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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 461 Gene Chain Unlocked: Magnetic Control

Li Lin finally managed to fool Kassadin into thinking he was his father-in-law, and invited him to live with him and Kassa back in Pi City for a while.

Originally, Kassadin was reluctant to go to Piltover, even though he had stayed there for a long time many times to escort caravans, but he did not like this city-state controlled by a powerful family.

Kasha knew her father’s heart. He had described to her more than once the life of Piltover. Most people would indulge in it if they were not careful, be deceived by the false prosperity, and eventually lose everything they originally valued.

But now Piltover has completely changed.

Kasha told Kassadin in detail that Li Lin was the current controller of Piltover, and it was because of him that those corrupt and law-breaking congressmen were able to step down.

In an instant, the way Kassadin looked at Li Lin changed a lot.

In order to prevent this good father who was anxious for his daughter’s happiness from mentioning “very torture” things again, Li Lin quickly asked Zhi Nao to lock the coordinates of Gila Mann Manor and activate three sets of armors to teleport there.

The sun sets into the horizon of Conqueror’s Sea.

After learning that Kassadin was Kasha’s father, the Gila Manns warmly entertained him. After having a good meal and wine, they ordered their servants to arrange a room for him.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning, Li Lin dragged Kassadin and Kasha to the workshop early and handed him the improved gene enhancement potion and activity enhancer.

Compared with the original version, which requires oral administration and injection of three bottles of potion to achieve the perfect strengthening effect, the improved potion only requires one bottle to achieve the best effect.

When the effects of the medicine were fully exerted, Kaisha took her father to the underground training ground to help him adapt to his strength.

As the morning passed, Kassadin had mastered his enhanced physical strength and expressed his sincere gratitude to Li Lin.

These two bottles of strengthening potions not only brought strengthening effects, but also cured his body of hidden diseases caused by years of hard work or injuries.

Just like Victor, who grew up in Zaun, his body organs were corroded by the haze, and then recovered as before after being strengthened.

In the afternoon, Kassadin took Kassadin out for fun. It had been a long time since he had visited Piltover.

A year ago, because he was eager for revenge, he spent most of his time in Zaun, and his impression of the upper city still remained when he lived here with the caravan in the past.

Now with Li Lin’s intervention, Piltover has changed dramatically in just one year, and it is completely different from what Kassadin had in mind.

Bicycles and electric vehicles can be seen everywhere; watches that people roll up their sleeves to show to outsiders for the sake of fashion; everyone has a mobile phone, a small mechanical device that can make long-distance calls, etc.

Many inventions that have changed the society of Piltover have brought this city-state into an era of rapid development and change.

Even Li Lin couldn’t help but sigh when he saw the current Pi City.

Although the architectural style and people’s clothing were quite different from those on Earth, at first glance, he felt that he was no different from walking in a modern society that was not too developed.

There was still half a year left before leaving for Belvis. Not only Li Lin, but Caitlin also took action.

In addition to her daily trips to Piltover to learn from Chief Grayson, most of the rest of her recreational time, even detective work, was cut off, and she began to train herself hard in order to be able to provide help at that time.

But to be honest, Li Lin didn’t want Caitlin to participate in the war, not even Kassadin.

Belvis was an existence beyond the level of a god. Even if he had reached the third stage of body strengthening and could hold Nasus in an ordinary posture, he would still be killed instantly against the Queen of the Void.

Li Lin took the elevator down to the underground of Gila Mann Manor and entered his sterile biochemistry laboratory.

Since level 80, not only has the experience bar become longer and the upgrade speed is extremely slow, but even the unlocking of new technologies is no longer part of the level 5 unlocking, but has become level 10.

But even if he failed to unlock new technologies at level 85, he had not yet fully digested the technologies at level 80. For example, the genetic ascension branch of the individual enhancement route unlocked an important technology that he had never had time to put into practice.

Gene chain unlocking – able to awaken the superpowers you want in a targeted manner.

The more super powers a person awakens, the better, especially the ability to actively release them.

“To have more skills than to overwhelm one’s body” does not apply when it comes to gene chains.

If too many superpowers are added to one body, it is likely to cause chaos within oneself at certain moments, causing the collapse of the gene chain and causing irreversible consequences.

Li Lin originally had several directions for planning his superpowers, but after research, he found that his favorite “gravity control” could not be realized on the human body.

At most, the next best thing is to awaken your mind power and use your own thoughts to control yourself or external objects, which can greatly enhance your mental power.

Of course, he can also use this technology to materialize his own spirit, and the awakening is consistent with his own, but the ability is relatively random, just like the “Stand-in Messenger” in one of his favorite anime works “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure”.

Just doing this will expose your own weaknesses. After all, making your “spirit” concrete is equivalent to controlling your “soul” to fight.

If his “substitute” is injured, he will also be injured.

After much deliberation, Li Lin decided to develop in the direction of manipulating magnetism, which fit perfectly with his own profession.

By the way, he is also planning to upgrade his existing body of steel to be immune to more magical effects, and also has a certain degree of mental immunity.

In the following time, Li Lin completed the “magnetic control” gene chain editing at the workbench and perfectly integrated the upgraded version of “Man of Steel” into it.

After undressing and lying on the operating table, Zhinao tied the restraints on him, used a special needle to inject a highly concentrated special sedative into him, and then injected nanorobots all over his body at the same time.

Similar to the last process of body modification, the re-editing and transformation of the gene chain caused Li Lin to endure tremendous pain, far exceeding the third stage of body strengthening.

Every second passed as long as a century. Li Lin gritted his teeth, sweating profusely, and the veins all over his body swelled, almost protruding from his body.

During this period, there were even several times when the slowly awakening superpower went out of control, causing changes in the magnetic field and affecting the normal operation of the intellectual brain system.

Fortunately, Intelligent Brain predicted this situation in advance and prepared a response policy, allowing the editing and transformation of the gene chain to continue.

After more than ten minutes, the superpower transformation was finally completed. Li Lin, who was in so much pain that his consciousness was a little blurry, suddenly relaxed his tense nerves and gasped for air.

[Master, your gene chain encoding has been completed and your gene chain has been unlocked. 】

[Your “Man of Steel” ability has been advanced. 】

[You have mastered the “magnetic control” ability. 】

As the restraints were loosened, Li Lin, with his eyes closed, felt the changes in his body.

The next second, he opened his eyes suddenly and opened his hands widely, causing the magnetic field around him to change, lifting his body up and slowly floating in the air.

But before Li Lin started to get excited, he suddenly lost control of the magnetic field and fell from a height of two to three meters in the air, hitting the operating table heavily.

[Master, active release of superpowers requires proficiency. I do not recommend that you use more difficult abilities from the beginning. 】

“Well…I found it.”

Li Lin climbed up from the operating table and raised his hand to control the clothes hanging on the hanger to fly towards him.

As clothing made of nanomachine materials, even if it can simulate the feel of cloth to the greatest extent, it is still metal in nature and has not reached the level of material transformation.

After putting on his clothes, Li Lin couldn’t bear the itch in his heart. He reached out again and used magnetism to decompose part of his clothes into countless nanomachines, posing in the air in various imaginable ways.

However, this can only be considered successful if the infinite armor is unprepared.

With Li Lin’s current proficiency in magnetic control, there is no way to affect the armor without Zhinao preparing for defense in advance.

Not to mention the force field shield that can isolate the surrounding environment.

Even if he did not have magnetic control, Li Lin was not afraid at all when facing the molten iron girl Reel, who was trained by Noxus to deal with Mordekaiser and could also control metal.

“With this ability, at least I don’t have to worry about Mordekaiser’s threat in the material realm, it’s just his underworld army…”

Li Lin frowned, then shook his head.

It’s too early to worry about Mordekaiser.

Bilgewater bounty hunter Sarah Doom. The big event “The Tide of Fire” that overthrew the ocean scourge Gangplank has not happened yet. The black mist of the Ruined Curse has not invaded the world. Mordekaiser can still go on. Put it away later.

At least, he had to wait until he dealt with the threat from Belvis first.

Li Lin pondered for a moment, then looked up at the projection of Zhi Nao on the workbench, “Zhi Nao.”

[I am here, Master. 】

“How is Xerath doing?”

[The arcane restraint device has obliterated 46.78% of his autonomous consciousness. 】

[Due to his fierce resistance, the current progress of the transformation has been greatly slowed down, and it is expected that it will take another 2 months to completely transform it into a living weapon without consciousness. 】

“Fortunately, it’s only been two months.” Li Lin nodded, “As long as it’s ready before going to Belvis, I don’t know how long it will take Nasus to purify Renekton’s mind.”

He pondered briefly for a moment, “Now that I have annexed the assets of the four councilor families, plus the support of Mondo and Fandel, and the cooperation with Hilko, I can almost mobilize the resources of the entire Twin Cities.”

“It’s time to build the battlefield mechas Urgot, Cho’gas, Nasus, and the Titan Soldier. By then, Urgot will be mass-produced, and only one prototype of Cho’Gath can be produced. Icacia goes to devour void monsters, and other ordinary models are not produced for the time being.

“Nasus needs to produce a batch of this model. This is a mecha that can become huge. Even if it is not as powerful as Malphite, at least it is mass-produced. If Belvis can summon void creatures …No, it should be a given, and it can make a huge difference.

“I just made a prototype of the Titan Soldier myself. When the second phase of the space station is completed, the space construction factory and giant assembly factory are built and mass production begins.”

This way I can level up at least 4 more levels and directly unlock the new technology at level 90.

Li Lin added in his heart.

While thinking, he first spent 15 skill points and 1,500 orange essence to unlock the design of the Titan Soldier, uploaded it to Zhi Nao’s data terminal, and then asked Zhi Nao to prepare all the materials.

When he builds the Urgot and Cho’Gath mechas and completes the prerequisites for making all the battlefield mechas except Xerath, Nasus’s blueprints can be learned.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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