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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 498 Zhan Zhan College

The matter of the Queen of the Void finally came to an end, and Li Lin had at least a few more years to develop before the final void truly came.

After returning the world runes to the Forbidden Stone Forest, Li Lin returned to Shurima to attend a banquet for several days and had a good experience with Caitlin, Kai’Sa, Zoe and Sona who was picked up by him. A rebirth of the customs and customs of Shurima.

Compared with the sufferings nearly two years ago, the people of Shurima today, under the leadership of Azir, have the Dawn Oasis watered by the water of life produced by the sun disk. The lives of all tribes are far from what they used to be. .

In recent days, Noxus has returned the three northern port cities as promised by Grand Commander Swain, and even Noxtorra, the solemn arch symbolizing Noxus’ dominance, has been War Masons demolished.

Runeterra has survived a disaster that could have swept the entire planet, and Li Lin has played an important role.

Back in Piltover, according to Intelligent Brain’s count, the Mechanical Legion lost more than 400,000 combat units, including many large spaceships and mechas such as the unmanned aerial carrier, Battlefield Nasus, and Titan Soldier.

Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, most of the scraps that have not been affected by the Void can be recycled and reused, and at least more than 100,000 mechas can be rebuilt, which is equivalent to only over 200,000 losses in this battle against the Queen of the Void.

However, after Belvis died, Li Lin, who had lost some of his burdens, still did not dare to relax too much.

In his knowledge, Runeterra has at least two more world-threatening crises before it faces the final battle with the arrival of the Void Monitor.

One was the curse of ruin caused by the ancient king of Kamavia, Foego, on the former “Utopia” and “Utopia” Blessed Island.

After thousands of years of silence, the ruined monarch who controls the black mist is about to wake up from his slumber.

The other time was also thousands of years ago, when Sarn U’zul, a ferocious warlord who believed in the dark way, massacred creatures and wreaked havoc on the entire continent of Valoran.

After his first death and rebirth, he identified his new name – Mordekaiser – in Ochen, the language of the dead.

There are still many records of the legend of Iron Armor Wraith. His black iron plate armor, which is made of special materials and enchanted with magic, is invulnerable to bullets and magic. It cannot be destroyed by any means. The huge hammer in his hand is harvested by Ye Yun. Countless souls.

Mordekaiser wiped out an entire generation and became even more violent than he was in his lifetime.

Others may think that he does this just for fun, but Li Lin knows very well that the dark monarch who now controls the realm of the dead is preparing to build his own undead army to return to the realm of the living and bring all living creatures under his control.

His threat is far more dangerous than Foego, who only seeks fragments of his wife Isolde’s soul and attempts to resurrect her.

However, now that he has his own power, Li Lin can try to nip the world crisis at its source.

Foego’s spirit body sleeps in the Shadow Isles, and Mordekaiser’s black iron plate armor is sealed in the capital of Noxus, deep in the Immortal Fortress, in the Well of Death that is connected to the Realm of the Dead.

Next, Li Lin’s goal is very clear.

The first is to prepare to establish the League of Legends. In addition to uniting countries to form the final defense front of mankind, we must also vigorously cultivate talents who can contribute in the final battle.

The second is to make plans in advance to deal with future world crises and solve them as far as possible from the root cause.

For example, go to the Shadow Island to find the ruined King’s Sword where the spirit body of Foyego is sleeping, and strengthen the seal in advance.

Or use the device that Heimerdinger once developed to travel freely between the physical and spiritual realms, and directly send the mechanical army to the realm of the dead to destroy Mordekaiser’s soul to avoid future troubles.

Of course, these can only be said to be Li Lin’s general thoughts. He has not considered the risks involved. His current thoughts are entirely on “League of Legends”.

There are too many geniuses in Runeterra, but except for some people who became “heroes” through special events or opportunities, the vast majority of them failed to tap into their talents well, and ended up being mediocre and lost to everyone.

What Li Lin wants to do is not only to establish a “United Nations” to unite all countries, but also to recruit wise men, find these people with magical or scientific talents, and train them intensively.

As for this school that cultivates talents, he thought of a name that had been in his mind for a long time – Zhan Zhan College.

Coincidentally, Li Lin once knew that this academy, which specializes in mediating wars between countries and controlling dangerous people, was also the “home base” of the League of Legends.

Since his roots are in the Twin Cities, he wants to locate the Zhan Zhan College here for better management.

Anyway, with the Hex teleportation and later the time-space teleportation, people from anywhere can be teleported directly, and distance is not a problem.

Furthermore, the Twin Cities are currently expanding to the north and south. New cities are being built in the southern plains under the leadership of mechanical engineers. The desolate Piart Mountains in the north have now been basically leveled using material conversion technology. The area far exceeds the total area of ​​the Twin Cities. Several times the size of the area.

According to Li Lin’s idea, the War College should be merged and reorganized with the University of Piltover.

Among them, those related to training talents for war are separated separately, and the other colleges that have nothing to do with war are still as subjects of Piltover University.

After all, this school is currently the highest-level institution in the twin cities, a place that countless geniuses aspire to, and it can save him a lot of trouble.

The address of the Zhanzheng Academy was initially determined by Li Lin to be in the plains south of the Shuangcheng City. This was only the base address on the ground.

The third phase of the plan, the Starport Space Station, is being built in outer space. He has expanded an additional part of the space for the expansion of the War College in outer space.

But this all takes time, and given the current situation in Runeterra, there is no need to rush for success.

The first phase of the orbital space station construction took more than a month, and the second phase of the space base took even longer. It has been almost half a year now.

According to Zhinao’s calculations and estimates, if the third phase is completely completed, it will take at least two years, and the fourth phase of the starry sky fortress is even further away.

This is equivalent to a “modeling plan” for creating a mechanical planet. There are too many things to consider and it cannot be accomplished overnight.

After finalizing the plan, the mechanical engineers arrived at the destination in the plains south of the Twin Cities with materials and began to build the War College. Li Lin, who was sitting in the office, breathed a sigh of relief.

In about a week, a large comprehensive school will be built.

Piltover is already the cultural center of Valoran. Once the War College becomes famous, it will become the center of the entire world.

After finishing the work at hand, Li Lin picked up the slightly cold tea on the table and drank it in one gulp.

Then, he looked out the window.

“It’s time to go to the leaders of each region to discuss League of Legends.”

But before that…

Li Lin thought of a little red-haired girl and took a deep breath.

Varieva did not find the living weapons of the dark descendants before, but instead found little Annie who was parasitic with demonic power.

Her mother was not taken away by the Noxians under the influence of Varieva, which probably prevented Anne’s subsequent tragic fate.

But Li Lin couldn’t let an uncontrolled demon wander outside.

What’s more, it seems to be connected to Mordekaiser.

“I have to settle Annie’s matter first.”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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