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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 57 Let’s call it the Industrial Revolution

Heimerdinger took “small steps” and led the way unsteadily.

Li Lin slowed down his pace as much as possible, resisting the urge to pick him up and follow him on the way.

The journey of less than ten minutes took them nearly half an hour before they walked out of the parliament building and arrived at the carriage that had been prepared.

A young man with a cane came out. It was Victor who was the first to raise his hand to support Li Lin at the meeting.

“Professor, are we going back to the academy next?”

Victor noticed Li Lin, a faint smile appeared on his face, and nodded to him.

Li Lin heard some weakness in Victor’s words, and noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with his right leg, and he probably guessed the reason for his “mechanical ascension” in the future.

“Oh~~Yes, yes, back to the academy. Today’s meeting wasted a lot of my time on researching new ideas.”

Just as Heimerdinger climbed into the car holding on to Viktor Viktor’s cane, a white furry Poro wearing a monocle came out of nowhere and pounced on him.

“Oh hehe~~ You naughty little guy.”

He smiled and scratched Poro’s belly, took out a biscuit from his pocket and fed it to it.

As soon as his butt sat on the seat, Heimerdinger suddenly thought of something, stuck half of his head out of the car, and said to Li Lin and Victor:

“I forgot to introduce you, Victor, my teaching assistant and my assistant during research.”

He stared at Li Lin and pointed at Victor, and then introduced Victor: “This is Li Lin, I think you should know him, the one who just spoke in the center of the parliamentary round table.”

Victor changed the cane in his right hand to his left hand, and then shook hands lightly with Li Lin who took a step forward.

“Of course I remember Mr. Victor, he was the first to support me at that time.”

“Since Mr. Li Lin is willing to take such a big risk to speak for Dicheng, as a Dicheng person, I will naturally not be stingy with my small efforts.”

Li Lin and Victor looked at each other, smiled, let go of their hands, and said at the same time:

“Just call me Li Lin.”

“Just call me Victor.”

There was a moment of silence in the air.

Heimerdinger looked at the two of them for a moment. It wasn’t until Poro finished eating the biscuit that he nudged him, then he took his head back, waved his hands and said indifferently:

“I don’t understand what you young people think, but you save me a lot of effort…

“Hurry up and get in the car. There are always some wonderful ideas among geniuses that they want to share. If you have anything else you want to talk about, talk about it in the car, or wait until you get back to the academy.”

After a while, the driver parked the carriage in front of the office building on the University of Piltover campus.

Heimerdinger jumped out of the car with his hands behind his back, followed by a Poro.

Li Lin and Victor, who had a slight disability in his legs and feet, walked out of the carriage and followed Heimerdinger to his office.

Since Heimerdinger’s short legs couldn’t walk very fast at all, Victor, who was using a cane, didn’t have to worry too much about being unable to keep up.

After going around seven times and eight times, they took the elevator to the top.

After asking for the key from Victor, Heimerdinger unlocked the door at the bottom, pushed it open and invited them in.

Li Lin took the initiative to move two chairs to the next room and place them in front of Heimerdinger’s mini desk.

“Thank you. This kind of work should actually be done by me.”

Seeing that Li Lin had done all his work, Victor seemed embarrassed.

“It’s okay, it’s easy.” Li Lin waved his hand nonchalantly, then looked at Heimerdinger, “I wonder what the professor wants me to do this time?”

“I mainly have a question I want to discuss with you.” Heimerdinger thought for a while, “About power generation.”

Li Lin sat up straight and his expression suddenly became serious, “Please tell me.”

“You said at the meeting before that you wanted to build a power plant in Zaun and use the power generation equipment you invented, right?”

“That’s right, Zaun is now using alchemy technology to generate chemical power. Not only does it cause very serious pollution to the environment, but also because of its extremely unstable nature, serious accidents can easily occur.”

The development of modern technology in Zaun was carefully considered by Li Lin.

Regarding Zaun’s current situation, if they use Hex Technology, they simply cannot afford the price.

But if you want to change the environment, replacing it with modern technology is the only option.

Power generation is the foundation. First replace the alchemy technology and power generation is the primary goal.

But after all, you can’t rush this kind of thing, just take your time.

Victor on the side nodded with deep understanding.

As a child who grew up in Zaun, he was often forced to move with his parents simply because of various chemical leaks, accidental explosions, or erosion by alchemical gas.

Although he later invented an automated device in an alchemy workshop that was willing to take him in, which solved many problems.

But since he was invited to leave Zaun and come to Piltover University, alchemical accidents there began to occur frequently again.

“Professor, Zaun’s alchemy technology does need to be improved, or even replaced by an equally affordable but safer, more stable and pollution-free technology.”

Victor’s voice was slightly weak, “I think Li Lin’s design is very good. Although thermal power generation still pollutes, it is almost negligible compared to alchemy technology power generation.

“In addition, we have other alternative power generation facilities, such as wind power generation and hydropower generation. Given Zaun’s geographical location, it is simply perfect.”

Heimerdinger lowered his eyes and pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Victor is indeed right.

Heimerdinger had witnessed alchemical technology. More than ten years ago, one of his fellow professors advocated the development of alchemical technology.

However, because the risk is too high, not only has it just begun to develop, but there are also more practical Hex technology alternatives, basically no one in the entire Piltover University supports this idea.

Later, when he ran out of funds after the Piltover University Board of Trustees defunded him, he was forced to go to Zaun.

At that time, Zaun’s alchemy technology industry was just emerging.

Heimerdinger also heard that his colleague later worked for Noxus for a period of time.

He researched an extremely unstable and potent alchemical bomb for them, which even frightened the congressmen for a long time.

If Li Lin could hear other people’s thoughts, he would definitely guess that this person was Xingid.

According to Heimerdinger, any kind of science and technology is necessary as long as it can be continuously improved.

The same is true for alchemical technology.

But for now, alchemy technology seems to be unable to find a path that can perfectly solve its own problems.

In this case, it would be a good choice to temporarily replace it.


Heimerdinger’s mind was spinning rapidly, and a new question suddenly popped up:

“It’s good to have ideas. A scientist must first have an idea before he can put it into practice… But have you ever considered how much money it will cost to replace these industrial facilities that have been built?”

Heimerdinger stroked his beard and said slowly: “I can sponsor you with some funds in the name of the president of Piltover University, but I heard that the alchemy barons who control Zaun are very difficult to talk to.”

Upon hearing this, not only Li Lin, but also Victor was overjoyed.

“It would be great if you are willing to sponsor me.” Li Lin suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, “The Alchemy Barons are not a problem, I have my own way.”

With Fander here, it shouldn’t be a problem to convince the alchemy barons.

If there’s a problem……

Then use another method of “persuasion”.

However, Li Lin thinks that he is still very peaceful.

As long as those people were willing to cooperate, he didn’t want to hurt everyone’s harmony.

“Since you said so, I believe you can do it.” Heimerdinger said with a smile, “Oh~~ By the way, there is one more thing.”

He pointed at Victor, “My assistant coach happens to be from Zaun. He may be able to provide you with a lot of help. Would you be willing?”

Li Lin’s eyes lit up and he immediately looked at Victor, “Of course I am willing, but we can’t force the person involved…”

“It’s okay for me. As long as it’s to contribute to Zaun, I can do anything you want.” Victor said with a sincere smile on his face.

Victor looked into Li Lin’s eyes with a smile, stretched out his right hand and shook it with him.

“A pleasure to work with.”×2

“Well, time is running out. We only have five years. You can discuss plans and start preparations.”

As he spoke, Heimerdinger rolled his eyes and said to Li Lin: “Have you thought of a name for your plan? This is a long-term development planning project. How can it be done without a name?”

“Name?” Li Lin gently rubbed his chin.

After a moment, the corners of his mouth curved.

“Just call it… the ‘Industrial Revolution.'”

Thanks to Mr. Yi丨Hongye for the reward!

Continue to py the book of the boss in the group


Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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