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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 503 The Decline of the Kinkou Sect

After leaving the Shadow Stream Sect, Li Lin headed straight for Shangzan Province, which is separated from the northeastern part of Navoli Province by only a snow-capped mountain range.

Since Zed attacked the Kinkou cult, the remaining members are led by the three giants of the Kinkou cult, namely Shen, who inherited the responsibilities of the Eye of Twilight, Meme Yeoman Texi of the Shadow Fist, and Kennen the Furious Heart. Hiding in the mountains of Shangzan Highlands.

Through the enhancement of his brain, he could vaguely recall certain details of the hiding place of the Kinkou Sect.

In addition to searching the Miniature Rune Land, he quickly located the abandoned temple to the east of Sarnjilu Village and very close to Xuan Nayin Village.

The valley in the southern part of the snow-capped mountains is very spacious, with different varieties of trees growing there, and scattered with many boulders and abandoned city walls. The terrain is dangerous and large landslides often occur.

Such a dangerous environment that is not suitable for humans to stay for a long time is undoubtedly a natural refuge for those who are eager to seek refuge.

Especially since there are so many “haunted” messages here.

Crossing the basalt ridge, Li Lin quickly reached his destination.

When he landed, a clear and sweet bird call could be heard in the surrounding trees.

However, no matter how accurate the imitation is, a person with intelligence can still recognize that this is actually a secret code between ninjas.

Li Lin ignored it and avoided various hidden traps on the road until he arrived at an emerald green lake – the lagoon, which was covered with purple lantern lotus, which is a very common vegetation among the large and small lakes in Ionia.

Before he could go deeper into the area to find the temple, a girl’s coquettish voice stopped him: “Stop, outsider!”

Li Lin turned around and saw a young girl with a single ponytail, wearing a dark green ninja uniform, holding a hook and a kunai, squatting on the treetop nearby, staring at him eagerly.

“Akali Yeoman Texi.” He directly called the girl’s name, which surprised her.

“Huh? You actually know me?”

But before she could ask in detail who the man in strange armor was, an angry female voice stopped her: “Akali!”


Akali turned her head in surprise and saw a slim figure that had turned into an afterimage and was approaching rapidly.

Immediately behind it, there was a ball with pale electric light all over its body.

“Didn’t you hear the warning whistle sent by the sentry just now?!”

“Also, as a ninja and the successor of the Shadow Fist, how can you directly expose yourself to outsiders? Have you forgotten what Shen taught you?”

As soon as they met, Meimu was full of accusations and criticisms, as if Akali was not her biological daughter at all.


“You disappoint me so much, Akali.”

Akali pursed her lips, tears welling up in her eyes.

Although Mei Mu, who was dressed in a flowing silk robe, was always kind to the people around her and behaved generously, once she saw her daughter, she seemed to be a different person and her attitude was very unfriendly.

Mei Mu has been like this since the disaster of the Kinkou Sect five years ago.

And when the accident that happened four years ago when the Navoli Brotherhood came to her door, causing the daughter of her personal apprentice and dead friend to lose her right leg, Mei Mu’s attitude became even worse.

On the side, the electric ball that had just approached turned into a yordle wearing a purple ninja suit and a turban. He was the violent heart of the Kinkou Sect.

“Meimu, don’t accuse Akali like this, it’s not her fault.”

As he spoke, Kenan glanced at Akali worriedly, and then turned to Li Lin, who was more than twenty steps away from them with wary and vigilant eyes, the four-edged shuriken in his hand ready to go.

“Today’s uninvited ‘guest’, even if Shen, you and I come together, there is no way we can be his match.”

When he heard this, Li Lin was unhappy, “Wait a minute, what do you mean uninvited? Didn’t I just send a machine to deliver letters to you a week ago?”

Kenan and Meimu looked at each other and recalled the “humanoid steel monster” they encountered before, which was completely made of machinery and did not belong to the spiritual realm.

“Shen did receive a letter, but he didn’t tell me the contents of the letter.”

Kenan lowered his voice as much as possible so that only Meimu and Akali beside him could hear his words.

Although this is completely unnecessary in front of Li Lin.

“I said I would come to visit today.” Li Lin guessed something, “Is it possible that Shen is not here?”

Kennan scratched a strand of hair under his turban, a little embarrassed, “Shen Wai went out to perform his duties of maintaining balance.”

Mei Mu has resigned from the position of Shadow Fist and devotes himself to cultivating new disciples of the Kinkou Sect. Most of the major affairs in the sect are taken over by Kennan.

Thinking of Shen’s rigid character, Li Lin actually didn’t want to have much communication with him.

Anyway, no matter what you say, there is definitely no way to convince this guy who firmly believes in the principle of “balance” and doesn’t know how to adapt.

“Okay.” Li Lin nodded and unfolded his mask, “I will explain to you the reason for my visit in detail, but…”

He raised his eyebrows and gave Kenan and Meimu a look across from him, “No matter what, the reputation of the Kinkou Sect has been resounding throughout Ionia. Your hospitality should not be… Leave the guests outside the door, right?”

Compared to the majestic and spacious temple standing halfway up the mountain, the abandoned temple where the Kinkou sect now lives is extremely pitiful.

Since the temple is not too big to accommodate everyone, the remnants of the Kinkou sect can only build simple thatched wooden houses outside the temple that can barely keep out the wind and rain.

Behind the shadow of the shabby house, there are many nervous eyes looking here. They are all children of the Balance Sect and the hope of the future of the sect.

Among them, a considerable number of people lost their parents in the internal strife of the sect.

Li Lin didn’t know how to describe the feeling in his heart.

Compared with the children in the Zaun orphanage that he had seen before, these children were luckier, because at least they did not live in an environment full of haze and deadly alchemical waste.

But as part of a selfish and ruthless plan, they were unfortunate. They should have had a happy childhood, and then grew up to be guardians who maintained the balance between the two realms of Ionia.

Although all this was done by Zed himself, he was not the culprit no matter what.

Without Ku Shuo’s instructions, he would never have done such a cruel and unscrupulous thing to his fellow disciples, who he sympathized with as brothers.

Li Lin sighed in his heart and quickly shook off the chaotic thoughts.

Akali, who had been taught a lesson by her mother, ran away to nowhere, and now only Kenan and Meimu were leading the way.

The two guided Li Lin into the temple.

The broken top of the temple is covered by old branches, and strings of luminous flowers that only glow at night hang from the ceiling, like an old man’s beard.

The three of them walked into the side hall where there were no beds on the floor. Kenan brought Li Lin a straw mat made of hay and bamboo, while Mei Mu poured him a cup of hot tea.

After spending more than ten minutes, Li Lin told the two about his vision for the League of Legends and told them about the disasters the world will face in the future.

Both Kenan and Meimu found it unbelievable, but when Li Lin showed the projection – which they mistakenly thought was the memory crystal and captured the scene of the battle with Belvis, they believed it at once.

Compared to the catastrophe sweeping across Runeterra, what does Ionia’s fragile balance mean?

“It seems that my original idea was right.” Mei Mu looked at Kenan and couldn’t help complaining, “We shouldn’t be nepotistic. We can’t expect Shen to be as great as his father. He didn’t even tell him about such an important matter. us?”

Kennan fell into a brief moment and didn’t know how to answer the question.

After a while, he persuaded Mei Mu with words that even he could not convince: “Twilight Eye’s duty is stargazing, and he must remain very rational. Maybe he has his own ideas.”

“In any case, if Shen cannot attend the League of Legends meeting in three weeks, I hope you can send another representative who can represent the Kinkou Sect.”

Li Lin’s eyes fell on Kenan, “As far as I know, the duty of the Furious Heart is to chase the sun, and as an arbiter, mediate the conflict between the ‘eye’ and the ‘fist’.

“You have a pivotal position in the Kinkou Sect. If possible, I hope you can attend the meeting.”

Kennan hesitated for a moment and whispered: “I…will try my best.”

“Okay, now that the information has been conveyed, I won’t bother you too much.”

Li Lin stood up and bowed with Ionian etiquette, “May all spirits guide you through the difficulties.”

Then, in the still surprised eyes of Kenan and Mei Mu, the infinite armor covered his whole body, flashing with blue and white magic light.

Just a few seconds passed, and Li Lin’s figure disappeared again.

However, this time, he did not leave the Kinkou Sect directly, but came to a more secret corner next to the lagoon.

A petite girl was sitting by the lake hugging her knees and sobbing softly. It was Akali who had just disappeared without knowing when.

Hearing the movement behind her, the girl immediately spun around and wiped the tears on her delicate face, her slightly red and swollen eyes a little panicked.

But when she saw the familiar and weird armor she had just seen, her panicked expression was filled with a hint of doubt and surprise.

“why you?”


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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