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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 478 Take a space trip

Li Lin didn’t even have time to test the functions of the mecha. He teleported to the government building without stopping and came to his multi-functional office.

With a wave of his hand, he summoned a real-time holographic projection of the orbiting space station in outer space.

After more than a month of unremitting efforts by thousands of mechanical engineers, this grand project in outer space was finally completed.

If it weren’t for the replacement of intermediate energy technology with a more efficient and safer energy Rubik’s Cube reactor, its construction period could actually be shortened.

Li Lin suppressed his excitement and asked, “What’s the specific situation?”

[The energy supply reactor has been set up and tested with no abnormalities. 】

[The internal oxygen circulation system has been completed, and the oxygen has been adjusted to the concentration that best suits the needs of the human body. 】

[Anti-gravity technology has been built, and the gravity of the current space station is equal to that of Runeterra. 】

[Currently, mechanical engineers are cultivating the soil and planting super-gene crops. 】

[It is expected that the first batch of “space” food will be delivered to the temporary storage warehouse in one month. 】

“Very good.” Li Lin geared up, his excitement palpable, “Quickly tell the professors that it’s time to take a look at the space station… Oh, by the way, there are Kate, Kasha and Zoe, call them too. superior.”

As time passed, Caitlin was the first to arrive at Li Lin’s office.

Today is a day off, but she is now at the end of learning all the knowledge of Piltover security, and will soon take over the position of Chief Grayson, so she has been quite busy recently, even staying at the police station on weekends.

As soon as Caitlin’s armor changed into ordinary clothes, she was hugged by Li Lin who came forward and touched her moist lips.

“I succeeded!”

Caitlin raised her pretty eyebrows slightly with a confused expression, “What succeeded? What new invention did you come up with?”

Li Lin pointed at the ceiling, “What else can I do?”

Although the movements were a bit “abstract”, they were still an “old married couple”. Caitlin knew him well and understood immediately, her blue eyes flashing with excitement.

She already knew the purpose of Li Lin calling her and perhaps others coming to the administration building today.

“Have you finished building your space station?!”

Li Lin nodded with a smile.

“That’s great!”

Caitlin stood on tiptoes, raised her face, rewarded him with a kiss, and then snuggled into his arms.

“I didn’t expect that one day we would enter the heaven…”

“Actually, if you put on the future armor, you can fly to heaven now.”

“This is different.” Caitlin tapped the tip of Li Lin’s nose with her slender green fingers, “This is a space station. It allows us to live in it. Can we do this just by wearing the armor?”

While the two were chatting, a golden halo appeared out of thin air, and the familiar portal opened directly in the sealed space.

The next second, Kasha and Zoe walked over from the other side, which was obviously the underground training ground of Gila Mann’s house.

Before receiving the notification from Zhinao, Zoe would most likely be by Ka’Sa’s side, using magic to create a puppet to accompany Ka’Sa in sparring.

For a while, these two little girls were spending every day together, sneaking around, and Zoe even set up soundproofing magic when talking.

Li Lin always felt that the two of them were “conspiring” something.

After all, the marriage between Kassadin and Kassa was temporarily postponed by Kassadin because of his age.

On the other hand, since returning to Piltover, he has been busy building mechas and has not had time to confess Zoe’s relationship with him to Caitlin, so Zoe often comes to complain.

Fortunately, before the comparison, her temperament had changed a lot and she had learned to understand others.

When she found out that the matter between Kasha and Belvis was less than half a year away, she stopped disturbing Li Lin from busying himself with his own affairs.

“Good afternoon~~Caitlin, Li Lin.” Zoe smiled sweetly at the two of them and waved hello.

Li Lin subconsciously looked at Caitlin, who also turned her face away, and could read the confusion in the other person’s eyes.

Zoe has always been a naughty child in their hearts, so why did she suddenly seem to be a different person today, adopting a “sweet” style?

“Good afternoon, Li Lin, sister Caitlin.”

As Kasha greeted her, both turned their gazes to her.

As they expected, she actually managed a sweet smile similar to Zoe’s.

It’s just that for Kasha, who is almost as tall as Caitlin and has basically grown in appearance and figure, she is not suitable for this style. This small face seems a bit incompatible with her slightly cold personality.

But what was different from the previous period was that Kasha no longer showed any signs of guilt, if one excludes her purple eyes that were shining with color and nervousness.

Zhinao mentioned to me a while ago that Kasha and Zoe go to the academy every day to find Seraphine, and her “idol route” is pure and sweet…

Uh, could it be that they asked Seraphine to teach them something?

Li Lin realized the problem, but it was difficult to ask too much in front of Caitlin.

Maybe Seraphine felt that she liked this type.

But in his opinion, there is no need for Kasha and Zoe to “please” themselves through these things, they just need to be themselves.

Li Lin sighed silently in his heart, but he still put on a smile on his face and responded to the two of them in a gentlemanly manner, “Good afternoon, two beautiful ladies.”

“Hmm…” Kasha stared at Li Lin’s face and made a nasal sound of unknown meaning.

When she noticed Caitlin’s gaze, she looked away slightly nervously, with a slight blush appearing on her delicate cheeks, like an embarrassed blush.

But Zoe was different. She put on a smile that seemed to be that of Professor Seraphine and said hello. She quickly changed back to her carefree personality.

If Caitlin hadn’t been there, she would have thrown herself into Li Lin’s arms and gave him a kiss that made her forget herself.

Since returning to Piltover, except for the first day, they have had very few opportunities to be alone.

“Professor Heimerdinger and the others haven’t come yet, let’s wait a little longer.”

Li Lin invited them to come to his desk and workbench and introduced them to the various functions and functions of his space station in detail.

In about ten minutes, the office door was pushed open heavily, led by Jace’s strong figure, followed by Victor, and Heimerdinger, who chose to sit on his shoulder because the speed was too slow.

The first thing he did when he entered the door was that Heimerdinger asked Victor to put him down. Then, while arranging his slightly messy professor uniform, he ran to the workbench with small steps, his light blue eyes showing shock.

“Hey! Boy, your space station is already completed?!” Heimerdinger exclaimed in a sharp voice.

Jace and Victor, who followed closely, looked equally shocked, staring intently at the real-time projection of the outer space orbiting space station.

“This, it’s not long since you announced the four phases of the space program, right?”

Following Jace, Victor said, “Did you start planning in advance?”

Li Linnu shrugged, “I just had this idea in advance. It took some time to build the space station, and it also took a while to assemble it in outer space. It’s almost two months, so it’s not too short.”

Heimerdinger, Jace and Viktor simply didn’t know what to say.

In just two months, a space station capable of accommodating 100,000 people was built in outer space. Do you still think it takes too long for such a mammoth project?

Heimerdinger took a deep breath, blew on his white beard, and took out a smartphone with projection function from his pocket.

“I have received the data transmitted to me by Zhinao. Your space station is basically completed, so you called us here today…”

He, Jace, and Victor all focused their expectant eyes on Li Lin.

“That’s right.” He said with a smile, “I asked you to come today precisely because I wanted to invite you to take a trip to space.”

Due to the immaturity of time and space teleportation technology, Li Lin has not had free time to continue researching it recently, so it cannot teleport living people.

After leaving Runeterra, there is no spiritual realm, and arcane magic is basically unusable. In disguise, Hex teleportation technology loses its effect.

Therefore, in order to get to the space station in outer space, apart from Zoe’s portal, they must use the most “primitive” method – a spaceship.

Since it was also Li Lin’s first time to go to the completed orbital space station, for the sake of conservatism, he did not let Zoe directly open the portal to go there, and chose to take a flight that had already been built to travel in space, just enough to accommodate them. A ship for everyone.

This was also the main reason why he didn’t call the other children such as Orianna, Seraphine, and Bakubo, as well as the Gila Manns, Mel, Skye, and other professors from the college.

As Heimerdinger, Jace and Viktor put on universal nanosuits for protection and boarded the spacecraft, the spacecraft slowly took off and continued to accelerate. Not long after, they had left Runeterra.

Except for Li Lin and Zoe, this was the first time for several people to see the whole planet of Runeterra with their own eyes, and they couldn’t help but exclaimed in surprise and admiration.

And when they saw the sun and even other planets through the window, they were so shocked that they couldn’t shut up.

“It turns out that the heaven outside this world looks like this…”

Li Lin held Caitlin’s hand and whispered in her ear: “The universe is vast, and our planet is no more than a drop of water in the endless sea, insignificant.

“If we still have tomorrow, I will definitely take you and take you to travel in the heavens, just like the legendary giant gods and stars did.”

“I can help~~” Zoe interjected.

Caitlin pursed her lips, not knowing how to describe her current mood. She could only hold Li Lin’s hand tightly and interlock with his fingers to relieve the tension caused by feeling too small.

At this moment, Kasha on the other side shouted: “Look, we’re here!”

Everyone looked out of her window in unison.

I saw a huge cylindrical “steel beast” standing quietly above Runeterra.


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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