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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 51 I want them all!

After sending Qinggang Ying away, Li Lin seemed to have a feeling of surviving a disaster.

His mind was empty and he sat on the sofa for ten minutes before he gradually recovered.

“Camille actually let me go. It’s incredible…”

Li Lin let out a long sigh and leaned on the back of the soft sofa, relaxing his body that was stiff from sitting upright just now.

“Now that she has relented and allowed me to continue researching the Hex Crystal, there is basically no threat to me in Piltover and Zaun, and I can safely pursue technology.

“Next, I have to continue to improve my exoskeleton power armor, and then develop some weapons to install on it…

“The electric shock of Jess Mercury’s hammer, Victor’s death ray, and the robot’s static stance can all be used as a reference, and the stitching is done.

“As for the problem of insufficient energy core functions, just add a few more energy crystals to separate the energy supply used by the weapon system.

“By the way, how about I just transform the power armor into a deformable form, like Mercury’s Hammer, one for melee and one for long range…”

Li Lin gently rubbed his chin, a bright light flashing in his eyes.

But soon, he fell into deep thought again.

“But in this case, the power armor will only look bloated and make movement more inconvenient. It may be better to fight those slow-moving big guys in positional warfare.

“But if we are fighting against a mage who is very flexible or has longer hands than mine, and requires my close presence, I may be hit by a hammer at my slow movement speed…”

After careful consideration, Li Lin gave up this idea for the time being.

For now, his main research direction is to reduce the burden as much as possible.

When it comes to individual combat armor, it should actually focus on flexibility, such as the cyberpunk human body transformation in the “Source Project” universe, which integrates machines and human bodies.

It’s just that those actions are very similar to Victor’s actions in transforming his body in the future of the main universe. Li Lin doesn’t like replacing his flesh and blood with machines.

If the “Source Project” series is transformed into combat armor, just by wearing it, an ordinary person can have a combat power equivalent to a hundred, or even a thousand, which would be pretty good.

After all, except for black technology such as Hex Technology, the rest of the world is basically still at the level of the Middle Ages.

If Demacia’s forbidden magic stone material could be added to the armor, it would not be a problem to kill indiscriminately in the army of the Cold Weapon Age.

The only problem is that Li Lin hasn’t developed an auxiliary chip yet, and he still needs to observe the outside world with his naked eyes when wearing power armor.

Moreover, the armor is not even equipped with necessary devices such as radars and detectors, let alone holographic projection auxiliary panels and intelligent AI systems that can further enhance combat effectiveness.

These are indispensable and extremely important components for the future development of individual combat armor and large-scale mechas.

He still has a long way to go…

Li Lin sighed, got up from the sofa and stretched.

The cold sweat that Camille had just broken out in was almost dry now, and the clothes stuck to her body were sticky.

Coupled with the cold wind blowing in from the window, he shivered and felt a hint of chill.

After closing the window and putting away the tea set, Li Lin walked into the bathroom and put in hot water.

I happily took a hot bath, wrapped myself in a bath towel and lay down on my two-meter-wide bed. I got into bed, ready to take a good rest and end this physically and mentally tiring day.

But at this moment, there was a gentle knock on his door.

Li Lin: “…”

Judging by the rhythm and sound of the knocking on the door, there was no doubt that it was Caitlin.

Li Lin reluctantly climbed out of bed, picked up the bath towel that he had just thrown on the chair and wrapped it around himself. Then he walked to the reception room and opened the door.

Sure enough, it was Caitlin standing outside the door.

She was wearing a cool purple nightgown that she often wore before, with her wet purple hair hanging loosely on her shoulders.

The pleated skirt sewn with white-edged patterns just reached her knees. Her legs were tightly trained with perfect muscle lines and full of strength, and her smooth and petite feet were put into a pair of fluffy cotton slippers.

When she saw Li Lin, Caitlin was about to say something when her blue eyes glanced at him unconsciously. Then her face turned slightly red and she quickly looked away.

“Ah! Why aren’t you wearing any clothes?” she yelled.

“Isn’t there a bath towel? Why aren’t you wearing it?”

Li Lin shrugged, “I was getting ready to go to bed, and you knocked on the door. Then I must come and open the door for you quickly. It would be a waste of time to get dressed.”

Caitlin gave him an angry look, “Hey, you’re the only one who talks so much.”

But deep down, she was not as happy as her expression showed. In fact, she was still a little happy.

“This is a fact.”

Li Lin didn’t know what Caitlin was thinking, but he noticed the tiredness on her face.

At the end of the day, as the daughter of the Gila Mann family, she was actually much more tired than herself.

Not only did the evolutionary day require socializing from morning to night, but something like this happened at night.

Although the Gila Manns had been rescued by them, Caitlin was still busy entertaining those congressmen with ulterior motives.

“Are those congressmen sent away?”

Li Lin turned sideways to let her into the house, and then closed the door.

“Oh, forget it…except for Professor Heimerdinger, the other five people didn’t come to greet my parents sincerely at all.”

Caitlin nodded and sat down on the sofa with a very helpless expression, “What do you think they are asking in roundabout ways tonight?”

Li Lin blurted out without thinking: “My power mecha also has Jace’s hammer.”

“It seems you know very well.” Caitlin sighed, “They just asked a few questions about my parents, and then they kept asking about you and Jace, intentionally or unintentionally.”

“It seems that I do have foresight.” Li Lin chuckled.

However, some people are relaxed and some are worried.

The tea in the kettle was boiling, and Li Lin poured Caitlin a cup of hot tea.

After taking the tea cup, she blew a few puffs of hot air into the cup and said, “I have saved you a lot of trouble, so you have to thank me.”

“Don’t forget, you were avoiding me and ignoring me for a few days before.” Li Lin glanced at her, who was sipping tea with a downcast face, “I’m very angry, or I can offset it.”

After hearing this, Caitlin’s lips were scalded by the hot water and she couldn’t help but scream in pain.

Then, she put the cup on the table, rubbed her cherry-pink upper lip, and her cheeks became visibly rosy.

“Why are you so petty!” She raised her voice, but she was not very confident, “Then, that was a special situation, how could it be calculated like this…”

Li Lin raised his eyebrows, stood up and sat down next to her, “Special reason?”

His weight combined with the elasticity of the sofa cushions caused Caitlin to fly slightly off the sofa.

Caitlin exclaimed in a low voice again: “Ah! You, what are you doing…”

She turned away from her shy little face and quickly moved to the side. Her delicate face was already like a ripe red apple.

At this moment, Caitlin suddenly realized that Li Lin was a hot-blooded young man.

And now it’s midnight again, and a man and a woman are alone in the same room…

But before she could think of too many inappropriate things, Li Lin’s slightly deep voice came to her ears: “Can you tell me what the special reason is?”

Caitlin pursed her lips and lowered her head, her moist eyes filled with complex emotions completely afraid to look directly into his eyes.

“Ahem, if you don’t want to say it, just say it…”

Sensing that the atmosphere in the room was getting worse, Li Lin scratched his head in embarrassment as he realized that he seemed to be going a little too far.

“How do you want me to thank you?” He paused for a moment, “How about a mechanical watch? I can make one just for you.”

As the eldest lady of the Gila Mann family, Caitlin definitely has no shortage of necklaces, gems and other decorations.

Moreover, she had clearly shown her distaste for these accessories, because wearing these would only mean that she was going to socialize again.

Li Lin knew that Caitlin liked some novel mechanical gadgets, and mechanical watches were not yet in production and were not available on the market.

Maybe she would be happy if I made one for her myself.

Among other things, Caitlin enjoys firearms and hunting.

But although her Bilgewater Mauser rifle can be folded and made more portable, it can only fire one bullet at a time, which is quite inconvenient in an emergency.

Li Lin had an idea to build her an energy rifle, a futuristic weapon like the Iron-Blooded Sniper or the Future Warrior in the Skin Universe.

Thinking of this, he added: “Or I can give you an energy rifle with energy crystal as the core…”

Caitlin suddenly looked back and stared into Li Lin’s eyes, “Really!?”

“Sure, when have I ever lied to you?”

“Okay!” A smile appeared on her lips, “Since you said so… I want them all!”

Thanks to GGsbada for the tip!

ps: Recommend a book to group friends


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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