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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 485 The upcoming wedding

With the new Celestial Warriors, the task of finding the Darkin naturally does not need to be undertaken by Aatrox alone.

Azir issued missions to Raast, Varus, and Varieva, asking them to go to Mount Targon, Ionia, and the Iron Thorn Mountains in eastern Noxus, respectively, determined by the Miniature Rune Land.

Aatrox, who possesses the power of killing gods, was arranged to go to the extremely cold north, the most dangerous Freljord, where demigods are everywhere.

In addition, before Aatrox set out for Freljord, he, Azir, and Nasus also “upgraded” the existing “inferior” god’s body through the sun disk, making up for the lack of quality as a god. The warrior is mentally deficient and gains greater strength.

Aatrox, who was originally at the peak of his combat prowess among the ascended ones, after perfecting his godhood this time, his aura surged, and even the influence of the void was greatly weakened.

As for Azir and Nasus, one of them can control the entire yellow sand of Shurima, and the other’s strength has been completely restored to its peak and strengthened a lot, almost as good as Aatrox in the past.

This is just their own strength. With the blessing of the Sun Disk, their strength will only take a step further.

This is already the best result for the Grand Bachelor who has been in ruins for thousands of years and was almost “instantly killed” by Xerath as soon as he was born.

On Li Lin’s side, after finishing his work on the Sun Disk, he immediately approached Nasus, who had re-enhanced his ascension body and could soar to a maximum height of about 200 meters. He wanted to have a discussion with him to test his new mecha and upgrades. The strength of the mecha has been improved.

Since Noxus has issued a diplomatic statement and is willing to unconditionally return Shurima’s three northern ports of Uzeris, Tellishni and Bergun, the Grand Maester does not have many things to deal with these days.

Although it was a bit unfair to ask Nasus to test the performance of the mecha, after all, his magic was aimed at flesh and blood or magic bodies, not pure mechanical metal bodies.

His soul-draining and withering methods are ineffective, and the effect of the soul-burning flames is also very limited. He can only rely on violent melee combat and the power of the god’s posture to fight the mecha head-on.

After testing, Nasus was able to easily defeat the mechanical giant Gaeborga who was good at long-range attacks, but his body would also be pierced by its powerful gamma laser rays, rendering him unable to defend himself.

The Tyrant Behemoth persisted for a relatively long time, but it was unable to cause effective damage to the Grand Master. Even the power of gamma laser rays could not compare with Gaibojia.

Not to mention the Tyrant Sword Demon. Although he could fight Nasus with his mobility, and could also cause objective damage to him with his plasma giant sword, and his melee combat effectiveness was stronger than that of the mechanical giant, he was quickly defeated by the Grand Bachelor. If you take it, you can’t compare to the Tyrant Behemoth.

When it comes to Tyrant Zero, the ultimate land mecha with the most powerful overall combat capability, the two are in a stalemate.

With the powerful defense of the double-layer energy shield and force field shield, it is difficult for Nasus to break through Tyrant Zero’s defense through melee combat, and it is also difficult to parry its kinetic axe.

However, after Aurelion Thor took the initiative to give heavenly magic and blessed the ascended body, even if it was placed in the Zero mecha that could easily “kill” Nasus in an instant, it could not truly defeat him. he.

Finally, according to Zhinu’s calculations, Tyrant Zero’s situation against the current Nasus is probably a 60-40 situation, and it will take a long time to stalemate.

Days, nights, or even weeks are possible. It is normal for gods to fight for so long without a winner.

But just when Nasus thought that Li Lin’s test was over, to his surprise, and even to his shock, a ball of arcane energy wrapped in metal and restraint devices appeared – it was their old man. Familiar Xerath.

Some time before the completion of the Sun Disk, Xerath could no longer bear the torture. His consciousness was wiped out and he turned into a biological weapon completely controlled by Li Lin.

Under the energy increase of the arcane restraint ring, although Xerath’s independent mobility is not as flexible as when he had personal consciousness, fortunately, the enhanced strength can make up for this.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, even if they have already lost themselves.

Recalling the scenes of the three battles with Xerath, Nasus struck fiercely, exerting 120% of his combat power, and various astral magics emerged one after another.

But unfortunately, Xerath’s combat effectiveness was obviously much stronger than the mechas he encountered before.

After all, he once had the strength of a peak ascendant, and even the Tyrant Type Zero could not match his ferocious arcane firepower.

The gods faced off against the mechanical Ascended Ones, but Nasus was still beaten back steadily and almost sunk the desert island north of Tellishni.

After clarifying the current performance of the mecha, Li Lin returned to Pi City to continue debugging and strive to make it the best.

Nowadays, part of the second phase of the orbital space station has been completed. The construction of the mecha parking warehouse has been completed, but it will still take some time for the space construction factory and the giant assembly factory.

Once these two construction plants are completely completed, the 100-meter-tall Titan Soldier and the 60-meter-tall Mechanical Lord will be ready for production.

Li Lin can also use the construction facilities in outer space to build the Tyrant Mecha Dragon God as soon as possible.

In the administrative building, Li Lin sat at the desk in his office, looking away from the mecha projection interface, leaning on the back of the chair and rubbing his temples.

A month of not sleeping made him mentally exhausted.

But due to pressure from Belvis, even with Caitlin, he couldn’t fall into deep sleep even if he closed his eyes for one night.

“Sigh…the disadvantages of physical enhancement.”

Li Lin stood up and walked to the office window and looked out. Facing the cool sea breeze on the cliff, a faint scent of jasmine entered his nose.

In the blink of an eye, the beginning of summer is approaching again, and he has been in this world for almost two and a half years.

Recalling what he had done in the past, even Li Lin sometimes couldn’t help but sigh that such a small “butterfly” like himself could cause such a big butterfly effect.

He stared at the horizon to empty his mind, then closed his eyes, feeling the sea breeze and the faint fragrance of jasmine, enjoying this rare moment of relaxation.

After a minute, Li Lin regained his energy and said, “Zhinao, what are your recent plans?”

[Master, His Royal Highness Prince Jarvan IV and Shyvana’s wedding is scheduled for half a month. It’s time for you to go to Demacia. 】

Li Lin slapped his forehead and sighed, “I forgot about this.”

Demacian nobles like to hold their wedding ceremonies in early summer, just after the annual Golden Spring Festival. It is a festive day, and the royal family is no exception.

Last year, Jarvan III issued the “Edict of Sin”, hoping that his son would marry Shyvana, who was in love with her and had the blood of the dragon, to dispel the concerns of the mages in Demacia.

Facts have proved that his approach was very wise.

Although it has not been publicly stated that the prince and some of the direct members of the great nobles are capable of magic, they are able to get married by virtue of their ability to use magic and are not weak at the same time.

Half a year has passed, and many mages have taken the initiative to register and join the Mages Mutual Aid Guild, which is currently temporarily managed by Barrett and is a combination of official and private organizations.

“It’s been a while since I visited Sona.”

Recalling Sona’s face in his mind, Li Lin couldn’t help but smile.

The last time he saw her was more than two months ago. He teleported to Xiongdu in the evening and had dinner with her.

Since the threat of Pelvis was approaching, the considerate Sona rarely disturbed Li Lin and rarely even made phone calls, for fear of disturbing his research.

But when he thought about the meeting between Caitlin and Sona in half a month, Li Lin’s smile froze and he couldn’t help but feel worried again and felt a headache.

The matter between Zoe and Kai’Sa in Piltover has not yet been resolved, and there is Sona in Demacia…

Although Zhinu can give some good ideas based on its current intelligence level and computing level, it is not an emotional master after all, and Li Lin always feels that the solutions it gives are not as reliable as Zoe’s.

“Forget it, let’s take it one step at a time.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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