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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 480 Swain’s Visit

After experiencing such a small episode of being summoned by the Star-casting Dragon King, this space trip went smoothly.

Li Lin took Caitlin to visit his command room, waited for a while, met here with people who were going to other places, and finally took them to visit the core area of ​​the space station.

Because Heimerdinger, Jess and Victor are not only Li Lin’s best friends, but also extremely talented geniuses in the field of science.

In the future, whether they face the void in the end, defeat the void, and then move towards the stars and the sea, in addition to the overall management of the brain, they can also have their own unique insights into the development of the space station.

Since the time and space teleportation device has not yet been perfected, people still need spaceships to travel between Runeterra and the space station. Heimerdinger thought carefully and decided not to cause trouble to Li Lin and stayed here to study.

Everyone boarded the spaceship and returned to Runeterra.

With this experience, Li Lin can directly ask Zoe to open the portal next time and take more people there.

After finishing his business at the space station, Li Lin explained to everyone and immediately went to the City of the Sun, where he met Azir who was a little upset and angry.

Recently, with the help of Miniature Runeterra, Aatrox found traces of Varus who broke free from the seal.

This archer was sealed by a Valoran queen and her Vastaya Moon Chasers and the human mages. Finally, when the Darkin War was coming to an end, the queen chose to sacrifice herself and use the seal herself. The darkin’s crystal longbow continues the fight.

A few months later, the Darkin War came to an end. Queen Valoran went to the First Land in the Far East and asked her men to bury herself alive at the bottom of a lightless well to seal the Darkin.

However, thousands of years later, the Noai War broke out. Varus was touched by a mortal couple seeking survival, swallowed them up, broke free of the seal, and returned to his homeland across the vast sea of ​​watchers.

Aatrox found Varus in Wycaura. The former god was looking for traces of his sister Varieva in the sealed ruins underground.

Seeing Aatrox reshaping the body of a god, Varus was stunned for a moment, and then started a battle with him without hesitation.

Although Varus, who was still sealed and only possessed the bodies of two mortals, was vulnerable to the legendary general at his peak, their battle still affected one-third of the newly rebuilt city of Vicora.

Fortunately, due to the impact of the war between Xerath and Nasus more than a year ago, there were not many people living in Vicora City, and the casualties were very small.

The former Shurima Arrow God was quickly captured, and then brought back to the City of the Sun by Aatrox, where he was temporarily sealed in a dungeon.

Varus was deeply affected by the Void, and Azir knew about it long before the Shurima Empire fell.

In order to uphold his oath to guard the imperial temple, Varus did not return to his hometown to protect his family after the outbreak of the Icathian War. As a result, all his relatives except his sisters died in the massacre by the Icathians.

Later, with the approval of the Sun Priest of the Ascension Group, Varus and his sisters underwent the ascension ceremony together and became celestial warriors in the form of a toad and a viper respectively.

Because the method of ascension taught by the Titan Celestial Spirit is flawed, it will cause the ascendent to lose some of their human emotions.

At this point, Varus became even more cold and ruthless, thinking only of revenge on Icathia and the Void.

During the Void War, the Ascended One’s memory was greatly affected. He could not remember how the war ended, and he was still immersed in the rage of revenge.

Azir even interrogated him. He couldn’t even remember how the Shurima Empire was destroyed, nor the subsequent Darkin War. Beatox was much more seriously affected.

Although Varus was considered a top being among the warriors of the gods, Azir didn’t know for a while whether he should lift his seal and rebuild his ascended body.

As soon as Li Lin arrived, Azir immediately called the grand maester to discuss the matter.

Aatrox was once an enemy of Varus and had several confrontations in the Darkin War, so he was not suitable to participate in the meeting.

However, when Li Lin revealed that he had met the Star-Forging Dragon King not long ago and obtained the complete version of the ascension method from him, both Azir and Nasus were shocked.

Although the sun disk needs to be modified, this price is negligible compared to the ability to obtain more powerful power and a more stable method of ascension.

Immediately, Azir informed the ministers and people of the plan to transform the sun disk led by Li Lin, and independently promoted the power of the Star Dragon King.

They believed in the sun, but the sun was created by Aurelion Sol and was part of him.

And no matter where He goes, He will be the most shining place in the universe.

The people of the City of the Sun cheered because they were truly recognized by the “Sun” and were the people of the Creation God.

Of course, they all automatically ignored the words Li Lin and Azir used to describe the Star-casting Dragon King as “extraordinarily handsome” and “super smart”…

With the material conversion technology that impressed even Azir and Nasus, it didn’t take long for Shurima to prepare the materials to transform the solar disk.

With the cooperation of hundreds of mechanical engineers and Azir Yellow Sand soldiers, the transformation project of the sun disk has begun in a grand manner, and it is expected to take about a month to complete.

At that time, Varus will be able to ascend again in an almost perfect state, and Azir, Nasus, and Aatrox can also further improve their ascended bodies.

After Li Lin solved this matter, he used the miniature Rune Land to locate the trace of the next dark descendant, which was the sister of Varus who broke free from the seal and escaped.

She is currently hiding in the mountains west of Ixtar, not daring to meet her brothers, and seems to be gathering strength.

Aatrox did not hesitate and immediately set off for the tropical rain forest where this country that once surrendered to Shurima and now has disappeared.

In recent days, Li Lin has been staying in the City of the Sun, busy with the Sun Disk renovation project.

His mechas have all been built, and the subsequent upgrade work can be completed by Zhi Nao, without him having to worry about it.

The most important thing now is to complete the transformation project of the sun disk as soon as possible and create a new god warrior.

However, Zhinao sent him a message that surprised him:

Swain, who had recently put down the rebellion in the Lokrond Plains, did not return to Noxus, but took a boat towards the Twin Cities.

Li Lin had already expected Swain’s visit, but this guy didn’t even notify him in advance.

The Twin Cities are no longer what they used to be. There is no way Zhinao would allow such a large Noxian fleet to approach the Piltover Canal. Not even Li Lin would agree.

Even in the past, if the Noxian fleet transporting soldiers wanted to pass through Piltover, they had to notify them in advance and pay a hefty “toll”.

It seems that Swain wants to use this to give himself a chance?

Li Lin considered many possibilities in his mind.

However, it takes five days to travel by sea from Loklund to the Twin Cities. Swain has only traveled halfway, and it will take at least two more days to reach it.

The visit of a head of state is a major diplomatic event. Even if the other party does not notify it in advance, Li Lin must be prepared to deal with it.

After quickly handling the task at hand, he told Azir and Nasus, teleported back to Piltover, and arrived at the administrative office building.

He had just arrived at the office, and his butt was still hot from sitting. As the door of the office was pushed open hard, Caitlin, who had already put on custom-made police chief clothes, strode in.

In recent days, she has completed the handover of Piltover’s security work, completely taking over the duties of Chief Grayson and becoming Piltover’s new chief.

Grayson’s original partner and adjutant Marcus went to the new police station in the upper dance corridor area of ​​Zaun and became the sergeant of the Zaun security.

“Noxus is coming.” Caitlin returned to her work and said seriously, getting straight to the point.

“This time, no more than Mel’s mother, Ambesa Myrdalda. This time, Jericho Swain personally led the fleet, and there was no notification. If it is not handled well, it will be serious. Diplomatic incident!”

Li Lin didn’t speak, and stretched out his hand to call up the ultra-high-definition real-time footage captured by the invisible drone.

In the enlarged image, he saw Swain, who was wearing a simple windbreaker with just armor lining the inside, stopping to stare at the horizon.

But the next second, the man in the picture seemed to notice something. His pupils with scarlet light turned and looked in the direction of the drone that was monitoring him, with a vague arc at the corner of his mouth.

Li Lin and Swain seemed to be looking at each other through a screen.

“Swain’s visit this time is not just for Katarina and Tyrone.”

“Everyone can see this kind of thing, right?”

Caitlin rolled her eyes at Li Lin, who looked very indifferent, and felt anxious in her heart.

Even Grayson had never encountered such a diplomatic incident that might involve war during his tenure. Even with Karina’s words and deeds, she didn’t know how to handle such a thing.

“Don’t panic. If the sky falls, I will hold you up.”

Li Lin waved his hands helplessly.

“Recently, I launched a coup in Piltover, overthrowing four families that were inextricably linked to Noxus. Moreover, I am also the Duke of Demacia, enjoying the treatment of a member of the royal family, and also having a relationship with the Emperor of Shurima. Not a shallow relationship.

“Swein’s purpose of coming here is obvious. He is to test my attitude towards Noxus as the new ruler, to see if we remain neutral.”

“How should we respond?”

Compared with the original world line, Caitlin, who had just become the police chief, was still too young after all, and would be at a loss when encountering such a big event.

Although in the original world line, Noxus and Piltover did not have such big events.

“To use a traditional Ionian proverb, the soldiers will cover up the water and the earth will cover it up.”

Li Lin rubbed his chin, a glint flashing in his eyes.

“When the time comes, let Swain see the courage of Piltover today.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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