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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 464 Traces of Aatrox

Ezreal was born in the affluent area of ​​​​North City. His parents are famous archaeologists, and his uncle is a historian and professor at the School of Archeology at Piltover University.

Due to work reasons, Ezreal’s parents often traveled far away and were often unable to return home for several months at a time.

This young child has long been accustomed to life without his parents around, but when his parents come home, he will always follow them to ask about strange things.

Because they were worried about their children while away from home, they specially entrusted Ezreal to the care of their uncle Lemuel, but the professor did not like this unruly nephew.

He gave Ezreal many strict teachers, covering many aspects of history.

But what Lemire didn’t expect was that Ezreal was a complete genius and could learn everything at once, so he hated learning the “difficulties” that teachers often taught repeatedly.

Ezreal has become Lemire’s “heart problem”, which makes him quite irritated, especially because this naughty kid likes to wander around the campus and cause trouble, go to the house and other trouble-making behaviors.

In the original world line, Ezreal’s parents told him the story of the tomb of the god warrior Nezuk, and then they accidentally disappeared during an archaeological expedition.

But because of the butterfly effect, Kassadin happened to rescue Ezreal’s parents, and that was several weeks ago.

After experiencing the horror of the ancient tomb, the academy has not allowed the archaeological expedition team to go to Shurima again.

Now Xiao Huangmao’s parents basically stay at home on weekdays, and his uncle is very strict on weekdays, so it is definitely impossible for him to participate in this kind of Hex technology display alone.

Li Lin looked around, and sure enough he didn’t see the familiar figure he had seen at the funeral of Camille’s brother Stevan.

Ezreal had apparently snuck out of the house again.

“I recognize you.” Heimerdinger blew his white beard at the corner of his mouth, “You are Ezreal, the son of Carlo Xidi and Hexili, Professor Lemire is yours…”

Ezreal held his forehead and sighed, “Oh my God, Professor Heimerdinger, please don’t mention my old antique uncle again!”

Immediately afterwards, he climbed over the railing on the second floor amidst people’s exclamations and jumped from the second floor. When he touched the ground, he was rolled and unloaded. Then he arranged his slightly messy hair and struck a pose that he thought was very handsome. .

Li Lin couldn’t help but laugh. Ezreal was only about 15 years old now, just like a young man with middle school disease.

However, according to the display on the system panel, he actually has the same “protagonist aura” as Xisilia, and has certain blessings in terms of “luck” and “affinity”.

This also explains in disguise why in the original world line, Xiao Huangmao was always able to avert dangers in various crises and dangerous situations.

“You’re quite interesting kid.”

Hearing Li Lin’s evaluation of himself, Ezreal raised his eyebrows and looked away, looking him up and down, his surprise and excitement palpable.

“I have always heard about the name of Li Lin, the future pioneer, and now I can actually see him in person. It’s so cool!” Ezreal clenched his fists in excitement and exclaimed.

Then, he realized that he seemed to have not introduced himself yet, and quickly made a confident smile showing eight teeth.

“My name is Ezreal, Ezreal. In novels, people as handsome as me are usually the protagonists~~”

Ezreal deliberately separated each word of his name and said it again so that everyone would not misunderstand the words.

But his last words made everyone laugh.

This guy is really a social nerd…

“Okay Ezreal, you just mentioned that you want to know if this machine can find darkspawn?”

Li Lin waved to him with interest and asked him to come to him, “Do you know the dark descendants very well?”

“Of course! My parents, as well as my old and inflexible uncle, are both historians! They told me many Shurima legends!”

Ezreal confidently recounted the darkin legends he had learned, especially the names of many well-known darkin. Even the relationship between the ascended brothers Nasus, Renekton and Xerath was clear. Chu, Li Lin couldn’t help but marvel.

You know, there are only a few dark descendants that he can remember now. Even if his brain is strengthened, those vague impressions can become clear.

But at the beginning, he didn’t look at the names carefully, and he didn’t even read the general names of most of the dark descendants who appeared. What’s more, there were also many whose names only appeared in the background, so he naturally couldn’t tell them apart.

When it comes to understanding the details of the Darkin legend, Li Lin is not even as good as Ezreal.

The sealed dark descendants will surely revive, it’s just a matter of time.

“A few days ago, I heard that near the Nokmoch Plains in the middle of Valoran continent, there was a huge scarlet monster that bloodbathed several villages along the way, and even alerted Demacia’s dragon bird reconnaissance team.

“I think it was probably a dark descendant who broke through the seal and sensed the call of the sun disk. In order to supplement his own strength, he had to use blood magic to devour flesh and blood. This is very consistent with the practice of the dark descendant war a thousand years ago.”

Irriel’s guess surprised Li Lin, not to mention Heimerdinger and others around him.

The darkin he is talking about is most likely the sword demon Aatrox who returned to Shurima from the Freljord Icefields.

Li Lin had heard of this before, and even dispatched drones and mechanical engineers to investigate the situation.

It’s just that Aatrox rarely stays in any place for too long, and for some unknown reason, he deliberately hides his aura so that even the Intelligent Brain cannot detect it.

The continent of Valoran is so big, even finding a Darkin who is three to four meters tall is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Drones and mechanical engineers searched along the path Aatrox might have taken, but failed to find the darkspawn.

Li Lin originally planned to use Miniature Runeterra to look for Aatrox today, but he didn’t expect that Ezreal would be the first to propose searching for the Darkin.

“Do you know the name of that darkin?” Valentina asked Ezreal.

In fact, when Xiao Huangmao proposed this, she couldn’t help but feel itchy, wondering whether her machine could search for traces of Shurima’s Ascended Ones.

She paused and added: “If you want to use Miniature Rune Land, you must at least know the other party’s name.”

“Uh… Well…” Ezreal scratched his head, a bit of embarrassment appeared on his face, “There are many dark descendants who were sealed in the legend, and I don’t know the specific name of that guy, or… …”

He was about to tell the story of Nezuk, whom his parents had been searching for, because this god was once thought to have died in the Battle of the Void. Later, he suddenly attacked Horok and after killing him, he ruled an area and was called a tyrant.

But this guy seemed to realize something was wrong later, and disappeared again at the end of the Darkin War, his life and death unknown.

Ezreal suspected that the fallen god was not dead at all, or even sealed, but was hiding somewhere.

However, the name Li Lin proposed made him give up the idea: “Aatrox, try this name.”


Ezreal was stunned for a moment, and then he and Heimerdinger exclaimed the name again in unison: “Aatrox?!”

“You actually said Aatrox?” Ezreal continued, “This is the most powerful and influential Ascended One recorded in the “History of the Ascended Warriors” written by Garnier, the famous historian of Shurima. One! Even the ascended Martial Queen Setaka has to respect him!”

“You actually know this?” A trace of surprise flashed in Heimerdinger’s eyes, “You are indeed the son of Carlo Xidi and Hexili. You have the shadow of them when they were young.”

“That’s natural!” Upon hearing Heimerdinger’s compliments to him, Ezreal suddenly became ecstatic and raised his chin high, “I have inherited the excellent genes of my parents, especially my handsomeness!”

Li Lin shook his head and looked at the miniature rune land that was back in operation through the brain operation.

As the machine ran rapidly, time passed minute by minute and soon exceeded the “one minute” limit previously tested by the academy.

Not only Li Lin, but also Jace, Victor and other staff as well as the onlookers in the surrounding buildings could not help but hold their breath and wait quietly for the results of the miniature Rune Land.

When the time was approaching five minutes, everyone could not help but feel disappointed. They saw an almost invisible red dot suddenly appear at the location of Mount Targon. It was not enlarged to the ground like the search for Jarvan IV just now. There was only a rough outline. s position.

Valentina hurriedly jogged a few steps to the console, clicked on it a few times, and discovered an anomaly: “Due to the magical influence surrounding Mount Targon, Miniature Rune Land cannot break through the magic barrier there, and cannot be zoomed to display the specific location. “

“The Dark One has really revived?!”

“Oh my god, a dark descendant actually went to Mount Targon…”

“The legendary Darkin War won’t break out again, right?”

“Fallen gods, is it possible that they want to return to the Shurima Empire and serve Azir?”

“Don’t think about it. If the Darkin really wants to return allegiance to Shurima, why would Aatrox go to Mount Targon?”

“I heard that it seemed that the war protoss and the twilight protoss teamed up with humans to seal the darkin. Could he be out for revenge?”

“Hey, don’t tell me, it seems really possible?”

“But can this guy beat those guys who have inherited the power of heaven?”


People’s discussion was not loud, but Li Lin heard it clearly.

Most of the people present were wealthy and knowledgeable upper-class people, and some of them naturally knew something about the legend.

And some people’s speculations are not even much different from the facts.

Li Lin thought for a moment, then moved his gaze downwards, focusing on Heimerdinger, who was no longer as tall as his own legs. “Professor, can you borrow Gaborga again?”

“You are the current Speaker of Piltover, and it is your power to recruit Geboga…wait, are you ready again?”

The infinite armor almost covered Li Lin’s body in the blink of an eye, “I’m going to meet the dark descendants.”

ps: In the timeline in lor, Atreus had escaped Pantheon’s control decades ago because he and his good brother’s wife killed the demon Canf, which means Aatrox fought Pantheon. The timeline is also decades ago.

But this doesn’t match up with the timeline of the main universe, because when Atreus came to Xerath, he had just escaped from the seal and had not yet fully occupied Nerimajie’s time.

Moreover, in the new expansion of Pantheon published in the main universe, the brother’s wife said that the last time they met was six years ago, which just corresponds to the fact that after Pantheon was defeated by the sword demon, Atreus came to the door for help after being seriously injured, and then she also said that her husband passed away. It was 40 years ago, which is even more contradictory to the lor timeline.

This book does not use Lor’s timeline.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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