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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 495 The world’s runes show their power

Collecting world runes is Ryze’s important task, and Li Lin is only responsible for providing him with quick access to destinations and supplies.

This was what the two had agreed upon.

In the past few months, he once again traveled across Ionia and found a cornerstone rune and fragments of the Domination and Sorcery systems.

However, so far, the most complete world runes are still mainly to strengthen the precision of attack and continuous damage, and mainly provide durability and control resolute system. Other world runes that are not even complete in the cornerstone cannot play a big role.

Therefore, Li Lin only took these two world runes.

He had not originally planned to use this kind of power that would destroy the world. This was supposed to be him, the last trump card in Runeterra, but now he had to use it in advance to fight.

Unfortunately, not only Aatrox, but also Li Lin and Zhinao underestimated the strength of the Void Queen. They did not expect that it would have a third stage, far exceeding the terrifying strength of dozens of celestial warriors.

World runes use entirely astral magic, from which rune magic, the so-called arcane magic, originates.

According to legend, these world runes are the origin of magic in Runeterra. A group of extraterrestrial visitors left them behind in Runeterra, and then disappeared mysteriously.

Of course, this is just a rumor Ryze learned from reading Hylia on the former Blessed Light Island, and the authenticity is yet to be determined.

But it is undeniable that the full version of World Rune means the power to destroy the entire Rune Land.

After all, the thousands of square kilometers of vacancies in the eastern part of the Immortal Fortress, the capital of Noxus, were destroyed by the arcane comet, the cornerstone of the witchcraft system.

The world runes of the Resolute system mainly have the three cornerstone abilities of “Immortal Grip”, “Aftershock” and “Guardian”. All other rune fragments are integrated into these three categories, providing mutual amplification and strengthening effects.

The Grasp of Immortality can absorb the soul and flesh of the target to strengthen itself, and can release itself to absorb the undead of living creatures at once to carry out indiscriminate strikes except for itself.

In addition, this cornerstone can also detonate all magic elements within a certain range, and can also activate any substance to launch a devastating blow to the target.

The ability to manipulate matter is similar to telekinesis and gravitational manipulation, but is fundamentally different.

Driven by the runes of the world, the controlled substances are like the extended body of the user of the runes, connected to their roots.

But for a being like Belvis who is not using magic at all, nor does it belong to the energy of the material plane, all the magic particles floating in the air are absorbed by it.

Among the abilities of the Immortal Grip, except for the ability to urge matter to attack, the rest are useless.

Aftershock mainly provides its own defense capabilities, which can instantly annihilate anything that comes into contact with itself, and provide the user with an immortal body that is immune to most damage, and can also awaken life within a certain range.

Li Lin also learned about the guardian’s ability through digital thinking. It can hold up a magical barrier that is immune to all attacks within a certain range, can provide the user with an almost unlimited lifespan, and can also continuously provide strong life energy. But it may cause unknown distortions.

The world runes of the Resolute system are not very offensive and generally provide defense.

In addition, the amplification effect provided by three cornerstone runes is far more powerful than the effect brought by using one cornerstone alone.

Another world rune, precision, is divided into four cornerstones. According to Li Lin’s own translation, it can be roughly understood as “powerful attack”, “fatal rhythm”, “quick pace” and “conqueror”.

Contrary to the resolute runes, the precision runes can provide enhanced offensive effects and continuous damage.

Although Li Lin did not use “data-based thinking” to check their effects at that time, now is not the time.

However, judging from the names and previous experience of comparing his own understanding, he can still guess the effects of these world runes:

The Assault Cornerstone has the effect of strengthening the attack on the target, the Fatal Rhythm can provide super attack speed, the Swift Step can continuously increase the movement speed during the attack, and can also provide a certain healing effect, while the Conqueror has almost unlimited power through combat. Gather strength.

Whether it is strong or weak, you will know after trying it.

With this idea in mind, Li Lin asked Zhinao to fill the two world runes into the specially reserved grooves of the mecha without directly touching them.

As the Energy Rubik’s Cube Reactor was continuously squeezed out of energy by mechanical parts, flowing through the two world runes, they were activated in just a few heartbeats.

The surface of Tyrant Zero was quickly covered in intertwining yellow and green light.

Even Zoe felt the slightest threat, and built a bubble-shaped protective circle around herself, staying away from him.

“You can actually use the world runes?” Belvis made an illusory and unsatisfied voice, “Such a special and delicious soul…”

Its wings, body, and the pseudo-eyes on the surface of the distorted tentacles that extended out of the body were all pointed in Li Lin’s direction. Energy poured out of the vertical pupils, converging into void disintegration rays in front of the body.

Li Lin directly threw away the shield he had just repaired with scrap weapons, raised his left hand high, and a dazzling emerald green light gathered in his palm, forming an energy shield according to his will, completely blocking the beam that destroyed everything.

The next moment, Belvis suddenly felt the illusion that he was being targeted by everything in the world. At the same time, the sea water that had been corrupted by the void unexpectedly rolled up without its control, and countless boulder fragments and mechanical waste rose from the ground. From there, a layer of green light clings to the surface, continuously hitting Belvis from a distance.

Originally, it was impossible for such a physical attack to have any impact on it, whether it was dodge or hard resistance.

But after being protected by the power of the world’s runes, these magical substances that were no less powerful than the arcane meteorites used before Zoe reversed the rules hit him, causing Belvis to feel a little bit of pain.

“Uh-huh…” It made a sound like a human smacking its lips, as if it felt that Li Lin, who had used the world rune, was very troublesome.

In addition, in the outside world, the mechanical legions continued to attack the void lairs all over the sky, and continued to block the ethereal spirits that wanted to break out and devour life. The mechanical dragon god fired all its weapons at once, and emitted annihilation breath from two directions at the same time.

With Li Lin’s restraint, the Ascended Ones who quickly recovered from their mental shakes readjusted their stances, led by Aatrox and Raast, Nasus, Varus and Varii Wa assists from behind, while Azir controls endless magic sand to provide them with assistance anytime and anywhere.

Under the united efforts of everyone, Belvis inevitably had to focus on fighting them. In addition, there was Zoe around him who harassed him from time to time, and even it could not do anything about it, affecting its body and mind, which gave Li Lin an opportunity.

The bedrock was lifted up from the depths of the earth under the feet of the Resolute Rune, crushing a large area of ​​void ground. The ability to represent vitality summoned many puppets composed of machines and rocks, and launched an attack inside the area covered by the lavender sea. Self-destructive attack.

Tyrant Zero’s strong pulse thrusters were fully powered, and all overload functions were activated, causing a sonic boom and approaching Belvis almost instantly.

It spread its wings first, summoning a cutting storm that could rotate hundreds of times with every heartbeat, tearing the air over and over again, sending out shock waves.

The kinetic giant ax attached with the energy of the yellow and green world runes slashed. The powerful kinetic energy broke through the cutting storm, but did not suffer any damage. It slashed directly towards the core of the body composed of Belvis’s flesh balls, wings and tentacles.

With the speed of sound reaching more than ten or even dozens of times, the battle ax was able to exert astonishing kinetic energy, which even Belvis could not resist.

It swung its tail forward, stirring up the lavender sea. An uncontrollable rising momentum disrupted the stability of the mecha. But with the “Conqueror” cornerstone of the yellow world rune, Li Lin didn’t even use the anti-gravity device. The Zero quickly regained its center of gravity.

In desperation, the Queen of the Void twisted her body nimbly like a fish in water, and sprinted diagonally behind the Zero mecha. Her wings and mutated tentacles growing on her body turned into afterimages and struck from all directions.

However, they can’t even deal with the emerald green shield formed by the world’s runes, let alone the mecha itself.

Li Lin was very happy. The power of the two nearly complete versions of the world runes was indeed beyond what Belvis could match.

This is equivalent to mobilizing the power of the planet to target existences outside this world and born from another dimension.

If there is a real comparison, Belvis, who is far weaker than the Void Watcher, is not qualified to touch the world rune that condenses the power of the world.

Li Lin saw the right moment, and the Tyrant Zero Type left fist was covered with dazzling magical light, launching a powerful attack with lightning speed and without hesitation.

There was a faint sound like broken glass in the space. The power of “Precision” and “Conqueror” were intertwined. Tyrant Zero punched Belvis away with one punch. The chitin carapace on his body shattered, revealing the delicate white flesh. The fluid structure is the color of Void Spirit when it was first born.

The magical power from heaven penetrated Belvis’s body and wreaked havoc within it, causing its skin to shatter like a spider web, mixed with incompatible lights of purple, yellow and green.

The precision runes continue to crush its body, and the resolute runes prevent the regeneration of its void body. The two combine with each other to exert a more powerful effect.

Li Lin narrowed his eyes slightly. The power of the world’s runes was far beyond his imagination. This was because he did not use it himself, but only stimulated part of their power through machinery.

Even Belvis’ previously unruffled mood changed, and there was a hint of panic in his screams: “This is impossible…”

After Li Lin thought for a moment, he understood the Queen of the Void’s current reaction.

In the past, no one in this world has ever truly understood the power of world runes. These stones that could destroy the world were discovered only during the Rune War less than a thousand years ago, and most of the world runes were destroyed. Ryze is housed in the palace under the Forbidden Stone Forest.

Even if the Void Queen has profound knowledge, after all, it is obtained through devouring, and it is impossible to know things that humans, Vastaya, or Yodel do not know, so she underestimates the power of runes like Li Lin.

After this brief confrontation, Belvis knew that he could not defeat Li Lin, who had two almost complete world runes, even if he swallowed the city of nothingness he had worked so hard to create.

Even if he continues to fight, he may die here.

The first reaction in its mind is to escape. It only needs to leave Runeterra and return to a corner of the void to hide temporarily, trying not to be discovered by the void monitors.

When the time is right, it can go to other areas to develop again, or to find the Frost Witch who once faced and betrayed the Monitor…

Thousands of thoughts flash through the simulated brain, and every human hero swallowed by it can become part of its synapses, providing it with instantaneous reactions.

This is its only way out of its current predicament.

But before Belvis could take action, Zhinao had already predicted that it would most likely escape and alerted Li Lin.

Aatrox and Laast were already approaching. Li Lin shook his left hand directly. The enlightenment world rune he had hardly used since he obtained it, but which he had been using time magic to instill time progress, emitted. Cyan light.

With a crisp sound of “ding”, time for several kilometers was frozen. Except for Li Lin and the Tyrant mecha he drove, even the sharp arrows shot by Varus were frozen in the air.

Immediately afterwards, Li Lin injected a large amount of magic into it again, and the magic power in the body bottomed out instantly, but the effect was significant.

Belvis’s wings were frozen into a golden statue by time magic, and its time was also greatly scaled, far less than the attack speed just now.

The corners of Li Lin’s mouth curled up, and he finally felt a lot more relaxed.

“Hmph! Where do you want to escape to?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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