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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 5 Unlock the blueprint, Hex Energy Crystal! (Please support!)

“How do you know the material inside is magic?” Li Lin felt a little confused.

Obviously Jace doesn’t know that the energy of the crystal is magic. Did I remember it wrong?

In Li Lin’s impression, the crystal that Jace studied for the first time was not an artificial crystal, but the original crystal of the Shell people discovered under the yellow sands of Shurima by the Gilaman family’s expedition team.

However, the reality is that Jess studied artificial technological crystals for the first time, and also discovered magical elements in them, which was quite different from the background story he knew.

It seems that the background story is just text after all, and cannot be completely substituted into the real world…

Li Lin kept a cautious eye and secretly warned himself not to be blindly confident just because he knew the background story.

“It’s a long story. It happened when I was a child.”

Jess subconsciously touched a bracelet inlaid with dim blue crystals on his wrist.

“My mother and I once encountered a blizzard in a deserted area near Mount Targon. Due to lack of physical strength, my mother fell in the snow. Just when I was desperate, a mage wearing a robe and holding a staff appeared in front of us. .

“He cast a magical magic, and many mysterious and obscure symbols appeared around him. Those symbols surrounded my mother and I. After a moment of confusion, we were teleported to the Conqueror’s Palace in the northwest corner of Shurima. Kalamanda on the coast…”

Jace stared closely at the bracelet on his wrist, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

“Later, I found records about those magic symbols in the library books. They are called runes. They are a kind of rune magic, which can also be called arcane magic.

“Different from ordinary elemental magic, arcane magic is very rare and pure, and can release a huge amount of energy in an instant. It is very similar to Hextech crystals, and I saw similar runes in the crystals.”

After listening to Jace’s story, Li Lin’s expression changed.

Runes and arcane magic, if Li Lin only thinks of these words, he will only think of Ryze, the rune mage, and Xerath, who is an arcane energy body.

He knew that the Hextech crystal developed based on the original crystal of the Shell people was a combination of magic and technology, but he did not expect that it turned out to be a kind of arcane magic.

Li Lin was silent for a long time, “So, what do you want me to help you with?”

“I’m looking for a way to use science to control magic. If successful, we can do more than just stabilize the Hextech Crystal, but apply it in various fields, and even completely conquer nature… …”

Jace became more and more excited as he talked, while Li Lin became more and more worried as he listened.

Good guy, conquer nature… The frost witch Lissandra said she was an expert!

If Volibear, the demigod of the Freljord, knew about it, I’m afraid he wouldn’t transform into a thunderbolt and come to Piltover overnight to play R and kill you…

Boy, this idea of ​​yours is very dangerous!

Li Lin quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said, “Do you want me to help you with your research?”

“That’s right!” Jace stood up suddenly, startling Li Lin, “With your help, I believe there will be a breakthrough soon!”

“Uh, well… I have to think about this.”

Li Lin rubbed his chin and fell into thought.

In fact, he didn’t want to wade into this muddy water, but his original plan included contacting and studying the Hex Crystal as soon as possible.

After all, as a mechanic, with the sponsorship of the Gila Mann family, there is definitely no shortage of resources.

After all, the mechanic is not as strong as a warrior, and not as powerful as a mage in terms of mana, which means he must have a set of power armor similar to “Iron Man” for self-defense.

Since it is a powered armor, it needs a powerful energy source to activate it.

Li Lin didn’t know if he could create controllable nuclear fusion through the system in the future. After all, this was a technology that had not yet been achieved in reality.

Moreover, only controllable nuclear fusion is not enough. If you want to reach the level of Iron Man’s Ark reactor, you must at least go to the next level of cold nuclear fusion technology… These can only be imagined in dreams.

In terms of the current technology in Pi City, it is probably still hundreds of years away from developing nuclear energy, but using Hex Crystal as a power source is also a good choice.

After some careful consideration, Li Lin looked up at Jace and asked, “How far has your research on crystals progressed?”

“Because the crystal is incomplete, I haven’t made much progress so far.”

Jace lowered his head and hesitated.

“However, through various tests and analyzing the composition of the crystal, I roughly drew its conceptual blueprint in reverse, and also recorded the incomplete runes engraved in it…”

“Did you record the runes?”

Hearing this, Li Lin’s eyes couldn’t help but shine, and a bold idea came to his mind.

My [Digital Thinking] skill may allow me to understand arcane magic through runes…

If he really succeeds, he will be able to truly master Hextech crystal technology!

“Where are your research results? Take me to take a look first. If I have a clue, I might be able to help you.”

“Of course it’s no problem!” After hearing Li Lin’s promise to help him, Jace walked towards the door excitedly, “Come on, it’s in my studio…”

A few minutes later, in the innermost room of Jace’s studio.

Li Lin stared at the crystal fragments placed in the Hex resonance instrument on the table, unable to complain.

“You put such an important thing in the open? Are you too ambitious…”

“Ahem, except for Mrs. Karina and Mr. Elro, no one else has the key to my studio. Besides, Madam and Mr. basically don’t come here, so don’t worry.”

“I…forget it, let’s not talk about it.” Li Lin had a helpless expression on his face, “Let me see your results.”

“Here.” Jace handed him a design drawing first, “This is the crystal concept drawing I drew based on this fragment.”

Jace’s drawings were different from the general design blueprints Li Lin knew.

It is relatively complete in terms of structure, but many places are simply marked without detailed concepts and principles, and do not meet the drawing requirements of PiCheng standards.

If this design blueprint is given to other craftsmen, most people will not understand what is drawn.

But for Li Lin, these are small things.

He took the drawing and pretended to look at it carefully. In fact, he activated the [Digital Thinking] skill, and a progress bar appeared in front of him.

This skill consumes 1 mana point per second. After consuming more than ten mana points, the progress bar finally reached 100%.

【mistake! Invalid design drawing. 】

“Your concept drawing is wrong. In fact, this kind of crystal has a much larger proportion of technology than magic, rather than being mostly composed of magic as you imagined.”

Li Lin put the drawings back on the table.

“After all, Hextech crystals are all made by machines…but it’s already pretty good that you can reverse engineer them to this point.”

“You can actually understand it?” Jess was surprised, and at the same time he felt inexplicably relieved and sighing.

Finally someone can understand my drawings directly.

“If you could draw more details, maybe it would be easier for me to see.” Li Lin said nonsensically without blushing, and took another small notebook from Jace’s hand.

He gently opened the page, and the first thing that caught his eye was a symbol with a very strange shape and an unusually familiar shape.

Li Lin squinted and looked back and forth carefully for a long time, feeling a little surprised.

Isn’t this special symbol composed of those icons on the runes page before entering the game? !

Precision, dominance, witchcraft, determination, and enlightenment, these marks that symbolize the five world runes are split, combined, and pieced together to form magical symbols.

“What’s wrong? Did you see anything?” Jace noticed the change in Li Lin’s face and asked quickly.

“No, not yet.”

It is reasonable that rune magic comes from the runes of the world…

Li Lin shook his head, temporarily put aside the distracting thoughts in his mind, and turned on [Data-based Thinking] again.

As the mana value dropped rapidly, the progress bar progressed very slowly.

Time passed by, and Li Lin paused his skills several times to wait for his mana to recover. Jace also waited patiently beside him.

Until he was dizzy and felt that his mental energy was about to be drained, the progress bar finally came to the end.

[Rune (incomplete): The original crystal from the Shell Tribe. 】

【Congratulations! You have understood some of the mysteries of the Shell Terran crystals. 】

[Reward: Hex Energy Crystal Blueprint (Advanced Version)]

[Hex Energy Crystal: A stable core energy device. The small crystal contains extremely strong energy. 】

[Attributes (for machinery): 500 health, 500 energy]

[Ability Effect]

[Passive·Energy Core: When the energy crystal is used as the core energy supply device, it provides an additional 1000 energy bonus to the mechanical creation. 】

[Passive·Charging: The energy crystal can absorb magic elements in the air to recharge itself, recovering 3% of the maximum energy per second. 】

[Active·Overload Operation: Through the overload operation of the energy crystal, the mechanical creation temporarily gains an additional 500 health points and energy, and the maximum energy recovered per second is increased to 10% (the energy crystal will be scrapped after 3 uses). 】

Li Lin:? ? ?

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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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