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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 460 Kassadin: I want to be your father-in-law

[Abyss Mask (Epic·Unique): Malzahar’s exclusive mask, with extremely strong energy resistance and spell strength. The wearer’s body and soul will be contaminated by void corruption. 】

[Corrosive Blade (Artifact·Unique): Malzahar’s exclusive dagger. It is mainly used to dissect the heart and brain of living sacrifices when confessing to the void. The user’s body and soul will be corrupted and polluted by the void. 】

Malzahar’s suicide surprised and regretted Li Lin.

If Kassadin kills him, he can at least get an assist, level up a level or two, and get some precious orange essence.

However, the two items he left behind made up for Li Lin’s regret.

After dealing with the remaining void spirits around them, Li Lin and Kassadin, who suppressed their anger, landed in front of the prophet’s “corpse”.

“Damn it! Why did he commit suicide?! Alas…”

Kassadin let out a breath, angry that he had not been able to kill his enemy with his own hands.

However, when he saw that Li Lin wanted to reach out and touch the corrupted artifact left by Malzahar, he quickly stopped him: “Li Lin, don’t touch it with your hands…”

But before Kassadin finished speaking, the Abyss Mask and the Corrosive Blade suddenly disappeared from Li Lin’s hand, causing him to hold back the rest of his words.

He almost forgot that Li Lin seemed to have a special ability and could enhance his abilities with the help of special magic artifacts.

But won’t this kind of item with void corruption effect have an impact on him?

Just when Kassadin was feeling worried, Li Lin quickly checked his system panel.

The price of the Abyss Mask sold in the [Essence Shop] is 2700 Blue Essence, and the price of the Corrosive Blade is 2000 Blue Essence.

Due to their real-world uniqueness, both pieces of equipment can be sold to the store for half price and receive one-tenth of the amount of orange essence.

Including the six Eyes of the Void and countless Void Spirits he killed earlier, his current blue essence has reached an astonishing 111,318, a total of 110,000!

The number of orange essences has also returned to 4230, and you can learn the two blueprints of Battlefield Mecha Nasus and Titan Soldier that were not unlocked by orange essences.

Kassadin stared at Malzahar’s tattered robes in silence for a long time, and sighed: “Malzahar is actually related to the Queen of the Void… Could this be all planned by that monster?”

Li Lin shook his head and said he didn’t know either.

After a slight pause, he said: “There is only half a year left, I must speed up the pace.”

Kassadin put his hand on Li Lin’s shoulder and said in a hoarse voice, “Kassa and I have caused trouble for you…”

“What are you talking about?” Li Lin shook his head and looked sideways at him, “The void is already ready to move. They are problems we will face sooner or later. Belvis just moved this time forward a little, but it is not ours. The ultimate threat.”

“Huh?” Kassadin was puzzled, “But hasn’t the void here in Icacia been sealed by the god Horok?”

“Not Icacia.”

Li Lin’s eyes turned to the west, and then to the far north, with a melancholy light in his eyes.

“In addition to Belvis, the bottom of the Conqueror’s Sea, and the Freljord, they are all disasters we must face.”

He said in a very soft tone.

After finally solving Malzahar’s problem, Li Lin and Kassadin once again checked the area around where they used their energy weapons. A small amount of escaped energy did not wake up the sleeping void.

After confirming that there was no threat, the two returned to the border of Icacia again.

Kassadin originally planned to return to his village in Song Valley to pay homage to his deceased wife, then go to Piltover to meet Ka’Sa, and then return to Belgun to stay for a while.

After half a year, he will use the Blade of the Underworld and the Stone of the Void to help Li Lin and his daughter eliminate Belvis.

After that, he will return the Ascended One’s weapon to Azir, and beg him to seal the Void Stone, and he will return to Belgun to retire.

After Malzahar’s death, he had no new goals except Belvis.

The Great Wall is Kassadin’s final destination in this life.

If the void underground in Yinge Village had not been completely purified, he would have gone back to build a house to accompany his wife.

But Kasha is different. She is still young now and needs a broader world. She cannot stay in Dashai for the rest of her life like him.

He thought it was good for his daughter to stay in Pi City, especially with Li Lin. Young people should behave like young people.

However, what Kassadin didn’t expect was that when the two returned to Song Song Village, Li Lin secretly contacted Kasha and asked her to teleport over.


Kassadin was kneeling in front of the ruins of his home, staring at the tombstone of his wife and daughter that he carved with his own hands a few years ago. Now his daughter’s name has been scratched out by the stone. Kassadin heard a familiar voice, and tears instantly welled up in his eyes.

“Binsqi?” Kassadin called out the word “daughter” and turned around suddenly.

More than ten meters away, Kasha, whose armor was quickly transformed into ordinary clothes, covered her mouth with tears in her eyes and ran towards this side.

Before Kassadin could calm down, he felt a heat in his arms, and Kasha had already thrown herself into his arms and started crying.

Not seeing each other for one day is like three autumns.

Since the father and daughter reunited in the void passage deep underground here, they got along and separated after a short period of time.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had not seen each other again for more than a year.

Hot, crystal-clear tears fell from Kassadin’s furrowed face. He couldn’t help but hug Kasha tightly, enjoying the short and tender affection.

Then, he raised his head and glanced at Li Lin, who smiled slightly and left the father and daughter alone. Gratitude flashed in his eyes.

Compared with meeting again in a foreign country, being able to meet in one’s own hometown, even if it is the ruins of one’s home, brings a completely different meaning.

For the rest of the day, Kai’Sa spent the rest of the day nestled in her father’s arms, telling him about what she had seen and heard in Piltover and the many new friends she had made.

For example, Caitlin, who has no airs of a young lady, Orianna, who has practiced ballet and has a dignified and elegant body, and Seraphine, who has a good singing voice gifted by God and can listen to the songs in other people’s hearts.

Of course, among the people she knew, she was especially full of praise for Li Lin, and most of the topics she talked about revolved around him.

Kassadin saw his daughter’s changes and everything she showed.

In the evening, when the sun was setting, Li Lin came out from underground.

The void energy in this area has not been completely purified, but since he obtained controllable nuclear fusion and was able to extract elements from seawater, the mine here was abandoned and there was no need to monitor it anymore.

Today, I just took advantage of the opportunity to inspect the traces of the void. Li Lin took back the three vigilant eye stones that he placed here a year ago and resold them to the store.

With advanced technology in hand, he can send out drones to investigate the situation. If not, it is not a problem to turn the nanomachines into “detection guards” and use the eye stones.

With the help of satellites and quantum technology, this thing is not much worse than the Alert Eye Stone, but it is not immune to physical means and powerful magical perception.

Seeing that Kassadin and Kasha were almost getting along, Li Lin was going to call them back to Gilaman Manor to let Kassadin relax.

After that, Li Lin planned to strengthen his body, at least to the second stage.

Li Lin has not yet mastered the technology of extending lifespan. This is a technology that can only be unlocked at level 100. It is temporarily powerless against Kassadin’s aging.

But before leaving, the father who cared about his daughter grabbed Li Lin’s hand and said with some embarrassment: “According to our Shurima custom, Kaisha has now reached the age of marriage.”

“Dad?!” Kasha was shocked. She didn’t expect that her father would ask Li Lin this question.

The climate in Shurima is extremely harsh. The average age of people is only about thirty or forty years old, and most of them died abnormally.

Kassadin’s ability to live to be 40 years old is rare.

Therefore, Shurima people usually marry very early, just like the ancient times in Li Lin’s hometown, and they usually get married in their teens.

Calculated according to Shurima’s age, Kaisha has indeed reached the age to talk about marriage.

Li Lin was also stunned, and for a moment he couldn’t figure out why Kassadin would talk to him about this issue.


He had just spit out a note, and Kassadin’s next words almost made his legs weaken and fall to the ground: “Although doing this may make Miss Gila Mann sorry, as a father, it is right to seek happiness for his daughter, right? ?”

Kassadin didn’t make his words too clear, but at this point, no matter how “dumb” Li Lin was, he could hear the underlying meaning behind his words.

He didn’t want the cabbage that he had worked so hard to raise for so many years and almost died in a “natural disaster” to be so cheap for others. This was irresponsible for his daughter’s happiness.

To put it simply, Kassadin wants to be Li Lin’s father-in-law.

Kasha looked at her father, then at Li Lin, as if she wanted to understand something, her face suddenly turned red, “Dad, how could you do this? Li Lin, he already has…”

Her voice was as thin as a mosquito’s, but she didn’t show much resistance.

“But hasn’t Li Lin legitimately married Miss Gila Mann?” Kassadin glared at his daughter angrily, “You have spent most of this afternoon telling me that Li Lin’s father is here. , I can naturally see that you have feelings for him!”

“I…” Kasha opened her mouth wide, but she didn’t know how to refute.

“You have to strive for happiness by yourself. Your mother is the most beautiful woman in her tribe. Many people are pursuing her. I only met her once and knew that I would not marry her in this life.

“I have overcome so many difficulties, defeated competitors in various ways, and won your mother’s heart. This is my action and performance in striving for happiness!”

“This, this is different…” Kasha’s voice became smaller and smaller, and the blush on her face became more obvious.

Li Lin glanced at her subconsciously, and a thought came to his mind:

This is too much punishment…

Even before time travel, he had always called Kasha his wife, but at least it was “legal”.


Li Lin hurriedly shook his head and said in a panic: “This is impossible, Kassadin!”

“Why?” Kassadin frowned, “Is it because of the Gila Mann family?”

The rough guy in Dashai thinks very easily at certain times, even Kassadin, who has grown up through hard work, is the same.

His daughter’s happiness comes first, and he doesn’t want to think about too many other issues.

“Although the Gila Mann family has helped you a lot, I really feel sorry for them, especially Miss Gila Mann, but for the happiness of my daughter, I will risk my old face.”

Kassadin put his hand on the shoulder of Li Lin, who had a look of astonishment on his face. “I will go and talk to the head of the Gila Mann family. If it doesn’t work…”

He looked back at Kasha and gritted his teeth, “After our exchange in the afternoon, I know that my daughter likes you very much. At least you have to give her a title, right?”

Li Lin smiled bitterly, “This is not a matter of the status of the Gila Mann family…”

It would be better if it were Sona, after all, she would be able to hold a coming-of-age ceremony soon.

But for Ka’Sa, Li Lin felt that he was not that “animal” yet.

Looking at his daughter’s slightly sad face, Kassadin said anxiously: “Why is that?”

“This…” Li Lin scratched his head, “Maybe you know something about Pi City’s criminal law, right?”

He even used the honorific title. Kasha’s matter really made him feel embarrassed.

Kassadin stared at Li Lin for a moment, then suddenly showed an expression of surprise.

“Ah, so it’s Kaisha’s age that you care about? Hahaha… If you had told me earlier, it would have made me worry in vain.”

Kassadin patted Li Lin’s shoulder again, and the nervousness on his face faded a lot.

“Anyway, it’s fine for you young people to decide your own affairs. It’s just that I’m old and I probably won’t live for long. You and Kasha have to let me have a grandson or something before I see the sheep spirit.” Only the granddaughter will do.”

Kai’Sa: “()”

Li Lin: “…”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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