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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 47 Hex Ultimatum!

The sound of hurried footsteps echoed around the empty brewery.

“Damn, damn, damn…”

Ka Yina panted and walked around the intricate corridors.

At first, she wanted to rely on her familiarity with the terrain of the winery to bypass Camille, or go to the room where the Gila Manns were and threaten their lives in exchange for her freedom.

But the sound of the hook lock being fired behind her, the sound of the hook penetrating the stone wall and metal, and the sound of the sharp blade scraping the ground were still approaching, letting her know that she didn’t have much time left to think about that much.

Kaina didn’t know how much flesh and blood was left in Camille’s body.

She only knew that the pollen of the Hypnotic Flower, her proud specialty, had no effect on Camille.

Therefore, she only has one way to deal with Camille now.

Ka Yina listened carefully to the frequency of Camille’s hook lock and footsteps, who was chasing her from behind, and roughly estimated the time.

Then, she took out two more electromagnetic detonation bombs from her pocket and threw them a few meters behind her.

In just two or three seconds, two grenades burst out with blue light.

The deafening roar was accompanied by the energy pulse erupted from the explosion of the Hex crystal fragments. With the explosion position as the center, a hemispherical electromagnetic aperture spread rapidly outward.

Camille, who was chasing Ka Yina from behind, had a cold light in her pupils, and calmly activated the Hex core, erecting a wall of light in front of her again.

“Only a coward would run away, Ka Yina.” She said in a cold tone, just enough to be heard by the young woman running away in front.

Ka Yina turned back and looked at her, her words mixed with a bit of anger: “Only a fool would lead his neck to death!”

As she spoke, she threw another electromagnetic bomb.


With an expressionless face, Camille used the hook locks on her legs to draw an elegant arc of maneuver in mid-air, easily dodging the core of the electromagnetic bomb explosion. She only consumed a small amount of energy and used an adaptive shield to block it. down.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly retracted the two hook locks and sprayed forward again. The reinforced metal hook at the tip of the rope sank deeply into the low-quality metal ceiling diagonally above the winery, driving Camille’s body to swing forward.

There was still more than 50 meters left, and the maximum range of the energy shield wall she had erected was a radius of about 20 meters.

If nothing else happens, it only takes four or five seconds for Ka Yinna to handle it.

“I am loyal to the Philos family, you can’t do this!” Ka Yina shouted without looking back, “The reason why this situation evolved into the current situation was just an accident!”

“The difference between success and failure lies in the level of adaptability.” Camille easily blocked another blast bomb, her voice was particularly cold, “Your ability is insufficient, so you failed, it’s that simple.”

“Damn you bastard! Go to hell!” Seeing that Camille refused to take any advantage, Ka Yinna, who had broken her guard, cursed loudly.

Immediately afterwards, she threw out the last two electromagnetic detonation bombs on her body.

Ka Yina did not expect that Camille would find her tonight, and she was not fully prepared at all.

If she hadn’t developed a good habit of carrying weapons, she might have been decapitated from the beginning by the pair of leg blades that were so sharp that they could cut almost any alloy.

“If you don’t drink a toast, you’ll be punished with a drink. I take it you don’t have any grenades on hand, right?”

Camille passed through the crystal blue energy curtain, and used the inertia of the hook lock to drive her body forward and dived from a high place towards Kaina’s position.

When the budget distance was about the same, the light from the Hex core on Camille’s chest burst out, and blue energy arcs flashed across her mechanical body and quickly spread to her surroundings.

Less than a second later, Ka Yinna, who was about to turn another corner, was startled. She forced herself to slide and rolled several times before stopping in her tracks.

In front of her, there was a blue translucent energy wall blocking her way.

Not only that, but this light blue barrier was covered in other directions, including mid-air, completely sealing the area, like an oppressive cage.

Hex Ultimatum!

Knowing that she couldn’t escape, Kaina stood up without any hesitation, and a sliding shovel passed under the swooping leg blade of Camille who was swooping down.

A strand of long hair was blown everywhere by the strong wind when Camille passed by Ka Yina. It was the middle part of her hair that had just been cut off at the root.

After barely escaping from the clutches of death, Ka Yina, still in shock, hurriedly pulled out a large-caliber revolver from her waist, pointed it at Camille in front of her, and fired all the bullets.

It’s a pity that even a modified shock bomb using Hex crystal fragments as the core can’t have the slightest impact on her, let alone an insignificant kinetic energy pistol.

Camille didn’t even open the adaptive shield, allowing the bullet to hit her body, causing sparks and a “ding-ding” metal collision sound.

But she was not affected at all.

Ka Yina gritted her teeth, threw down the pistol, grabbed the alchemy pot on her left shoulder with her right hand, twisted it around, and injected all the alchemy potion inside into her body.

These alchemical potions can stimulate her nerves, increase her reaction speed and reduce pain, but the side effects are great damage to the body.

This is a common problem in current alchemy technology and cannot be avoided.

After all, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

It is impossible for alchemy technology to be cheap and practical while also taking into account safety and stability.

“——Hiss!” Ka Yinna took a breath of air.

She could feel the alchemical potion flowing through her body, burning her blood vessels and nerves.

But if you can survive, what are the mere side effects?

Immediately afterwards, Ka Yina pulled out a folding high-frequency vibrating knife from her waist bag.

After pressing the start button, the knife will vibrate with high intensity and generate high temperature under the activation of the core energy of the Hex crystal fragments.

The metal claws of Ka Yina’s left hand spread out with five fingers, and at the same time, her right hand clenched the handle of the knife, setting up a fighting posture that could be used offensively or defensively.

Immediately afterwards, she gritted her teeth and ran towards Camille with rapid strides, “Go to hell!”

“Your futility is disappointing…” Camille’s eyes showed a hint of mockery, “It’s sad.”

A cold smile appeared on her lips, and she took two steps forward without fear, raising one leg to accumulate strength.

Blue light emerged from the grooves of the spiral storage hook locks on the outside of her thighs, and a large amount of Hex crystal energy gathered on her legs.

Then, when Ka Yina approached a safe distance, Camille’s eyes flashed, and she suddenly lowered her leg blade and cut forward out of thin air.

The Hex crystal energy was attached to her leg blades. As her tactics swept across, the surging energy burst out along the tip of the blade toward a fan-shaped range of three to four meters in front.

Ka Yina was shocked and jumped back quickly, out of the range of her tactical sweep.

After missing a hit, Camille did not show any signs of discouragement. She jumped forward at a rapid speed, kicked her right leg over her head, and then used the inertia of the kick to do a backflip.

With the sound of the knife handle coming into close contact with the ground, Karina, whose eyes widened with an expression of disbelief, pressed her bloody throat with one hand and opened her mouth.

She wanted to say something, but with her carotid artery and trachea cut off, she could only make a few unintelligible guttural sounds such as “uh huh”.

There was silence in the air for two or three seconds.

Then, Ka Yina’s eyes lost their luster, and she fell to her knees first with a bang, and then fell heavily on the ground, completely lifeless.

Camille pinched her waist with one hand, raised her steps and walked to Kaina’s body, avoiding the pool of blood on the ground, and looked down at her condescendingly.

The pair of eyes shining with blue light were calm, and no one knew what Camille was thinking.

Not long after, she heard rushing sounds from the brewery approaching quickly.

Camille knew that the girl from the Gila Mann family had arrived to rescue her parents.

Without much hesitation, she quickly averted her gaze and aimed the hook lock at the ceiling.

Suddenly, Camille contracted the hook lock, and her whole body flew into the air, hiding in a blind spot where even the blue light could not shine through.

Her mission accomplished.

As for the rest, let the law enforcement officials handle it.

Thanks for the seventh tip!


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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