby. The atmosphere of a horror movie.

This is the Wells Distillery.

Due to poor performance due to being exploited by Piltover, Wells, the owner of the distillery, accepted the call during a protest a few years ago and chose to join the people of the lower city in resisting the upper city.

But he is an unlucky man.

During the fierce conflict, Wells was shot in the head by a law enforcement officer, and his soul returned to the realm of the dead.

The Wells Distillery eventually declined more quickly with his death and was abandoned, becoming a comfortable haven for scavengers and homeless people.

But tonight, the brewery seemed particularly quiet.

In the corner of the brewery, a slender figure blended with the shadow. The faint green light dispersed the darkness, revealing part of the figure’s body.

The mysterious man wore a metal breathing mask engraved with flower patterns, which completely wrapped his head. He also wore a dark green metal top and trousers.

Several green alchemical chemicals flowing through it were connected to the small bottles on his waist, and then wrapped around his body, connecting to the metal neck guard at his neck and the medicine tube at his left shoulder.

Compared with ordinary clothing, this outfit is more like a set of armor often worn by thugs equipped with alchemical technology amplification devices for defense.

In addition, the mysterious man’s left arm is covered with a silver-white limb amplification device, and the five sharp claws are so sharp that they seem to be able to easily pierce the skull of an adult.

What is incompatible with the bottom city is that this half-amplification device is more like Hex technology than alchemy technology.

Overall, it looks like a combination of the upper city and the lower city.

The mysterious man is waiting quietly in a blind corner of the field of vision. From here, you can easily see the outside, but the scene here is completely invisible from the outside.

The metal claw of the mysterious man’s left hand held the stem of a bright purple flower of hypnosis and played with it. With the other hand, he took out a pocket watch from his arms, approached the thin tube that emitted green light on his body, and used the light to check the time.

“10:23, it’s almost time to retreat…”

Quickly putting on the pocket watch, the mysterious man put away the pocket watch, then crushed the purple hypnotic flower in his hand and threw it casually on the ground.

“Pollen can also help the Gila Manns sleep for a few hours. With that girl’s intelligence, it won’t take long to find…”

While the mysterious man was thinking, there was an incongruous sound faintly heard in the distance in the brewery, and it disappeared in an instant.

But this cannot hide the mysterious man’s professionally trained and keen hearing.

“what sound?”

The mysterious man suddenly became alert and hurriedly hid his body completely behind the wall, then slightly poked out half of his head to look in the direction of the source of the sound.

At the same time, the mysterious man pricked up his ears and listened carefully for any noise that might come at any time.


There was another small sound, like the sound of some sharp metal scratching on the stone.

Familiar voice…

The mysterious man’s thoughts were quick, and deep in his consciousness he had already identified who its owner came from. A kind of panic from the bottom of his heart swept through his whole body in an instant.

“What the hell, why is she here…” the mysterious man cursed secretly, panicking for a moment.

Before more than three seconds passed, a clearer sound of jets of air and metal friction echoed in the empty interior.

Immediately afterwards, there was the same sound again, which was the sound of the Hextech hook lock spraying out.


The mysterious man gently pressed his right hand on his chest and his heart, then exhaled a heavy breath and walked out slowly.

There was no point in continuing to hide behind cover.

Because when you encounter her, no matter where you hide or run away, it’s all in vain.

“I really don’t want to see her…” the mysterious man murmured.

As the last movement of the hook and lock dissipated, what came again was the sound of sharp metal scraping against the floor in the room, slowly approaching.

The room was illuminated by blue light.

Not long after, a mature female voice with a mechanical quality came into the ears of the mysterious person: “Kayina Verize.”

Ka Yina raised her face, reached out and pressed the button on her chin.

The mechanical device emits a little white steam, and countless closely connected gears rotate rapidly.

After two or three seconds, the mask slowly opened, revealing a handsome young face with brown skin, a metal amplifying device embedded in the left chin, and long hair that quickly fell down.

This is a young Shurima girl.

Ka Yina looked at the tall woman in front of her, her chest and legs composed of sharp blades glowed with blue light, and her whole body was completely transformed by Hex technology, her throat squirmed slightly.

She didn’t dare to look at the expressionless woman in front of her. She quickly lowered her head and said with some fear: “The Gray Lady…”

Camille Feros, the chief secret agent of the Feros family, is often called a humanoid machine, a steel shadow, a monster, etc. by some people.

But her most famous name is the “Grey Lady”.

Not only because she has a bright silver tone that is similar to gray, but also because she walks in the haze all year round.

As long as you hear the sound of metal scraping against the ground, it means that the Gray Lady is coming for you.

Don’t try to escape, because then you’ll have at least one cup of tea before you die.

Tea brewed by the Gray Lady herself.

Camille stood in front of Ka Yina, her left hand pinched her waist, and her right hand gently dropped, placing her body’s weight on her right leg. Her movements showed the elegance of a noble.

“You are a smart person. I think you should understand why I came to you.” Her voice was very indifferent.

Ka Yina heard that Camille was not in a good mood, and the pair of pupils on her pale face shrank slightly.

“I have done as you asked…”

“Did you really do as I asked?” Camille interrupted her and immediately sneered, “Do you think that after living for so long, my brain is no longer functioning and I have become forgetful?”

“Don’t dare…”

Ka Yina’s heart sank to the bottom, and her mind couldn’t help but recall the scene that happened four years ago.

She was still underage at that time, and she set off from the port of Shurima Bergun with her merchant parents, preparing to sail to Piltover on a merchant ship.

Unexpectedly, the war suddenly broke out.

A group of arrogant and unreasonable Noxian soldiers robbed her parents’ merchant ship and brutally killed them who tried to resist.

Taking advantage of her petite size, Ka Yina hid in the warehouse and luckily escaped.

Later, Noxian soldiers filled the ships with looted supplies and prepared to transport them all to the Ionian front through the Piltover Canal.

When the ship docked at the Sun Gate Pier for a rest, Kaina took advantage of the darkness and the opportunity of the Noxian guards to take a nap to escape from the ship.

One night when Kaina was starving and living on the street, she witnessed the Gray Lady chasing down several people…

Since then, there has been one less homeless child on the streets of Piltover.

Ka Yina pursed her lips and gathered her thoughts for a moment.

As a secret agent carefully trained by the Philos family, her mission this time was personally issued by Camille.

Over the years, the Gila Mann family has grown rapidly.

And the head of Gila Mann’s family, Karina, is even more ambitious, always trying to cross the line and touch areas that she shouldn’t be involved in.

Stevan and Camille, the heads of the Philos family, are of the same opinion. They both believe that the Gilaman family must be warned and recognize who is the real controller of Piltover.

But after all, they are Piltover’s top parliamentarian family. Although Gila Mann’s background is not as good as that of the Philos family, it is not a good thing to break up with them.

Therefore, the Gray Lady cannot take action in this matter herself.

The unknown Katina Verize, also known as “C” to many people, was pushed out by the Philos family.

In order to complete Camille’s mission, Ka Yina prepared for two years.

Even for this mission, she was admitted to the Piltover Law Enforcement Officer Academy and further learned the knowledge of “investigation and counter-reconnaissance” so that others could not know her true identity.

Not only that, she also deeply studied the Hypnotic Flower, a magical flower originating from Ionia, and was proficient in the amount of pollen suitable for various situations.

At the same time, she also secretly contacted the Odilenk family, who was only slightly inferior to Gila Mann and wanted to replace them, and formed an alliance with them.

Originally, according to Ka Yina’s idea, the Odilenk family only needed to rush into the Gila Mann mansion and kidnap the Gila Mann couple after the Evolution Day dinner this year.

But what she didn’t expect was that the idiot head of the Odilenk family took action in advance and wanted to kidnap the eldest lady of the Gila Mann family first.

In the end, not only did they fail, they completely disrupted all her plans, leaving her to find other allies.

But intimidated by the Odilenk family, which was destroyed by the Gila Mann family, other families that were hostile to them all restrained their caution and rejected her.

Ka Yina knew very well that the Philos family would not allow a “waste” who could not complete the task to live.

In desperation, a bold plan emerged in her mind.

Since no one from Uptown can help, the Zaans who are hostile to Piltover will naturally not give up this great opportunity to target Uptown.

After investigation, Ka Yina quickly identified the most suitable candidate:

One of the leaders who participated in the “Day of Ashes” incident a few years ago and survived – Silko.

They quickly reached an agreement.

Ka Yina provided Hilko with the opportunity to unify the black alley, and Hilko paid to provide Ka Yina with the manpower to cause riots in the upper city and a place to take refuge afterwards.

However, Ka Yina did not tell Hilko her true purpose, and Hilko knew this very well.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that Ka Yinna’s target was Congressman Gila Mann…

“I’m very disappointed in you, Katina.”

Camille raised her chin slightly, her pair of crystal blue Hextech prosthetic eyes showing no emotion.

“I only asked you to target the Gila Mann family, but you have offended all families, including other councilor families.

“Moreover, my brother was also present at the time and was stunned by your poisonous flowers.” Her voice gradually became colder, “He knew that you did this.”

Upon hearing this, Ka Yina suddenly felt chills all over her body, and she was so nervous that her teeth became weak.

“So…you are here to clean me up…”

“I can see your ambition, Kaina.” Camille did not answer her question directly, “But ambition needs to be restrained by facts… Your relationship with the Philos family cannot be discovered by others.”

“But, I am loyal to the Feros family, and I won’t say it out loud…”

Ka Yina raised her head, wanting to argue, but her words seemed so feeble.

After a moment of pause, she immediately added: “I can leave Piltover immediately, and I can go wherever you want me to! As for the mastermind behind the scenes, that Hilko is very suitable!”

“Haha…” Camille seemed to have heard a funny joke and chuckled twice.

Then, she changed the subject: “Only the dead can keep secrets. Didn’t I teach you this?”

Ka Yina’s face turned a little paler.

“It’s a pity that there are no conditions for making tea here. Otherwise, we would still have time to have a cup of tea before the lady of the Gila Mann family arrives here…”

Listening to Camille’s confident and indifferent words, Ka Yina lowered her helpless face, and the last hope in her heart was completely shattered.


About to be killed…

I finally survived at the hands of Noxus and went through so many years of hardship. Why?


She will do whatever it takes to survive.

Ka Yina gritted her teeth, a fierce look flashed deep in her eyes.

Although she can’t beat Camille, she will never just sit back and wait for death!

Sensing that the aura on Ka Yina’s body seemed to have changed, Camille narrowed her eyes slightly, not planning to talk too much nonsense to her.

However, just as Camille was about to raise her leg and chop off Kaina’s head with a high crosscut, she saw her take a step faster, take out a homemade electromagnetic detonation bomb and a smoke screen bomb from her pocket and throw them at her feet, and then He jumped back violently.

Camille’s heart trembled, and the Hex core energy in her chest was released, erecting a 360-degree adaptive shield around her.

With a “boom”, the Hex crystal fragments inside the electromagnetic detonation bomb shattered, producing a loud noise while radiating a pulse of electromagnetic energy to the surroundings.

At the same time, the white smoke emitted by the smoke screen covered the space and engulfed the two of them.

Camille was knocked back a few steps by the electromagnetic shock wave, but all the energy waves were blocked by her adaptive shield, and she herself was not harmed at all.

When she quickly adjusted her condition and came to the same position again, Ka Yinna had disappeared.

Camille’s face instantly darkened, and her eyes with flashing blue light quickly locked in one direction.

“Kayina…do you really think you can escape?”

After taking the booster shot, I felt sleepy day by day. I went to visit the grave in the morning and came back to sleep all afternoon. It was hard to bear (_)


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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