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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City — Chapter 6 Hextech Revolver

“Jace! You are truly my lucky star!”

Li Lin stared at Jace with blazing eyes, which made his scalp tingle.

Jace calmly took two steps back to distance himself from Li Lin, “Do you… have any clue? Through these incomplete runes?”

“Of course…” As soon as Li Lin finished speaking, he then thought that he was not a mage. If it was a bit unrealistic to say this, he immediately changed his words: “It’s not just this.”

Jess raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Lin confused.

“Actually, your design also helped me avoid some detours. Combining these runes, I have some ideas… I just need to verify it.”

The method of making Hex Energy Crystal is not simple. During the production process, magic power must be continuously injected into a pure natural and flawless crystal to imprint runes.

But Li Lin’s measly 50 points of mana were not enough, so he had to use another scientific and clever method using Hextech crystals as raw materials:

First, all the runes needed to make the energy crystal are engraved on a coin-sized metal plate, and then the Hex resonance device is used to engrave the runes into the Hex technology crystal through the resonance flow of energy, thereby upgrading it. For energy crystal.

According to the attributes given by the system, although the Hex Energy Crystal is not as good as the original crystal as the core of energy supply, it can at least solve the current urgent need.

Jace also mentioned just now that a certain boss in Zaun’s black market can obtain complete Hextech crystals.

In this case, there are even alternative materials for making energy crystals, and the next thing to consider is the exoskeleton power armor.

But first, the energy crystal must be produced as soon as possible.

How about taking a trip to Zaun…

Li Lin thought to himself.

It’s just that if you want to go to a city-state like Zaun where only the alchemist baron maintains order, there is almost no law, and the public security situation is extremely poor, you must take the necessary self-defense measures.

His eyes glanced at the crystal shard in Jace’s instrument, “By the way Jace, in which area of ​​Zaun did you buy this crystal shard specifically?”

“Black Alley, I remember it should be called Benso Grocery Store? The structure of the bottom city is intricate, and I can’t describe the specific location.” Jace was a little surprised, “Why do you ask this?”

“Of course it’s for your…I mean, our research!” Li Lin grabbed the crystal fragment and said, “Let me study this first.”

“But this is my piece, what do you want to study if you take it away? Can’t we study it together?”

Jace wanted to reach out and grab Li Lin to get the crystal shards back, but he nimbly dodged them as he had predicted his actions in advance.

“Oh~~ It’s all my family’s share with you. I’ll give you back a complete piece when there are results in the future.”

Li Lin smiled at Jace and ran out without daring to stay any longer. He took three steps at a time and then two steps at a time.

Only Jace, who looked confused and had not yet reacted, was left alone.

“Wait! You guy, my crystal fragment…”

In the end, Jace, who was persuaded by Li Lin, still failed to get his Hex crystal fragment back from him.

If you want to go to Zu’an, you must have a means of self-defense. Anyway, Li Lin feels that his current small body, which has not yet grown up, is not enough to fight the gangsters in Zu’an even if ten more of them come.

Therefore, he must use external tools.

For example, equipment that combines magic and technology such as the Hextech revolver, Hextech gunblade, rocket belt, and ice gun that have appeared in the game.

Due to the instability of Hextech crystals, these devices have not yet been invented in the current timeline.

Li Lin thought carefully and decided to use crystal fragments as the energy supply core to make a magic revolver with the simplest principle.

As a family that started out as a Hextech craftsman, the most important thing the Gila Mann family lacks is blueprints, and naturally there will be no shortage of firearms and the like.

These days, in addition to manufacturing the designs he brought, Li Lin spent the rest of his free time using [data-based thinking] to learn a lot of mechanical knowledge.

Correspondingly, his [Basic Manufacturing] skill was also upgraded to [Skilled Manufacturing], and the speed of manufacturing machinery increased by about half.

The manufacturing principle of the Hextech revolver is actually very simple. It only needs to be based on an ordinary revolver and transform it from a runner that fires kinetic energy bullets to use crystal as an energy source to fire energy bullets.

But the problem lies in the technical level: how to transform a kinetic energy weapon into an energy weapon.

This is not a problem that can be solved by just replacing one runner, but needs to be improved as a whole.

The energy tolerance of the pistol itself, the stability of the crystal fragments, the overall safety of the finished product, and other aspects need to be considered comprehensively.

However, with the combination of [Skilled Manufacturing] and [Data-Based Thinking] and the prompts of the system, these are completely out of the scope of consideration.

Li Lin found all the production materials from the warehouse and started the work at hand after everything was prepared.

During the intermittent production for several hours, the mana slowly recovered when it was depleted, and production continued after recovery.

Finally, when the Zodiac vault in Piltover rang 12 times, a Hextech revolver with a caliber about the size of a thumb and a silver-white body was finally completed.

[Hextech Revolver (Inferior): A weapon that combines technology and magic elements, uses Hextech crystals (shards) as the energy core, and can fire energy bullets]

[Attribute: 5 combat power]

[Ability Effect]

[Passive·Inferior core: The energy supply core can only provide three charges. 】

[Active·Energy Bomb: After 1 second of short charging, an energy bomb is fired forward, causing damage to the target and generating a shock wave, impacting an area 3 meters away from the target, causing a brief stun effect]

An energy bullet can actually produce range control. The effect of this pistol was beyond Li Lin’s expectation.

It’s a pity that one crystal shard can only be used three times, but it’s enough.

He only used it for self-defense, not to kill anyone.

Even if someone does commit robbery, the gun will serve as a deterrent and may not actually be fired.

Li Lin suppressed his tiredness and fondled the pistol he made by himself like an old father looking after his child.

“The combat effectiveness of the system panel has been increased to 10. I am finally no longer a scumbag fighting at 5…”

He stood up unsteadily, picked up the black coffee on the table that had been completely cooled before he had a chance to drink it, and drank it in one gulp.

It instantly filled the entire mouth, and the faint bitterness stimulated his nerves, dispelling the sleepiness of his sleepless night and the drowsiness caused by excessive consumption of mana.

“Tsk, how come this piece of shit is more bitter than the black coffee on earth.”

Li Lin put the pistol on his waistband, then pulled down the hem of his shirt to cover it, and looked up and down in the mirror, but he just couldn’t see anything unusual.

“Well, this way I can ensure my own safety by going to Zu’an.” Li Lin rubbed his chin, “The rest is a matter of money…”

When Jace came to ask for this crystal fragment yesterday, he said that it cost 50 silver wheels and was worth half a gold sea.

Prices in Piltover are not cheap. A piece of gold can be exchanged for 100 silver wheels or 10,000 copper rings, which is only enough for an ordinary working-class citizen with normal consumption to live for almost a month.

The compass repair shop where Li Lin worked before coming to Gilaman’s house provided food and accommodation. The wages for handymen were even lower. The daily salary was only a few dozen copper rings. He couldn’t even afford the sweet cakes baked by roadside vendors. .

He actually felt that the grocery store owner should have noticed that Jace had not been beaten by society and killed him as an unjust one.

Because the Hextech Cube Battery that is available on the market and is also powered by crystal fragments is only worth 5 Silver Wheels…

Li Lin returned to his room and changed out of the uniform of the Gila Mann family and put on simpler clothes.

Then he took out a purse containing 50 silver wheels from the bedside drawer and put it into his somewhat worn satchel.

Just from the way Li Lin is dressed now, no one would know that he carries so much Yinlun money in his satchel.

Anyway, Jace didn’t buy a complete crystal, and he didn’t have much hope, so he didn’t bring Jin Hai.

I just want to talk to the owner of that store, or pay a certain deposit first, and see if I can get the complete crystal in advance.

Piltover and Zaun seem to be in peace, but in fact a lot of bad things have happened.

This kind of thing can only be said to be as soon as possible, so as not to cause any trouble later and delay the progress of making the exoskeleton power armor.

“That way it should be fine…”

It takes about half an hour to take the Hex pressure transport down to Zaun Black Alley.

If you can find “Benso’s Grocery Store” without getting lost, it shouldn’t be a problem to return to Gila Mann’s house before sunset.

Li Lin opened the door to his room while conceiving a complete plan in his mind.

However, a graceful figure at the door blocked his way, “Li Lin? Why are you dressed like this?”

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Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Two Cities: I am building a mecha in Pi City

Status: Completed Author:


Li Lin traveled to Piltover in the Valoran continent. He originally thought that his life would be like this, but when he became a wage earner for the Gila Mann family, he discovered that he actually possessed the [Mechanic] system. .
In this war-torn magical world, Li Lin, who is well aware of the fate of Runeterra, is not satisfied with bicycles, mechanical watches, generators and other small inventions that have brought him fame and countless wealth.
In order to deal with the future crisis in Rune Land, he knew exactly what he had to do!
Starting from a simple exoskeleton power device, to an "Iron Man"-like fully automatic Source Project armor;
From mass-produced steam robots to the Battlefield and Tyrant series mechas that can cope with world crises;
By studying astral magic and rune magic, he even invented a Kingdom Mecha that combined magic and technology to dominate the world!
However, Li Lin, who had such power, said when facing many heroes at the conference that united various countries to form the League of Legends:
"I have only one wish from beginning to end, and that is world peace."

[LOL Fans], [League of Legends Universe], [Battle of Two Cities Adaptation]


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